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in the past

This one might be a new favorite for me! It's basically a Tony Hawk style arcade skating game with guns and Max Payne bullet time attached to it

The game seems initially pretty simple with a fairly forgiving auto-aim, but it ramps up in complexity as the campaign goes on. More high skill ceiling weapons get added to your arsenal and by the time i was half way through the game I was pulling off some pretty cool tricks.

The game does suffer a bit with its boss fight(s) since its basically just one big enemy with a very obvious weakspot that you hit a few times like a Mario boss. They aren't bad fights but I don't personally think they add much to the game.

Would love to see this team explore a sequel

Tony Hawk with guns. Rollerdrome is a unique title, and I am so glad it exists. While a lot of triple A studios strive for modern gaming perfection through 100GB games and live service elements, a lot of indie studios have been crushing it. Rollerdrome reminds me of Hi-Fi Rush in the sense that it returns to that nostalgic point of the 2000s where games didn't try to make sense, they just tried to be fun. It is my absolute overall favorite era of gaming for that reason, and I love seeing love letters sent in the form of these newer games.

The gameplay loop of Rollerdrome is unique. Bullet time roller skating is super cool, and whoever pitched the idea needs a raise. The tutorial is quick and simple, and it feels like there are so many mechanics all at once, but they all flow seamlessly into each other.

That being said, the biggest thing that actually STOPPED ME from playing the game any further...seeing that you have to complete challenges to unlock later levels. Personally, not a fan. I am not a completionist. Will never be. I love that it is always an optional thing in games. Forcing your players into doing these challenges during fast-paced levels is a slog, and the levels, while super fun, do grow repetitive very fast.

By the time of the Quarter Finals I could see where this was going. Not that it's bad by any means. Just that the game grows very repetitive very fast. But hey, in a way it does reminds me of a more arcade-style game from the 2000s, like I said before. Does roller skating with guns make sense? No. Is it badass?! Hell yes!

I give Rollerdrome a 7!

an impossibly-solid foundation for what i can only hope is an absolutely stunning follow-up down the road. Rollerdrome's gameplay is its strongest asset by a landslide, and even that's underselling it. fluid, fast, and easy to learn with a skill ceiling that feels infinite, its mechanics are as simple, straightforward, and easy-to-pick-up as possible. everyone's already called this Tony Hawk's Pro Shooter, but i'd more closely compare it to the fluidity of Skate 3 combined with the visceral excitement of Doom 2016. it's a game built around getting you into a "flow state", and then doing anything it can to rattle you out of it.

despite all this praise, anything that isn't the gameplay feels woefully half-baked. the music and stages are interesting, but ultimately repetitive and blend together (not helped by the game only having eleven unique stages, all of which are variations on four basic concepts). the worldbuilding also feels somewhat flat, with the narrative segments before each leg of the tournament feeling tacked-on and ultimately hollow, constantly hinting at a wider, more interesting universe we never see enough of. the second campaign (a New Game Plus mode titled "Out For Blood"), stage challenges, and leaderboards all offer a decent amount of replayability, but most of your time with Rollerdrome will be spent practicing combos and tricks until you get them right. absolutely no unlockables is a let-down, too-- a game like this would benefit greatly from something as simple as unlocking a new helmet or jumpsuit color each time you complete every challenge on a stage.

ultimately, Rollerdrome feels like a lukewarm first entry that'll immediately be overshadowed and rendered redundant by a follow-up that improves upon it tenfold; a Portal or Left 4 Dead waiting patiently to be rendered nothing more than a pack-in bonus for its leaner, meaner younger sibling. but until Rollerdrome 2 comes out, this game is absolutely worth the dozen-or-so hours it'll take you.

An unexpected good gem. Similar to My friend is Pedro, so if you did like that one - you'll enjoy this one even more

Fun, stylish game with a neat hook and just enough room for experimentation to justify its runtime. After beating the main game, I turned all the cheats on to mess around in hard mode and clean up the remaining trophies. Surprisingly that was way more fun than playing the game legit. Having invincibility and unlimited ammo on, gave me the freedom to actually do what I had been trying to do in the base game. Music and story were also kinda cool but mostly half baked - wish there was a little more put into both.

What if Tony Hawk was on rollerskates and had guns? Well, you've got Rollerdrome. The vibes? Immaculate. Great game.

