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It took some time, but Tales of Arise did click with me! This is the second game in the franchise that I actually finish and although I expected a little bit more from it, I'm amazed with how it slowly became a game that I just couldn't put down.

This is a gorgeous game! The environments, enemies, character design and combat effects are great. It's a stunning experience featuring soothing scenarios and bleak dungeons.

While I initially didn't like the main cast, I ended up loving them towards the end. Character development is strong, well-constructed and pays off in the conclusion. By the end of the game I was almost part of the group and I think the more mature approach in the writting is the reason.

The story is also beautiful! It is a very long game, but throughly well-paced (except for the second half) and genuinely well told. There are so many nuances to each thing you uncover in the story and so many surprises and plot twists that it's hard to talk about it without spoiling anything. But trust me, it is a very deep and beautiful story, with nice character interactions, a good message and a charming ending.

But the true highlight of Tales of Arise is the combat. My god, it is fantastic! Fun, fast, addicting and a bit confusing, but powerful! It's definitely one of the best battle systems I've ever played in an Action JRPG game. It might not be as tactical as the likes of Vesperia, but it's definitely more engaging.

You get to feel that through boss fights. They're epic and amazing. Each one plays differently and you have to adapt to it. It's a shame that with so many things happening at the same time, battling a few of them (especially fights against the lords) can be quite confusing, with some of them being damage sponges. But they're great, nonetheless.

And while I may be gushing over this game, it does comes with a few notable flaws. The worst one is how generic it may seem at first. It actually took me a long while to finally get hooked, but when it did it hit hard! I'm not sure what it is, but there's something holding this game back from being truly incredible, in my opinion. Maybe it's the soundtrack. Good JRPGS are synonymous with fantastic OSTs and this one is just extremely forgettable. Side quests are also a mixed bag. Sometimes you're facing an incredible tough optional boss fight, sometimes you're cooking or collecting hidden owls. It's unbalanced.

I also disliked how they approached the second half of the game. It cuts the pacing of the entire story, slows things down, throws a bunch of exposition at you and stuffs you with a lot of dialogue. And I do mean A LOT OF DIALOGUES. It gets really boring before it picks itself back up again.


Tales of Arise brought back the feeling of experiencing a good traditional action JRPG. It is quite a journey and one that I won't easily forget. Took a while to convince me, but I'm really glad it did.

I'm not gonna pretend this game is perfect because it really isn't, but it was the game that rekindled my passion for gaming as a whole and made me start playing again. I'll never forget that

"Viver apenas para morrer... Não é melhor do que ser um escravo"

Tales of Arise conta sua história a partir de dois mundos (Mundos Gêmeos): Rena e Dahna. Tudo começa quando o protagonista Alphen, um escravo dahniano que perdeu suas memórias, por ironia do destino, encontra a renana Shionne, que possui uma maldição que a torna incapaz de ser tocada, pois qualquer um que a toca é punido por seus espinhos. Bom, pelo menos era sua realidade até Alphen, que é imune a dor entra em sua vida. Assim, os dois iniciam sua aventura em busca dos núcleos astrais dos lordes dos 5 reinos de Dahna, afim de libertar Rena da escravidão.

Como primeiro contado com a série Tales, foi uma experiência bastante gratificante. A arte me deixou maravilhada com sua textura única e belíssima. A trilha sonora vezes relaxante quando explorando e emocionante quando eu batalhas, me proporcionou momentos agradáveis.

A gameplay de exploração é simples; consiste em mapas limitados porém extensos, possibilitando coleta de recursos como minérios e alimentos, pois o game possibilita craft de armas e acessórios, além de refeições para bufs, e claro, também é possível pescar.

A lore contém diversas críticas sociais como discriminação e autoritarismo por exemplo. Apesar de muito interessante o mistério construído a partir do protagonista e da heroína, alguns momentos se tornam maçante, principalmente a reta final onde achei que se estendeu além do necessário. Muito criticado por seu final Disney, foi muito de meu agrado a conclusão da trama, afinal, a verdadeira aventura são os amigos que fazemos pelo caminho!

