Reviews from

in the past

Es como un Portal normal y corriente, pero más complicado. Si te gustan los originales, este te gustará

One of the best fan made mods out there. It doesn't gel exactly with valve's sensibilities, but it gets fairly close and introduces some new, well-built and varied levels for portal to expand on 2. It also has a VR component, though it's not the base game, just some extra VR levels.

Although this is a fanmade game, it fits well in the official "Portal" story.

A game/mod made by only 8 fans and it's free! Even if this was paid, I would buy it. This game is so good.

Since this game was made in the Source Engine, its graphics and gameplay are identical to "Portal 2".

Props to the puzzle designers for creating 20+ puzzles that were maddeningly hard. Does that make it the best of the Portal mods? Not really, or at least, not anymore. As challenging as the puzzles are, the game doesn't strike a great balance between the story, gameplay, walking sections, and crazy set-pieces. To be fair though, I don't fault this extremely talented team of modders for having certain limitations, so despite being one-upped by more recent mods, Portal Stories: Mel is still an exceptional experience that brings a real challenge to us, the Portal fans.

EDIT: now fully mastered with all achievements, and something i forgot to bring up in my review is how good the music and ambience is, sometimes id find myself just standing still in some areas to take in how good the sound design was.

well that was a cute lil experience! i played on story mode, which has the less challenging puzzles, but that doesn't make em brainless, some of them really had me stumped at times and it always felt like my fault for not realizing the solution sooner rather than the game not communicating information to me well enough. im excited to go back and scoop up all the achievements i missed and (maybe) try advanced mode.

i think the oomph this is missing compared to 1 and 2 is the writing just not being on par. It's really hard for any game to be as charming, clever or funny as portal 1 and 2 and the fact this game posits itself as a hypothetical midquel to bridge the gap between 1 and 2 makes the fact that it isn't a lot more obvious. not bad, just not as good. the devs have a lot to be proud of. the fact this is free as well is a huge point in its favor, this easily could've been sold as a standalone game. (i mean look at black mesa.)
could easily recommend this to anyone who wants to scratch that portal itch with something new, and the little core companion you have is gay. that's nice.

there's a LOT of talking, too much
at least the dubbing is good, so i don't really mind the talking sometimes
the ambience is amazing, soundtrack is amazing too
levels are very well done and puzzle difficulty is on point
also the last map is pretty cool

Initially, I didn't enjoy my time with Portal Stories: Mel. The first hour was rough, there were tons of dialogue and a sense of directionlessness fairly early on already. At that point I didn't even reach a single puzzle, since the beginning is one of those notorious 'walking simulator' segments (in Portal terms). So while I was rather demotivated, I couldn't bring myself to drop the game just yet and continued playing. (I'm really glad I did!)

Narratively speaking, Portal Stories: Mel isn't exactly a masterpiece, but the plot is good enough to give a solid reason for the many different puzzles - which are quite fun and satisfying to solve! There are two different difficulty settings - Story Mode and Advanced Mode. Advanced Mode is the original difficulty of the mod, while Story Mode is a different take on the puzzles with less difficulty - like the name says, it's designed to experience the story. I played on Story Mode (since it's recommended by the devs) and found the experience to be just right overall, but I'll opt for an Advanced Mode run when I'm going to replay the game someday.

Virgil is a pretty neat companion - even if he's really talkative. Like I pointed out earlier, the dialogue isn't really this game's strong suit, but I still found him entertaining and unique enough. Coming back to the narrative in general, I'm glad this game has a proper ending (unlike another Portal fangame) and wraps up things nicely. Feels reminiscent of how Portal 2 ended.

Just like Portal: Revolution, Portal Stories: Mel is a good choice if you want more Portal content and great puzzles - it's not a fan favorite for no reason!

I wasn't sure if I wanted to write a review or be a little harsh to this game. I think what it is in concept is wonderful, I think small projects like this should be encouraged and the passion behind them absolves a little bit of the heat or criticism that a professional development would otherwise warrant.

Saying that, I really really wanted to like this game or give it a chance but some of the decisions and design made it really hard. I dropped the game after the third puzzle and I don't think I am picking it up again.

The first pain point was the voice acting. There is so much voice acting, and its not from a novel character its from a very iconic and well established one. I thought the first couple lines were cute and homage worthy, but you get a small novel of dialogue through an almost 15 minute introduction with no gameplay. Its really rough, and the longer it goes the more grating it gets.

I also really don't like the structure of the puzzles in this game, they feel like challenge mode portal 2 puzzles but exploring nicher mechanics. There's no mechanical set up, the game doesn't teach you something and then later build on it. Its just like a kitchen sink of the portal tools that feel like they fit other gauntlets of puzzles. It made it difficult to even find where I was supposed to start with a few of them. Its really not my cup of tea when it comes to the structure of what a good puzzle game is.

