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in the past

this is a complete slopfest, i just want a game where i can play a witch from mercury mobile suit without it having being garbage or arcade exclusive

Está bien. Como fan de gundam me es imposible no haberlo disfrutado aunque sea un poco e intenta hacer cosas chulas pero se queda bastante corto en todo. Tampoco pude disfrutar el multijugador online que podría haber mejorado la experiencia. Un juego bastante del montón.

- GUNDAM!!! -
Al inicio me estaba pareciendo mal juego de Mechas, pero con el avance le tome más gusto y logre apreciar su buena cantidad de gundams, cada uno con una forma de jugarse diferente.
Algo que aprecio mucho es como interactuan los personajes y la cantidad de musica.
Creo que no es mal juego de Mechas o mal Gundam, pero hay mejores.
Sus combates son duros si de jefes se trata.
El modo de combate me parece algo medio lento en velocidad y por ratos no puedo mirar bien a los enemigos por la cantidad de efectos en combate y la camara muy pegada a mi parecer.
La IA aliada me parece muy mala y la siento que es solo util como carnada, Bandai tiene mejores juegos donde sus IA aliadas se comportan mejor.
Me parece un juego mediano pero interesante.

A great and fresh take on the SD Gundam formula. This game has charming original characters, offers fun interactions (if often brief) between characters from various entries into the Gundam franchise, and has an addicting gameplay loop. It is only held back by often being tailored to playing with others rather than being able to play the game one ones own.

I don't think shortening the limps on the robots makes it easier to observe their action. Bosses having the same size as players is also a bad idea because your own avatar is gonna blocking the view in close combat. Also fuck all the tall buildings around me I don't need them in a battle arena.

Seems like a fun game, but does not work well on Gamepass mobile despite being "optimized for touch controls." Some of the cloud games work really well; others do not.

É um jogo complicado, parece que ele tenta ser um jogo de celular, basicamente consiste em jogar para dropar peças e dinheiro para fazer upgrade no robô, mas entra em um loop. Para progredir na historia mesmo tem que fazer ela em um modo alternativo e depois fiel ao anime. Só faltou a barra de energia e o gacha.

A gameplay é simples mas funcional, pelas dúzias de robôs que tem eles ainda conseguem fazer cada um diferente na medida do possível. E as fases tem uma meia dúzia bem pensadas mas o resto é bem qualquer coisa.

Vai no co-op que é sucesso, só assim parar tolerar. É legal ver uns bonequinho colorido também.

Simple and repetitive and burdened with all the typical loot game grind. This would be alright as a time waster and maybe would have been fun if it had some local split screen.

an exercise in patience playing this solo as you struggle with the two most useless fucking deadweight ai partners known to man
at least the gatherroad gm is cool

SD GUNDAM BATTLE ALLIANCE is a Gundam game that goes through the different eras, generations, and alternate universes of the GUNDAM UNIVERSE.

The game has a cool CHIBI/REALISTIC art style with a very repetitive gameplay.
The gameplay is as follows:

Get from Point A to Point B while fighting normal MS and MG enemies, and then fight a strong iconic Gundam Heroes or Villains or Antagonists or Protagonists, most of the time it's antagonist/villains.

Your weapons are as follows, usually a sword of gun that allows you to attack with Standard SQUARE/X/Y as a Neutral attack, TRIANGLE/Y/X for a smash attack.
The game has a chain ability that happens when you press
X and Square on Playstation/ A and X on Xbox/ B and Y on Switch at the same time. This combo of buttons also can be used to activate a reversal incase you're being attacked. However your ability to use chains/reversals takes up half of this meter next to your life bar that refills when you are attacking enemies.
You also have these 2-3 different fireable weapons each with their own refilling ammo with maximum 3-5 shots depending on the weapon and gundam you chose.

The game has a lot of Iconic Gundams to collect and play as by having you complete missions of different varieties in terms of locations and characters that appear.
In SD GUNDAM you fight in somewhat iconic locations like Berlin, or in space. With the terrain having this red barrier surrounding locations you're not allowed to explore, making it feel very linear.

The game requires you to beat levels multiple times for RANDOM RNG drops of Gundam peaces.
The story itself is kind of forgettable as the story can be jotted down to:

Your character, along with Juno, are transported to a microverse/ ai generated world that is in havoc due to this rampant AI attempting to change history for the worse. However to be honest we barely see that happen or take any effect within the story. In the game we don't see anything that implies that history changed for the worse, unlike in for example XENOVERSE 1 and 2 where the timelines changed and we see problems happen in the world of Dragon Ball Z/SUPER/GT, not here in Gundam.

Here there's a lot of missed opportunity and the game itself is very repetitive that while at the beginning it was cool playing and having fun with the different Gundams to unlock and play as, as well as the great music and combat. After a while it got repetitive and very annoying. The game starts fun but then get's tediously repetitive and becomes an annoyance.

