Reviews from

in the past

i literally only play this game for dfwc2017-6 that map is so much fun. and also this game has orbb

quake 3 arena for modern machines. evergreen gameplay. if you don't know quake, i can't help you.

dmingo n the longest yard all fucking night!!!

Rock solid!

(And a fun year to have attended QuakeCon)

One of the best Fps games ever made shame that there's a low player base. This is probably because it was made p2p.

I used to play this a lot during its early days but then it got ported to Steam and was made p2p shortly after which made me stop playing, this was the worst move ever because it killed most of the playerbase, this game used to have a lot more people, unfortunately there aren't many servers or any that are in my area anymore which gives me a lot of lag, other than that the game is what you would expect, a fast paced skillbased shooter where you will get stomped on your first time, you'll get better trust me!

No, seriously, as intimidating as it may seem for a new player they can still get better at this game, I'd suggest practicing with bots first or test all weapons in a solo private game before you jump into deathmatches with real players so you can familiarize yourself with this game, you won't get good with just a few hours just like any game, people in other games will stomp on you if you don't practice so it's possible to get good at this game even if you're late to the party.

The game has a lot of weapons with unique abilities and ways to master them, I'd say that no weapon in this game is... bad... they just have a higher skill ceiling, the community is really friendly and there are some Discord servers willing to help you if you need help, Quake is a game that won't punish you for moving in a certain unintended way (like being slown down or not being able to shoot) and that's what makes it special for me, you can rocket jump and bunnyhop all you want so I'd suggest giving this game a chance, it's one of my favorites.

This game is basically just a masterpiece. The dynamics between players in this game is just so unique compared to other games. You don't get this kind of experience with other games. Maybe it's due to the fact that multiplayer arena shooters are a dying genre. Maybe it's due to the age of this game. Maybe it's due to the unique structure of each encounter. But one thing is for sure, this is definitely worth the try. This game's level of deep mechanics are really interesting. They provide a deep level of identity with the different ways you play and use those mechanics. It's so strong that you can identify people solely based on how they play the game. This game has so much complexity to it, and you can see the ripples this had on gaming community. Even if you don't this is an amazing game, it is a damn good aim trainer. You have almost every type of aim control. Burst, scopes, lasers, projectiles, etc. So if you don't find this to be as enjoyable as I do, it's a great trainer nonetheless.

Very fun when there are servers to play on.

Pretty much just Quake IlI, just HD now.

Quake Live es un FPS Online bastante agresivo, vas a necesitar buenos reflejos, precisión con el arma y velocidad mental para salir victorioso de la arena.

If you really want to play Quake 3, just grab CPMA and (QIIIA data), or OpenArena. If you want the arena game but refined beyond 1999, Xonotic and even Sauerbraten are right there.
This was originally released as a free-2-play game, but they quickly realized that a multi-billion dollar publisher cannot be satisfied with gamers seeing in-game banner ads. And thus an arbitrary paywall was created the very first moment Quake Champions was announced.

Outdated projectile delag, crappy netcode, community full of people with dementia, by far the most stinky community i've ever seen.
And no, i am not talking about trashtalk, which comes naturally with the Quake package, i am talking about people being able to /cv kick you for dumbfounded reasons or simply because their friend has been waiting in queue for too long and they need to get one man out to let him play; yep, like a mafia spirit.
Which brings me to the next major flaw of how the game is worked out: the queue system.
You can wait in queue for what can be without exaggeration 20 minutes straight if you're unlucky. And after you've waited and waited to play that damn CA match, you can get bad treatment from the aholes around which might not be happy with you playing and whom feel like getting you out.
No complaints about duel, but clanarena servers are severly cancerous. People simply "pretending" to play the way "they" want you to else /cv kick is unacceptable in a multiplayer game.
If it didn't come with the value of simply being Quake with its inherent validity as a piece of software, i would toss Quake Live in the trash.

gold standard of arena shooters

Would be cool if other human beings played this.

First played it on the web browser at school, on mobygames you can select browser but IGDB sucks (thanks Twitch) of course but i digress, it was steam much later which was free at the time and now the game is $15 for some unknown reason, and because i got it for free, i couldn't unlock steam trading cards for the game but who cares about that, the fun was there. For the noobs out there, do the tutorials first before playing. This game is pretty much End game for multiplayer FPS so don't get alarmed when you get your bottom gets handed to you on a sliver platter for the first 1,000 matches. The more recent Quake Champions adds a bunch of nonsense like hero skills and stats which ruined the fairness of the franchise. Your welcome. PLAY IT!

Ahora puedo darle de chupar a mi amigo iñaki en el mapa de los sinsons

Still an all-time top 5 multiplayer shooter. Glad people are still playing it.

i got this game for free before bethesda made it p2p

É o bom e velho modelo de Quake 3 sendo bem reaproveitando, mas infelizmente não tem quase ninguém jogando atualmente.

quake but completely online and also completely unplayable outside the us or europe

i find the quake game perfect to bad is not free to play anymore but reccomended to play with friend/friends

Q3A but easier to play online with people.

solid arena shooter. movement and weapon balance is great. unfortunately, it's basically impossible to pick up, since the only people still playing now have been playing for 10 years and are basically untouchable

When this first came out it was more like Quake FREE Arena! (with in-map ad billboards)
At one point updated to become Quake but with loadouts which didn't actually work as bad as you would think but of course this hardly helped the staying power for newbies.
Now it's just a native widescreen version of Quake. I still appreciate the novelty of when I was able to play Quake 3 multiplayer in a browser.

I got thrown into a match and thought I was hot shit, but then I realized I was only fighting bots. Then when I fought actual players, they had been playing this game for 10 years and I got destroyed.