Reviews from

in the past

Deus Ex: Invisible War somehow isn't the biggest stinker in Harvey Smith's directing career anymore

I can look past the game crashing on me. I can look past it running at 30fps. I can look past the camera controls not working and feeling floaty. I can look past the fact that the game only has a few enemy types and even less dead body models. I can look past the fact that the enemy AI is so bad that the game plays itself. I can look past the fact that the textures almost never loaded in properly. I can even look past the fact that the character designs are straight outta Fortnite. I can look past the cringe millenial-core dialogue. I can look past that the required online connectivity made it so a server failure on their end kicked me out of the game within 15 minutes of me starting it.

But the one thing I can’t look past is… actually you know what? I can’t look past that stuff. I didn’t have a single second of fun with this game and it didn’t touch me on any emotional level other than true boredom.

A vacuous looter shooter with fish-in-a-barrel enemies, superfluous RPG elements, and brain-dead combat that looks and runs like complete shit. It’s yet another game that was clearly meant to follow a live service model before a direction change forced them to salvage what they could from this mess.

One of the funniest things about this game is how every character has these powers and multiple skill trees and there is less than zero point in engaging with these systems because the standard grey assault rifle just kills every enemy in the game within seconds.

Sincerely heartbroken. I haven't been subjected to a AAA game this broken, unfinished, visually incoherent and unfun in a good few years. It especially stings as Arkane is one of my favorite developers working. Prey, Deathloop and the Dishonored series as a whole (alongside Arx Fatalis) are incredible, so it pains me to see the studio come out with an experience this dreadful...


Edit: On further reflection, Redfall is the worst AAA game I've played. Whew.

I cannot, and will not believe that the same studio who made Prey, perhaps the greatest video game of all time, produced this absolute trash fire. There is no trace of Arkane in here. There is barely a trace of video game in here. It's only redeeming qualities are good enough music and the character art reminding me how good the character designs in Dishonored are.

Play Prey. Even if you have Game Pass, don't waste your time on this. Play Prey instead.

Thank you for Microsoft buying Bethesda! All that Microsoft money and Arkane talent (Pre Deathloop and Youngblood) is really showing!

Okay, let's be for real. This is awful. Inexcusably awful. Like, who pitched this game? Hey arkane, I know you guys made these great emergent modern imsims, but have you guys ever heard of far cry? I'm just confused about how this entire game was even greenlit. It's uninspired, boring, lame, generic and literally any negative term I could throw out applies to this fucking game. Just because it's on gamepass, too, doesn't make it okay.

This game is shit. I don't even care if arkane is shut down after this. Even if they made prey and dishonored. Its not the same arkane anymore. 3 shit games in a row. Wonderful.

Played for around 2 hours on game pass before quitting out of boredom.

I honestly cant believe that the team that made Prey (2017) made this, they didn't put any passion into this game. There's no actual cut scenes (just slideshows), the enemy AI is incredibly pathetic and it was in general really boring.

I cannot believe this was made by Arkane. I enjoyed Dishonored, loved Prey, and adore Deathloop so much, but this is one of the worst AAA games I’ve played since the 360 generation. This makes the original Homefront look like a masterpiece.

Abandoned after 90 minutes. It was so boring, the shooting is terrible on all fronts, the performance at launch is abysmal, the AI is brain dead, and the looting is pointless. They couldn’t get one basic thing right.

Biggest disappointment in years.

pretty good fortnite creative map

Easily the worst game I’ve played this year so far. Very questionable and outdated video game.