It's a fine enough Gundam game, but they needed a lot more variety than just " Go here and fight this iconic hero/villian, go there, fight this, blow this up"
Doesn't help that the Giant GUNDAMS are unplayable like DESTROYER GUNDAM or BIG ZAM.

It's an overall lovely looking game, with repetitive gameplay.

Some of the alternate scenarios are pretty fun (the Gundam Fight Finals break stage and the one stage with all three versions of Char showing up at once stand out) but the core gameplay is pretty lacking.

Overall pretty fun playing in small sessions but unnecessary grindy if you want to play as different mobile suits. For how many suits are in the game and with so little capital you get to level up is such an insane flaw for me.

Unlocking a late or mid game suit and bringing to your current level can easily cost like near a million capital or more. Basically forcing you stick to one early game suit and stick with it.
Feels like the devs realized this too and started giving out free Capital for every update to the game. lmao

That aside. Was fun seeing all the Gundam stuff crossover with each other. Wish the game was longer to cover more storylines.

Game becomes a tedious grind the farther in you get. Fun immediately halts when fighting a Mobile Armor, and the game will tend to throw them at you pretty frequently later on. Not very good.

Played the demo version, looks like an ok beaten up game, too bad it doesnt have a english voice cast as there is a lot of dialog mid gameplay that you either read the subs and dont pay attention to the gameplay or the other way around

This is honestly one of the most nothing games i've ever played and here are my thoughts on the game.

Graphics - 4/10
Nothing inherently wrong with this games graphics but man do they just look generic as hell and have no uniqueness to it. Some of the textures look pretty shit as well in some of the levels however they weren't so bad that I wanted to stop playing

Gameplay 3/10
Gameplay starts of fun but when you have played more than about 30 mins its just repeated button mashing with no unique combos or anything so it gets extremely tedious in the late game and towards the end I wasn't enjoying the gameplay so I wasn't to impressed

Story - 2/10
Honestly I couldn't even explain what the story of this game was as there was absolutely nothing to explain it just a hell of a lot of talking in missions with bosses that made absolutely no sense or why they are here or why they are trying to attack us so honestly the story is the worst part of this game so don't go into this expecting a good story

Performance - 2/10
I played this on the series x and this is x/s optimised so it wasn't a Xbox one version or anything and when I say this game runs like total shit. It was fine in the start of the game but about halfway through basically every game I was having major frame drops and this game really isn't graphically intense so I have no idea why it runs so shit. Cant comment on other platforms but definitely don't play the xbox version

Music - 5/10
Honestly the music was probably my favourite part of this game although its not really saying much. It does have some really good instrumentals in it however it also has some very strange ones that don't fit the atmosphere of the missions however the music in this game definitely wasn't bad, not something id listen to outside of the game but nice to listen in game.

Overall - 4/10
the game started well for me but a mix of a non existent story and shit performance just made me wanna get the game over and done with so I can go and finish something else. If you're not atleast a slight fan of gundam don't play this game

This game is the definition off a peice of shit. And plus has the personality of a peice of shit.

its fine but even as a massive gundam nerd i didnt really feel like finishing it

Great gundam game probably the best SD I think, some of the conversations between characters are fun, combat is enjoyable

We have Armored Core at home, it's hollow and weightless and less scary for you x

Didn’t get the hate, until I reached end game. grind that isn’t even worth it unless you want one of the mobile suits or all achievements

This is pretty fun albeit repetitive. Playing through iconic moments from the Gundam franchise is cool. It's a bit too grindy for me though. Overall, not a bad time.

Solid beat em up. If you’re a big Gundam head that’s seen everything or don’t mind lots of spoilers, I’d recommend this game. Only complaints I have are minor, like wanting more characters and suits represented. This got me interested in the SD series and I’m excited to start exploring it.

So...I like this game. I have to start with that. It's adorable, and gonzo in a weird way (the mission interstitial "story" is utterly bonkers) and I love Gundam a lot so seeing the little guys is really great. There's also some totally weirdo deep-cup Gundam jokes in here too.

Which is kinda the whole thing is like, this is a game for mega-fans. It feels like it would be best with a couple buddies just running missions and shooting the breeze. It's SO GRINDY THOUGH.

I'll be back when someone updates the cheats.

boring, unsatisfying, grindy, and ugly. the game equivalent of clothes shrinking in the dryer

perfect guard/dodge didnt feel like they worked the way they were supposed to which can make the MA boss fights annoying. also grinding feels necessary but at the same time doesnt feel like it makes that much of a difference? because of these things, i have 0 interest in the DLC

on top of that the roster is questionable? no gundam MK II? no GP01 or GP02? only gundam DX, no gundam X or virsago?

this game caught me off guard by having a number of weirdly specific callbacks to a wide range of stuff not even from the included series list, but also i think you have to be at least half as in the deep end of gundam watcher/reader as i am to catch some of them

also probably gotta be ok with grinding a lot, there's a ton of that in here