Reviews from

in the past

(This is just about the septentriones section, I played record breaker, but haven't done the second campaign yet)
I have a lot to say about this game. This is a very bizarre game for me, because I love the first game so much. And as a result of that, this one is still a lot of fun. Truly one of the most fun games I've played, but everything good can be attributed to the original. In just about every single way it is worse, from the writing, the story, the music, the atmosphere, the characters, and even the gameplay. The writing is truly just awful, it is written like an MCU movie. Sentences like "he's right behind me isn't he" genuinely get uttered in every scene in this game. The few enjoyable moments are only enjoyable because mentally you forgive it for what they are actually saying and pretend what they are saying is more enjoyable to listen to. The story is really pointless. Things happen, and there's never really any rhyme or reason. A character will say 75% of a thought and then get cut off, just so when it is completed later they can pretend like it was incredible foreshadowing. The stakes are always either really fucking high but treated like its nothing, or will be extremely fucking minute but treated like it matters. The music is actually quite good, but often grating. The main skirmish theme gets so fucking annoying instantly and only gets worse. This game has a really bad case of doing the thing most lazily written and soulless megaten games do where they clearly are just assigning the music to emotional flags. So someone will say something a little sad, their portrait will go sad, and the music will change to the designated sad song, just for it to return to the previous song 3 lines of dialogue later. Not saying that they don't all do this, but on some of the lazier ones it gets really obvious and makes the music really annoying and predictable. The atmosphere is just stupid man. In the first game there was a vibe of actual urgency, when characters were serious, they were serious. When the world was at stake, they didn't take a break from the important stuff so you could watch a 25 year old trying to see a 15 year old naked, but that is not the case here. And that goes into my biggest problem with this game, which is the characters. All of them are all so one note. They're all horrible joke characters that they expect you to give a shit about. There's some exceptions to this, I quite liked Fumi and Yamato. Fumi has a really good personality as a believable asshole, but occasionally turns into the annoying, gibberish-spewing, smart-ass you see in movies so that the dumb character can go "hubuhwuh?!?! 🤯English four eyes!". Yamato is relatively cool, but he just constantly feels like a discount Naoya, who I love dearly. Even if he is just discount Naoya, I like Naoya enough to make me like him still. That sentiment of "well its almost as good as the real deal" is the entire reason this game even receives this high of a review. Even though I probably seem like I'm ultra-critical, I'm really not. I had fun and could just laugh at it the whole time. The only problem with this dumb fun is that the gameplay gets really bad near the end. By the end, for every fight you have two choices, either make one completely overpowered and invincible team, or grind endlessly. I chose the former and blew through everything late game. The final boss was a very, very long bore, where I had the protagonist just kill every single enemy and land every hit on the main boss because him, and his demons, reflected basically everything, thanks to barrier and repel phys. It wasn't really hard, just not really the most fun way to go about things, but I wasn't going to spend the next ten years grinding, this game doesnt even have the hard free battles from the first one.
I've only witnessed one ending, but I was disappointed. Obviously Yamato's ending is the worst one morally, but I don't care anywhere near enough about these characters to want them to live a better life. And for entertainment value, it sounded really funny. There's a certain joy in being able to pick an evil ending in a game you resent, but this just was not evil enough. We don't kill anyone, and for some reason, some of the characters not on Yamato's side just yield super easily and join you. Why would you agree to this Otome.
Overall this was a fun enough experience, I will eventually go and do the other campaign, and maybe some of the other endings(probably not). I just can't help but wish instead of trying to imitate the magic of the first one, it was either its own thing, or it just imitated it better.

Una mejora bastante grande al primero, pero en la historia deja algo que desear

Muita gente crítica e prefere o primeiro, mas eu sou o diferentão então digo que prefiro esse e é um dos meus SMT favoritos; a atmosfera é menos pesada que o primeiro mas ainda tem seus momentos de tensão e tristeza, a comédia nesse jogo é muito boa e quebra um pouco a tensão, os personagens são bem carismáticos e bem construídos, as batalhas são difíceis geralmente, principalmente os bosses, tem boss que é ridículo de difícil e você vai precisar grindar muito, a trilha sonora é INCRÍVEL (principalmente a música da abertura do jogo); enfim, joguem, não fiquem com preconceito

The story and characters are fun, but not as good as the first game while the athmosphere and sense of urgency are gone because of it's lightheartedness.
Gameplaywise it's a massive improvement.
The protagonist is one of my favorites, he's super funny (sadly the anime adaptation made him lame and generic).

