Reviews from

in the past

this game has so much potential if only i could figure out how to put on new hairs och clothes without everything clipping.

Tried this hellscape out with my friend and the server hosts banned him for being ugly. I ain't playing this by myself.

this game has been simultaneously incredibly weird and funny and also an instrumental piece of self discovery for me in a very important sense since i started playing back in high school. ive also seen so much i wont ever unsee on here.

aint that just how it is though.

i cant help but love it even with everything about it, man. its so much.

Vr chat (the metaverse part) before vr chat with all the weird shit but weirder. I've heard of some wild rabbit holes you can jump down playing this game.

I also remember the ads that would play on TV and as a kid I thought this was so cool and that we were in the future. I mean shit, this was 2003. It wasnt the first, but it was the best in my opinon for the time. Really early idea of a metaverse and that's admirable.

real heads played since 2004 teen grid and had a traumatic experience. this game is unrateable , could you rate life on earth out of 5 stars? most days are 1, but some are 5.

More advanced nowadays than people might think. Just that a lot of new people end up finding a lot of old bad stuff.
Which there's still a lot of.
It's a mess. You just gotta know where to look.

Oh, Second Life… what a mess you were… are?

I don’t even know where to start with Second Life. Should it even be considered a game, when there’s really no motive? Even Minecraft has the goal of not being killed by the creatures at night. But then, what makes a game a game, then? Ugh, I’m not going to allow Second Life of all games to get me started on thinking about this.

Second Life was influential. It’s probably the reason why we had games such TF2 and Fortnite get so wildly successful. It’s arguably a reason for why Bitcoin is even a thing. It let developers know that players are willing to spend real money to customize their fictional characters. Linden dollars showed that online currency could hold real monetary value and that people’s outside worlds could completely change from learning how to market in Second Life.

Second Life is remembered by most, myself included, as extremely predatory, creepy, and in general, not a good time. But the influence it had on the video game world that we see today is monumental. Whether you see it as positive or negative (and by looking at my score, I’m sure you can see where I stand), we can all agree that it’s an enormous part of video game history.

Ive only played once when i was 12 and it was because my friend wanted to teach me how to make furry avatars. it was fun.

Whoever is streaming you can put on the Matrix now

I took a college course titled "Creative Writing: Virtual Worlds" expecting to have a hyper-focused class dedicated to writing about augmented reality and shit like The Matrix. Turns out, it was a class where the students carried out assignments in Second Life.

The first rule of the class was that Second Life was not a video game—it was just as real as your "first life." Upon my birth in this virtual world, I was lost and confused. I entered the nearest building to my initial spawn. My eyes were assaulted by a collage of genitalia. Mirroring the myriad *** before me, the walls were closing in. I felt myself gasping for air. Luckily, I carried over an attribute from my first life into my Second Life—the power of flight. Clipping through the ceiling, I narrowly escaped my **** riddled demise. I was late to meet with my class at my professor's estate.

As I sat in my chair sideways, legs out through the hole in the arm, my professor called upon me. "BongoMan27, are you paying attention?" My friend from outside the class I had snuck into her domain, presently standing six meters tall with his face in the window behind her, staring ominously into the farthest reaches of my soul or lack thereof. From this point forward, she told the class about her hobbies. The most noteworthy hobby came in the form of rescuing animals. The professor then asked my friend and fellow classmate if he owned any pets. He went on to discuss his two dogs and cat that his family had. As he concluded sharing, the professor told us that she, too, had dogs. "Here comes one now."

A virtual dog model spawned into the room.

Simplismente o Lucas Rangel dos jogos online

Jankiest game I've ever played.
Great memories tho

So this is where all the actual Germans flocked to after they opened their borders... Trve Agartha... Although the Turkish migrants may had some effects on these people as they all look like humanoid wolves for some reason.

made my parents buy me lindens so i could give my fursona avi bigger titties. why. didnt. they. stop. me.

the last human space online. 99% amateurish user-generated content. gobs of first experiments with 3d worlds, fanshrines, abandoned hangout zones, idealized suburban lives, outsider art, hyperfixation outlets. incredible photography "game," and a reminder of what the internet could have been.

I created the ugliest character I could and got banned from the social server in less than a minute. 10 outta 10.

Pretty shtty from what I remember

would be so much better without a fucking real estate market

Great ideas trapped inside mid-2000s tech, held hostage by a company whose sole motivation is money. The learning curve is too steep for this to appeal to anyone other than those who've stuck with the game since the beginning, so it's essentially a sinking ship.

Some fond memories of being 9 years old and getting groomed on here. Definitely should have been supervised.


i was in grade school when i first played this and that went as well as you could have assumed

more fun if you have friends you're able to convince into exploring around with you. you WILL have to pay up the ass to make an avatar that looks even remotely appealing to you though.

and uh. be prepared to witness things.

Second Life has some genuinely cool stuff done by people like an entire recreation of Midgar from ff7 but most people will probably remember it because they once meet a furry avatar with a 15 inch dong

Seeing all the weird abandoned shit that people made is a pretty entertaining adventure.

Maybe it's because I missed it's heyday but I don't really see the appeal in this.