I’ll get straight to the point, this game sucks hard. So overall gunplay works but the actual gameplay itself is either broken or just flat out boring. I have a high tolerance for bugs but man the glitches in this game made it WAY too easy but at the same time it’s unfair. It’s easy because you’ll encounter enemies (human or vampire) that make no sense. Some people are just randomly floating in mid air for no reason and some don’t even react to you when standing right in front of them. And if they do react all they do is run back and forth all clueless while trying to shoot you but they miss most of the time which made this game way too easy with no fun. It’s also unfair because I had times where I got jumped by a group of vampires and if you take too long to defeat all of them they can revive and kill you out of nowhere. Not only that but some vampires would just randomly despawn with their attacks and power positioned in the spot where they despawned. And HOLY COW the boss fights are a joke. I was disappointed because they’re just as brainless as the rest of the enemies in this game. I also had a bug where some buttons wouldn’t respond and the only thing that fixed it for me is by closing the game and starting it up again. The gameplay is questionable and inconsistent and I hated it. Graphics are just okay but the visuals let down the graphics A LOT. There’s pop in and textures take their sweet ass time to load in right in front of you. Exploration wasn’t worth it either. Exploring is one of my favorite things to do in video games and I couldn’t even enjoy the scenery because there really isn’t much beauty in this game due to visual problems and not much exciting stuff to see anyway. Redfall is such a bland video game, what I mean by that is this game offers almost no diversity in how to complete objectives. The entire game is pretty much run around, shoot a few enemies, find a key, maybe shoot another enemy, unlock a door and move on. Redfall offers a bloated experience with no innovation to make the gameplay worth my time. There’s also side quests as well that literally play out just like main quests and I didn’t even know when is was nearing the end of the video game because of it.

And the story…..
The story is barely even present in Redfall. The way the story is portrayed is by a series of slideshows with paintings and a voiceover to tell the story, other than that there’s not a single cutscene. The dialogue was cringe and voice acting sounded so awkward. There’s nothing at all to enjoy the story, better yet there no reason to even be remotely interested in the story. The characters weren’t likeable in any way. They just say a few lines throughout the story and that’s it. They don’t have a narrative for me to pay attention to and had no attachment to any of them. You can’t even directly interact with NPCs, they say some nonsense of wanting help and assume you want to help with no context.
It’s pathetic that there’s not much story and when there is they rush it or make it so uninteresting so I simply just stopped caring about the story early on in Redfall.

It’s very obvious Arkane rushed this game after Deathloop. This really isn’t the kind of game that should be releasing today. This is the kind of game that shouldn’ve came out in the late 2000s or early 2010s and it’s sad that I even have to say that because Arkane made far greater games around that time unlike how Redfall turned out in 2023. The gameplay is awful, the story was handled poorly and even with all the bugs and glitches out of the way this pretty much is an outdated video game for today’s world. I don’t recommend Redfall for anyone, this game really was just a waste of my time.

perhaps arkane's best game yet

Redfall é um completo retrocesso e um grande contraponto em tudo o que a Arkane já produziu até então.

O jogo é fraco em todos os sentidos, a gameplay é mediocre, a performance é horrível, a história é pavorosa, as missões são terríveis e ainda o jogo está repleto de bugs em 99% do jogo.

Redfall carece de uma identidade, ele não sabe se ele quer agradar um público de Fortnite, Borderlands, Left 4 Dead ou terror, sendo uma mistura bem desagradável que acaba sem foco e se tornando genérico ao extremo! A única coisa que pude notar é que mesmo Redfall sendo um jogo da Arkane ele não foi feito para nenhum público e principalmente não foi feito para quem gosta da própria Arkane.

Uma aventura certamente I N E S Q U E C Í V E L !

Redfall é a prova de que até mesmo o jogo mais inacabado, mal-feito e bugado pode divertir numa experiência cooperativa. E juro que a gente tentou defender no início, só que a partir da segunda metade foi dali pra pior. Ainda assim, não é a pior coisa que já vi, talvez só em performance. Possui uma ambientação bela, ótima dublagem e a mecânica de tiro é satisfatória até certo ponto.

