Reviews from

in the past

Redfall is such a weird game to review. I think it has gotten unnecessary hate and I've played games worse than this, but at the same time, it is one of the blandest "I'm going to listen to a podcast while I play this game" game that there is. I think it has such a great foundation, some of the story beats are interesting and the world seems cool and I enjoying just taking the sights in, but then again, the combat kind of sucks (almost all the boss fights were horrible and I considered quitting the game lol) the side activities are repetitive and the world just feels really empty. The saddest thing is just the fact that this game could have been really good with (a lot of) tweaks and sometimes the great and cool moments really shine through the bland mass, giving glimpses what could have been.

a meia estrela só pq eu queria mto gostar do jogo mas meu totalmente sem alma e pior ainda o desempenho do game horrivel unico jogo q to sofrendo de stutter em mto tempo wtf

I played this for free and still felt scammed.

i've seen gameplay footage on youtube

and here I thought modern day COD Zombies would be the most lifeless shooter out there

Redfall tinha uma premissa absurdamente interessante, mas os desenvolvedores não conseguiram entregar nada satisfatório. A inteligência artificial é péssima, a história desinteressante, a ambientação seria o ponto mais positivo do jogo se não fosse um mundo tão vazio e com zonas estranhamente grandes.

Redfall parece impossível de ser salvo.

Well, this is a difficult game to review because I can see a good foundation in it, with an interesting art style that creates a nice atmosphere and a gameplay loop that can be very fun at times. However, when I played it, it still suffered from a lot of technical problems, such as stuttering when transitioning between areas of the map, which really killed the mood and took me out of the experience. The AI can be pretty brain-dead, but I see that as a "feature" of the majority of AAA games this generation, so nothing out of the ordinary. Overall, the game could be a lot better but is nowhere near as bad as people say.

I played this for the first time after the 2.0 update. This game is much better than it seems to have been at launch, however, there are still major issues that bring it down substantially from what I thought was going to be a 4 star rating for my first bit of playing the game.

From watching old reviews and comparing it to my time on the game, AI is much smarter and more aggressive than they were at launch. Also, there seems to be more enemy clusters you encounter, and it seems you can fight more enemies at once than you could before.

Besides the technical issues this game has (which I will get into) a big problem I have with this game is how it actively works against completionists. There is a moment in the game where you go to a new map about halfway though the game, and you can not return at that point to get any collectibles you missed or do other side missions. Not only this, but there are two collectible that is must be obtained during very specific missions, which can only be redone if you do it on NG+.

I also really like the first map more (both has their positive elements though), but you will notice that the same buildings are reused a couple of times across multiple missions. For example, the movie theater has 2 missions where you go to it. One as a side mission, then one in the main story. The maps are pretty small for "open world" (The devs said the map is 27k square meters), but I don't mind it. The map is interesting, if only there was a little more to do in the map.

As far as technical issues, small bugs litter this game along with a lot of pop in, and A/T poses. I personally can look past stuff like this that doesn't affect the gameplay if the game is good outside of that. That's just how I am. However, there are issues with multiplayer where on two play sessions with my cousin (out of 6 to beat the game), my player stats did not save. So I lost my level, loot, and metric progression. It is important to note that story progression is only saved for the host. This is not what I am talking about.

Last thing I will say is that this game is much more fun with someone else (I only ever played 2 player or solo, not 3 or 4 player sessions). I actually never encountered a single network issue during the game at all. Everything worked flawlessly during the game with online play. The exception is the save progression that was lost with my character as the non host that I already mentioned.

All in all, the game is getting better. It is not a situation where the game can never be good, but it still has a way to go before it gets there. I would assume that the game is wrapping up any updates with how few people are still playing it. So this is probably about as good as it will get, but maybe I'm wrong.

This is generic af. Stay away. Would still rather play than Halo: Infinite.

This one really makes me sad. Arkane is honestly one of the best to ever do it, with some of the sauciest games ever made under their belt. Dishonored to Dishonored 2 to Prey to Deathloop has to be one of the best back-to-back four-game streaks I can think of. Just pure immersive stealth sim genius spread across a series of fascinating worlds with complex stories. But this feels like Arkane tried cooking up a banquet for a hot date just to be told the kids are actually coming back at 9 now so the quicker they can get everything out the oven the better. It definitely feels like there's something missing.

Admittedly, I only played three hours today before realising it wasn't for me, so I don't know; maybe Redfall goes sicko mode in the FOURTH hour. But from what I saw, this is just a bit of a mess. A technical nightmare with frame drops galore and, in my case, freezing every time I entered a new area and something had to load. The AI is wonky and has literally no idea what to do 90% of the time, just running at you blindly while you annihilate it on repeat. The combat is dull and repetitive, and pretty much every battle is easy as even the strongest vampires just float towards you with no tactic other than getting shot in the face.