Out of the two, better in gameplay and worse in story and cast.

This review contains spoilers

sorry goopers, devil survivor 2 is NOT GOOD. firstly if you play devil survivor 1 and expect this to be some form of a successor you are WRONG!!! this game fucked me up so bad my DS broke like immediately after

the gameplay is pretty much the same as the first one only they made small little unnecessary tweaks to how it functions/feels so its slightly worse such as the ui being slower and the sfx (and some vfx) being bog awful and ugly but like same thing as 1 if you squint

the story is super silly but thats not why i dont like it, it was slow as fuck from the start and boring but the social tier thing they did with each character was reaaally good and it made the characters a lot less one dimensional than in the first game. how you choose to spend your time/how much you interact with certain people actually influences the story which was pretty crazy too bad the final act of the game sucked so fucking bad

the pick ur side beef was foreshadowed the whole time which i dont have a problem with however the ideologies kind of suck its either be evil (no cool twist just be a knobjockey), be racist or be a normal ass human being.

another thing is the day system in 2 sucks so fucking much it has like no actual sauce to it at all in devil survivor 1 each day was important as the gimmick was there was a 7 day lockdown introduced and you learn that you will die once the lockdown is over which creates a tense scenario and all amplified by the death counter stuff.

in 2 its literally just there like each day will be "tuesdays cheeky little happenings" or "thursdays big wank" or something and it has no real link to the story. if this was its own game seperate from the expectations of devil survivor 1 i wouldnt really care i just dont know why they did it

anyway i found this game super fucking fun after the slow start and wouldve probably put it on par or even higher than the first game like most people do however the final boss portion polaris was the worst fucking disapointing let down ever dude i had the biggest frown on my fucking face i was abt to cry and shit i fused like 8 holy dance drain demons for this fight all hyped and shit cant believe i invested my time in that ass

3 stars probably gonna play the overclocked one if i change my mind on the game ill stable my bollocks to my thigh

picture of my ds like immediately after i finished the game

my whole devil survivor 2 phase back in 2020...

Mais um da leva de ótimos RPG's de NDS remasterizados e melhorados para o 3DS. Algumas partes da história e alguns personagens deixam a desejar um pouco. O True ending faz tudo valer a pena.

Tactical RPGs clearly aren't for me, but this is a solid game.

Depois que eu assistir Neon Genesis Evangelion eu escrevo algo aqui.

Devil Survivor 2 não é ruim, mas comparando com 1° jogo, deixa um pouco a desejar. O maior problema dela é a sua história, por ela ser mais superficial e com menos alma do que o 1° (cuja história era excelente), além de ter personagens mais desinteressantes (só gostei de 2) e piadas sem graça. A sua direção de arte é inconsistente, tendo designs questionáveis, fontes feias e difíceis de ler, mas uma interface legal e com foco em belos tons de azul. Os maiores pontos fortes são as músicas boas e melhorias na gameplay que tornam ele mais gostoso de jogar. Eu também achei ele mais difícil do que o 1°, o que não é necessariamente melhor ou pior, isso só me incomodou pela tela de game over, que é desnecessariamente longa e impulável. Apesar das minhas ressalvas e reclamações, a minha experiência até que valeu um pouco a pena.

Prós: Boa trilha sonora, gameplay melhorada, boss fights melhores, e dificuldade desafiadora.
Contras: Enredo superficial, a direção de arte é uma bagunça e tela de Game Over impulável.