Então, quais são os problemas de Redfall? Um deles diz respeito a não sentirmos uma evolução gratificante mesmo upando sua personagem e looteando o mapa, visto que os itens adquiridos geralmente são bastante inferiores aos seus. Também não entendi o porquê dos trailers terem cenas tão lindas sendo que aqui a história toda é apresentada por demonstrações estáticas. Adicionado a isto, nós temos texturas sumindo e voltando, falta de recursos básicos como ter mais de um ping disponível, ou mesmo cores diferentes para cada pessoa da party, "trilha sonora" composta por uma única música, poucas falas dos herois, missões iguais do início ao fim e momentos-chave sem nenhuma emoção, por conta da péssima direção e da falta de animações melhores. O pior de tudo foram os vários bugs e crashs que atrapalharam diretamente o nosso progresso, mas, olha... tudo bem para um esboço de trabalho pra faculdade! Né?

O lado positivo é que rimos tanto ao jogá-lo que até doeu a barriga uashuhasuhasuhassuha

Nota final: 30/100 - O verdadeiro Redfall são os amigos que fazemos pelo caminho!!

I've been playing this with friends on game pass and man, it's just so hollow and empty and boring. I'll give a star for James Urbaniak's voice acting though, since he clearly put some effort in

vampirism gives you yaoi hands


I wish I could just start and end with that joke, but unfortunately I feel compelled to say more. I truly do not think the hate this game is getting is merited. Redfall is not good, but it will not be the worst game you play this year. I think it is tempting to say that Arkane Austin was meddled with and their vision was compromised by corporate overlords, or that the release was too rushed, which I’m sure is all true to some degree, but I’m not convinced that these are the core issues with Redfall. I think the issue is that this game is just too many things. This game is trying to be at least three completely different games and is none of them well. The loot system is a cavalcade of junk, the co-op is hectic and empty, and the open world stuff, the only stuff that comes close to succeeding, is bogged down by those other two. The vampires aren’t enough of a threat to be exciting to fight by the late game, and some of your powers are sort of busted. The fact that co-op was marketed so hard on this is utterly baffling, because I truly think this game is only ever fun playing solo. Any of the friction that arises from playing carefully vanishes when you’re running around with three other players. You can’t read diaries or look at environmental storytelling when your friend is just bee-lining to the next waypoint. There are a few really cool moments in this game that would be utterly ruined in a four-stack. If they hadn’t been trying to make that work, maybe they could have devoted resources to making the weaker elements stronger. (Though I still think the game shouldn’t have done loot the way they did.) There are moments where I can see a version of this game that works, when I’m skulking through dilapidated mansions or scoping out a cultist camp. I also think there is a legitimate novelty for a vampire story to not have the vampires be sexy socialites and instead just be straight-up ghouls. The vampire gods in Redfall are capitalist Nosferatus who run a version Theranos that is even more evil somehow. Each of them is shitty in their own way and you do definitely want to see these fucks dead by the end. And I did play it to the end, because I have brain problems. Do I regret it? A bit. I think I would have gotten more out of another game, but I do not think Redfall is a horrible, unplayable game. I had some fun here and there. It’s just such a mess of competing design paradigms that it turns into a giant pile of oatmeal. And boy, am I stuffed!

Played the first 30 mins and oof, it's as bad as they say. Runs badly, visuals aren't anything too special, low texture bugs, and pretty bad AI. That mixed with the overly talkative characters and looter-shooter gun stats is enough to keep me away for now. At least I can always replay Prey...

De acordo com o próprio dicionário Aurélio:

• Genérico:

1 - Relativo a gênero.
2 - Geral.
3 - Vago; indeterminado; comum; abrangente.
4 - Redfall.

Felizmente, não fiz parte do grupo seleto e inigualável de guerreiros resilientes que suportaram a bomba atômica que tinham em mãos quando tentaram jogar Redfall em seu lançamento.

Hoje, posso dizer que o estado do jogo é muito mais agradável. Há uma boa fluidez na jogabilidade e não tive tantos problemas com bugs relevantes.

Sim, vou considerar as frequentes t-poses como alívio cômico.

Mas afinal, vale a pena jogar Redfall?

Por incrível que pareça, existe uma realidade onde a resposta dessa pergunta é positiva.