El Cuento de la epopeya - Tales of Friendship Power
El titulo de mi anuncio quizá no se entienda por sí solo, esto solo lo entenderán los Otakus, tengo potestad para poner esto tras haber jugado a muchísimas entrega de la franquicia Tales Of. Y es que sí, Tales of Arise es todo lo grande que promete, pero su historia es un Anime en movimiento que además hemos visto muchas veces, todos los obstáculos se pueden superar por el "poder de la amistad" porque se quieren y están juntos, no se me entienda mal, si os perdéis este juego os vais a perder uno de los mejores JRPG de la generación, un juegazo jugable como la copa de un pino, no os perdáis con mi título, pero su historia no está a la altura de los grandes, es un Juego perfecto que bien peca de simpleza en algunos apartados como las misiones secundarias, pero es el rey y número 1 en otras como el combate.
Antes de comenzar a analizar los apartados, me siento casi sorprendido de ser el primero que escribe un análisis, tras Final Fantasy y Dragon Quest, Tales of es la tercera saga por referencia y antiguedad, me cuesta creer que nadie lo haya jugado en esta pagina y haya escrito un análisis, no se si es casualidad o simplemente que no tiene una buena base de fans, pues bien, este juego tiene capacidad de enmendarlo, sobre todo a nuevos jugadores, los veteranos esperad diversión y una buenísima trama, pero previsible en todos los sentidos. Aún así casi me siento orgulloso de servir de referencia a otros que como yo, además del análisis oficial de 3DJuegos, buscan la opinion del público Real y si es objetivo, pues mejor.

Somos "Máscara de Hierro" Un esclavo del planeta Dahna, invadido por el planeta vecino "Rena", como todo aquel que se acerque a un análisis sabe, "Máscara de Hierro" Cuyo nombre dudo que a estas alturas sea spoiler ya que sale en todos los sitios oficiales, "Alphen", es incapaz de sentir dolor, tampoco recuerda porque (Cliche nº1) Pero tiene un fuerte sentido de la justicia.
La historia da comienzo cuando un día más en la vida de este esclavo se entera de que un tren es atacado por un grupo de resistencia y que una mujer va en él, lo cual no duda en apuntarse, esa mujer es "Shionne" igual de protagonista que nuestro héroe "Alphen" Es algo que es seña de identidad de Tales of, hay una pareja femenina que es sumamente relevante en la trama, pero en Arise destaca porque comparte total protagonismo y lleva la historia mano a mano con Alphen, al contrario que en las demás entregas.
Shionne es una mujer que porta una maldición la cual si la tocas sufres un dolor indescriptible y que tiene un objetivo, acabar con los señores que invaden Dahna, objetivo que comparte con Alphen y el nuevo grupo de resistencia, con lo que comienza la epopeya.
No hay mas que relatarla para ver que es algo "simple" pero a la vez "efectiva". Como todo buen JRPG, no se ciñe a esto, hay multitud de giros de guión, muchos muy interesantes, pero que sigue un esquema de desarrollo que lo hace previsible, es decir, se empeñan en dejarte preguntas muchas desde el inicio (Quien lea hasta aqui ya se esta preguntando porque uno no siente dolor y ella lo inflige, es obvio) y te las resuelven de sopeton cometiendo lo que para mi es el peor defecto de la historia, te la mastican demasiado, se empeñan en explicartela no solo una vez, sino varias, ademas los mismos personajes una vez pasa toda la escena sale una skit de conversacion donde dicen "A ver, recapitulemos la informacion que tenemos..." Literal, por si no te habia quedado claro con la escena en tu cara. A mi me parece un fallo, pero reconozco que si hay alguien que se pierda, aqui no es posible, pues te va a quedar clara su historia, no deja lugar a teorias, ni a juegos mentales, es la que es, te explican todo al detalle, no elucubres, es lo que te dicen y punto.
Vuelvo a recalcar, es una buena historia, pero al dartela tan masticada, ves venir lo que viene a continuacion, además es una historia que ya hemos visto en Tales of Symphonia, por ejemplo, repite muchos elementos de ellas, no por ello está exenta de epicidad y momentos memorables.
A destacar el carisma (lleno de cliches japoneses, los cuales no tienen porque ser malos) de los personajes del juego, complementan una relacion profunda entre ambos, de manera que sabes perfectamente quienes se llevan mejor y como responderan ante situaciones, sin duda un acierto, en mi opinion igual de trabajada que en Final Fantasy XV, pero con algo mas de estereotipo.

