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Oyunu bitiremedim. Gerçekten gerilmekten artık yeter dedim. çıksın sikecem belasını gazına geldim. O gazla 1 saat daha dayandım. Oyunda yanlış iblisi getirmişim meğer. Gerici yere geri git diyor anasını avradını skm böyle oyunun. Korku oyunu kariyerimi bu oyunla birlikte sonlandırıyorum. Bu kadar germenize gerek yok milleti.
ANANIZI avradınızı sikeym.

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raymond fanservice ? on god?


mas falando sério... dá muito medo, recomendo

What a great horror game, its been a while since the last time I played an actual original game of the horror genre, with the randomized situations and intriguing story, def a one of a kind work.

um dos poucos casos onde um monte de jumpscares na sua cara realmente funcionam.

Very good! A little rough around the edges but the gameplay is moreish and approachable and genuinely interesting without ever feeling like it's trying to gross you out, which would have just felt insulting to the titular profession. It's a little short but with multiple endings there's plenty of reason to replay. It's a little over-reliant on jumpscares at times and seems insistent on undercutting itself just as it's really getting tense with it's atmosphere, but overall a good experience! A game that feels made for streaming but works well at home too.

Bit short but thoroughly enjoyed it. The whole concept is very unique and despite the game's reliance on jumpscares it's still good. It knows what it is and uses that to it's advantage. It has moments whether I'm questioning whether I actually saw something or not and I love that type of horror when it's done right. I'm also pretty sure most of the scares are randomly generated and that works well. My only issue is the length and the fact that some of the demon models look straight out of Roblox but excusing that it's a pretty solid horror game.

não pense em demônios, trabalhe.

This game is fucking cursed holy shit

Bro, the body I checked died with clown make-up own. Imagine dying as a clown. L

Repetitivo hasta la médula con el único bait de los sustos generados de forma aleatoria. El proceso de embalsamamiento es siempre el mismo y carece de interés a la segunda vez que se lleva a cabo. Los menús son terribles y los finales son muy meh en su mayoría.

Much more linear than the dev's previous games. It felt like your path was always a straight corridor of embalming the bodies and figuring out the possessed one, with only a slight sidestep every now and then to get a new ending.

Good fun with some great scares, but just feels much smaller overall compared to The Subject, Kohate, and Our Secret Below. I'm looking more for puzzles, but the gameplay loop of this is just the embalming over and over. Very little to actually figure out.

you never forget the first corpse you embalm. for me, it was a 29 year old woman named jade. she had three deep scratches on her back, and i thought she was marked for demonic possession. while i was entering her information into the computer system, jade sat up to stare at me. i didn't really like that.

talking about the mortuary assistant in detail is hard. this is primarily because i think it is best experienced with as little information as possible; every step of this game was remarkably unique in how it was used as a game mechanic. procedurally generated hauntings and bodies don't always keep it feeling fresh, and with five endings to find, this is one of those games i think people will struggle to finish. it doesn't take away from the experience, though.

it's a crying shame this came out in august. there's no bad time to launch a horror game, i think, and it's not like the game's being overshadowed by something else, but with mechanics and a storyline like this? the mortuary assistant is the perfect halloween night stream game. here's hoping that it totters all the way there. i think there's something special here, and a potential for something like a minor P.T. moment. there's scares in this one that'll stick with me for ages.

A dublagem é com certeza o melhor ponto do jogo pra mim, os VA são todos ótimos, dão uma profundidade legal pra lore do jogo. Ate que tem uma historinha interessante, mas é meio confusa as vezes. Em questao de gameplay, no começo ele joga muita informação na sua cara, mas com o tempo da pra pegar tudo. Jumpscares boas, da pra sentir um medinho 💀

i dont like the demon very much, titties bounce tho lol

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i really like this game, i think its genuinely great. easy, simple gameplay, lore that is interesting and pretty serviceable in terms of rebecca's, i like the way it contrasts with her job and adds to it

raymond's is especially interesting though, i reaaally liked the vhs tape in the new update. something about editing and just footage presented like that just creeps me out every time, and the images were damn good

this was made by one dev mostly so that is just so impressive to me. it can be a bit apparent sometimes, especially in terms of the animations, but its still good
the voice acting is especially phenomenal as well

and its scary! the gameplay and setting makes for something that easily crawls under your skin, and the random events mostly being not very in your face and slinking into the background is so excellent. good stuff

Tad bit confusing but original and actually scary which makes this easily worth experiencing.

Super buggy, frequently making a shift incompletable, forcing you to guess which demon it is, or locking your progress on a body completely, stopping you from progressing. You've seen all the scares and hallucinations by the times you've gotten all 5 endings like I did.

el juego podria tener potencial si no se basara en ser un producto de youtuber/streamer barato que se trata de sacar sustos con cosas de la nada o mierdas asi, hay muchas mas formas de hacer miedo/terror, no solo hacer jumpscares de mierda

This game is so good. The story, sound, and scares are surprisingly amazing for a one man operation. I still have one ending to get that is pretty random but even so!