Basta usar a imaginação. Mentalize no seu subconsciente que Redfall é o melhor jogo eletrônico já feito na história da humanidade, assim como Morbius também é o melhor filme da história do cinema mundial.

Faça isso, mas com companhia de amigos, e sim, dessa forma serão dignos de experienciar uma obra atemporal dotada de genialidade.

Não. Jogue. Redfall. Sozinho.

Arkane is washed. Deathloop was a bad, watered-down "Dishonored's Greatest Hits" with an irritating structure, but this is even worse. There is no Arkane DNA anywhere to be found here, only an awful looter-shooter that occasionally lets you enter buildings through the back door OR the front.

You know what's good about Arkane games? Fuckin' NOT THE SHOOTING! And that's all there is here. Harvey Smith's first stinker. An historic occasion, much like the Hindenburg disaster. I'm so angry.

Normally I would give this 1 or 1 1/2 stars, but coming from Arkane, I have to go Scorched Earth. I'm sowing salt in their fields so this can never happen again.

I fucking can't man. The game looks bad and plays astonishingly bad. Every moment I waste on this low energy Far Cry clone is a moment I could have spent doing literally anything else.

Arkane... How?.... Why? What could of possibly led to this piece of underdeveloped, unfinished, borderline garbage game be your newest release? I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed. Xbox's future is looking grim, and I'm not convinced Starfield will help.

I don't ever wanna hear anyone ever say "Oh Redfall was pretty bad but not as bad as Gollum or that King Kong game", mf this game is worse then both of them and I've played all 3 so I know what I'm talking about.

Now is Gollum and Kong "objectively" worse than Redfall, yes; but I don't like viewing art in objective terms. So let me say it like this. Gollum and Kong were both made by smaller middle budget studios given a minuscule budget and an even smaller time frame to release said game. In the case of Kong it's just boring shovelware that somehow got popular on Twitter and Youtube, and in the case of Gollum it was the victim of a studio way too passionate and not nearly as talented giving an impossible task and as a result an interesting if not flawed idea turned into one of the biggest jokes of last year causing everyone at the studio to lose their jobs.

Redfall is neither of those. Redfall is scum. Redfall is the result of higher power taking a quick glance at popular trends and then tasking an extremely talented team to make something they're not trained or know how to make. So the game pretty much languishes in development hell for years causing the studio to bleed all that amazing talent from their past games, and then the higher powers decide they got cold feet and no longer want the game they asked the studio who knew nothing about this genre of game and know want them to make it like all their other games, unfortunately that's not how game development works and they were too far in to backtrack now and too much money had been sunk into it so now it has to be a patch work job where the devs need to work around the game they spent 3 years making in order to please the higher powers. Then the higher powers get bought out by an evil power hungry mega corporation and now Redfall is not just "a new game made by Arkane '' but rather "a new game/reason to buy an Xbox". It's now been put on a pedestal by Xbox and Bethesda executives as the next big AAA Xbox release and now the patchwork game that barely works and should've been canned years ago needs to match up to the high echelons of not just the studios past games but also a brand that is comprised of franchises like Halo, Gears of War, and Blinx The Time Sweeper.
So the game released and it's a complete disaster, not because it's a buggy barely functioning game, but also because it's a big fat load of shit.

As looter shooter go Redfall does pretty much nothing new with it's systems and mechanics that have been in-play since 2012, and as a FPS it's somehow worse than Prey 2017 which is funny since the guns in that game were better than Redfall's and that was one of Prey's biggest faults. Enemy variety is piss poor even after all the updates the AI is still dumb as shit. Missions and objectives try to do the usual Arkane immersive sim pick your own path style but since it's an open map and not handcrafted levels the mission designers can't go crazy with path ideas so as a result it's very bland and basic. Character are the most annoying "how do you do fellow kids" shit I've seen since the Saints Row Remake and it really didn't do the game any favorites that the character I picked was probably the most annoying one out of the lot. (Her tagline was The Telekinetic Threat in Student Debt :T) It probably also dosn't help that the story of the game is told not through cutscenes but rather through still framed of model with narration in the background, I've seen Xbox Live Arcade games with more unique cutscenes and animations then this what the fuck??????

