Reviews from

in the past

the gameplay is ok, the ai of sheeva sometimes doesnt help.
And Wesker might be the easiest final boss I have played on my entire life
overall is ok, i might try to complete it 100%

coop saved this game, singleplayer would be unbearable.

As DLCs não são lá essas coisas, principalmente a da Jill com o Josh.

Achei irado o game! As possivilidades de farmar, comprar e tunar as armas é incrível! Eu ja zerei em quases todas as plataformas que ele existe! Estou jogando ainda porque curto muito ele! É um game que não desinstalo do Xbox one!

Played with my cousin and it was a really fun experience. I've heard that playing with the AI is difficult so I'm sure that if it was just me then I would have had a completely different rating for this game but this was so much fun with another person. I feel like this game is meant to be played with a partner

Chris antes de virar o Luciano Huck e quando socava pedras.

Um jogo divertido de jogar, mas não é um bom Resident Evil. É legal jogar coop. Recomendo pra quem curte jogo de ação e pra jogar coop
Obs: zerei com 11h

Wesker, thank you for everything

Recentemente comprei um ps3, mas só para pegar a platina. Já joguei esse jogo em todas as plataformas possíveis, mesmo não sendo o favorito ele é muito foda! A trilha sonora da Jill e Wesker são EXCELENTES!

RESIDENT EVIL 5 é um misto de amor e ódio. Ele tem coisas ótimas, mas também tem coisas detestáveis, ele foi responsável pela pontinha do iceberg do desastre que se tornaria a franquia.

Ele parece uma espécie de DLC do Resident Evil 4, inclusive usa muitos sons, efeitos, texturas, armas de RE4. O jogo tem uma progressão lenta, com cenários demais. Em uma primeira jogada você vai demorar no minímo umas 12-15 horas, o que acho excessivamente longo pra um RE.

No entanto, ele tem ótimas coisas também, uma delas é o visual. Ele envelheceu absurdamente bem, um jogo que visualmente ainda é lindo. A volta da Jill também é bem bacana, o Wesker, apesar de estar bem galhofa aqui, tem presença, quando ele aparece tu sabe que a coisa vai ficar feia. O modo co-op local é extremamente divertido para jogar.

A Sheva também é uma parceira muito bacana, te ajuda em momentos chave do jogo, mas ao mesmo tempo tem uma IA bem ruim. Espero que melhorem no vindouro remake.

Para novos fãs é um prato cheio. Um jogo de ação/terror da geração PS3/X360. Mas, como um fã da franquia, depois de tantos jogos excelentes, é difícil gostar tanto. Mas, em promoção vale a pena, pode pegar.

Os modos extras/DLCs são excelentes, principalemente o Lost in Nightmare, lembra bastante RE1 e o Revelations 1. Atmosfera muito legal que remonta aos jogos clássicos e ainda acrescenta na lore do game.

Aguardando ansiosamente pelo remake que com certeza vai com certeza todos os problemas que esse aqui tem.

falar mal de qualquer re, é hospicio

"You'd get your ideas from comic book villains!"

J'ai développé une addiction aux insignes
Et Jill...

a good RE game in series cant compare to the older games but as a sequel to re4 its awesome

o jogo que mais joguei na vida tanto solo quanto em coop

Singleplayer sucks, but COOP is amazing. Also love extra content

(Click here to read my review of RE5 in general. This review details the changes made to the Gold Edition.)

Gold Edition comes with all DLC, but on PC specifically you get a few extra features that make it the best port. QTEs can be disabled, Mercenaries includes No Mercy mode (more + harder enemies), free online multiplayer (though PS3 still has this too), and, crucially, mod support. 4-player Mercenaries is only possible on PC, which automatically makes it the best version. This mod also lets you play as any character, like Mercenaries United in RE5 Remastered.

Thanks Partner!

Sheva é deliciosa e o jogo, embora esteja longe dos meus favoritos, não é todo de mal. Algumas mudanças aqui e ali seriam bem-vindas, mas continua sendo um ótimo jogo para zerar com amigo.

Also, tem uma das melhores dlcs da franquia. Sensacional.

i played it alone and it was just as enjoyable. blonde jill 10/10

Honestly only fun with friends.

fun coop game, i don't dislike tank combat but this one is lowkey bad, some levels are kinda unfair and boring but fun with a friend nonetheless

Fantastic multiplayer game

this one is..,,,uhm. Difficult, to review.. It's an absolute blast as a co-op third-person shooter. The later levels slog a bit but they reward you with the funniest pair of final boss fights I've ever seen. I highly recommend this game to people who like to laugh and giggle and maybe scream a lot, and also acknowledge it's weird racist undertones. Seriously capcom wtf were you thinking

Um jogo com uma gameplay bem divertida, mas bem inferior aos anteriores da franquia. Possui uma história bem genérica e esquecível, um fator replay da campanha bem pequeno (um pecado para um jogo da franquia), personagens bem sem sal e bobões. O que salva é o conteúdo extra, a gameplay bem divertida, modo multiplayer, gráficos bem bonitos (até hoje são bonitos) e algumas mecânicas que só existem nesse jogo da franquia. Em resumo é um jogo bem okay, mas que por carregar o nome da franquia resident evil, poderia ter sido bem melhor...

