Reviews from

in the past

Beat the arcade modes for most of the characters.

Really fun fighting game. Easy for casual players to pick

This is actually a really fun game. And even more epic if you're a Power Rangers fan.

The roster wins it for me. Shadow Ranger from SPD, Magna Defender, and the chance to get Mighty Morphing White Ranger as a skin for Tommy?! Let's go! Would have loved a Dino Thunder rep for the roster but it's still strong.

My team is usually Tommy, Shadow Ranger and Lord Drakkon. They stomp!

My only complaint about this game is the AI. They can be very dodgy with combos and be a real challenge. Which is also a win for a fighting game. Nothing like a good challenge to fight through lol.

So yeah. I enjoy this game. It's a lot better than I thought it'd be. A lot of DLC but worth it on a discount!

Morphin' Brilliant!

I just couldn’t make heads or tails of how I was supposed to use the characters. It felt…dare I say it..button mashy. No desire to returnz

It's an ok fighting game with ok graphics and a shit combo system. 3/5

I heard that this was easy to play and it kinda wasn't? The controls are a bit finicky on the Switch and it's difficult to get the right input at times, though maybe I'm just bad. I button mashed my way through the story mode and kinda wish there was more.

Poisandra is my queen though

I don't even care about Power Rangers, i'm here for the fighting game. It's not bad at all. Zedd (i think that was his name) is a pretty cool character to play as and there's a bunch of other interesting characters gameplaywise like that really weird Time Red Ranger.

I love it, but I feel like it's lacking something... something that could turn this good game into a Great Game

they fighting each other so sad

Didn't play much of it, but it was a decent little fighting game that could've been worse than what it was.

Não é um bom jogo de luta (e nem sequer é um bom jogo de luta se comparado ao que Power Rangers já teve no passado).

O elenco limitado de personagens, os poucos cenários e os modos simples demais impedem que seja um jogo legal.

A falta de conteúdo do game é gritante. São apenas 9 opções diferentes de lutadores por exemplo.

(Fora que particularmente os combos da gameplay não me agradaram. Achei o jogo bem pobre no geral).

- O sistema em trios durante as lutas.

- Modos de jogo muito simples.
- Modo Campanha praticamente não existe.
- Trabalho de som pobre, com nenhuma dublagem e pouca música.

its good but uhhhh i wanna play not get mixed up like its MVC
oh wait.....

This game was a lot of fun because I won all the matches.

Jogo horroroso, meu deus
Combos BIZARROS, quando cê cai em um só resta torcer pq não tem o que fazer.
Sistema de monetização absurdo, uma porrada de coisa que tá no modo história é paga.
E pelo amor de deus jogo não tem nem a decência de dar troféu pro modo história

I grew up on power rangers so this game was really cool to me. That was until I met secret character TOD and lost an entire character because my friend picked Trey of Triforia and Red Time Force ranger. I dislike how the game feels sometimes mainly because sometimes it just feels like everything is negative on block when you're doing it but when your opponent does it its positive. other than that stuff, its cool to play as characters that I watched as a kid :)

I played this game exactly one time back in 2019 over at a friend's house because he bought it on Switch and I remember liking it enough, so I bought it because some of the combos and mechanics are cool (even if they're just Marvel combos) and it's the only fighter I can think of that has rollback and crossplay with everything including the Switch.

Today I booted up the game to mess around with it before I play it again on Sunday with my brother and opened the tutorial to learn the mechanics.

The tutorial computer did a 33-hit combo on me.

Super Sentai is cooler anyway.

why did everyone say this was good

Não esperava muita coisa do Battle for The Grid quando o instalei, mas fiquei surpreso quando o comecei a jogar até que é um jogo de luta bem sólido! Pena é a falta de conteúdo e o modo historia ser muito fraquinho.

Game is super fun!

Marvel mechanics with some different things added in to make a unique experience. I find it hard to hate this game.

That being said, it doesn't capture you as much as others might. Lack of proper single player does that but a lot of room for it to be considered competitively viable.

Stupid fun more than anything, where the ridiculousness of saying to your partner that you can't wash the dishes just yet because you're close to unlocking your inner red ranger.

this game couldve been so good maybe i didnt play enough...

Achei simples, porem legalzinho

Oyunda combo break olmadığından rakip aralıksız 50-100 kere size vurabiliyor ve bu bütün oyunun anasını s*kiyor.Blok tuşu yerine geriye giderek bloklamak adama yaklaşmanızı önlüyor.Kombo yapmak yerine düz vuruş spamlayarak geçebilirsiniz ve bunu yapmadan oynamaya çalışırsanız dayak yiyip oturursunuz.Hikaye ve ara sahneler tek kelimeyle rezalet.Geriye kalan şeyler doğru çalıştığından yarım yıldız yerine 1 yıldız verdim. (oynanış 2-3 saat ben inadına kombo yapmaya çalıştığımdan 6 saat oynadım)