Redfall is a products and I mean that in the most demeaning way imaginable. Almost every aspect this game has does nothing new and feels like a hollow attempt to ride the trends of other games while not understanding what made them good. I shit you not I genuinely think the Gollum vs Sméagol argument system is a more original and fun idea then anything in Redfall, yeah sure it didn't work properly and was kinda goofy but the idea for it showed the devs knew what they were working on and wanted to try something that was inline with Gollum as a character and it's a more original idea then anything in Redfall. By the end of Redfall during the final boss I had lost most if not all respect for the game, and then the game hit me with a basic enemy gauntlet and a final (press E to kill the final boss). After doing that and seeing the last cutscene deadass I was like this for the rest of the night My honest reaction.

I hate this game, it's everything I hate about the AAA gaming scene and it's borderline anti-art.

Fuck Redfall.

You can feel how this was supposed to be a live service game, the stripped all the online elements and got out what they could before wasting more money and time into it.

EDIT: After patches this went from unplayable to playable but still with issues. The betterment of the AI made the gameplay a bit better and passable while listening to some podcasts.
Hopefully this just leads to Arkane making Dishonored 3

Red = Nota vermelha.
Fall = Queda na confiança na Arcane.

Estava tudo lá.

Não é surpresa pra ninguém que RedFall foi uma grande decepção em seu lançamento.
E como não sou boba nem nada, chamei mais uma vítima para ter uma experiência atroz em RedFall comigo.
E foi a escolha mais sabia que já fiz.
Oque era pra ser uma tortura, acabou que foi no mínimo divertido.

As T-poses, os IAs burros, as dublagens atropelando umas às outras e etc.
Ver esse tipo de coisa sozinho chega a ser cabuloso.

Fica aí a dica, não jogue RedFall, a não ser que tenha uma companhia para tirar sarro dessa bomba.

Redfall has some issues but overall was a fun time. Starting with the negatives, I absolutely hate that the game cannot be paused. This is the worst thing the game does. If I need to take a break, but am in the middle of a mission, better hope no one finds me crouched in a corner. Redfall keeps the modern open world philosophy of having bland, repetitive side missions. Luckily there are not that many but every safehouse has two side missions. The first repeats four or five mission types; the second is always go kill a vampire. Repeating open world tasks that usually can be ignored permeate the second half of the game. Vampire nests and rooks are annoying and usually not worth doing. Unfortunately, you cannot skip rooks, but at least you know when they are coming. Finally, traversing the world got old quick, but again I have this issue with most open world games. Mostly my complaints can be leveled against most open world games. Redfall would have been better as a linear story.

I actually enjoyed when the game delved into Arkane storytelling. This mostly happened when finding ways to kill the vampire gods where I would explore areas finding out about their backstories. The combat was usually light or nonexistent, but the atmosphere was on point. I actually enjoyed the variety of vampires and guns. Granted a good stake launcher got me through most missions, including boss fights (the game is pretty easy). I like the idea of the safehouses and hubs, but they were definitely underutilized.

As for middling things, the side characters were mostly forgettable, but that's on par for most Arkane games. The combat was repetitive and not too challenging. Keeping up with Arkane tradition, the AI was also not too great, but it did its job.

I know most people bring up the bugs, but I was lucky and did not encounter too many. The big ones for me was that a side quest was not accessible because the NPC would never give it to me; the exclamation point was over his head, but he kept giving generic lines. In another instance, my buttons stopped working, except for movement and shooting; unfortunately, I was trying to collect stuff. The last big bug was a mission required environment was pitch black, like it was colored black; I had to fumble around until I found the key item I was looking for. Other bugs I encountered were mostly animation quirks (arms bending backward, T-posing NPCs), so overall, I guess I was lucky.

