Reviews from

in the past

not as good as the originals, but still a good bunch of fun.

long ago, this review would be a 4.5, but everything changed when the horrible rubberbanding in max tours attacked, other than that it's pretty peak but i'm never truly finishing this game because of it

I might be cheating marking this complete. I’ve just been continuously booting this up to complete a cup here or there and there’s still game left.

This is my first Ridge Racer, and it seems like a series I would’ve loved. There’s a world where I had a PSP and RR2/OutRun and swore off Nintendo consoles as too “kiddy”. Instead, I’ll just come to these greats decades too late and appreciate them for their slick drifting and amazing soundtrack.

peak frutiger aero and y2k art style i want to live in this game

All of Ridge Racer stirred together and served as an addictive digestible. Has all the advantages of a Best Of, but that also means it has no true personality of its own. Looks and handles like a dream. But why is the new car music SO loud?

Honestly my single favorite Ridge Racer; just a massive wealth of content from across the series, a perfected driving model, killer soundtrack, and a perfectly put together single player mode to take you through all of it

this is absolutely my favourite racing game of all time
- controls are literally picture perfect, not a single issue at ALL
- enough content to keep anyone entertained at least a few hours
- don't even get me started on how good the soundtrack is
- honestly for a 2006 psp game it actually looks pretty great

i love this game so much bro

Smooth af. Lots of cars and fun, diverse tracks. Excellent music, go listen to Night Stream!

muito bom ficar driftando a 200km por hora ao som de disco ball

crazy how the psp entry happens to be the most definitive and endlessly replayable one. also visually stunning not just “for a psp game” but even compared 5 and 4. soundtrack is mostly just an amalgamation of hits from the last few but the new ones also rock.


Ridge Racer feels weird if you try to play it like a true arcade racer. It’s more of a “precision arcade racer” where you have to plan and build your own sense of speed and flow. You can’t really whip across courses flailing an analog stick; it’s best to rely on subtle d-pad inputs and methodical balancing of each drift.
This is a wonderful edition; a compilation of the legendary PS1 courses with widescreen and a great feel.

Lightning in a bottle, I can pick up this game and play it forever. Fucked up it’s an EU only release.

Take every Ridge Racer game from the start to about 2006 and mesh it together with not only wonderful visual flair but a love for each source and you get this game.

An unabashed love letter and compilation of the best the series has to offer with clean visuals, wonderful UI work, a banging soundtrack, and some of the best racing controls I've felt in my life.

Really the downside with this game is you're going to be racing on the same set of tracks a lot and the only variants available are mirrored versions of the same tracks. So the main tour mode with set track racing does tend to overstay its welcome.

However, outside that quirk, this entire game is a joy and a half for any Ridge Racer fan and a fantastic entry point for anyone wanting to get into the series and need a good idea of what it has to offer.

How familiar are people with Ridge Racer? I'm still a little peeved about how thoroughly the internet mocked Kaz Hirai for his enthusiasm in 2006. I've seen a lot of people discovering Type 4 in the last decade, and it's been very gratifying to see the newfound appreciation for it, but that's not all Ridge Racer is. After 5, the series took a dramatic turn - A big magnetic drift. They adopted nitro boosts and dumbed themselves down quite considerably. I don't think it's something to resent. It's became more of the wild arcade racer that many thought they were getting when they first heard about the games, and I enjoy it too. I just think it's worth clarifying that the bulk of the series is fairly distinct from the one that's in vogue at the moment.

