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in the past

An awesome fusion of the skate-based tricks and movement of Tony Hawk and the constant push-and-pull gunplay of Doom Eternal. While Rollerdrome never pushes the limits of either of its inspirations, the combination of strong enemy design, uniquely useful weapons, and movement-based mechanics, ensure that Rollerdrome is a constant rush of adrenaline to play.

Its biggest fault is the sometimes annoying challenges that gate progression to the next set of levels, which range from either tedious and uninventive to just frustrating to pull off. Still, the challenges do a decent job of forcing you to engage with the true depth of the gameplay, enough to get you over that learning curve that can make Rollerdrome initially feel a bit frustrating to enage with. Once you're over that hump though, the game becomes this constant rush as you weave between enemy attacks, pick your targets, plan your route, and keep up your combo.

Rollerdrome is an awesome concept on papaer, and once you learn how to manage the game's mechanics, you're in for a wild ride.

Im so mad I wasnt there for you when you were new...

I love this game, bitch.

Rollerdrome is a 3d rollerskating 3rd person shooter and this is such a specific genre combination that i feel like coulda gone wrong so hard but they nailed it. I love the cel shaded style, there's pretty light story happening in the background of this yearly dystopian championship sport, and everything is so satisfying to pull off. If you're like me and you're familiar with Tony Hawk Pro Skater or THUG then youre gonna get a nice taste for whats cooking with this quick
It's refreshing playing a game centering on skating after playing one that had it more as a side activity/traversal option

Thoughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Rollerdrome is NOT really like Tony Hawk! You're up and shooting robot dudes that are practically always breathing down your neck if able, snipers and tanks and guys with mines will be constantly flung at youuuu and you better respect that shit especially when youre watching your health.
In a way I guess you could say this comes together more as a 'character action game' than it does somethin like a regular third person shooter game or a sport game. Pullin off stylish 900 degree Coffins, prowler grinds and mambas- they pretty much got you covered with every possible combination.

You have a nice arsenal of weapons to make use of too! I think my favorite will always be the grenade launcher because of how much distance you get with managing the arc, goes crazy
the dual pistols still have their uses but honestly apart from a couple moments beyond the starting levels, i found them dwindling fuuuurther and further out of the spotlight and the Z-11 and Shotgun were the most reliable ones to fallback on

the Z-11 itself never really felt like I MASTERED that shit though, it was fun but i feel like i still didnt really have it all on lock! yk! But thats one of the best parts about this game, progression is tied to you finishing the levels but u aint going no where if u cant also fulfill an objectives quota. Youll be circling back to earlier levels, and this SOUNDS tedious yea

but i actually liked this because this game already has a handful of similar Looks for each lvl anyways, and youre gonna wanna test your skills and read up on that Tricktionary and will some shit cause you cannot be mindless in this game.

Infact i think this game is one of the best ive ever seen in regards to seamlessly mixing complete chaos and also you doin tricks and dodges in the air and flips to keep that combo no matter what's hurdling at you. It also does that type of acceleration where its stacking n not something where you gotta hold forward to keep yourself skating forward. This rules but if you lose your mental rhythm on whats going on, you can absolutely spiral outta control and fly head first into complete nuclear arms shit popping off LMFAO

There's also a thing where if youre pressed to a wall you can bounce off of it but it feels so awkward like the wall is just dejecting your model in the mirrored shot you came at it from, but otherwise there wasnt much in the way for clunkiness
The super reflex time shit is really what brings it all together too oh my godddd, for repositioning or getting multiple shots off and watching 'em all fall, its sick. Every time you think youre done the loop gets you back in it again cause you Know you can do better you Know those highscores aint worth shit when you master shit, its HARD but very rewarding

some side notes

my heart sank when i saw how low the player rates for the xbox trophies were for this game </3 when i got halfway in the game it was basically saying less than half of all ppl tht played it on xbox even made it there
and a whole like 3% even actually finished the game fully
Aint that SAD? i know this game dropped on other consoles including PC but, jesus

on a lighter note i saw a really funny bug where i was going real fast up and when i was coming back down i was mid trick and going into the voidddd buuuuuuuuuuuuut... i didn really.. go out into the void and respawn.. i just glitched through the stage and the enemies were trying their hardest to kill me but couldnt do it LMFAO and they tried their asses off, the tanks even getting some cheap shots in on me. I was trying to do a highscore objective challenge too and I totally did it EVEN W I T H the par time penalty and losing time from that little hiccup which was pretty cool