Overall, Redfall's biggest issues come from being a paint by number open world shooter. Every once in a while, Arkane's masterful atmosphere and environments would show up, but those moments were too few. Redfall is an average game that is still fun to play. When the combat hits right and everything works, it can even be a blast.

Played this game once with 3 friends one night. Don't think I'm going back to it.

I've decided to forego any rating. I don't think it's fair to rate a game I haven't sunk a considerable amount of time into.

Let's just say, I spent 18 hours with Atomic Heart and I knew I didn't like it 2 hours in. Atomic Heart was nothing if not playable, I just didn't like it very much.

Redfall is, by contrast, hardly playable at all. I am running a 3080 Ti with an i9-10900 and 32GB of RAM. I played at 1440p, at low settings, with DLSS Ultra Performance on, and I could not even maintain a consistent 30fps.

It's hard to look past poor optimization. I could handle games not maintaining a solid 60fps 100% of the time but not even being able to hit 30fps on low with DLSS at max, and oftentimes dipping into single digit slideshow numbers, was really, REALLY off-putting.

Even so, from what little I experienced, Redfall's enemies are not only painfully easy and boring to fight (even on the hardest difficulty!) but the world itself feels empty. My friends and I spent a good chunk of our 2h30m playtime walking from one end of the open world to the other, and found very few enemies during our journey.

Doesn't even feel like a Beta. This feels like an early Alpha build of a game that isn't even close to being finished. And I loved Prey 2017! I don't mean for this to be unwarranted vitriol, reception to this game has been less-than-favorable across the board. It's more confusing and disappointing than anything.

I hope this game will be updated and receive the care it deserves, but I wouldn't be surprised if Arkane and the intended audience for this game collectively decide to brush it underneath the rug and move on.

A waste of everyone involveds time. The players, the devs, everyone. I have no clue why Arkane of Dishonored and Prey fame decided to make this hollow shell of an idea taped onto a basic early 2010s shooter with worse gunplay than whatever you can think of. This team can do so much better and they did with Prey and Prey Mooncrash phenomenal experiences worth playing - this isn't that. It's not worth your time for story, gameplay, or "loot" (it is a looter shooter.) Enemies don't work, abilities break aspects of the game or cause bugs, repetitive missions, cookie cutter open world filler, and a mission to boss structure of something like Ghost Recon Wildlands of all things. On top of that last point the map is completely barren with only fast-travel points to cut the long walk between locations. So no interesting vehicles or more notably movement options IN AN ARKANE GAME. Remember Blink from dishonored forget about it, the gloo gun from Prey, what even is that again? This is all made worse by arguably the most important staple of an Arkane game - level design. The clockwork mansion from Dishonored 2 goes in my hall of fame best levels in gaming, the space station in Prey is extremely interconnected and fun to navigate for shortcuts, and creating paths with the gloo gun. Here then comes Redfall which is; big open flat spaces with 1 or 2 enemies, if you're lucky a group of 4 to 6 (that don't work btw), average repeated houses with very crampt corridors, and show piece vampire locations which end up being corridors. Nothing here screams it was made by Arkane besides the character designs, and how full rooms and buildings can be with knick nacks and gizmos you can look at or interact with. Seeing a whale oil canister in this game was just a fundamentally sad moment and exemplifies how cursed of an experience this game is and what it isn't. Do not pay money for this game, if you use gamepass for other games don't pick this one. Supposedly this game is going to be recieving content updates and fixes. But this is not No Mans Sky there's nothing here that's salvagable or worth changing. It's a complete failure on every front I can't believe Xbox bought Bethesda (which includes Arkane) and completely looked over this game and said "yeah let's release this game". Someone in publishing and development should've steered this ship on course to something good years ago. But we're here now with this wreck.

Edit: It's come to light that Redfall was originally planned as a microtransaction filled multiplayer Arkane game due to Prey failing to meet sales expectations. During that time 70% of the people that worked on Prey in Arkane Austin left the company. Making it even more evidently clear the people who could do better had already left, and to them doing better would be not making this game at all. So it's a shame they left because I'd hoped to see more from the Prey IP but good to know there's many reasons this is not an Arkane studios best work, clearly barely even a product of that studios creative intent.

