Reviews from

in the past

I very much prefer this version

Abominable. The game is brutally difficult, does a very bad job at explaining the Persona mechanic, has obnoxious and repetitive music, dull graphics, despite an interesting story. The PSP version does fix several issues but is still not that great. The Persona series really starts with episode 3.

I know it's bad but it's a guilty pleasure of mine

"roses are red, zombies are blue, but my face is white, so you know i'm true"

This localization sucks. Play it when the Japanese version gets retranslation


possibly my favorite game of all time, the localization here is a meme so it's not exactly this version that i'm talking about, but everything about this game just comes together for me. it's got the most impeccable atmosphere i've ever seen in any game, and i think it expresses its themes better than any other game in the series, it just sticks in my mind and has done so for the past 2 years straight. and yes i even find the gameplay pretty fun.

it's the one and the only, Record of Another Goddess: Persona.... wish i lived in a world where it was called that and the PS1 version had a decent localization lol

pinche sony cortando cosas en esta version

Horrible translation, janky combat. Weird overworld with massive slowdown. Also the official western release you can only play half the game. Legit half the game is just locked away because they didn't translate it.

Get guns, stack agi and spray

Wazzup mah niggah mark is pretty cool niggah mah homi

Pretty neat game even if the localization is laughably bad. A very average game in hindsight and I don’t think I’ll be thinking about it much in the future but there’s a couple of cool moments and getting to see how this series started is pretty nice.

This game helped me understand my depression, unironically love this game and will defend it but it's perfectly fine if you don't like it. Personally this game for me is peak

This is not the ideal version of 'Persona' you want to play. Track down the PSP version and pray they re-release it like the others some magical day...

This game has a good OST and interesting premise but is unfortunately too dated to actually be enjoyable. Only for diehard fans. I dropped like 20 hours in due to garbage dungeon design and tedious encounter rates with battles that lasted too long for too little exp.

Because there is no separation of the original game and the very racist localization this rating is specifically for the original game alongside the original music, sound and ui which was gutted in PSP.

it has black mark of course its good
Legit tho my favorite persona game, cool ass story and atmosphere and it has yuka ayase

It's a butchering of the original, the changes are not funny, the writing is worse, there's little reason to play this title over the alternatives.

I honestly remember this game being better.

i actually love the aesthetics of the PSX version and the awful american translation ("I wonder if they sell Space Cakes in here?") but even on repeat tries I can't get invested enough in the story or gameplay to finish it. Actually got the bad ending on purpose

Çile gaming ama hikayesi ve karakterler süper

played snow queen on psx. god i love this game, sure it's janky as hell but it's got something special. idk if it's the weird ass atmospheric ost or the frankly amazing graphics and design, but i'm completely sold.

revelations: persona is just so likeable. the sebec translation, while obviously cringeworthy nowadays considering how hard it wanted to be some working designs type localization, doesn't really ruin the game for me. what is a dealbreaker tho is the lack of the snow queen quest, which is an alternate storyline present in the game which for some reason has been left out. it is still in the game disc tho: you can re enable it with some cheatcodes, but none of the dialogue is translated. but trust me when i say there's some cool shit here they removed from the psp version. i love for example that the sqq final boss just screams the spells they're casting. like "MAHAZANDAIN!!! DIARAMA!!! MAHAJIODAIN!!!". it's so cool lol, while in the psp version it's just a boring ass grin.

if you want to play the original game, as the designers intended, i recommend playing the PS1 version with a walkthrough. yes, it's slow, yes the psp remaster has more animation, and yes, it does have some really weird design choices/mistakes corrected in the psp version. but still, the soundtrack is probably my favourite from megaten, and playing this on a PS1 is just magical man. it's no secret that i've had some sort of weird fascination with old, janky, and overly ambitious video games, which is why i'm so drawn to games like koudelka, phantasy star 2, megami tensei 2., or pretty much all from software games prior to demon's souls, but this game man. it's so different than all other rpgs of the era i've played, specially in the artistic design department. also the music is amazing, sometimes it sounds like something out of a modern indie game or something. in a way, revelations: persona is the anti rpg, it does absolutely everything to be annoying (slow ass battles, janky localization, maze-like dungeons, etc) but somehow it manages to charming and emotional, in a way which few games have made me feel. somehow, a lot of it's design is incredibly forward-looking, which is amazing coming from a game dev who was previously making the wizardry-like snes smt games.

in conclusion, i gotta say this game is among my favourites. it just hits something within me, idk what is it, but it completely fullfills my thirst for weird PS1 games. if you can play this on a real psx with a crt, definetly go for it, but don't expect a persona game, it's just not. it's not even like persona 2 or soul hackers, in a way it's a lot more old school, but in others it's a lot more modern.

i can't really say if you'll like this honestly, i think it's more approachable if you grew up with a PS1 or a W98 pc and played games of that era. all the hate for this game kinda reminds me of when i showed a friend from school, who said he loved re4, old resident evil 1 on my psx. he thought it looked horrible, he felt it was clunky, hated the tank controls, and said the music and dialogue were so muffled they were incomprehensible (keep in mind this was in the early ps3 era), and honestly i do understand him. but at the same time, all this jank just resonates with me in a way i can't explain. i'll leave it at that i guess.

persona 1 is so likeable i can see past the objectively bad game