but yeah its a game that has a structuring and cel shaded look that i just drool over, it kindof gives me graphic novel vibes if anything, and the story isnt rlly why you play this but just something neat to chew on a little in thought while youre doing these levels. It honestly FEELS like a game that didnt even come out in this console generation, like in thought process for somethin like this it seems like smthin thatd get executed in the ps3/xbox/wii era or late ps2/gamecube/xbox era of things. And i mean that in a compliment in the same way as me sayin that with Hi-Fi-Rush. though the two are incomparable in nearly every way

so yea thats all i got, play it on gamepass if you got it or hop on steam to do it(between you and me, i think the game is fine on controller when you crank the sensitivity up.. but its most def a lot easier to sink your head in with a mouse to look around with i bet. thats how ive always been with shooters though).

also there's like two bosses.. and i dont really think theyre show stealers here LMAO like not a selling point, liked them but really funny how theres only two and they kinda flow the same for the main campaign
Kara Hassan, youll always be famous to me <3...

I’m struggling to come up with better words to describe Rollerdrome other than it’s super cool and downright fun to play. It’s not a perfect game by any means but if I was to take anything away from the experience that would be it.

This game absolutely oozes style, from the cell shaded aesthetic to the incredible sound design, Rollerdrome is really knocking it out of the park when it comes to presentation.

The gameplay isn’t fair behind either. Presumably someone at Roll7 dared asked the question: what if Tony hawk with guns? And I would have never have imagined the game they answered with would work this well. The ‘boomer shooter’ esc combat tied together with Max Payne like slow mo, all on Rollerblades with tricks replenishing your ammo sounds bonkers but it works flawlessly and surprisingly well, making for some extremely fun combat.

There is a downside however, and I think it comes down to the games length and it’s difficulty spikes. After the first few levels, Rollerdrome gets damn hard. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing due to the short length of the game, you don’t want to breeze on through a 4 hour game after all. However I do think if the game was a little longer and had another set of mid difficulty levels it would undoubtedly make the game more appealing and let you have more fun with its combat. There is an even harder mode after you finish the story too called ‘Out for Blood’, I thought the main game got hard but that mode is something else and as much as I wanted to keep playing the game, it just got too hard for me past that point. You can replay levels to complete Tony Hawk like challenges but there really isn’t that much replay-ability.

Overall, it may have been short, but I really did enjoy my time with Rollerdrome. There are loads of ideas I and I’m sure the team at Roll7 can think of for a sequel and I hope and look forward to those ideas seeing the light of day. I hope they give me an excuse to strap the rollerblades back on.

Pensei que seria melhor neste jogo, pois minha infância inteira foi permeada por Antônio Gavião: Skatista Profissional. Entretanto, penei muito nesse jogo, em especial das semis em diante.

De toda forma, Rollerdrome é um jogo legal, tem identidade visual, gameplay bem polida e história passável. Minhas maiores críticas advêm da curva de dificuldade a partir das semis e dos desafios/coletáveis serem necessários para progredir na história.

[~1hr in]
YES. 1000% YES. This is fun as hell! I already loved the art style because it reminded me of Sable. The gameplay is like Tony Hawk's with guns! What is not to love?! I am totally here for this! Let's goooo!

[~5hrs in]
This game continues to keep me fully engaged and immersed. The feeling of synchronised pandemonium, delectable chaos, a symphony of carnage! I'm over here in poetic slow motion, flying majestically through the air halfway through pulling off a flawless 1080° Coffin Grab, whilst casually firing a multitude of perfectly aimed headshots like I'm in VATS off Fallout, unleashing entire clips that scream across the arena in all directions, taking down several enemies before I drop smoothly back into the halfpipe and catapult out at regular speed, just in time to see bodies drop all around me. Satisfying AF!

[~14hrs - END]
Platinum earned. Fun game aside from getting the 2500pt trick Challenge which was frustrating as it kept failing to register the Trick Token.

really fun when you get super into it but i started running out of steam when you gotta do the full run combos lmao

I technically didn't finish the final level but my PS Plus ran out and you don't rule me Backloggd!