I think this is definitely one of those games where a majority of the players that played, allowed the negative reviews to impact their judgement...
This game was honestly fine. Redfall delivered quite a bit of really good stuff. The level designs were great, along with sick boss fights, a really fun combat system and a fairly decent story.
It definitely had some flaws but none were bad enough to the point it made the game feel "completely broken" like the general public put it out to be?

I definitely say give this game a go, especially in co-op if you can... I played this with my man @ConnerW and we had a blast from start to finish, and made some funny and great memories here!

Senhoras e Senhores hoje teremos um tutorial de como matar o seu jogo em 5 passos, e em dez minutos ou menos.
Primeiro, faça um trailer que não demostre o que o jogo realmente é, não mostrando bem sua proposta e confundindo seus espectadores.

Segundo, Participe de um Developer's Direct, onde o seu game fez a proeza de ser o pior, mesmo com você realmente trazendo a tona a proposta do jogo, e animando alguns.

Terceiro coloque influenciadores para jogar o jogo em um evento fechado, apenas com a melhor versão do seu game, obviamente para esconder as mazelas e problemas apresentadas na versão final. Para que eles façam previews com boas expectativas e animem quem quer jogar.

Quarto, permita que um certo canal jornalístico famoso publique uma gameplay horrenda, na qual o ser que jogou parecia nunca ter tocado em um controle antes. Fazendo assim com que todas as duvidas sobre o que o jogo era voltassem a tona.

Quinto, e mais precioso passo, faça toda a campanha de marketing do seu jogo em uma taxa de quadros maior do que a versão final nos consoles apresenta. E principalmente, revele que o game lançará com apenas 30 fps em certas maquinas, e de a informação correta e verdadeira apenas duas semanas antes do lançamento.

PRONTO, agora o seu jogo oficialmente deve estar estar morto para a maioria da comunidade do seu console e da comunidade rival em geral, antes mesmo de ser lançado oficialmente.

OBS: Caso esse passo a passo não funcione corretamente, verifique o site www.peloamordeDeusarkanevocêstiverammaisdeumanodeadiamentoparatornaressejogojogavé ou caso o site citado esteja bugado acesse www.squerecaféenix/

Perdão pela piada extremamente longa, e até cansativa, mas eu queria demostrar um pouco da minha frustração com o jogo, sem ter falar algum palavreado ou usar menos de minha educação, por isso resolvi brincar com a situação.

Olha para ser sincero, eu estou realmente frustrado com tudo o que foi apresentado em Redfall, principalmente por de fato gostar dos jogos da Arkane, e até defender Prey em seu conturbado lançamento. Outra coisa que quero, agora, tirar do caminho é que não acho que o ano do Xbox até então foi ruim, o console me entregou experiências interessantíssimas, diferente do ano passado, na qual quase nem encostei nele e joguei nas outras duas concorrentes. Em 2023 foi o inverso até então, Hi Fi Rush foi, e ainda é, espetacular, Wo long me divertiu muito com seu combate, e Benedict Fox até me fez refletir sobre como via a tristeza. Enquanto nos consoles vermelho e azul eu nem toquei direto, pois ainda estou esperando seus lançamentos de fato.

A problemática aqui não é a guerra de consoles, ou coisas relacionadas, mas sim a forma com a Arkane Austin pareceu trabalhar erroneamente do inicio ao fim no seu projeto Redfall, seja pelo marketing, pela ideia em si que poderia ser algo mais atrativa, o always on, a comunicação crassa, e aí vaí.

