Reviews from

in the past

this was some of the principal magic of the 3DS!

J'ai pu croiser M_newvegas sur ma place streetpass et mon dieu même son Mii possède une calvitie.
C'est très fort !

Bold of Nintendo to assume I go outside

funny little thing i enjoy it very much

sadly its just super desolate now

One of Nintendo's best ideas ever, such a shame it's now well dead and gone forever.

A cool feature on the 3DS. Streetpass was unique and was something I enjoyed a lot as a kid.

streetpass fell off after they added all those stupid dlc games. i never played them i was just jealous bc i couldn't buy them

i have to imagine this is better when u live in ny

fuck crypto lemme pay for everything in play coins

I think that StreetPass was a great idea for the 3DS and I ended up getting hundreds of people from all over the world when I brought my system around town in my pocket. The games in it were cool and entertaining and I loved collecting all the puzzle pieces and playing Find Mii. I just think that this could never be done again and only really worked on the 3DS because it is more of a portable console in comparison to the Switch which most people use at home.

i got 8 street passes at an expo

I got a StreetPass tag the other day. Yeah, in 2023. His name was Aden or whatever amd apparently he's a big fan of Yo-kai Watch 3.

This has nothing to do with StreetPass Mii Plaza as a game (if you can call it that). I just thought you guys would like to know about that.

PEAK. Built-in software will never be this good ever again.

genuinely one of the best parts about the 3DS. If the Switch's successor is also a hybrid console we need this back

StreetPass was such a cool feature, omg. I miss those days of doing StreetPass with friends or walking through a city, fingers crossed that I'd meet someone. The whole vibe is so representative of the 3DS era.

the day i got a green light for the first time felt like fucking christmas

cultural moment. i broughtmy 3ds with me once to habitat for hummanty and got 1 person on streetpass in rural NC

Imagine getting 60 pings for random people that magically break into your 3DS whenever you go to a McDonalds

You just had to be there. StreetPass was the best system feature ever. I hope Nintendo's next handheld has this. Walking around downtown Montreal and taking the subway as a kid and finding other random people to connect my 3DS with was magical.

Probably pretty fun if you live in a city. But I live in a hick village.

my reaction when reggie showed up

Such a fantastic idea for a game. Most of the minigames are designed to be enjoyable when playing in short spurts, but that just made me even more excited to continue playing after connecting with other 3ds users. So sad that there isn't a way to efficiently play the game in 2023. Just finished all of my personal goals for each game so I’ve pretty much finished my time with Streetpass. Gonna just play Puzzle Swap from now on. End of an era forreal.

Never went out enough to meet enough people.