Rollerdrome pulls back its systems and complexity to instead focus on movement and fluidity. The quarter pipes are your canvas to shoot the shit out of your enemies in increasingly badass ways in increasingly efficient runs. Rollerdrome sacrifices variety to instead put together a highly distilled and intentional experience where each level becomes an expression of the player's speed and pathing. The emphasis on constantly funneling the player back into the action by surrounding the maps in half pipes forces them to strategize around how to kill as many House Players as possible while maximizing ammo regeneration and their combo. By letting the game take over in aiming and movement, the player's priority then becomes planning and execution. There is a learning curve to this lack of control, but it rewards the player for experimenting and giving every challenge a solid attempt.

On a narrative level, this game is pretty light, but succeeds in creating a story that ultimately serves as solid context for why this sport exists. The lore reasoning for why things like ammo regenerate while doing tricks or who the House Players are serves to tie the whole package together. Despite this lack of emphasis, the developers at Roll7 smartly chose to make the story scraps serve an in-game purpose. Furthermore, the visual direction borrows the best part of 1970s sci-fi design language: contrast. Everything is perfectly readable and clear without resorting to a bloated interface or obvious signposting. Rollerdrome's strongest factor in visuals and narrative is how every color choice, readable document and narrative element serve a purpose. Rollerdrome puts all of its emphasis on gameplay without sacrificing cohesion or clarity.

Que grata surpresa. Sabe quando dizem que um jogo tem estilo mas não tem substância?

Aqui o estilo se transforma em substância. Muito gostoso.

Tão viciante quanto Hi Fi Rush

É uma ideia fantástica executada com uma identidade bem única, mas a junção dos seus dois gêneros podia ser melhor implementada e resulta em um gameplay loop simplório que eu não tive muita vontade de me aprofundar. Um exemplo: cada nível apresenta vários desafiozinhos que ditam a progressão do jogo - uma herança dos Tony Hawks, onde (até onde eu lembro) também eram necessários para progredir no jogo. A diferença aqui é que esses desafios de fazer manobras e truques bacanudos se encaixam perfeiramente em Tony Hawk (jogos sobre fazer manobras e truques bacanudos) e não em Rollerdrome (jogo onde os truques bacanudos são uma ferramenta para recarregar munição e o objetivo principal é matar carinhas) então acabam parecendo mais encheção de linguiça do que era pra ser.

Apesar disso eu diria que vale a pena tentar se a premissa te interessa, pra mim o seu ponto mais forte foi jogar pelo ranking - Rollerdrome recompensa não só pensamento rápido mas também planejamento de rotas e posicionamento de inimigos, e é muito gratificante você botar em prática seu flowchartzinho em cada nível e receber um S rank no final.

Não diria que existe muita experimentação em seu combate, mas é legal descobrir e otimizar as melhores maneiras para lidar com os inimigos mais chatinhos (Depois que você descobre que o tiro de sniper carregado dá 1-hit kill no lek do raio lazer o jogo fica bem mais doido). Além disso, também não senti que o kit de armas proporciona muita experimentação ou criatividade vinda do jogador, as 4 armas tem usos distintos e limitados se comparar com armas de outros character actions. Isso combinado com o comportamento unidimensional dos inimigos e o foco em recompensar trajetos bem planejados deixa claro porque não existe um modo sem fim estilo Cybergrind aqui, mas po se a gente tá falando de outros modos de jogo faltou um level editor igual nos Tony Hawk hein... just saying... it would go hard...

A gameplay é primorosa e divertida. O que deixa a desejar no jogo é a estrutura da campanha te obrigando a cumprir desafios para continuar

Simplesmente uma merda. Esse é o clássico caso do estúdio "indie" que pensou "nossa, já pensou que épico que seria se juntássemos X com Y em um jogo?". Só que Rolledrome é só uma prova de que nem sempre uma ideia original é o suficiente pra carregar o todo.

O que temos é um jogo com uma ideia porcamente trabalhada e inimigos reciclados (pasmem, o jogo tem apenas dois bosses que são praticamente iguais), que sofre em tentar encontrar uma identidade própria.

Parece que os devs só tiveram a ideia fazer um jogo de patins com armas e não souberam o que fazer além disso, então toda fase tem o mesmo feeling da anterior, com apenas uma nova roupagem/camada de tinta. A sensação que tive é que estava jogando aquela primeira fase de novo e de novo e de novo.