Ridge Racer 2 (or Ridge Racer*s* 2, as it's titled, slightly more helpfully, in Japan) is something of a soft compilation. Every PS1 Ridge Racer track appears here, alongside a couple from the arcade-only Rave Racer. Like Mario Kart's retro cups, they've all been pulled into the new style of ridge racing. Think of it like a Tekken Tag Tournament or Mortal Kombat Trilogy, but for stylish Namco racers. After spending months tied to PS+'s ludicrously expensive Premium tier, Namco have finally opted to make their retro downloads available as individual purchases on PS4 and 5. Go check. You've probably got a freebie or two if you were excited about this stuff back on the PS3. The PSP emulation comes with some presentational quirks, and you're forced into a smoothing filter that diminishes the 2D assets, but the thought of Bandai Namco executives seeing new income from Ridge Racer enthusiasts should allay any frustration caused by blurry Tower of Druaga logos.

Where with Ridge Racer 1 (the actual one, not the thing they called the first PSP one) it's debatable whether or not you actually want to drift, drifting is the very core of New Ridge Racer. Do a drift and it builds your nitro boost meter. You can put up to three nitro boosts in reserve before you determine when's the best time to use them. Simple courses with long straight sections make boosting a bit of a no-brainer, but narrow, windy tracks are constantly building your meter, and push you to boost in some risky moments. You rarely feel too out of control in New Ridge Racer, as there's always a bit of guiding hand making sure you don't fall too far off the main racing line. Again, it's dumbed down, but that's justified by how quick and complicated the races can get.

Something that may deter fans of the older games is that the newer ones are huge. There was a time when a game consisted of one or two tracks, and the ability to play Time Trials were the big bonus. Before writing this, I completed 48 cups, varying in length from 2 to 5 races each. And those early ones were very slow and easy. It takes dozens of hours before you get to see how fast and exciting the game can be. It's a serious time investment, and I wouldn't blame you at all for turning to the instant action of the PS1 titles instead.

48 cups might sound like a lot of content. That's really stretching it. There's a lot of variants of the same tracks throughout. Some open up a slightly different route. Half of them are just the same tracks played in reverse. Most of them are just the same races played at different speed classes. A lot of cups feature a line of variants of a single track over and over again. It gets samey and repetitive. The game starts to wash over you.

A lot of this can be understood when you remember that this is a PSP game, back when they thought handheld games had to be different from home console ones. The idea of just making proper games and offering a power-efficient sleep mode hadn't quite caught on yet. Ridge Racer 2 was designed for commuters, in a pre-smartphone world. It's supposed to be the bit of Ridge Racer you play to kill time, slowly chipping away at it until you finally get the grand reward of some compressed PS1 intros in a gallery. The difficulty curve is very gentle, never threatening to make you sweat. It's still fun. Just tame. It's not a criticism I'd level at Ridge Racer 6 or 7. After many hours of introductory races, those games eventually become thrilling. Here, even the post-game content that's too hard for me is just kind of plain.

It serves a different purpose from the Ridge Racer games that people are passionate about. And as an £8 app on your PS5 home screen, it serves that purpose pretty well. It's a big slab of Ridge Racer for whenever you want to play that. Unlike Type 4, you're not locked into little stories, worrying about which placement you need to unlock the right cars. Unlike the first couple games, you're not getting exactly the same 20 minute experience every time you turn it on. This is a more practical option. There's even a "Custom Tour" mode that creates a cup for you based on how much time you have to play. If you're a series fan, there's good reason to pick it up. It doesn't have the unique quirks or atmosphere of those earlier titles, and it feels purposefully genericised, but that's fine. Big tub o' Ridge Racer you got from the wholesalers. Eight quid. Bargain.

Finally. A good Ridge Racer after 4. Heard 6 was good, 7 is p fun from what I've played. So ig that makes me a Ridge Zoomer.

I played this on ps5 emulation, and its up there as one of my favourite racing games of all time.

I originally only ever played this as a demo from the PlayStation store on the psp, and coming back to the full game is just fun, I wish they added trophies to the ps5 version though.

lacks it's own identity compared to first five entries sadly but makes up for being a really solid greatest hits collection of past courses, and even has a great pick of old soundtracks, I prefer the older pre-nitro era but this is fun as hell in it's own right too, also it p much replaces the first PSP game, same content just more of it

The best modern ridge racer game IMO. Has every course from the previous games, a soundtrack that goes HARD with both great new songs, incredible remixes of older songs, and original songs straight out of previous games. Should probably have been called ridge racer plus or something instead of 2 because this is really more of an expansion over the previous game rather than a sequel. This does pretty much invalidate any reason of playing the first one so just play this instead and enjoy the banger game that this is.

