Reviews from

in the past

Please use a guide, and probably emulate it, but if you go through this game right, it can be very fun. However, jumping through hoops isn't exactly my idea of great design.

This is so adorable, crazy to think my dad actually played this when he was my age...

Revolucionário para a época, porém muito ultrapassado. Achei lento, difícil e chato. Marcante por ser o primeiro da saga, mas no como jogo em si.

Gameplay: 0,5
Gráficos: 0,5
Trilha sonora: 0,5
História: 0,5
Game design: 0

Hell no I didn't beat it how was I supposed to

mon dessin de la map était démoniaque mais que du bonheur

Overall the game was pretty good and I also learned alot about game design from this era. With that being said, this game doesn't hold up in the modern era (even in the eyes of a retro gamer).

people say this game has aged bad but youre wrong i dont make the rules

Im going to slowly playthrough most of the mainline Zelda games as there are very few I have properly completed so no better place to start than the 1986 classic. Prefix, I played this using the NES collection thing on the Switch.

Like most NES games there isn't any narrative, just a quest. Link has to save Princess Zelda from the evil Ganon. Very simple and the groundwork that the later entries build off. The meat of the game is in the dungeons and overworld exploration. The map is very easy to navigate if you find one online, it makes everything much easier. For the most part the dungeons are good and age surprisingly well, but the last two dungeons ramps the difficulty up out of nowhere which was quite rewarding considering how OP the sword is in this game. Most items were useless besides the candle and bombs as most of them have a single use for the dungeon you get it in. The overworld is mostly just a forest looking area with Death Mountain up to the north and a graveyard to the west, fun to explore and find all the secret hidden rooms, which I have absolutely no idea how people were meant to find these back in the day.

When it comes to visuals, the 8 bit art style is really charming and I love all the enemy sprites, good variety of enemies as well for the first game in the series. Score wise it is iconic, The Legend of Zelda franchise has some of my favourite tracks of all time in it and the first game in the series sets it up well. There are a handful of tracks in this game but the one you hear the most is the overworld theme which is pretty much synonymous with the franchise at this point.

A true classic. I think this game has aged quite for an NES game,. By todays standards it is borderline required to either use a guide or at least a map to save yourself walking around lost, but besides that its a good start to my favourite franchise of all time.

Encore un très bon Zelda aujourd'hui même si parfois punitif, j'ai apprécié l'aspect monde ouvert et le fait de pouvoir faire les donjons dans l'ordre souhaité.
Bémol, les murs cassables qu'on ne peut différencier du reste.

Not too difficult combat-wise, but you need a guide unless you want to spend hours walking around aimlessly. Awesome music.

Great game and great gameplay just my only problem is sometimes it gets a little confusing and frustrating but other then that it is a great game.

I love The Legend of Zelda even though people overlook it a lot. The puzzles are impossible because of the translation, but if you can use google and overlook that fact, then it is an amazing game.

Porque... mi espada... SE MUEVE.... ASIIIIIIII

without save states this shit is lowkey annoying af, but its influence is crazy. still a very fun game. very unique experience just loading the game up with no info and just playing. started one of the best series of all time.

beaten for the first time without save states. it's pretty easy sailing for most of the game (especially given you can waltz into the very first dungeon busted as hell in regards to items and upgrades) until the second to last dungeon where it went to hell. extra heart containers, upgraded weapons/armor, and such can only go so far with some of the combat encounters.

i think this will always be a appreciate for what it is and what it did for the medium while never fully enjoying it by itself type thing for me.

looking forward to slowly working my way through the rest of the series. a lot of replays but there's a few that i've yet to beat in there too.

Can be very frustrating but very rewarding

I bet this went crazy in the 90s

really good considering it's age

La exaltación de un recuerdo de niñez reavivado en la forma más pura de aventura.

Ante la aparente limitación y la imposibilidad, se elevan la inteligencia (aquello que permite diseñar y unir las piezas que conforman la totalidad de una obra) y la sensibilidad (la capacidad de dotar al conjunto de un impacto y significado mayor) para dar paso a la posibilidad y la maravilla.

Esa unión es la clave para concebir un mundo tan rico como Hyrule: inhóspito, desafiante, pero también intrigante, poético y evocador. En cada una de sus pantallas aguarda una posible historia, un secreto por descubrir, una bifurcación de caminos donde coexiste el desafío de la navegación junto a la tensión del combate para dar como resultado la lucha por la supervivencia, una lucha donde cada acción y decisión importan frente a estas tierras totalmente indiferentes a nosotros.

Es esa indiferencia la que enfatiza el desafío de esta aventura y su naturaleza indómita por medio de la escasez de recursos, de parajes laberínticos, de supervivientes reticentes, de enemigos impredecibles y de misterios que se ocultan a simple vista. Hyrule se resiste a nosotros y, en consecuencia, buscamos prevalecer pese a la adversidad. Todo ello a través de los ojos de un niño como lo es nuestro protagonista, quien, guiado por su sentido de la justicia y armado con su pericia y valor, afronta los peligros de este reino en ruinas doblegado por la barbarie.