Excelsa, en todos sus sentidos, excepto en las misiones secundarias las cuales resultan divertidas de hacer entre otras porque estan muy bien situadas y no "empachan"
El combate es directamente "El mejor combate de un Action JRPG" Me atrevo a afirmarlo porque se que en mayoría de votos ganaría y porque he probado practicamente todos, destaco ACTION JRPG, no RPG ni Turn-based, pues esto es cuestion de gustos.
El combate es una sinfonía de ataques de todo tipo y espectaculo visual que fuera de lo que pueda parecer, requiere de una estrategia concienzuda (en dificultades altas, recomiendo el dificil hacia arriba) no puedes ir y darle a aporrear botones, entre otras, si haces un arte demasiado cerca sin marcar el timing de tu enemigo, te vas a comer su ataque que en este juego facilmente acaba en muerte, sobre todo en los compases finales, tienes que ir viendo patrones (la "suerte" es que muchos patrones de enemigos siguen un timing parecido) atacar con el arte en su momento, vigilar a todos tus compañeros en una interfaz cuidadaisima para usar el objeto en el mejor momento (si, aqui vas a usar los objetos por mucho sindrome de objetos que tengas) o para usar el arte curativa, las cuales al principio estan limitadisimas en su uso y vas a tener que elegir como reservarlas, al final cambia y reservaras objetos mas que artes, es una evolucion buenisima, donde se nota que esta cuidadadisimo a nivel Jugable este videojuego.
A destacar que puedes manejar a cualquier miembro de los seis que componen el videojuego en cualquier momento, durante el combate y fuera de el, pero a no destacar, el juego no invita a hacerlo, yo he jugado con Alphen toda la partida, entre otras porque es el que mata mas rapido, no digo divertido pues todos lo son si los pruebas, pero si rapido, letal, y no hay mecanicas donde te obliguen a cambiar de jugador como si las hay en Final Fantasy VII Remake por ejemplo, donde para cada accion eliges a un personaje, aqui puedes manejar a tus compañeros CPU con la interfaz, sin necesidad de cambiar de personaje, puedes pedirle acciones, al igual que en toda la saga Tales Of.
Como bien decía, el juego invita a la exploracion, tiene multitud de secretos (todos vistos, eso si) muchos minijuegos y desafios, coleccionables, pero las misiones secundarias son el mal de todo JRPG, ve aqui y traeme esto (en toda la partida no he tenido ni que ir, porque ya lo tenia) o bien mata este enemigo, por suerte casi todos son Enemigos poderosos que da gusto vencer y cuya recompensa suele ser aumentar tu capacidad de artes curativas, con lo que iras y te divertiras, pero no deja de ser extremadamente simple.

Decir que los graficos de Tales of Arise son bellisimos y majestuosos es quedarse corto, es el mejor Cell Shading (Y van varias veces esta generacion que lo digo, con lo que goza de un estado de forma altisimo) que hay actualmente, un entorno de acuarela "realista" con personajes sacados de un anime que no les falta ni un solo detalle de animacion conforman un apartado casi perfecto, digo "casi" porque tiene popping, mucho popping incluso en PS5, pero bien medido, solo en la lejanía de manera que aprecias que algo cambia, pero no esta en tu cara, con lo que practicamente no molesta, este apartado roza el 10, ya que ademas de todo esto, combatir es un deleite visual de efectos de luces y colores, sonidos y golpes que se graban en la retina (Buscad el arte combinada de Rinwell y Alphen, Altar Supremo, con eso os haceis una idea clara del deleite que es a todas luces)

Majestuoso, brillante, el planeta vecino se ve desde todos lados e impone tenerlo tan cerca y tan gigante en el cielo, el satelite igual, las ciudades son preciosas en especial una de ellas donde es enorme y llena de vida, con colores que da gusto ver.
El diseño de los personajes es soberbio, mira de tu a tu a cualquier diseño de personajes del genero, los 6 personajes son una mezcla perfecta de equipo y el diseño de todos, sobre todo los protagonistas hacen que los quieras de una forma u otra, es todo un acierto a nivel de diseño artístico.

La banda sonora es lo suficientemente epica como para que se te quede en la memoria mucho tiempo, como antaño, su tema de combate, de los mapas y sobre todo el tema principal, van a pasar a la historia de Motoi Sakuraba, que firma su mejor obra desde Tales of Symphonia.
Los sonidos de ataques, golpes, ambiente, cascadas, crepitar del fuego, nieve, frio, viento, todos, absolutamente todos envuelven un producto exquisito a nivel sonoro, también roza el sobresaliente de no ser porque hay temas irrelevantes, pero en situaciones irrelevantes, con lo que el nivel sigue siendo altisimo.

