Reviews from

in the past

Beautiful game with new dynamics and mechanics compared to the previous one, Berry and Claire\'s character,
Fun, beats the first one for me.

Resident Evil: Revelations 2: Irredeemable garbage that should bring deep shame to every single person in the credits. I will live a worse life having experienced and beaten this. It shouldn't be for sale. Anyone giving this a thumbs up in the Steam reviews needs to be banned from the platform before seeking mental help.

The first Revelations game felt like the IP of Resident Evil farted onto a disc: it burned your nostrils but despite being faint, the spirit of the series still lingered there.
Honestly, the Resident Evil franchise really knows how to make you go back and think that last game you did not like wasn't that bad after all. I was lukewarm on Resident Evil 5. After 6, I thought 5 was a masterpiece, comparatively. After Revelations I thought “At least 6 could be fun in a co-op Michael-Bay-movies-while-hammered kind of way?” and after Revelations 2, I wish I played the Raid mode of Revelations more instead.
Are there more bad Resident Evils than good at this point?

What's good, here? Moira's voice actress is good. Her lines are shit, but she still gives it her all and sometimes it bleeds through the awful writing. She said “Fucking statue!” at one point and I actually thought “Damn, girl, what's your name?”
The main menu has a startling jumpscare that I like. It's not great, but I like the look of it.
One time I said out loud “Turn on your fucking flashlight, Barry,” and he did. That made me laugh.
It looks better than the first game (mind you: that was a 3DS port).
The only reason I gave it 1 star instead of 0.5: the dedicated dodge button was a good choice considering the speed of everything.
That's it.

Quite simply, this is not a Resident Evil game outside of a couple names that don't have any impact on you. They can say “Claire Redfield” all they want – I don't care, it's not her. The “zombies” are more like tweakers than living dead, except for the ones who are way too dead as they look like skeletons in clothes and are no challenge to kill.
This feels like cheap junk that you'd find in your Steam library on accident, not realizing it was part of a Humble Bundle you bought several years ago. Why was this made?
It follows the duo style of play except you control both partners. Each duo has an “Eye” and a “Muscle”: Moira and Claire, Natalia and Barry, respectively. The Eye's duty is to find secret gems, ammo, and hidden enemies. The Muscle shoots anything moving that isn't their Eye. It's not too exciting: you will play mainly as the Eye, looking around in corners for shiny points that you then focus on to make an item materialize or perhaps for the hidden symbols that earn you point multipliers at the end of levels. When baddies emerge, you press Tab and swap over to the person who has guns and kill them all. That's it, over and over again. It's a boring loop.
There are puzzles that Homer Simpson wouldn't even need to think about to solve.

The plot is half-assed gibberish. You're on an island, you want off, figure it out. There's a second Wesker named Alex and she's orchestrating some evil nonsense. I don't think you even figure out what, exactly, just that's she's wiping people out to make a virus... probably. She's trying to turn into a bug because she read some Kafka, maybe? I don't know, but don't worry: she's dead, now.
I got the bad ending because I was too quick at pressing the F key during a certain segment. I was supposed to just push Tab, but I didn't even see it because I'm simply too good at video games. What's weird is apparently the whole journey was so Moira could overcome her fear of guns. She shot her sister when she was young and, understandably, doesn't want to touch another one. I would have thought making her use a gun would be the bad ending, then, but apparently I'm an asshole for thinking so; guns are always good and everyone should want to use them all the time to solve every problem, and they're mindbroken and in need of forced-fixing if they think otherwise. Alright, Capcom.

I was going to play the DLCs but I raged out of The Struggle (feels appropriate) and didn't even try the other one or Raid mode. The game is off my computer and back in the nether where it belongs. This piece of shit crashed on me twice when I alt-tabbed, too, very frustrating.
The episodic content was a shitty idea and apparently Capcom added DRM to this thing recently, several years after it came out (as they did the first Revelations). Why? I wouldn't even recommend torrenting this game, it's THAT bad.

Like the first game, I do not recommend Resident Evil: Revelations 2, except I strongly recommend you avoid this one. Some games are just bad for you.

Something about this did not speak to me at all. Couldn't bear to finish it

Joguei ele no lançamento igual maluco
Mas não consigo mais rejogar ele, acho bem chatinho

This era of RE games are less palitable than those before and after. But, it's still an enjoyable romp. I really enjoyed the different perspectives.

ive seen bitches irl that look like revenants

I found this game to be quite fun like the previous Revelations game, however, the game felt like it was made first and then transformed into episodic parts later and this is reflected with the game having some parts cut up awkwardly. Doesn't matter these days as you can buy the whole thing instead of waiting for each and every episode in turn.

I still found it enjoyable, including the return of Barry Burton and his own story that takes place on this island along with the mysterious antagonist on the island too.

