Reviews from

in the past

Before diving into my review, I wanted to say that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was my favorite videogame for a long time; it's the most important videogame of my life, I spent thousands of hours playing it for many years, it's basically my childhood and it feels like coming back home everytime I play it. With that being said, I decided to play the special edition now and I'm gonna review it based on how it aged.
While the plot isn't anything special, the rich lore really makes up for a decent story overall.
The gameplay is still good; the combat system hasn't aged very well, but the game is very addictive thanks to its variety and open world design.
The RPG elements are well executed, the world feels massive even to this day and there's so much side-content to do.
The visuals don't look as impressive as they did back then but the world is still beautiful.
The expansions - Dawnguard and Dragonborn - are great; they add 2 of the best quest-lines in the game, plus some very cool additions into the game.
Also, Skyrim's soundtrack is one of my favorite - if not my favorite - in a videogame, ever.
Unfortunately though, the voice acting didn't age well at all, and same goes for the dungeon design too; many dungeons are similar to each other and they get repetitive after a while.
Lastly, I think Special Edition could've done much better job at updating the game's visuals than it did, and maybe update the combat system as well.

+ Rich lore
+ Addictive gameplay
+ Excellent world design
+ Huge world filled with of content
+ 2 very good DLCs
+ Incredible soundtrack

- Repetitive dungeon design
- Dated voice acting

Narrative: 6/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: 10/10
Characters: ?/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
It's been over a decade since The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's first release and this game still manages to offer a very solid RPG experience that holds a special place in my heart.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes, it'll always be a must-play for everyone in my opinion, even for those who don't enjoy playing RPGs.

Um clássico, mas algo que não sei o que me impede de dar 5/5

The best game ever made, five stars are not enough to describe such perfection. GOAT

Such a fun game, love the setting and quests but I'm actually in awe at the amount of game-breaking bugs that are still in this, I just gave up in the end.

Got it for free bc I had all the DLC, but it's just like... a higher contrast...

Genre defining title plagued with poor writing, and neglect from developers. Luckily, Bethesda's lazy ass is saved by modders.

Honestly, Skyrim is fine. Phenomenal at its time, but it ultimately shows its cracks in retrospect.

The watered-down and somewhat uninteresting mechanics, and plain narratives somewhat bogs down the experience.

However, Skyrim is at its peak in its quiet moments. Serene landscapes, and hearing Jeremy Soule's memorable soundtrack makes travelling a joyful experience.

Einfach ein Meisterwerk.
Die Special Edition hatte das alte Skyrim genommen und es deutlich verbessert.
Nicht nur Grafisch wurde dieses Spiel verbessert sondern auch Technisch wurde es Modernisiert, denn die Engin auf das dieses Spiel Basiert wurde von ein 32 Bit System auf ein 64 Bit System verbessert.
Auch die Entscheidung die DLCs, die bis dahin draußen waren, nun kostenlos dem Spiel beizulegen war eine gute Entscheidung und ließ der ein oder anderen Person nicht das Gefühl das Spiel nochmal Sinnlos kaufen zu müssen.
Die Story ist einfach fantastisch und auch nach mehrmaligen durchspielen, könnte ich mich immer wieder in die Welt von Himmelsrand Stürzen. Sie hat sich natürlich nicht verändert und ist immer noch Identisch zur alten Version.
Was ich auch sehr schön fand bei diesem Spiel, vor allem als damaliger nur Ps4 Besitzer, war die Möglichkeit Mods über das Spiel selber zu downloaden. Es waren keine besonderen Mods die das spiel extrem verändert haben wie es Mods auf dem Pc tun, sondern eher kosmetische und Quality of Life Mods (Sachen die dem Spieler vereinfachen) waren sehr vertreten.
Ich möchte hier auch noch den Mod-Store erwähnen aber da würde ich niemanden empfehlen was zu holen außer den Survival Mode, obwohl da ab jetzt der grif zur Anniversary Edition deutlich schlauer wäre.
Abschließend als jemand der jetzt fast jede Version dieses Spieles gespielt hat (außer die XBox Versionen), kann ich sagen das dieses Spiel hier und da deutlich besser als die 2011er Version ist. Es sind viele Kleinigkeiten die es Verbessern und die wenigen Großen wie die DLCs tragen ihren teil dazu bei das es sich auch Lohnt siech dieses Spiel zu hohlen. Ich würde aber heut zu tage nicht mehr empfelen diese Version zu kaufen, sondern die Anniversary Edition. Sie macht nicht viel anders hat aber auch mehr Kontent zu bieten.