Redfall deveria ter, originalmente, sido lançado no ano passado, em sua primeira metade, mas foi adiado, tendo mais um ano de produção, e entregam o seu pior produto. Em um ano, Infinite saiu de algo de algo, para a melhor campanha da 343, com problemas, mas jogável. Em um ano, 14 pessoas em uma sala conceberam Grounded, que saiu em beta aberto, mas que quando terminado totalmente, teve mais de 15 milhões de jogadores. Em um ano Fallout New Vegas, saiu do papel pra se tornar jogável do começo ao fim, sendo lançado na segunda metade do ano seguinte, se tornando um dos melhores rpgs da historia.

O que quero dizer com isso é que a Arkane austin poderia ter feito muito mais do que so isso, em um ano. Principalmente para um jogo que começou seu desenvolvimento em 2018, posteriormente ao fim de Mooncrash, foram cinco longos anos trabalhando em algo, que ainda assim, não foi entregue pronto. A impressão que eu tenho é que a Ms simplesmente estava de saco cheio de Redfall, querendo só largar ele de mão logo, porque bom, 4 anos de desenvolvimento, depois foram dado a eles mais um ano extra de adiamento, e ainda assim, o jogo foi entregue em um estado deplorável. E triste em todos os quesitos, e deve ser criticado.

E olha que falei tudo isso, e nem comecei minha analise ainda, perdão pelo texto enorme, eu apenas estou decepcionado, até meio triste, não por tudo o que Redfall é, mas o que poderia ter sido, parece que a Arkane só falhou aqui, na maioria das coisas que se propôs com o projeto. Mas vamos a analise:

Pontos Positivos:
A gunplay de Redfall não é magica, mas definitivamente é divertida, o melhor ponto do jogo, definitivamente, é legal atirar nos inimigos, quando eles estão atirando de volta é claro, as armas são criativas também.

E impressionantemente não tem nenhuma micro transação, o que é legal pra um jogo full online, já que você pode pegar tudo que tem no game jogando. Das armas, as roupas, tudo pode ser desbloqueado apenas jogando mesmo.

A direção de arte desse jogo é bonita, alguns momentos seria ainda mais, se os objetos na tela não estivessem tortos e mal polidos.

Pontos Negativos:
A Ia do jogo é porca, horrenda, horrível, ruim, horrorosa, sério mesmo. Deathloop já não tinha uma Ia de qualidade, e aqui continua a mesma coisa, os inimigos as vezes simplesmente ficam parados atirando em você, quando atiram na verdade. Sinceramente eu critico a 343 por muitas coisas porém uma delas não é a Ia, os jogos de Halo sempre tiveram, e hoje também tem, uma Ia de altíssima qualidade. A Bethesda se juntou a Microsoft em 2021, a gente tá em 2023, ia matar alguém da Arkane pedir uma ajuda pra eles, ou até um auxílio pra desenvolver uma Ia melhor? Em dois anos, não dava pra melhorar essa parte?

O jogo claramente não está pronto, é normal encontrar partes poligonais, texturas ruins, áreas mal renderizadas, acontece o tempo inteiro. E alguns detalhes são só ridículos, vide a mão do personagem ficar torta quando você tenta subir em algo que esteja minimamente inclinado.

O mundo aberto do jogo é sim interessante, porém o problema, e que o tempo inteiro surgi a sensação de que falta algo, e normal entrar uma casa e ela estar vazia, com poucas coisas pra interagir, ou ter uma arma, o que é legalzinho no começo, mas depois de um tempo passa a sensação de que o jogo não está pronto, e de fato não está.

O level design da Arkane não funcionou aqui, a ideia de ter mais de uma forma de resolver algo só morreu, talvez pelo fato de que não tem um sistema de stealth melhor no jogo, ou porque na maioria das vezes, a melhor forma de resolver algo e andando pra frente e atirando. Nada de subir no telhado, plantar uma mina, derrubar um inimigo e explodir os outros dois, não, parece que o jogo quer que você ande, e atire, e só.

Depois de tanto escrever, digo que estou apenas decepcionado, Redfall poderia ser muito mais, mas muito mais, porém é a maior falha da Arkane, infelizmente. 5/10 ou 2.5/5

Arkane, I loved your recent work on Prey but I’m not your beta tester.