It's just falls flat, which sucks, because Arkane and vampire hunting sounds like the best combination since some genius thought: you know what would bang? If we made bread that's smeared in buttery garlic goodness. Like, the world is interesting, the shooting is weighty and responsive, and the villains are creepy, but this just isn't fun enough to make me want to sink deeper into that world. I don't think I was ever going to be ride or die for a looter shooter as is, but when it's this underbaked, I can't even try to brute force my way through it for my love of Arkane.

I just feel bad for dev team and I can symphatize the situation. Zenimax fucked this up so bad. I have wasted the game on steam yet Bethesda Team replied to me saying they hope that I give a Redfall another chance WHEN certain issues are resolved. Why would or should I? Once you are finished up with the game you get done for good. There is no reason to turn back. The game's gunplay was mediocre at best. The whole package was not as freeing as compared to any of the other previous Arkane games. It did not have much room for creativity which we were used to see in usual Arkane immersive sims. It's just another bland co-op shooter and even worse when you solo it. Arkane Austin has fallen don't let Lyon to be the next (but oh well, much of the OGs must have left by now).


A Arkane Studios conhecida por criar experiências imersivas e envolventes, como os aclamados Dishonored, Prey, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, e Deathloop, jogos que eu tenho um apreço. No entanto, o lançamento de Redfall, seu mais recente titulo se provou uma bomba. Uma experiência frustrante com bugs e má otimização, mecanicamente vazio, habilidades desinteressantes e um mundo repetitivo que nada entrega.

Apesar de estar disponível na Game Pass e de ter recebido uma suposta atualização para corrigir diversos problemas, é uma experiência que não empolga, e que galera que eu joguei junto desistimos depois de umas 5 horas.

had potential but feels like they took 5 different game projects and flipped them for assets then made this

I 100%ed this game's open world activities. I honestly don't think it was the worst thing going, but I think it's what the game represents that makes it so terrible. The tragic death of a very consistent studio because of corporate greed.

diferente de hi-fi rush, esse jogo eu estava contando os dias e quando finalmente chegou foi como uma facada no estomâgo de tão ruim, mal feito e sem alma essa porra é.


Hot garbage. Many people have shown how the AI is trash, the thing that bothered me the most was the lighting early on. But it's also that the game's tone seems pretty interesting in the opening cutscene and then it's complete dog water in all subsequent cutscenes. It's a shame of a vampire horror game, it's not scary, because the AI is stupid and the lighting is trash, the game isn't interesting because the story and cutscenes aren't done correctly. Not worth playing imo

Finalmente tomei coragem pra finalizar Redfall após seu grande update. Update esse que melhora, mas não salva a experiência. Redfall é um daqueles jogos que não sabe o que quer ser. As vezes ele tenta ser um FPS open world ao estilo Far Cry, outras vezes ele tenta ser uma copia de L4D, e em poucas ocasiões ele tenta ser o que a Arkane realmente sabe fazer: Immersive Sims...E pra piorar, nada do que ele tenta fazer ele faz bem. Triste, é um jogo bem ruim que não representa o que é Arkane, e mais triste ainda é ler sobre a produção do jogo e ver que tudo foi culpa da Bethesda. Enfim, bola pra frente, erros acontecem...Chegou a hora da grande redenção, chegou a hora de PREY 2.

God, what a mess. This joyless, soul sucking game is abysmal to play. None of the gun types are fun to use (though headshot kills in this game do feel nice from time to time), none of the enemies are fun to fight, the area is not very fun to explore (mostly because of the enemies and gun play not being good), I never found any of the special attacks all that particularly useful or helpful, and on top of it, this game is still pretty buggy.

The game's story I guess exists? I never really found any great through line to follow. Basically, I really found nothing that redeemable about Redfall. Minor things maybe, like stake killing a vampire for the first time is kinda satisfying.

But God, what a huge disappointment. This concept and this developer should equal a really incredible experience, but this is the exact opposite.

Do not play this game. It is bad.

We haven't had an experience this bad in a while. I can't believe there are people out here seriously trying to gaslight others (and themselves) into giving this awful custom Fortnite gamemode another chance.

Look, it's better post update but just not worth your time when there's so many good games out there.

Now that promises have been kept (60fps), move on Arkane.

Si Dishonored está dentro de mis juegos/sagas fav, es obvio pensar que Redfall iba a llamarme la atención. Y la verdad, es que no esperaba algo impresionante, porque ya sabía que en Deathloop se habían ido por algo más comercial, y porque otro clon de Left 4 Dead con vampiros no sonaba asombroso, pero igual le dí la breve oportunidad, y es una completa basura.

Es una decepción total, pocas cosas buenas puedo decir sobre este juego, e incluso si las digo, ni siquiera son buenas, solamente es lo menos malo del juego.

Jogabilidade desse jogo é um lixo! Nem com a nova atualização isso presta. Dropei de novo.