Devil Survivor 2 benefits from a goofier, over-the-top personality as well as a new relationship-building system (offering various gameplay bonuses), but mostly sticks to the same program as before.

this game has the best makoto in megaten

Devil Survivor 2 is a slog, a train-wreck that manages to capture none of the magic of the first game. The cast is weaker across the board. The outcomes to each of their stories are weaker. The concept of the plot weakens the connection you have to the setting. The tension that the first game had is totally absent in this game. While the game mechanics have more depth, it wasn't like the first game was too simplistic (with the superboss encouraging abuse of revive loops). They did not fix the previous game's main weakness (kinda really bad map design), and instead made more gimmicky stupid ass maps.

They brought in an Evangelion artist to do the designs of the Septentriones, and these ice cream looking rejects lack the personality of Bels from the original game, or even the spectacle of Evangelion's angels. They never become more captivating obstacles to overcome, and most of the secondary antagonists come from NPCs doing stupid shit that's success or failure hinges on this jackass of a high schooler. Bunny is the only good thing about this game. In other SMT/Persona games, people like to extrapolate a personality out of potential dialogue choices for silent protags. If we do that for DeSu2's main character, he either does not fully understand what is going on in the plot or just can't be bothered to give a fuck.

As for the rest of the game's art, it's fine up until you hit the point where anatomy matters. Not only are there bruh character designs for high schoolers (like in the first game, to be fair), the other designs lack the modern, "this is just what I threw on to go to the grocery store" look of the previous game.

Devil Survivor 2's endings allow the player to reshape the world in the image of one of his party members. In one of the endings, the world is created in such a way that everyone on the planet unconditionally cooperates with each other. Those in power sacrifice their temporary comfort for those in need of their own volition, while still fully retaining their personality. In the game's on words

"It was a true utopia, the sort men had dreamed of for ages".

This is treated as a lesser ending than "reset back to the status quo of 2010s Japan", because hey, what if something bad happens? What if universal cooperation and acceptance isn't as productive as the ending where everyone is climbing over dead bodies? DeSu2 sucks shit outside of this ending, but over a decade after this game came out, this remains one of the most misanthropic moments in the medium.

I have more nice things to say about all the boring SPRGs everyone's rightfully forgot about like Feda or Stella Deus than I do Devil Survivor 2. This game's highlights are the moments it seems to have contempt for itself, instead of the human condition as a whole. Not recommended to fans of other Atlus games (including the first), strategy games or weebs in general.

Enjoyed it less then the first game, but still good though

an improvement on the first devil survivor game gameplay wise but sadly a downgrade in terms of the routes and the story. but gameplay was really fun tho and hearing Kenji Ito's composition in a megaten game is cool.

why tf i'm fighting stars

the anguished one is literally me

I often see people call this game "smt evangelion". I do not think this is a fair comparison to make, as Devil Survivor 2 is actually good

I busted my left nut when Al Saiduq appeared

++ ost foda
+ visual bem único
+++ fumi e io based (na segunda run eu gostei da hinako, talvez mais pelo combate que pelo personagem em si e a io alem de perfeita é tetuda )
++ ronaldo gigachad, muito bem escrito
+ combate bom (tem que pensar sim, tem uma dificuldadezinha)
+- enredo interessante, do nada os personagens cortam pra umas piada que nem graça tem mas em contrapartida a mensagem que o jogo quer passar é interessante
? a versão em japonês se leva mais a sério, atlus fodase
- jogar em inglês é um incomodo pq as letras sao simplesmente horrorosas, não só nos diálogos mas a UI também
- tomou gameover reseta, sem paciencia
+ pacing do jogo é bom, muito jogo da atlus fica bem chato de jogar e esse jogo se segura muito bem

pau no cu da airi mina mimada

While the gameplay improves upon and deepens that of its already excellent predecessor, the characters lean further into egregious anime tropes and the story is looser and sillier in premise. If you liked 1 you'll like this, but you'll find yourself missing the feelings of always being on edge and having to fight to survive that 1 invoked in spades.

i don't remember anything about this game other than the fact that i played it

This reminds me of Japan's one and only intellectual to ever live, Hideaki Anno

A really addicting game, full of charm, and Atlus weirdness. I don't really get the whole persona vibes but I enjoyed it more than any persona game I've ever played

The gameplay is just as good if not slightly better than the first game, but the characters, story, and atmosphere took a bit of a step back.