Only problem I have is with a certain moment in the story, the ends up being plot critical, where the character scared of firearms is meant to use one to save your life! You get no prompting, but if you don't do this, you get the bad ending!

In all, it's still a fun RE game at the end of the day and I had a lot of fun streaming it online.


The thing about this game is that it's the most unique co op horror experience of all time. Fantastic concept and it's shameful of capcom to not make a sequel or use the unique mechanics this game offers in other titles.

Revelations, a side story to the mainstream resident evil games, start with a 3DS game which was then ported to other consoles. Here, rather confusingly, we have the sequel. It's a sequel in loose terms as it links to the first game, but isn't really a direct continuation of the story, or at least it doesn't feel like it. The game is split into two main story arcs, Clair and Barry's daughter and then Barry and some random kid, with each story split into 4 sections. This intense segmentation of the game is because it was released in small installments, similar to the walking dead or the latest series of hitman. This seems like a strange decision, and I'm really confused as to why they did this, luckily its all available on the disk. The game actually starts off quite nicely. The first segment of the game is a lot of fun. It has coop gameplay throughout and is perfect for couples with a more dominant character doing most of the combat, and a side character helping out with finding hidden objects and distracting enemies. After playing through a level with Claire and Barry's daughter you then get to try a different route on a later timeline with Barry and the random kid. Unfortunately, the level design gradually gets worse, meaing it becomes a real pain to repeat these boring levels again. It's a shame because the game starts off so well, the gradual decline to bore fest is sad to see. The game also includes the excellent mercenaries levels, where most of the fun can be had. You take part in various combat challenges in coop or with friends online, from levels from previous games in the series. This mode is fun, and the call backs to enemies and locations from previous games is a nice touch. Overall the mercenaries section saves this game which ends up leaving you feeling gradually more and more disappointed.

The best AI partner system of any Resident Evil, some creepy enviroments too.

while better then the first game, in terms of gameplay, story and just about everything, this game still lacks something. im not sure what, but it feels like the entire game is latching onto all the old ideas while the new ones feel not executed well enough. playing as moira and nath is boring and no fun, and the game forces you to constantly play as them. The majority of the gameplay feels oddly overused quite quickly, and the game desperately is trying to get you to feel something for the characters as flat as Moira and Nath are. Alex Wesker is criminally underused, she had so much potential just to barely even show on screen. The way you unlock the good ending is really weird too. Im going to play the dlc and I'll see if those are good. Solid enough RE.
Edit: turns out you have to play as Moira and Nath for the dlc and they're both not worth playing. Sucks.

This game is like if someone unfamiliar with Resident Evil played RE 5, heard of RE6 and made a game based on that

so fica bom quando acaba ou joga com um amigo

I'm never playing this dogshit ass game ever again what a drop in quality from Rev 1. The dialogue made me want to shut the game off every time someone made a distasteful pun or some line akin to "you go girl". I couldn't even bring myself to play through the extra Moira segment, who by the way was the character I hated the most. fuck off

A perfectly cromulent third person shooter with some genuinely clever and thoughtful cooperative mechanics, with one of the worst Diablo Cody-ass scripts I've ever heard in my time on this Earth. The game's biggest sin, however, is in locking you into a weirdly cruel bad ending sequence, if and only if you manage to succeed a random quick time event in the middle of the damn game. Bummer! The game is also putting Kafka quotes on-screen constantly and it made me laugh every time. Classic bit.

Jogabilidade mt boa, interessante esses conceito de jogar com 2 personagens, mas a historia é o ponto mais fraco, draminha chatissimo. Se vc conhece os personagens de jogos anteriores vai ficar pasmo com as escolhas deles (maior exemplo a Claire)

L'histoire est vraiment nul et on s'ennuie vite. Et puis pourquoi faire un jeu possible à 2 joueurs quand le gameplay du 2e est d'une inutilité horrible sérieusement la 2e personne ne sert qu'à éclairer avec une lampe torche bref vraiment ce jeu n'a rien pour lui l'histoire est longue , les lieux sont moches est vide on prend vraiment aucun plaisir

Story pacing is to slow and boring, Raid mode is amazing

I enjoyed elements of this game but as a whole it overly medicore.

I was a bit bummed that I got the bad ending but in all honesty the choice that decides it is stupid. What I will praise this game for is that Barry is great, and the atmosphere and design of the enemies and environments are briilantly disturbing which is exactly what Resident Evil should be.

What I don't like about this game mainly is the gameplay. I found the partner mechanic to be tedious and dull. This wasn't helped by how much this game drags. It is way longer than it needs to be and the story isn't interesting enough for it to drag out like it does.

