Reviews from

in the past

This game made my fingers feel like a pretzel. It feels like a modern-day rendition of QWOP, but this time with lush environments, an extremely catchy soundtrack by David Wise, and an adorable cartoon snake.

The game's main draw is its unorthodox control scheme, and how the levels are built around being a snake. All of the levels are inventive in their own way, and all have a smattering of collectibles to find along the way. Unfortunately, many of the later stages really felt like they began to overstay their welcome, and there's only 15 levels on top of that, so the game is simultaneously too short AND exhausting to play.

I'd say this game is still worth a shot, but I can tell it won't click with a lot of people. I still enjoyed myself though.

Really unique and cute platformer with great art and music, but the controls are just infuriating. Still it lets you be a snek so that's cool.

Filled to the brim with snake-based gameplay, Snake Pass has some of the most immersive snake action you'll find in the world of video games. You very much walk a mile in the shoes of a snake here; you will learn what a snake is worried about when it's slithering thirty feet up in the limbs of a tree. A good snake pass player will figure out how to secure themselves for further snake-manuevering. The best game with a snake since Metal Gear Solid 2

Being a snake is more fun than I would've thought

God, I wish I could purge this game from my memory and play it all again. Mostly because then I might find the motivation to 100% again after losing my save file to the void.

Adding on that that I'm not a big platformer guy, but this absolutely hooked me. The controls are so unique and cool!

Pretty cute but the controls take a lot of getting used to, and I never could get a good grip of them, so I kinda gave up on it after a while.

Successfully controlling Noodle the Snake is a challenging endeavor but a satisfying one; however, the slow, precise gameplay and a serious lack of variety means the game becomes less engaging over time. Still, who can say no to that cute snake face. Oooh I just wanna kiss him.

Really unique puzzle-platformer involving twisting and coiling around poles to traverse chasms and climb towers. Had some decent fun with this, mainly for how enjoyable it is to control Noodle for the most part. I wish they had either introduced some new mechanics to the game, or spiced things up even further past World 4. Once you get the hang of wrapping around poles, you've kinda got the game figured out, and I hit that point around World 2. Good game, glad it exists and that I played it.

A really interesting concept and sticks to its very unique control scheme, unfortunately my ham hands cannot manage even the earliest levels.

Cool concept, the art style and music are great, but it gets very frustrating very fast. The game is too punishing when you die, removing all of the collectibles you've gotten since the last checkpoint, most of which feel very repetitive and pointless to re-collect. The checkpoint system as a whole feels outdated, and would've been improved using something like Celeste where as soon as you're on safe ground the collectible is saved. The difficulty continues to increase and the main objectives of the levels start to be pretty challenging later in the 2nd world, and that's around where I stopped. I feel like most of my deaths were due to the controls not doing what I was trying to do, when I knew exactly what I had to do to in that spot, which is very frustrating. Unfortunate, as it's a neat game and I really wanted to like it.

A platformer without jumping sounds like a painfully quirky concept, but Snake Pass actually pulls it off. Skillfully navigating an environment with the limited toolset of a snake provides for compelling gameplay, and you'll find yourself strangling your controller as you try to maintain your grip on each ledge. There's also a surprising amount of nuance to basic movement, and learning ways to efficiently navigate is an oddly rewarding experience. That's about the only string to the game's bow though, for better and worse. It's nicely focused, but if it starts frustrating you, there's nothing else to keep you playing. If the uniqueness of it all catches your eye then it won't disappoint, but you're not missing much otherwise.

While Snake Pass wont ever win GOTY, it should be up for Most Innovative from 2017. What if you had a platformer, but your hero has no legs? That's a wild and fun reimagination of an entire genera, and worth your time experimenting with.

Check out our book club style gaming podcast, Garbage Game Club on Snake Pass -

it's a cute little game with a fun central idea but I wasn't hooked by it. Would probably buy this for a younger sibling

Nothing about this game felt good to play.