Pensei que seria uma bomba, mas eu gostei. Fui muito legal jogar com o coop local.

MID AF pero me lo pase con un amigo en una noche y ahi me di cuenta que esa deberia ser la unica forma en la que alguien deberia jugar este juego: CON UN AMIGX <3

Don't play this port of the game.

This is an awful port of a mid game. Bugs and glitches plagued my time with the Steam version of Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition. I slogged through the entire thing solo, with AI Sheva, on Normal mode.

A pervasive and well-known bug I encountered, was the inability to trade weapons with your partner. This made inventory management much more frustrating than it had to be.

Apparently the pathfinding for enemies and Sheva is bugged in this PC release. I could believe it, as it was often very terrible. Enemies getting stuck on walls, Sheva being unable to dodge laser traps, Chainsaw Majini being stuck in the crates they spawn in. Sheva seemed to constantly take damage from enemies she had no business being near, whether she was set to "Cover" or "Attack" mode, and then she consumed all our healing items to fix it. I got several game overs because of Sheva's poor AI. I often had to babysit her, to make sure she could keep up. I'd rather have played Chris alone, or even had RE4's Ashley. Sheva was a detriment the entire game. The only thing she was good at was her aimbot. I gave her a machine gun and a sniper rifle and that worked out okay weapon-wise, although I often found she would not attack enemies, whether she was set to "Attack" or "Cover". She would be carrying around 2 full stacks of rifle ammo and a full clip in her rifle, and just stand there. When she would attack enemies, at least she could get headshots and kill them fairly quickly.

Another brutal bug was the ineffective flamethrower during the second Uroboros boss battle. It seems it doesn't work at higher framerates than 30 fps, which I only googled and found out after failing to do any damage to the boss and running out of ammo, on two separate attempts. I was running the game at 120 fps, at it is an older game and runs fine at that framerate everywhere else. Jokes on me I suppose. I ended up just using the rocket launcher to defeat the boss as I couldn't be bothered to turn the fps down to 30 and defeat it the intended way.

As for the game itself, beyond the shoddy port job? It feels as though Capcom attempted to just make RE4 again, but they failed to achieve any of the things that made RE4 such a masterpiece. The linear, claustrophobic maps of RE5 don't work well with a co-op partner constantly getting in your way, a far cry from RE4's meticulously designed environments. Upgrading your guns is not nearly as fun or satisfying when you can replay levels to your heart's content to rack up money, unlike in RE4 where you need to carefully choose how to allocate your funds. The game's stiff controls work to its detriment, as enemies are fast and often airborne. There are so many one-hit kills in this game, way more than I ever remember RE4 having. The stop-and-pop rhythm of combat feels completely off compared to RE4. The set pieces are not as fun. The bosses are often more annoying than anything, being incredibly spongey. The enemy variety feels lesser, with most of them returning from RE4. I understand this is designed as a co-op experience first and I did not play it that way, but co-op is not going to magically fix the problems with this game. Any game can be fun when playing with the right person, even shitty ones. The controls and gameplay of RE5 are fun, as they are mostly just copied from RE4, but the implementation of them within the design of the game as a whole is lacking.

Beyond the incredibly overt racism and weird white saviour undertones, the story is fun nonsense, very much being classic Resident Evil style. I like how the viruses/parasites followed up on RE4's storyline. Wesker hamming it up is highly enjoyable. Sheva is really neat as a character if you can get over her terrible in-game AI. Josh was a delight and stole every scene he appeared in.

The graphics and animations are actually quite nice for their time, if you can get over the piss filter. The characters are nicely stylized and the environments are so small that they can afford more polygons than wider zones might have afforded.

I also played the included DLC campaigns, Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape. Lost in Nightmares was a nice surprise. It is a short and sweet puzzle-focused affair with minimal combat. It is moody and appeals to RE1 nostalgia. The mansion you explore is similar enough to the original Spencer Mansion that you will notice callbacks to certain rooms and sequences, but it is of course much smaller. Chris and Jill's banter throughout the experience is very charming. I might like this DLC more than the main game. If it was a little longer, with a bigger mansion and some actual zombies shuffling around you could fight, it would be a real winner. Desperate Escape is more of an "extra level" type DLC, with an additional score attack focus. Getting to play as Jill and Josh is cool, but there's not much else there beyond that.

I would not recommend playing solo RE5 to anyone except the most die hard Resident Evil fans who have to experience every mainline game, like myself. If you want to play this game, definitely do so in co-op, and don't play the Steam version, at least not without some nice fan patches.

Le jeu est super fun en co-op (j'ai pas testé en solo, je voulais absolument jouer Sheva). J'appellerai pas ça un jeu d'horreur, l'action et la survie sont mis en avant, ce qui est un peu dommage. Le filtre vert-jaune donne un peu de lourdeur mais peu vite devenir lassant à regarder.

Le jeu est court, mais bien exécuté, et je me suis jamais dit que ça passait trop vite. Rien de trop innovant dans cet opus, qui reste tout de même l'un des plus importants avec sa fin.

Ce qui a ruiné le plus mon expérience de jeu, c'est les contrôles. Ne pas pouvoir bouger lors de la visée, le recul qui est extrêmement lent, a fait perdre du jeu une grosse partie de son dynamisme.

Joguei pouco esse jogo e em poucas plataformas mas é muito divertido.