Love this game, everything about this game is perfect, the aspect of this game that makes me think this game is flawless is its the only game that made me forget about the world around me.

Played this in middle/high school and still killed lydia for money plus Serana is better

Not the worst elder scrolls game but far from the best, by this point Bethesda had lost the plot on what makes for good storytelling in an elder scrolls game. There is, of course, fun to be had, I personally found stealth melee to be extremely fun and played through basically the entire game that way. I give this a 3/5 because many mechanics (horses, magic, transformations, etc.) are very undercooked and rendered almost unusable.

I will die on the hill that is this game is the most overrated garbage of all time

Un jeu qui aujourd'hui serait difficilement jouable pour un nouveau joueur, il faut le dire les mécanique de gameplay ont bien trop vieilli, visuellement ça a prit un coup ect. Mais de son temps quelle claque c'était, je n'ai jamais retrouvé un jeu qui m'aura autant marqué. On ne fait plus de jeux aussi ambitieux de nos jours.

Only by playing it did I truly feel the magnitude that this game represented for its generation and the ones to come, as well as its significance for the industry as a whole. The lingering question is: for how long will the echoes of Skyrim resonate?

- It must have been the wind.

Um dos melhores ARPGs e um dos maiores games da história, não há muito o que comentar acerca de Skyrim, é um jogo lendário.

Depois de quase 10 anos com inúmeros saves, resolvi fazer o 100%/Platina, simplesmente uma das melhores e mais gratificantes que já fiz até o momento; é um 100% longo, especialmente no PC pela necessidade de fazer as conquistas das DLCs, mas vale muitíssimo a pena. Como citado, não há muito o que falar de Skyrim, simplesmente possui um hall de quests secundárias que facilmente seriam plots principais em alguns jogos, tem uma das atmosferas mais imersivas já feitas e uma quantidade de mods gritantes e que atendem a todo tipo de gosto; para finalizar, Skyrim possui uma soundtrack maravilhosamente marcante, escuto a maior parte delas até o dia de hoje, em especial as OSTs de exploração do jogo.

Nota: 10/10 Olimpo dos Games

Skyrim is the very definition of pure unfiltered SOUL. What else needs to be said about Skyrim that no other person has dared to say before me? It is quite simply one of THE games of all time.

Skyrim takes place 200 years after the events of Oblivion, Bethesda’s other classic gem, where the player is put into the shoes of their hand-crafted Dragonborn Chad or Chadette. A civil war has taken place between the Imperials and Stormcloaks, and your character begins their journey at the helm of their disarray. (I still remember, to this day, when Ralof said “Hey, you. You’re finally awake” to me on my first playthrough.)

After a dragon accidentally helps the player narrowly escape their own execution, you soon find out that not all Nirnroots sing a pretty tune. Turns out that dragons have been extinct for centuries and now they’re back. Once you meet Balgruuf, it’s over. He orders you to fight an incoming dragon before it wipes out the city of his people. Reluctantly, your character participates, only to find out that they are in fact what we would call a Dragonborn, also known as Dovahkiin. (For those who didn’t know.) These rare somebodies are people born with the blood of Dragons and therefore can wield the same powerful magic. Fucking banger. It is now up to you, the player, to play the game and stop the dragons in order to say that you have beaten the game.

