Reviews from

in the past

More of an experience than most rhythm games. There can be visual overload at times which isn't nice for a game which requires you to be responsive. The message is excellently shown through both gameplay and visuals.

It just didn't click with me - put it down after a few levels and didn't ever feel the urge to come back

O conceito de jogos como experiências espirituais

Very shallow game. It consistent of railroaded levels where you collect points and do QTEs when asked. It's all music and visuals and if you don't like EDM music there really isn't anything there. The game is also under 2 hours long if you just want to get through it once.

Cocomelon for adults

I really didn't know what to expect with Sayonara Wild Hearts. All I knew was that it was a short audio visual uh thing and that was about it. Managed to pick up a physical copy for ten bucks on amazon so at that point why the hell would I not try it.

Sayonara Wild Hearts is kind of like an endless runner. There isn't really much "gameplay" as it goes for more of an experiance of the senses, if that makes any sense. The game is best experianced with the lights off, head phones on and no distractiosn for about an hour and a half. It's a short experiance almost like going to the movie theater not just to watch a movie but really feel the experiance of the movie. That's what this game kinda felt like. The whole time playing it, it felt like I was playing a mixture of the Sonic 2 bonus stages and Feel the Magic. I can't deny the game has charm and just trying to imagine it in VR would be quite the experiance. Even after saying all that though, the experiance didn't really grab me and I just didn't really get into it as much as I wanted to. I personally didn't find the songs that catchy or the stages that fun. I can totaly see why people like it but just didn't jive with me. LIke I said earlier it's only about an hour and a half so you have seen everything there is to see pretty quick. Unless your a score chaser or really dug the music I don't see much replay value here. Even as a one and done experiance it's fine if you can pick it up cheap. I didn't hate my time with it by any means but by the half way point I knew this one wasn't for me. Objectively there just isn't much here. Still despite that and my rating, I would still recommend it at the right price and if you wanted a chill small time commitment vibe audio visual experiance.

This is a complete masterpiece and so underrated, this is not completely a game, this is a whole experience, and i must say that this was one of the best experiences i ever had in my life. Im writing this after beating the game and this game left me so mentally exhausted that made me think of the rating, but it was completelly worth it, you must play this, just put your headphones on a high volume and enjoy this one hour magnific creation.

fazia tempo que não via um jogo com muita personalidade, a trilha sonora é incrível, a direção de arte é fora do comum além de uma gameplay gostosinha além de uma cinematografia impecável.
(joguei so a campanha)

What Sayonara Wild Hearts lacks in length, it more than makes up for in spectacle. It's quick to grasp, but hard to master, has a truly incredibly soundtrack, and gorgeous visuals.

I've only played through it once so far, but I have no doubt I'll replay it for years and years to come. Its immensely satisfying, and feels like it rewards you for learning it.

It's the only game I can think of that's comparable to Rez, and I really do wish I could say that about more games.

SWH é o melhor musical que eu ja joguei
(Valor emocional gigantesco incluido)

The soundtrack's creator is one of my most listened to artists on Spotify. I think that just about sums it up.

I'm not crying, you're crying

Es toda una experiencia y me alegro de haberlo jugado ^^

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I don't know who Queen Latifah is but damn the end credits really wanted me to know she was a part of Sayonara Wild Hearts.

Won't go into too much detail but I played SWH in the middle of the night and at the same time ended up being an odd psuedo lifeline for a friend that may or may not have been ok? They were fine but needed to check in with someone in case something happened. Surreal experience. Less surreal was SWH cause I sucked so bad the game asked me multiple times if I wanted to skip levels

If you want a couple hours of lovely pop music and very gay people riding motorcycles this is the perfect way to spend your afternoon. Only complaint is how quick it ends but with how much it squeezes into its runtime I couldn't ask for much more.

Fun arcadey game with great music and visuals.

it tried so many different stuff and all of them worked perfectly.a nice break from all the other stuff all in all a unique experience
my only gripe is its too short man.

It was refreshing, nice music and great art style and I also liked the simple but cool story. The game is just a nice music experience, like an album to play. Very cool game that completely captivated me and after 2 hours it's already over :)

Great vibes and aesthetics but the gameplay isn't for me. It takes a while to get used to the controls and it makes the overall experience frustrating sometimes. Everything else was great.

amei o jogo ,lindo, musicas boas , ele me faz criar Cenários Incríveis com pessoas que amo, amei

future landmark of new-sincerity (and also so much freakin fun)

Um ótimo game com uma trilha muito boa, estilo visual bacana e variedade de gameplay no ponto, infelizmente é bem curto mas é dahora

This is what it feels like to play those wild dreams you sometimes have.

Super solid game, it's like an attempt to see how well it can impress you in its ~1h game time (it's very good at it)

esse jogo é tão esteticamente perfeito meu jesus da vontade de chorar tlgd...... bacana como ele vai diversificando as mecânicas (dito isso a versão de celular
é meio ruim) (data aprox.)

Good as hell, easy to beat in one sitting, highly replayable. Well worth your time.

My favourite game of all time!!! It's basically an interactive album with really incredible songs, it's very immersive, every level feels so different and it has a gameplay style that is constantly changing and keeping you on the edge of your seat - one moment you're in a bike, the other you're tokyo drifting through the fields, the other you're flying and breaking hearts, all while following seamlessly the beat. It's so refreshing, the story is very cute, the enemies are super interesting, and it's full of subtle metaphors that all but complement the several levels of gameplay. It's very replayable, and at the same time it's not hard at all, so it's never frustrating. I cried laughed with euphoria on my first gameplay by the sheer greatness of it, so for me this is a masterpiece.

It's a vibe! I love how they nailed the aesthetic identity of the game. It's a vibrant and delightful musical experience that centers on love. There's a story here, but it feels way more like a sense of a story rather than one that is being directly told to us. I love the themes and all that, but I will have to admit that the gameplay is little more than a fast paced, quick time riddled velocity simulator. It's fun, but not my kind of gameplay.

Also, Begin Again is a bop!