"Roller Drome" é um jogo eletrônico que se passa em um futuro distópico, onde megacorporações controlam tudo. O jogo coloca os jogadores no papel de Kara Hassan, que está em busca de ser a campeã do campeonato de roller drome
O jogo é bastante divertido, com mecânicas de tiro e manobras de patins bem legais, tem uma arte única e difere de alguns jogos do mesmo estilo, porem alguns comando podem ser difíceis de fazer, não sei se foi por conta da programação do jogo ou se eu sou ruim mesmo.
Conclui a historia principal em 2 dias e fiz todos os troféus de gameplay e da historia, mas não irei platinar , pq a platina desse jogo envolve um pouco de tempo e outra rejogada no modo mais difícil do jogo.
Depois de algumas horas, o jogo fica muito repetitivo e com pouquíssima variedade de inimigos, existe apenas um boss que é uma espécie de aranha robô gigante, que repete duas vezes.
o jogo é bonzinho, recomendo testarem

This was really fun for the first two hours but falls off pretty quickly after that. The new weapons they give you and new arenas they introduce aren't different or interesting enough to keep the gameplay engaging. It ended right when I was getting really bored though, so the short length saves it.

For a indie game with a development team of 44 members, they cooked lmao. The combat is fluid and easy to learn but hard to master, the ost is every cyberpunk fans wet dream, and the story albeit a little confusing at times, still makes what you’re doing seem impactful and rewards you by going out of your way to search for it. Hopefully a sequel or another game comes out but only time will tell. 7/10.

i enjoyed my time with rollerdrome but found it lacking. i loved its art style, its unique and visually rich, truly something to write home about, but in its gameplay i think there could be some improvements. The game is both a shooter and an arcade "skater" and tries to mix both of those styles, but it ends up lacking the complexity and freedom of a tony hawk game and misses the mark on the satisfaction of the kills you d find in a Max Payne game. It ends up being this weird in between product which could have been great. To improve the gameplay loop i would make tricks have a bigger impact on combos, not to just use them for ammunition, because the lack of special moves and the weird inputs do not encourage experimenting and developing better trick lines so the player ends up using the same tricks over and over again just as a means to get ammo, in tony hawk you have manuals and special moves made to keep combos moving, this is an element that lacks in rollerdrome and would highly benefit the gameplay loop.

A not-too-distant-future, dystopian death sport heavily influenced by films like Rollerball and The Running Man.

Rollerdrome has an awesome 70s/80s future vibe to it complete with a synth-heavy soundtrack that oozes cool. I'm hesitant to use such a reductive statement, but in basic terms the game plays like Tony Hawk with guns. The way Kara (who you play as) moves around the arenas, up halfpipes and along rails is exactly like the Neversoft classics, but there are enough modifications and additions to the gameplay to give Rollerdrome its own identity.

Rollerdrome's core loop has you eliminating a set amount of enemies from an arena with your guns as you skate around performing tricks in order to reload. As you can imagine, there are several enemy types each with their own attacks you need to learn how to avoid and weaknesses to exploit. There are a handful of guns at your disposal (these unlock as you progress through the game) with different properties that work better/worse against the various enemies. Rollerdrome isn't exactly rewriting the rulebook, but it's certainly putting its own stamp on it.

There is a loose narrative you can choose to explore or ignore but doing so certainly adds weight to your actions in the game. Essentially, Rollerdrome is the world's most popular sport, you play as a rookie and work your way through the preliminaries to the grand finals while dystopian corruption happens around you. The game inserts first-person sections between levels every now and again allowing you to explore backstage of the arenas or in-transit to your next match that provide objects to interact with and absorb the lore.

I had a great time with Rollerdrome and now I've completed the main chunk of levels I fully intend to go back and complete the additional challenges I couldn't quite get on my first time through. It won't take you long to finish but these additional challenges plus an extra hard mode that unlocks on after the credits will keep completionists/masochists busy for a while.

Fun for a sec but wildly one-dimensional, would serve better as a minigame in some other actual game. Glad I didn't actually pay for it.

Really good. Could be a little longer or with a bigger variety in the tracks

tony hawk if he was armed to the teeth and wore rollerskates

tá maluco, esse aqui é jogão demais 😮‍💨

really fun game but its best experienced with a controler which i didnt have

O que falar dessa pedrada....
O jogo é bem interessante, a proposta até que é boa. Mas chega uma hora que é enjoativo, independemente se você joga no modo de acessibilidade habilitada ou desabilitada, o jogo consegue te enjoar. Por mais que sua platina seja consideravelmente rápida, é enjoativo.
O jogo possui gráficos ok, história é bem cocô.

Sua platina é tranquila, recomendo jogar no modo de acessibilidade habilitada para uma platina mais rapido e facil (com a acessibilidade no off, pode chegar a 60 horas facil)

arena shooter com tony hawk, absolutamente incrivel, infelizmente curto

Thought the gameplay was fun enough but it wasn't really blowing me away. Really dislike the way you unlock levels in this game though. Having to go back and do random challenges is not all that fun. Would have loved to just been able to go through all the levels in order one by one.