Arriesgan poco, el Linear Motion Battle System sigue creciendo en la saga, y en esta entrega da un paso de gigantes, pero lo cierto es que a nivel JRPG, arriesga poco, sigue una estructura clasica en todos sus apartados, desde la historia, hasta los minijuegos pasando por misiones secundarias, no arriesgan realmente, no busquen un juego que reviente el genero, busquen un juego que lleve lo que conocemos a cotas muy altas, seria mas acertado.

Tales of Arise se corona como el mejor "JRPG" de la generacion junto a Final Fantasy VII Remake, si, se que Dragon Quest XI es muy bueno, aun no lo he acabado, pero las mecanicas son ya clasicas y no deja de ser un producto de vieja escuela que se mantiene fresco, en el caso de estos dos, siguen aumentando el prestigio de su franquicia e intentando captar nuevo publico, intenta sorprender, con mas o menos acierto y eso es valorable en el mercado, Dragon Quest se ciñe mas a hacer una oda a su base de fans que a atraer nuevos, entre otras porque lo que tienen funciona, y eso está bien. Pero Tales of Arise hace que 62 horas que tarde en platinarlo, sean pocas, rapidas y encima sientas que no pierdes tu tiempo, pues estas disfrutando cada segundo.
Una historia de epicidad palpable a la que sin embargo "le falta algo", Un combate excelso que en su género sientes "que no le falta de nada" un apartado grafico y artístico que simplemente te deja los vellos de punta, haciendote sentir de verdad parte de ese grupo de aventureros, una banda sonora bastante rockera y epica por momentos que hace que te emociones aun mas.
Con todo lo dicho a Tales of Arise "le falta algo" para ser perfecto, esa es la sensacion que deja, que has disfrutado de una gran aventura, pero no de la mejora aventura, sobre todo habiendo vivido tantas a lo largo de la historia tan epicas como la epoca de 16-32 bits.

No obstante recomiendo encarecidamente al fan de JRPG veterano que lo juegue, no perdera su tiempo y al nuevo que se lo este pensando que no lo dude, probablemente sea la mejor puerta de entrada y a este tipo de jugador si se le marcará a fuego en el corazon.

Great gameplay, the characters have good development archs, but the story in general is so meh. Enjoyed the gameplay a LOT.

fisher price Baby's First Racism

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Ima start this with something that captivated me from the start: the graphics. Seriously, this game looks so good I often found myself just staring into the scenery for several minutes for each new area I entered. Each city looked absolutely stunning and were definitely the best part. As for the combat, it's awesome. There are tons and tons of combo attacks you can use and you can even string them together for a longer and more power per second attack. You have 2 presets for each character, both on ground and in the air which makes it a total of 16 different moves for each individual character. There are Astral Arts which are special attacks that do decent damage once charged but then there are joint attacks which do massive damage. Both have incredible animations and i loved watching them every single time. There's tons of them too as there's a different one for every pair you can think of. The characters are good too. The game focuses on character interaction rather than the story for the most part, having little dialogue moments that are meant to show you the bonds and conversations between your crew. It was always a fun watch. Law is definitely my favorite of the crew, he's such a goofball and I really enjoyed his little arc and him going from despair to a person his dad would be proud of. Dohalim is that silly boomer of the group but when serious he goes hard. Kisara is like the mommy of the group, canonically making meals for the group, managing finances and keeping everyone in check. Rinwell was an immature child who often let her emotions get the better of her, but by the end she felt a lot more grown up and more accepting of the Renans. Shionne is an older sister to Rinwell, treating her gently but in general she acted cold due to her conditions. Slowly though, she opens up and despairs her potential imminent death, it was a heartwarming scene. Finally there's Alphen, the protagonist. Honestly he's a bit bland, but he has his moments and he peaked during the whole crown contest flashbacks and ritual, the segments explaining his origin. He's an oblivious dude who strives for justice. The story itself is good, and the plot twist towards the end was absolutely bonkers, I just wish it wasn't revealed in such a lame way. It isn't anything new or special that the story brings to the table, but it's enjoyable to play through and like I said, it's more focused on its characters.


I really loved this game. The story hooked me, the characters were intriguing, the voice acting was great, and the gameplay was fun. I enjoyed exploring the world, and getting cutscenes of my characters interacting with each other along the way. I felt like I was on a real adventure, the story would get intense and it was great to see the main characters become real heroes.