I wanted to push through it but I really wasn't enjoying my experience with the game.

An extremely impressive fan work that manages to feel right at home within the canon of the official work. It's certainly not on par with the original stuff writing wise, but it's pretty damn good.
Having a character in this series actually wanting to help you is fun subversion (The sentence tells you a lot about this series, lmao). The writing isn't really funny, but Virgil is sweetheart.
The puzzles are the real strong suit, lots of bangers in here.

An amazing creation by fans that feels right at home in the Portal series. I've seen some people mention that it's too difficult, but I quite enjoyed the challenge and thought it was fair, considering most people playing this have played the original games, at least once.

The story is great, and I really enjoyed Virgil as a character, this game still has a sense of humour, but a different one, but I still had some moments I chuckled at.

This review contains spoilers

If you're itching for more Portal action, but can't wait for Valve to figure out how to count to 3, then look no further than Portal Stories: Mel. A community-made mod, this short, yet sweet storyline takes place before the events of Portal 2.

The puzzles are tricky, sometimes frustratingly so. Don't hop into this right after finishing Portal 2 expecting to breeze through it (especially not Advanced Mode). The storyline is decent, as is the voice-acting - not amazing, but good enough to get you across the finish line. The best part? It's free!

100%: You'll have to explore some tucked-away nooks and crannies to find all the hidden secrets, but nothing too difficult.

Gameplay 🎮
I enjoyed the new puzzles, they didn't feel contrived or cheat-y like a certain other mod cough Portal Prelude cough. Favourites of mine were puzzles that had very few elements and discovering the twist was super satisfying. A couple of comments I have though would be: 1. The difficulty didn't progress sequentially, some later chambers were much easier than one before them. Perhaps that's just my experience. 2. And this connects to the first point slightly, sometimes it felt like I had cheesed the chambers. Or other times it felt like the chamber was easier than the devs intended because I made it through a puzzle without evening using an entire room with a second light bridge.
Apart from that, I did enjoy myself. 😁

Visual/Style 🎨
One thing I've always loved about the Portal games is the opportunities to check out behind the scenes. Like how do these games make exploring offices really interesting?? And this game provides a lot more of that, so that was fun. Otherwise it's more Portal, and that can't be a bad thing.

Music 🎹
The new music in this game composed by Harry101UK is amazing. I felt it fit perfectly as a "Portal mod" soundtrack and made the chambers a lot more fun to play. Even listening to it while writing this 🎵

Voice Acting 🔊
I thought the voice of Virgil the core was really good. Although personally I found the Cave Johnson impression a bit off-putting, it was the one thing that made this scream "fan-made". Not a deal-breaker of course, but I thought it was still something of note. It's only there for 30%ish of the game anyway.

Story 📖
One concern I sometimes have is that maybe a fan story will delve so much into lore that it really does feel like a fan story. Thankfully this wasn't the case and it felt nice and simple. The one connection it does have is hinted at a couple of times and at the end it sort of pulls a "Star Wars Rogue One" in explaining an aspect of Portal 2. So I thought it was fun 😄

If you want more Portal, get this mod. It's free on Steam. More puzzles, fun story, great music. Apart from a couple of hiccups, this is a very professionally done mod. 😎👍

A fantastic mod set directly before the events of Portal 2, with great writing and more challenging puzzles than the original game. And it's also free.

THE best mod for Portal 2. That's it, that's the review


Super high-quality mod with a unique setting.

Puzzles are significantly harder and more challenging than most of Portal 2, and that's excluding the optional hard mode the game now comes with to make it even more difficult.

All in all good fangame which I highly recommend to anyone raring for more portal 2 with trickier puzzles.

The puzzles are actually really challenging and make you think, and then you got this guy saying 'well that just happened' every 3 seconds.

This review contains spoilers

Portal Stories: Mel is a mod that has left me sort of conflicted. As a lifetime fan of Portal I've always heard that this mod was one of the best there was for the game and that it was pretty much on-par with the actual releases and their stories, and somehow I managed to delay it so far into my life that even more modifications have come around to make a run for Mel's money, but alas, I finally dug in and played it... And I think it's okay?

Mel is a bait-and-switch mod that at first hides in the facade of being yet another Portal prequel mod and then gets sidetracked to be more like the average campaign for these games, you're actually trapped in this large and cold facility and your objective is to get through many test chambers and climb your way up until you can technologically murder the technological murderer that wants to kill you (technologically), in this case being AEGIS, a pretty underwhelming replacement for GLaDOS. You're accompanied by Virgil, a Maintenance Core that fell down all the way to Old Aperture and is trying to get out, this guy is the Wheatley replacement and a pretty average guy at that I'd say, sad to say that he will never be him as he's a pretty boring companion overall.