O melhor jogo de corrida do PSP com muito conteúdo, gameplay viciante, visuais lindíssimos no portátil e com uma trilha sonora sensacional. É um jogo que não tem igual no mercado, jogue imediatamente pois ele está disponível na assinatura da PS Plus Deluxe e fica lindo no PS4 e PS5!

Ridge Racer 2 es un repaso de todas las entregas anteriores de toda la saga, incluyendo gran parte de los circuitos presentes en todos ellos, así como varias de sus bandas sonoras además de las nuevas canciones que ofrece éste.

Su jugabilidad es bastante similar a todo lo visto a estas alturas, pero ahora la maniobrabilidad de los vehículos es mucho más suave y responsiva, y esto se nota especialmente en los derrapes, los cuales anteriormente utilizábamos en algunas curvas para tomarlas mejor y podía ocurrir que se cortaran de manera brusca, pero aquí ya no. Esto se debe también a un mayor enfoque en que hagamos un uso constante de esta mecánica, que ha ganado también en profundidad porque a través de ella podemos rellenar hasta tres medidores de óxido nitroso que nos darán mayor velocidad de manera temporal, y que nos llevará a plantearnos en qué momentos derraparemos para rellenarlos y cómo los gestionaremos durante las carreras, pensando también si merece más la pena reservarlos para después utilizar varios seguidos o utilizar uno solo en algún tramo específico. El minimapa también cobra mayor presencia en las carreras, pues en ocasiones es conveniente ir mirándolo para saber cuándo se aproximan tramos adecuados para utilizar un nitroso.

El juego puede repetir muchos de sus circuitos al haber una gran cantidad de giras (56 nada más y nada menos, siendo las primeras 24 las únicas necesarias para terminar el juego), pero el hecho de que vaya en aumento el tipo de coches a conducir (de 1 a 6 tipos) reescribe el cómo nos desplazaremos a través de ellos, y se nota sobre todo cuando llegamos a las giras EX, en las que se van alternando de una a otra los tipos de los coches a controlar.

Si hay algo negativo que decir de ésta entrega es que la dificultad no está bien ajustada. Resulta extraño que a medida que manejamos vehículos más rápidos el juego va siendo cada vez más fácil, de manera que si por ejemplo manejamos una máquina de tipo 6 tenemos la posibilidad de acabar en primera posición antes de haber terminado la primera vuelta de una carrera, y por tanto el resto de ella deja de ser emocionante al no tener a nadie más a quien adelantar ni hay tensión de que los rivales nos puedan alcanzar. Sin embargo, cuando llegamos a las Giras Max, el juego se vuelve increíblemente difícil, pues están formadas por competiciones en las que te enfrentas únicamente a otros 3 vehículos, pero son altamente veloces y no tendrán piedad. En este tipo de giras verdaderamente sí que se siente una tensión constante en las carreras, y el más mínimo error te puede costar perderlas.

En definitiva éste es uno de los mejores juegos de la saga Ridge Racer. Nos permite participar en carreras frenéticas llenas de derrapes y saltos exagerados, además de que gracias a su maniobrabilidad más pulida que en entregas pasadas y mecánicas nuevas sus circuitos son más placenteros de recorrer.

I tried booting both games back to back as an experiment, was impressed by the extent this is a 1 for 1 exact carbon copy of the first game with some extra cups surgically inserted into it that make use of the extra tracks. But since most of the missing tracks were from Ridge Racer Type 4, all this game is really good for is reminding you that Ridge Racer Type 4 exists. Sigh.