This is a fairly negative review and don't get me wrong, I did enjoy this game at times hence the decent rating. It is just the things I didn't like really frustrated me hence why I mainly talk about them. I see this as a very low 3 as I feel 2.5 would be too harsh. I have the DLC but have no real interest in playing it.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 is, oddly enough, the black sheep in the Resident Evil franchise for me. For the uninformed, Revelations 2 adapted to an episodic release which means the game was separated into 4 episodes originally digital-only. Now that the game has been fully released, there is a complete physical copy. While this is odd, it’s not the weirdest factor of the game. (The previous Revelations game was also an oddity as it was originally an exclusive to the 3DS.)

Personally, I never hear anyone talk about this entry in the great RE franchise. I hear fans give scathing words to spin-offs like Umbrella Corps and Operation Raccoon City, but I haven’t heard much on this title so I decided to check it out for myself.

As I was playing solo, I did not get the opportunity to play the game in co-op. This may change in the future as I believe this game might be meant to played with a partner. Regardless, since I am playing solo, this game reminds me of Resident Evil 0, but definitely with better execution on the partner aspect.

You play as two groups of partners. The first, Claire Redfield and Moira Burton and the second group of partners are Barry Burton and Natalia. Claire and Barry are your main characters. These two hold all the firepower and play as you would expect. However, Moira and Natalia are the support characters with their own special abilities, though very similar. Moira is “on flashlight duty” and she can find hidden items scattered throughout the levels by shining her torch on sparkly areas of the map. She can also blind enemies with said flashlight and also wields a crowbar to bonk the unsuspecting zombie. Natalia is a little different. She can see the auras of the zombies: Yellow auras means the enemy is unaware and red auras means the enemy is aware of the player’s presence. She can also see the sparkly areas meant for hidden items, but doesn’t need a flashlight to find them. Instead, she just kinda points at the items in order for them to spawn in. Lastly, she doesn’t always wield a weapon, but she can find bricks and use them via melee or throw them at enemies.

When you boil it all down, the gameplay goes as follows: You’ll use the support characters in order to find items whenever the area is clear. Whenever you’ve encountered enemies and are about to enter combat, just switch over to the main character to deal with the zombies. Overall, it’s fine, but could use a little more variety.

However, there is another mode within Revelations 2 that is crazy fun for what it is. Raid Mode has you playing as some of your favorite RE characters with fan-service costume available. In Raid Mode, you jump into missions that usually just consist of killing all enemies in the stage as fast as possible while fulfilling certain challenges. This will reward you with XP to level your characters and items you can find to appraise or sell. If you appraise them, they unlock items (guns, gun parts, etc.) that grow stronger. If you sell them, it fuels your pockets in order to buy more stuff to upgrade your characters. This mode has a very entertaining gameplay loop and I can see myself sinking more time into this mode in the future.

Writing and story-wise, it’s all fine. There’s nothing too crazy here to praise as this game does play it safe. I do think the addition of Moira Burton is fantastic and she is easily my favorite character in this game, though my boy Barry is right behind her at 2nd favorite.

This game came out 8 months before Resident Evil 6 and the combat here definitely doesn’t feel as fluid as 6 did. Honestly, this game does feel like more of a budget title than another full-fledged entry in the Resident Evil legacy, which I guess makes sense since it was an episodic game at launch.

Overall, I think this game is fun and is worth picking up since it’s relatively cheap nowadays, but I wouldn’t expect anything life changing. It’s more than likely more enjoyable in co-op, but I can’t attest to that just yet.

actually... kind of good!?!? huh!?

i will say that this game peaks very early, with chapters 1 and 2 by far being my favourite. The final chapter, as well as the dogshit hellspawn godawful bonus chapters, feel pretty rushed and shallow, and the game stops introducing new enemies and mechanics around the halfway point making for a slow descent into repetition and boredom. But it actually has a decent story and good characters, and a really great partner gameplay system which feels like the culmination of all the experimenting they did with 0, 5 and revelations 1 (and probably code veronica idk i haven't played it yet). It also retains the few good ideas from revelations like the weapon upgrade system and the streamlined healing system.
Still, the bioterror arc of resident evil has been my least favourite, and by completely ditching typewriters, inventory management and difficult puzzles the franchise manages some fun action at the cost of so much of what makes these games unique and special and fun. This is a surprisingly good game with strong gameplay and atmosphere but fundamentally it doesn't feel like resident evil.
tl;dr this would be much better game to remake than 5 capcom get on this

This game includes Barry Burton, thats how you know it's good (not very much though)

Jeez, third ressy game in a month. This was easily the best of the three with the most coherent stand alone story. Technically a spin-off, but better than some of the mainline games for sure in both story and gameplay. Has a "buddy" system that is pretty decent in that one partner is like a scouter/item spotter that can do helpful things during combat, but can't actually fire any weapons. The other is a normal gun shooting person, but you can swap between the two characters at any time. Even better is that the support characters are very difficult to kill when you are not controlling them, which is great since they have little combat ability. The game brings back two characters from the series that I definitely thought one of which was already dead. Definitely recommend if you want something like 4, but different.

Better than Revelations 1. But still, not my Resident Evil.