Rating: 2.5/5
Gameplay: Tales of arise introduce new mechanics to the series such as other tales games do, expect some are rendered useless in boss fights and the pacing of the game makes it feel longer then it is.
Story: Without spoiling, The story starts off abit strong then halfway through the game it takes abit of a weird turn to the point and throws all the Mystery of what you been searching for at once, kind of ruining the Suspense when you already knew what was coming.
Graphics: No complaints with the Graphics, best I seen in the series so far.
Sound: soundtrack in general didn't catch my attention much until I got to the secret dungeon and even then I feel like that doesn't count much.
Characters: Characters are pretty cool but kinda come off as generic and can easily be compared to other tales series characters or anime characters. No enemies really stood out as well.
Game length: 40Hr
Complexity: Game isn't that hard to learn after
Pricing: I wouldn't recommend full price, Maybe $20-$30 Range
Replay Value: Unlike other tales game, you can pretty much do everything in one run so maybe not much Aside from trying solo challenges or the hardest difficulty.
my own Opinion: Not as Great as other tales games but still enjoyed it, mainly the end game content. Tho I still feel alot of JRPG fans or tales series fans will enjoy the game more then I did.

I hope me being so flabbergasted at how good something is doesn't become a running theme. I like making joke reviews. Okay umm.. rinwell has an owl so as an owl house fan I'm obliged to like her. ...yeah I've got nothing. fuck.

PS: I have not played the DLC and have no interest to do so.

The game is pretty alright, and definitely beautiful, but enemies are too thick at times.

It's a Tales of game but they got Unreal Engine so it looks really pretty and runs really well now.
I really don’t know what I was expecting.

I got bored because I was having really bad JRPG fatigue but it was okay as far as I played.

A gameplay é divertidinha com um bom desenvolvimento de personagem entre os protagonistas, uma das melhores relações mais fofas que já vi, porém essa mesma gameplay é rasa demais pra suportar 50 horas de história que é muito dita e não mostrada, deixando o titulo fraquissimo

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a very flawed but fun game that is an aesthetic masterpiece in my eyes

One of my favorite jrpgs. The only thing holding me from giving it five stars is the endgame, it was incredibly annoying, all i wanted to do was just finish the damn game already. Well, ignoring that, it's a fucking masterpiece. Great music, and an amazing combat.

very cookie cutter but maybe i'll come back to it at some point.

Combat is great but the story is very ass.

Tales of Arise é incrível. A parte final podia ser mais direta ao ponto.

Bons personagens, boas relações entre eles e bons arcos de evolução. A jogabilidade é incrível e o que fica um pouco aquém é a história, não é nada de outro mundo, mas é bem contatada e tem suas reviravoltas.

Mas DLC de aumentar espaço de consumíveis máximos, de dinheiro e de level é sacanagem hein bandai.

Definitely would have finished this if it had local co-op like previous entries.

It's probably one of the most consistent entries of the Tales franchise. The problems is that it starts great and it only goes downhill. The story gets too far-fetched near the finale and even though it sticks the landing it does not get to be really good at any point either.

Oh this is a great game. It has some of the most satisfying JRPG combat I've ever seen, the music is fantastic (as expected from sakuraba), and the story is incredible. Also, it was really nice to see a Tales of game get visuals this good.

the first 20h was a hit and miss for me, but oh boy after that, the game got better and better and packed with fantastic content!

Tales of franchise NEEDED this game
A game that doesn't look obsolete
A game that plays as flashy as ever with a more grounded and spectacular gameplay from the beginning
A game with... An absolute nonsense as the final arc
But ey! Characters are funny, I love shionne she's like my girlfriend, ost is a mix of baiten kaitos Sakuraba and dark souls Sakuraba
It's good, if you see it on discount, get it, it's fun

I'm in love with it, personally, but it's a very divisive title. Give it a chance

blahblahblah MAGIC!

You know what this game needed? More Hootle. More freaking Hootle and Law, fighting for the love of their lives, to the bitter end.

Seriously though, I went into this game completely blind and came out in love with the cast of characters. Having not touched a Tales game in nearly a decade (besides a replay of Symphonia) I had forgotten the masterclass of character growth and banter these games are rightfully known for. Top notch voice talent helped to push it even further.

The combat is crisp, responsive, and so damn pretty that sometimes I even forgot that some of these enemies (and not just bosses) have way more HP than they have any right to. The combo abilities between party members never got old, even after the literal thousandth time (1,157 to be exact!). This element of battle was hands down my favorite.