Un niño frente al mundo. Parece un esfuerzo fútil, ridículo, casi imposible, pero con cada derrota, con cada descubrimiento y con cada victoria superamos los límites conocidos. Crecemos. Una vez superada la percepción de esos límites, la figura de ese niño se engrandece. El valor ilumina nuestra senda, revela el mundo y da paso a la posibilidad.
Solo entonces ocurre la maravilla.
Solo así nace la leyenda.

This review contains spoilers

No pensé disfrutar bastante este juego pero mi única y mayor queja es COMO CARAJO NINTENDO QUERIA QUE UNO SE PASARA ESTO SIN GUIA? Tocaba poner bomba en cada pared o quemar arbustos si uno quería reunir todas las partes de la trifuerza, además de que si no consigues en la novena mazmorra las flechas de plata y entras a luchar contra el jefe final, tienes que morir si o si, ya no habrá otra manera de salir, de resto esta muy bueno.

O jogo é divertido, especialmente pros fãs da franquia, mas por limitações da época os controles travados e a falta de direcionamento tornam o caminho bem mais dificil e em alguns pontos dificil de se jogar sem um guia

epic games preservation fail: secrets permanently out of stock. there was once a wonder of the ancient gaming world here. but now it is covered in stainless steel and rebar. very few people explore in hyrule anymore. now, its visitors are mostly tourists. if a game like this was released today, people would rightfully call its core design hopelessly naive.

zelda 1 was always meant to be solved with a little bit of help- whether it be homemade maps, schoolyard secret swapping, or good old Nintendo Power™. but that does not mean that the years have been kind to the game. the world map itself remains unchanged 35+ years later. it's us who have changed around it. a whole cottage industry has sprung up on teaching people how to finish video games. sure, guide magazines existed in the 80s. but the rugged, chunky open world is cut through like mist with the guided tours that clutter the first several pages of google search results. the exact amount of help you'll need in this game isn't even clear until you've already spoiled yourself, and the vast, vast majority of people Will need help to get to the end of this game.

miyamoto famously created this game to evoke the feeling from his childhood of trying to piece together surroundings he didn't understand, organically discovering surprises along the way. as a society, no matter how we try and ignore it, we always have a perfect map in our backpack.

I think this game more than any other from my early childhood prepared me for Demon's Souls and its successors. It kicks you into the world and the rest is up to you. This open-ended exploration combined with its roguelite setup of letting you keep the various items and upgrades through death quickly creates a drive to keep exploring, try going to new areas, and see what else you can find as you slowly get stronger. Resetting you to three hearts is even similar to Soul Form to keep the the comparison going.

My point is that this game introduced a lot of concepts to the action RPG genre that are still used today, to say nothing of being the first console game with a real save feature. Beyond that, the music is fantastic, and while the plot is thin it doesn't really detract from the game. The visuals aren't the best, but this was probably a trade-off for the size of the game world, and similarly the monochromatic dungeons could have used some more diversity in format and color.

Overall, this is another hallmark title of the NES and gaming in general for a reason and it still holds up well as long you have a desire to venture forth into the world.

The Legend of Zelda 1986 | Nes
emulador pc

1-interacción: 7.2
2-mundo/apartado artístico: 7.8
3-concepto: 8
4-puesta en escena: 7.5
5-narración: -
6-sonido/apartado sonoro: 7
7-jugabilidad: 7.2
8-historia: 5
9-duración/ritmo: 6
10-impacto: 7



74.5 promedio

Enjoyed it for what it is, crazy for the time, but a lot of it hasn't aged as well as I'd like.

Por bueno que fuera en su momento está muy anticuado.

kicked my ass and crushed my balls into a fine paste

One of the greatest NES games of all time! Playing this back in the day as a kid with the manual in front of you making a map of all the secrets was always a great memory for me! It has a great challenge to it and the dungeons were always fun to explore! Always loved coming back to this every few years on the Switch now!

Obviously the one that started it all, but it's kind of rough without a walkthrough and savestates! I can't bring myself to use savestates though, so I'll probably never finish it.

Arguably the most influential ARPG of all time. It almost never gets old.
Only real issue with this game for me is some of the puzzles are brain-dead easy but it's the first game so maybe that's why.
Also you cannot walk diagonally but that's not really too bad.
This game has some of the best enemy design in all of video games and it lays the foundation for every Zelda afterwards.
The translation on the NES version is a bit rough and by a bit rough I mean a lot rough.
There's a lot of ways to play this but my preferred way is either on NES or Mesen or with Zelda Classic which is a fan-made re-implementation of the game for DOS and Windows computers that allows for custom content and mods.
There's also many many romhacks for this game if you get bored.
Personally I'd play the first and second quests before moving onto any romhacks.
Zelda II is better tho lololol