+ interesting, unique premise
+ good world building
- - over reliant on jump scares
- - repetitive gameplay

A lot of the best aspects of this game are in it's unique setup for story telling and how each run is different. They managed to make a rouge-lite horror game that works. That alone deserves kudos.

Everything else though is fine. Many of the scares are either bad or straight up hilarious. One that occurs in the prologue will probably become a meme between my friend and I. The actual gameplay is kinda tedious and rarely super interesting. This feels like a tech demo for something that could be much more with time and money.

A solid fusion of the chore simulation genre and jump scare horror. While the actual mortuary work itself is unchanging, the constant threat of other concerns keeps that part of the game loop feeling fresh. Eventually though, as with most chore sims, the work becomes stale. I guess there is nothing quite like your first cadaver.

While I was, quite honestly, shocked at how much story was tucked away into the corners of this game, the main thrust of a shift at River Fields is identical from night to night. I would have loved to see some alteration to the formula on subsequent shifts, but other than digging into story bits or experiencing new hauntings, Rebecca's new nightlife is static.

In updates, the developer has talked openly about their wish to update, expand, and grow the game. I enjoyed my brief time in The Mortuary Assistant, and will return when there is more to uncover.

the scariest game ive played so fucking good this is what the autopsy of jane doe WANTED to be

Watched Markiplier's LP. Compelling storytelling!

i heard that this game was made by a single person dev and if this is true, they made a incredible job for all things considered, the jumpscares are one of the best i have ever seen. The only thing holding back this game are the shit ton of bugs and misspels, but tbh its expected. the more you play the game the more neurotic you get from every single sound you hear. Goog game

To start off positive, it's really disturbing for what it is! If you're squeamish with surgery or stuff like that, it'll definitely get under your skin. On top of that, the game does scares very well- they're often soundless, and not at all cheap, so it feels good when the game pulls one on you.

The biggest issue, though, is the story progression. It's done almost entirely through randomly triggering story events, where you're teleported to a new area, or you see a cutscene, or your character gets locked into some scripted camera movement and you see a ghost or something. This means that to get the full story, and more importantly to get the special endings, you've got to replay the game a multitude of times.

This would not be a problem... if the game wasn't 45-90 minutes long, at MOST, and you're not even guaranteed to get new story events. Considering the fact that the game also has achievements requiring 50 total playthroughs, it really gives the feeling that the game is trying to squeeze out 20+ hours of playtime despite only having like 3 hours worth of content.

So what you end up getting for 25 USD is a game that you play once or twice fully immersed in the horror, and then you do a handful more playthroughs (48 if you are unhinged) while watching something on your second monitor with the game's volume muted, completely annihilating any horror atmosphere from orbit. The game's RNG based storytelling just encourages completely unimmersed gameplay at worst, and at best, you just go through the motions and none of the scares land- both are absolutely TERRIBLE ways to experience a horror game.

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I've been following DSD for a while, so I know that they can be extremely brilliant at times, and very disappointing at others.
First of all, The mortuary assistant is great. Wonderful. it gives you exactly everything it promises in a very tight package, it looks great, it sounds great, and with many moments that are truly blood-chilling. HOWEVER. The awe factor quickly runs out as soon as you figure out that there's no threat, there's no variety, and there's really no story either.
In order. This game is made by (mostly) a single dev, which is fenomenal, because the animations are rough but smooth and believable, the characters look like people (which in the game of the psx-horror obsession, it means a lot), the maps are very well done in terms of size, detail and usage. Everything in the game has a purpose, there's even a purpose for the weird matches that are the only thing you can take in the entrance. As for the game, it's exactly like in the title: you're a mortuary assistant, and wheter or not the tasks you're doing are realistic or not, they FEEL authentic, which is very important.
Now, the corpse routine is exactly the same for every single body, and there's always three bodies every night, with no variation and no increasing difficulty. And even though the bodies are randomly chosen, there's only like five possible ones, so you'll see the same faces a lot, considering there's five endings. That means at the very least, to see everything the game has to offer, you'll have to go through 15 bodies, out of the 5 available.
The scares and events are also random, which is good, but for at least 5 runs, there's not nearly enough of them. I've actually gone through the same scripted sequence three times in three consecutive runs, and there's no skipping these. You're forced to stop and do them all. On that note, you're not allowed to change the corpse task order either, you have to do number 1 before number 2, even if nothing should be stopping you, and if you start a corpse you have to do the entire procedure, you're not allowed to stop and put it away no matter what.
The key here is repetition. There's not enough variety for what the game wants to be, and there's not enough player freedom to be able to circumvent this problem. You're forced to do the same sequence and see the same things over and over for... not a whole lot. The story is basically all in the intro cutscene, and one or two endings. Even then, those two endings only give you a bit more context to stuff you can very well piece together from environmental clues, and the other endings are just slight variations. You even get the same burning cutscene wheter you chose the right body or not. That just makes no sense.
End of the day, it's a great game, really fenomenal. But for the price it has, I just wish it offered more than 3/4 hours-ish of stuff, of which, really just about an hour is interesting, and the rest is repetition. Much like me writing repetition so many times in this review.
It works great, but you could do better.