This game was a blast to play through. Once you begin to master the movement and can flow between performing tricks, zooming around the arena, and shooting enemies, the combat is second to none. With how the slow motion time and lock-on system work, you barely have to aim your weapons as long as you are close enough to the enemy. This makes movement much more important than any sort of mechanical aiming ability. I think that this is an excellent thing for an arena based rollerskating shooter to focus on as it keeps the frenzied pace constant without having to stop your movement for long to aim at enemies.

The decision to have ammo refill by performing tricks was also fantastic. This encourages you to constantly stay on the move and perform tricks in between killing enemies. Once you get into the flow of doing this it feels so damn satisfying. I think without the need to do tricks there would be a monotony to simply moving around the arena shooting enemies. The tricks also just look cool, so I'm glad you're encouraged to do them for a reason beyond just a score. Some of the tricks are a little bit too good at refilling your ammo which is a shame as it kind of discourages doing other tricks once you discover the ones that are easy and refill ammo quickly (basically any sort of grind).

One of my main complaints is the lack of variety in this game. I really just wish that the arenas were more obviously different from each other. Maybe more enemy types would have helped with this as well. A lot of the arenas just feel very similar in terms of their settings and layouts. The challenges that you need to complete in order to progress to the next stage of arenas I actually found quite fun to complete, however, it is a sort of boring thing to lock content behind. Additionally I wish that the boss fights were a bit more creative as both boss fights are very similar and there's not a lot to them. It's a shame as I think that with the mechanics behind Rollerdrome, there could have been some insanely cool boss fights.

Regardless of some shortcomings I think that this is an amazing game that is just pure fun to play. I called it quits after finishing all the arenas but I can see myself going back to unlock challenges and/or play through the hard versions of each arena that you unlock after beating the game. Would 100% recommend this game!!

As a side note, I really love how charming the art style is in this game, it looks great.

this is one of the most badass third person shooters of all time. the context for why youre doing cool shit is so weak that its simply barred from being an easy recommend but the mechanics at play are so fucking cool. thrilling from minute 1 to minute 58 or however short this game is

I'm sure everyone calls this game Tony Hawk with guns but that's exactly what it is.

Maybe dystopian future Running Man + Tony Hawk is a little better? Either way, you roller skate around and shoot stuff, doing tricks to magically reload your guns, as a part of some sort of fight to the death tournament. The game is heavily stylized as a 1970's cartoon with the Atari font everywhere. There is a subtle story of a revolution happening outside the tournament that I would have liked to explore a bit, but the game focused on winning the championship and keeping politics out of sports just like all the oppressors desire.... Anyways, it looks wonderful. It sounds great. It plays... fine.

It took me a big chunk of playtime to get used to the controls. As a long-time THPS player, I kept using button combos from that game and being a little miffed when the character didn't do what I wanted. Adding in aiming and shooting made focusing on tricks tougher and playing the game, overall, felt more difficult than it needed to be. That is, until the Semi-finals when I gave up on trying to progress without assists. Turned on invincibility and no challenges needed to progress and I found the gameplay way more enjoyable! In other words, just managing the controls was enough of a challenge for me to have fun with this game. Got my championship trophy and feel fine having cheated my way to the top.


Review from

Cool concept at first but didn’t interest me for too long.

Overrated, no story no lore just shot 100 guys and do tricks to reload. And that is not enough to progress but it forces you to do each level in a specific way(challenges) if you don't do x amount of challenges you can't progress. Very disappointed. Ever for a free ps+ game It sucks.

É um jogo curto, tem um estilo visual até que bonito e uma OST que eu esperava que fosse mais memorável considerando as suas inspirações. Por falar nelas, o jogo até que mistura bem os elementos de Tony Hawk's Pro Skater e Max Payne, as primeiras fases dele ficam divertidas de se jogar quando você consegue manjar na jogabilidade, porém as coisas começam ficar frustrantes no decorrer do game quando o jogo começa a introduzir certos inimigos que são chatos de se livrar e pior ainda quando ele começa entupir a área de inimigos desse tipo nas últimas fases.

A pretty average game that outstays it’s welcome due to mind-numbingly boring challenges that are needed to progress the story for some stupid reason.

When this game is good, youre flowing well, tying together tricks, momentum and shots. Most of the time, though, you’re battling the sloppy physics and overwhelming visual design (the enemies bend in with the background). Not to mention, the enemies are not fun to play against. By level two, they already resorted to enemies where you have to wait for their shield to go down to shoot them. Waiting isnt fun.

I first booted this game up today after looking at it in the store thinking "this looks fun" but not purchasing it for like months. I finally got to give it a chance after it became free on playstation plus. I can say that this game is very fun, after playing the first two levels