Além disso, o jogo é cheio encheção de linguiça pra poder desbloquear os níveis: Você precisa fazer um roller butt 720 perto da doobdydoo da fase pra poder desbloquear uma challenge. (Por que você pergunta? P-porque sim ok! Isso é conteúdo de verdade eu juro!)

Encheção de linguiça em jogos não é problema, diga-se de passagem. Quando são apenas extras para os mais aficionados que gostam de um desafio, ajuda a extrair aquelas últimas gotinhas de uma fruta suculenta. Só que Rolledrome não é uma tangerina gorda, é apenas uma rodela de limão levemente seca. Amarrar a progressão atrás de algo tão porcamente pensado, sem algo que ofereça subsistência de verdade é patético.

Outra coisa que me incomodou: parece que Rollerdrome está amarrado a convenções de game design que existem só porque... sim. Por que tem boss nesse jogo? Pra que se dar ao trabalho se vão ser dois bosses literalmente iguais? Jogos menores de escopo muito mais limitado conseguem se destacar muito mais que essa porra sem precisar se amarrar em tais artifícios e convenções.

Por fim, não ligo de um jogo ser curto (e nesse aspecto é até bom rsrsrs). Mas o que temos aqui é algo que não apresenta um senso de progressão orgânica, que tenta jogar "safe" demais (apesar da originalidade do tema), mas que fica extremamente preso às amarras de game design moderno.

Precisamos de mais jogos que se desprendam não só de gêneros convencionais, mas de padrões de game design também. E Rollerdrome infelizmente só entrega metade desses aspectos.

You play enough of Rollerdrome and when you get into the flow it starts being enjoyable. That’s what I heard everywhere. I thought that wouldn’t take long this being such a short game, but it never clicked. I really wanted to like this game but something always felt a bit off, the controllers didn’t feel right, the tricks weren’t flashy enough, the gameplay loop just didn’t feel satisfying. In short time the objective list started to feel more like a chore list. This isn’t really a fault of the game but I felt headaches every time I played it. I understand the community at large likes this game, but it’s a hard pass for me.

great arcade fun, definitely try it out.

Grew up playing Tony Hawk games, and this game really reminded me of them, and added some really really fun gunplay and a pretty interesting world!

Good game mixing guns with Tony Hawk's gameplay. It may be hard to balance the two genres both from a design perspective and a player's perspective but I think it achieves its goals if you spend enough time with it.

Carnificina rítimica: uma série de mecânicas pequena, mas robusta, que as põe para trablhar em conjunto com o intuito de criar um loop instigante de pequenas decisões imediatas - basicamente, por alguns momentos, é o ideal platônico de fluxo em gameplay que muitos jogos de ação/arcade buscam. Rollerdrome, em ideia, é brabo assim. Na prática, porém, senti que faltou um encaixe melhor no papel de skill moves no todo - executá-las é vezes divertido, vezes irritante, e engajar com o sistema não é tão recompensante quanto o esforço de ocupar RAM cerebral com as receitas de manobra durante o tiroteio.

Infelizmente, insiste contra sua própria forma através de meta-objetivos diversos e conflitantes - você quer jogar pela diversão, pelo score, ou pra passar de fase? Idealmente, essas respostas viriam da mesma via: tudo ao mesmo tempo. O jogo, porém, te bota pra jogar de formas bem distintas conforme o objetivo, com a liberação de novas fases sendo dependentes de desafios que provocam repetição desnecessária e quebra do fluxo do jogo - até fazer pazes com tudo que precisava pra liberar a fase final, não estava me aproveitando. Cortar itens de uma lista semi-arbitrária é uma melodia muito oposta ao ritmo frenético da arena.

Por trás das arenas, um pano de fundo de uma distopia fascista aparece exatamente o quanto precisa para estabelecer um tom aterrador à toda a razão da sua personagem de engajar nessa furada. Felizmente, por enquanto, o esporte de patins ao alvo segue sendo fictício, e instrumentalização de violência corporal como entretenimento é apenas uma noção fantasiosa. Lacradas à parte; é um bom jogo se você é desses nerds que gostam de platinar S-rank todas as fases de olhos vendados.