Reviews from

in the past

Que jogo incrível, uma OBRA DE ARTE.
Musica boa em formato de jogo 🤩

are you tired of just hearing music ? what if you can SEE MUSIC ?

take one hour uninterrupted, put on some headphones and enjoy this wonderful playable music video in the form of an on-rails game

i decided to revisit this since it's one of my favorite games ever, there's so much love that i have for this game it's so amazingly well done, i wish there were more games like this

MT bom no que ele se propõem, não é enjoativo, difícil na medida correta, platinei.

This game rules, guys.
I played it it twice in a row thanks to the arcade mode lol

So passionate, confident, and uncompromising in its pop-album vision that it's hard not to immediately fall in love (THAT MAIN MENU THEME ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?).

Just like Game Score Fanfare explains in his wonderful video, the entire game is designed around the conventions of pop music, not just copying but integrating what makes pop so darn infectious into the very fabric of the game.

A short but infinitely re-playable joyride that I don't think I will ever get enough of.

I'm surprised another pop artist hasn't done something like this? A playable album is an amazing idea and it works really well here.

Beautiful game, very fun and addicting to go back and get gold ranks. Love the riddle system as well in it. Plus, you can beat it in under an hour!

Lots to love but just not enough replayability for me.

Hace años no escucho pop tan bueno

O literal único defeito desse jogo é que ele acaba

O que me impede de só colocar o jogo pra tocar no youtube e ir fazer outra coisa