The story has some high peaks but also some low valleys. There was a point maybe 2/3rds of the way in that started to feel like a visual novel, and I was losing the plot for a bit there. With the budgets that modern games have you don’t often see what we were used to years ago: a strong (aka fully budgeted) opening and mid game only to be let down by a massively under budgeted and rushed final act. I don’t think Arise suffered from that symptom, but I still felt some pacing issues. Arise still does a great job branching out from the ‘small people problems’ into ‘whoa big world crisis problems’ and I enjoyed that immensely.

The difficulty was a bit of a roller coaster ride as well, but I appreciate that you can change the difficulty on the fly and actually benefit from playing it a bit harder. I think I played 70% of the game on hard, but for some bosses I knocked it down (Ooze Hive I hope you rot in hell you add spawning bastard!). At other points I did that for the dungeon, just because some of these normal mobs have too much HP and never really felt in danger, so they were just sponges for damage.

Oh! And the music! Wow, I admit I’ve never been a huge fan of Motoi Sakuraba, but this is by far one of my favorite soundtracks they’ve worked on. The different areas, being very distinctive in the game, also featured very distinct music, and each piece fit the theme for the zone. The battle music never got old, no matter how many times I heard it, and the ex dungeon battle and boss music? Perfection!

This is also the first Tales game I’ve ‘100%’ and I’m glad I did! There are things the devs did here to respect the players time that I wish other game companies, especially in the JRPG space, would take note of. Finishing the game at around lvl58 I thought I’d be grinding for hours to reach max level, but the ex dungeon had other thoughts. First boss down, the game asked me if 3 levels was enough? Oh, not quite huh? Well can’t please everyone, so the next handful were advancing me 4-5 levels at a time. And the ex dungeon featured one of the hardest boss fights I’ve experienced in an action JRPG, to the point my fingers were a bit achy after the 12 minute slog. Well worth the experience.

I cannot wait to see where Bamco goes next with the series, and think I might take a deep dive into the many Tales games I’ve skipped over the years.

And, please, for my fanservice needs, can we get a spin off with just Law, Rinwell and Hootle? Tales of Arise: Three’s Company. Please!

Biggest problem with this game is that it has a very real life and adult problem but gives a Disney channel solution to it. Other than that its a fun Tales game.

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This was my first Tales of game and probably will be my last.

I stumbled upon this game out of nowhere, I saw the gameplay, I saw a man in a mask wielding a fire sword, I was sold. The presentation and the characters are amazing, and the story was very compelling, the good ol cycle of hatred format that works almost every time, the initial two thirds of the game are amazing (unfortunately, getting weaker by each chapter). Then the last third of the game hits and everything is rushed, there are aliens now, Lenegis is just some hallways and the final dungeon has bosses as regular enemies blocking your way. The fun exploration was gone, the skits became a chore and the gameplay loop didnt get any better than it was at the first 10 hours of the game (and by the end you probably are on the 50 hour mark). I am a fan of JRPGs, but this game is not beating the "spoongy bosses and enemies with large as HELL health pools that take 5-10 minutes to defeat, each" allegations, and I heard that this game has the best combat of any Tales Of game. If this one has the best then I surely dont wanna play them other games. Also, choices regarding the plot arent my cup of tea, the lack of a compelling villain doesnt help the narrative (Vholran was wasted since most of his story was told to us but not shown, Almeidrea probably the best villain of the game since I could actually feel her actions being evil and not just goofy evil). Most characters are cool tho, I was hoping for the success of everyone. That said, this will be probably my favorite game that I will never finish. It was fun till it wasnt.

A near perfect game that fell off right at the very last hurdle.

The story, whilst firmly entrenched in what some might consider tropes, still managed to string me along interested to find out more. This was certainly helped by a cast of all very likeable, charming or interesting characters, with a few exceptions on both sides of the battle. The set up on the initial and middle arc of the game were very well done and enjoyable, but when the time came for the big pay off and the "ah ha!" moment, the delivery stumbled.

What also shines to me is the combat and the moment to moment gameplay, with interesting systems layered upon one another rewarding you for engaging with them on a deeper level, but not punishing you for avoiding it (as I did for the first quarter of the game).

Overall, an enjoyable experience and one of my favourite JRPGs from here on out. If only I had of stopped before the final dungeon and avoided the bittersweet taste it left. Regardless, this game has become a 'time in my life' game and I will look back on it and the situation in my life where it appeared fondly.