And so the journey begins, you have to climb all the way up to the surface while leading on a Core that might as well just be some average ass guy as he blabbers on about so many things, I think a part of this is where the humor kinda falls flat compared to Portal 2's ironic, sarcastic yet effective jokes and humor in its script, Mel's writing is nowhere near that so seeing them try is cute but ultimately it does feel like they're trying too much to accomplish the same things Portal 2 did back in the day. So that's enough about the plot and characters of the work, I sadly cannot expect much considering Portal 2 is my favorite game of all time so not much in that regard will really please me.

The test chambers and puzzles in this mod are most popular for their rampant difficulty compared to the base game and the rest of mods out there, so bad that they had to make a whole new mode of nerfed test chambers because people complained about it too much I guess, I played the entire game in this "Advanced Mode" which is comprised of the original mod before the nerfs and while I thought some puzzles were really nervewracking and some took me a while, in general I think I do understand why people complained about them and why maybe adding the nerfed mode was a good option. I am uncertain how common this is in puzzle games in general but there's a very weird balance between tests that are actually very hard to do, versus ones that you can figure out very easily and don't take nearly as long as the other ones, and then some gimmicky ones put in the mix every now and then, in Advanced Mode there's this sort of inconsistency when it comes to the chambers themselves that vary in difficulty so much that it's hard to actually find satisfaction in completing a lot of them because they're either too hard or too easy, it also isn't really gradual as the entire game is consistently inconsistent when it comes to it, and after sort of playing through some chapters in Story Mode to get some achievements, I think I'd much rather have those that are pretty much more straightforward and don't require fourth dimension thinking to then swap to the easiest puzzle you've ever beaten in your life. Then there's also some more open-ended puzzles akin to those of Chapter 6 "The Fall" in Portal 2, this time they're in the facility and they're just okay, when they're too open there's a lot more decorations in a lot of places which lead me to some confusions and getting lost while playing.

Now, I'll be completely honest and fair. This is just me nitpicking as a very big Portal fan, the project in itself has an immense amount of care put into it from the soundtrack, the ambience, the mapping work, art and everything just being practically a love letter from notorious people in the community released completely for free (something that can't be said for the OTHER mod) and it shows, it's a pretty cool end result that translated in probably one of the most iconic full-conversion story mods in PC gaming for years to come. And to that I think Portal Stories: Mel might be worth your time if you're interested in it, it has some cool and easy achievements as well that will only really require you to replay some sections of the game. Overall, as there is no overarching gimmick or anything of the sort I'd just mark this up as more Portal 2 designed for people who liked the original and are seeking for more, and I think that's cool, this has set the bar pretty high up in that regard.

El inicio se siente un poco pesado, pero se agradece la gran atmósfera que crean y lo bello del diseño de escenarios.

Las pruebas no son tan complicadas ni tan sencillas. Los personajes son muy carismáticos y mantienen la escencia de Portal.

Una gran precuela.

this is the only portal mod i have played that has anywhere near the same puzzle quality as the base game

A really well crafted mod that scratches that itch for more portal content. Less polished than the main game, with some extremely difficult puzzles at times, but it's to be expected from people who weren't the original devs. Props to them!

Portal Stories: Mel, is the most well constructed portal mod to release so far. Having its own story, characters, and take on the aperture adventure; and doing all of this while still felling faithful to the base game.

Çok iyi yapılmış bir devam oyunu

Amazing return to the Portal Franchise for someone who hadn't played in years, feels very canon to the series while introducing new mechanics and shaking up the story with a character many die-hard portal fans wish could have seen the light of day. Amazing story, great graphics, very original.

it's alright lol
it's a cool mod that really, really wants to be taken as seriously as a unofficial official mod, but i think it just kinda falls flat by the end. to me, the puzzles are weirdly paced and get genuinely frustrating at some points, and it doesn't help that it starts off hard, then gets really hard, then gets reaaaally easy by the end. kinda weird development, but a few of the puzzles were really good and felt really good to solve!
i also think the writing is, just kinda really average? same with the voice acting, it feels a lot more like a "hey remember wheatley?" kinda voice acting than anything, and the very end just was very very underwhelming
besides that, i think the atmosphere was really nice, and i liked the directions that they were trying to take with this, so kudos to them!

This is a great mod for Portal 2, and a must play for Portal fans. The puzzles were hard, which was a nice change of pace, the voice acting was ok; I didn't like the use of cutscenes, the original Portal games don't have cutscenes except the one at the end, but it's whatever. The ending was also kinda abrupt? I just finished it out of nowhere. Anyways, like I said, great mod.

Bulmacaları oldukça zor, benim tavsiyem ilk oynayışınızda zor modunda oynamanız, daha çok zevk alırsınız çünkü normal modda çözünce zor modda çözmeniz çok zamanınızı almıyor. Hatta zor modunda fark koymayı unutmuşlar, koyduğunuz portalı 2cm farkla sola koysanız geçiyorsunuz.