Reviews from

in the past

Red Steel is a first-person shooter on the Wii that attempts to blend gunfights with swordplay using the console's motion controls. While the concept is interesting and the visuals hold up, the execution is uneven. Swordplay can feel imprecise, and the story is forgettable. However, the shooting mechanics are decent, and the unique setting offers a brief but enjoyable romp.

I was excited for this game like one is excited for watching The Room for the first time. It hasn't delivered total garbage yet but I'm only two levels in. The shooting is bad but the swordplay is decent for a Wii launch title. Game looks okay but some cutscenes are slideshows and that's funny. Story has some intensity so far.

The game of all time, mine stopped working after level 2 so I'll have to stop for now. So sad

Low 5/10

Way more hate than it deserves. It has a solid story and some decent game mechanics. It doesn't live up to the trailers, but it had a lot of fun scenes and weapons. I really like the story and the sword fighting is pretty neat. It was all better handled in Red Steel 2, but this was a decent first attempt.

people pretended this was good bc they were scared that the wii didnt have good games on it

cool in concept dogshit in practice typical ubisoft

This game is definitely bad. BUT I had a lot of fun playing it splitscreen with my nephew and a couple of my friends that would sometimes let me force them to play it with me LOL.

It was stupid and controlled pretty poorly but it was really entertaining for some reason.

The mechanics would've been neat if the game were finished.

Oh the Nintendo Wii, at least you tried

Starts off fun enough even with the shitty controls, but as you get further in and the game becomes more unforgiving the disgustingly bad motion controls become impossible to ignore.

Huge guilty pleasure for sure.

Bought this on release night, couldn't get into its clunky controls, and traded it in very quickly. Heard the sequel was dope tho.

This game is racist as hell, sexist as hell, and its controls flat-out don't work. Need I say more? At least you can earn the "respects" of your defeated foes instead of killing them. Next time somebody tells you that "moral choices" were a dumb gimmick in games, point them towards Red Steel. Probably the worst game I've ever beaten.

This was a good introduction to the Wii in my opinion, as it makes use of the many features that the Wii would be best known for, with the main focus being the motion controls. Once you get over that though, this is nothing more than a gimmicky and edgy game. Some fun can be had here, but it isn't anything special.

the whole time i was thinking "is it over yet?"

It just plays like total shit. I've seen the old trailers showing fake gameplay, I knew it would never be like that, but deary me it is miles away from what they promised.

Guns are somehow inaccurate, and yet also able to kill a dude by shooting vaguely close to his body. Sword fighting is a case of praying that the game decides whether or not to recognise that you moved the wiimote and nunchuck. They put checkpoints at the start of unskippable minute long cutscenes and then throw you into these bullshit sword fights that skill doesn't seem to enter into. It's maddening.

When I felt like I was nearing the end I did a quick google to see just how much I had left, and said "FUCK OFF" out loud when I saw that I was a quarter of the way through, and my playtime was only two and a half hours. I would have bet you money I'd sank ten hours into it easily.

It's a disappointment in every way, and despite featuring plenty East Asian actors, feels racist in a way that's hard for a man of my intelligence to articulate. Please avoid. Don't let curiosity get the better of you like it did me.

While I don't think any FPS games ever really worked on the Wii, Red Steel is a particularly noteworthy example of how bad they could truly be. Simply put this game was awful, and an abysmal start for shooters on the Wii.

I have some fond memories of playing it as a kid but LORD was it a bad game. I revisited it not long ago and holy hell, did it stink. Idea was cool for the time, but it was not executed super well largely because of the wonky controls and poor frame rate.

This game belongs in the trash bin. Utterly terrible motion controls, makes this game an unplayable mess.

Clunky pile of clunk. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's sucks ass. There's a lot of good, but a ton of bad too, which sucks because I like where they were going with this game.

edit: It took me about 2 years after rage quitting, and I can proudly say that this is a steaming pile of garbage. I spent two hours on some random stage, then I spend 3 minutes fighting the final boss. That is absolutely insane

First impressions after coming back to this game was intense frustration at the constant jittering of the motion sensing. It will just teleport around sometimes for little to no reason, but once I got all the senstivity settings and calibration down, this was reduced to at least managable levels. Once that was taken care of it's a decent FPS with just a few twists, one of which of course being the fact it is a motion controlled FPS. While not offering the technical precision of keyboard & Mouse or even the comfort and ease of a typical pad, but actually pointing and aiming can make even the most mediocre shooter that much more fun, and that's kinda the case here.

que cojones era este juego? osea xDDD
la historia estaba wapa, full mafia japonesa etc, la lucha de espadas realmente molaba, pero el modo multijugador era lo mas random porque podias poner a luchar con metralletas a una magic girl contra un chef de sushi

You gotta turn off the speaker and set Wii remote settings to 2 on the system menu to play the game!!!

this game owns
you can hold the gun gangsta-style and the enemy AI is actually good

This is probably the newest game that I have nostalgia for, because it was my first Wii game and the Wii was the first console I could afford on my own as an adult.

It definitely had its flaws - the sword duels felt weird, the gameplay loop got old after awhile, and there were some extremely annoying sections with enemy snipers that were nearly impossible to evade or to counterattack. But I felt it also did lots of things right, with its C-movie plot doing enough to keep things going, reasonably well-done action sequences, and making the Wiimote really feel like a gun by having you aim with the A button and shoot with the B trigger (not even RE4 Wii got this right!).

Then again, Nostalgia is a hell of a drug! I'm not sure if I'm relieved or sad that I've since sold off my Wii and can't experience this again - it remains a good experience in my memories that I won't be able to revisit objectively.

Red Steel foi um dos títulos de lançamento feitos para usar os Wiimotes e demonstrar seu valor como controle diferenciado.

Apesar de ter feito um trabalho razoável nesse sentido, o jogo é repetitivo e com pouca inspiração. Fiquei muito animado com ele quando joguei, mas ao parar pra analisar um pouco o ritmo e o design, percebi que as boas ideias estavam superficiais demais pra tornar o jogo excelente, enquanto as ideias ruins puxavam a experiência pra baixo.

No fim, um jogo medíocre que se fortalece do gimmick do motion, mas não se sustenta em sua estrutura e design enfadonhos.