With a healthy level of jank, you could say that the gameplay loop of this game has aged quite poorly. And I would agree. There is no shortage of unfun first person combat to be found here, in fact, there is literally so much of it. However, the jankiness of it all is what gives Skyrim that rough edge charm we all know and love, and therefore I would say that even though it’s a 2011 game, it’s actually held up quite nicely. It’s not often you see me praising an old game that is THAT old, so you just know that it has to be the peak of the RPG medium.

I really think this game gets a lot of heat nowadays for really no reason. Have you ever considered that maybe this game is supposed to be a fucking mess? Just download a truck load of mods and exploit the enchantment table in order to deal 1247083927028238 contact damage on the Bandit Outlaw preventing you from progressing through the cave. It honestly takes a lot of skill to beat this game without it crashing at least 764 times with all the mods you’ve downloaded, so maybe just get better at the game before giving up on it. You seriously have no idea what you’re missing and I actually threaten you to give it another chance. Jankiness is an element that can be bested with both time and practice and was in fact intentionally put into Skyrim in order to challenge the player’s ability to keep their cool. I admire Todd Howard for shaping me into a better man.

Did you know that the term, “I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee” actually came from Skyrim? You can trigger this event when walking around town and speaking to any generic guard. Not even M’aiq the Liar knows that one.

Now let’s talk about some of the mid level designs. Ugh, if I have to complain about something it would be in this area here. Everytime I walked into a Dwemer ruin, I wanted to take all my anger out on Lydia again. The Falmer? The Automatas? The one big dungeon that’s almost as big as my Mom’s house? They make me want to drop this kino from a 10 to a 9 so bad, but I am a much stronger person than that. The nice thing is that you don’t have to go through them very often, but hoo-wee if I had ever seen bad design, it’s that. Not sure what the game devs were thinking with that one.

Disregarding that, some parts of this game really make you feel like you’re truly on crack cocaine. I mean, there’s really no way to fling yourself into the air without dying in real life so baiting a Giant to do it is like the next best thing. I took off all of my clothes, got 10,000 bounty in each town for killing the merchants and not even a single NPC gave a shit. It really made me feel like I was crafting the RPG adventure of my dreams. I once ignored all of the main quests and drank so much Skooma that I instantaneously died right in front of Delphine, and I’d do it again too. Anything to stick it to that bitch. There is no way she can convince me to do Spoiler, ever. Also, did you know that the dragon Paarthurnax is voiced by Charles Martinet, the original voice actor for Mario?

I really wish that I could play this game for the first time again so that I could become the ultimate Skyrim racist on my first playthrough. I was too nervous to go that route the first time, but I really think I missed out on something special there. Oh well, there’s 17 re-releases of this game that I can do that on!

Trophies: 76
Playtime: 20 minutes
Graphics: Potato
Music: Based

Here are my scores for those who don’t know:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐- A complete and utter masterpiece. The best thing I have ever played. I will be thinking of this one for generations to come. I got a tattoo about it on my back and will be naming my children after the main characters.

⭐⭐⭐⭐- It’s dogshit. I’ve never been more insulted in my entire life. If I could refund it I would but Steam’s horrible refund policy prevents me from refunding games after 65 hours.

⭐⭐⭐ - Anyone who likes this game should be imprisoned on death row. You are genuinely the worst person who ever worsted.

⭐⭐ - I wouldn’t even accept this as a gift. What are you? Anti-Santa?

⭐- It’s woke.

Happy April 1st, everyone!

Remaster of a classic.

64 bit engine fixes a lot of the woes from modding the original, making it the definitive way to play the game.

Joguei, Jogo e jogarei...
A lenda sempre retorna aos nossos corações e HD

Same game with some new graphics updates

I have more than 200 hours logged into Skyrim in just roleplaying's very addictive and this game has been a godsend for inspiring worldbuilding in my own projects <3

The Witcher but mediocre. Or perhaps the game just didn't age well.

Quand je stoppe le temps avec「The World」pour esquiver les pièges et récupérer ma 40ième épée de Witcher qui décorera ma base :