Reviews from

in the past

The most gorgeous and atmospheric puzzle game I’ve ever played. I only got help maybe max 10 times, and I only got the base ending because I am tired of my brain hurting in such a specific way. Although nice; I find some of the video clips and audio files to be a bit pretentious, like your Psych/English major friend trying to show off. Really loved the subtle world building and how diverse each of the biomes were. Finally getting a puzzle you have been chipping away at for 30 minutes is very satisfying and makes up for the rest of the game where I was occasionally just banging my head against the wall. Don’t think I’ll go back and do the non mandatory sections, but who knows.

Um... well it's definitely not for everyone. It's a pretty neat little puzzle game, but I wasn't nearly as charmed as some other puzzle games like Tunic or Fez when it gets somewhat esoteric. It does carry with it a feeling of "you're not supposed to find everything, and that's okay!" with a lot of the puzzles being optional, but even without those, puzzles can very often feel less like they're encouraging discovery and more like they're trying to see if they can finally "getcha" and make you give up. It can often feel cruel, and that's maybe the point? It's a masochist's puzzle game, and well: I am a masochist, so I kinda fuck with it.

The last bit of puzzles where there's just actually seizure inducing mechanics can fuck off though.

Amazing puzzle game... gives me motion sickness

De los puzles mas locos que hay, la historia es una fumada y los videos aun mas

Probably the best puzzle game ever. Maybe even the most well-designed game ever, period. Definitely the most expansive, open game I've ever played bar none, and that's taking Breath of the Wild into account. Without a doubt the single most mysterious, captivating, rewarding, curious, creative, unique, atmospheric, thought-provoking, and especially the most beautiful game I have ever played. Lost for words right now. Or another concrete conclusion for that matter. I don't even know what I just played but wow that really was something else.

As my second loop through the game, I had a lot of fun relearning all of the patterns. A good time.

Eu procuro um jogo que passe a mesma experiência desse a muito tempo, e nunca encontrei.

the game is so well done and thought through, attention to detail is amazing. the developers knew exactly how to reward you when you get something right. however, puzzles can get fairly annoying at times and kind of make the progress feel boring. unless you’re really into puzzles ofc

Un excellent puzzle game, rien à dire de plus.

Spíše než simulátor chůze křížený s logickými puzzly jde o regulérní IQ test, který vám/nám jednou pro vždy dokáže, jak moc jste/jsme oproti Jonathanu Blowovi hloupoučcí. A přitom to z jeho strany nepůsobí jako vychloubání se.

Nejprve si však odbydu zápory. Největším je paradoxně samotný ostrov, jakkoli není nezajímavé po něm bloumat a objevovat jeho různorodá přenádherná zákoutí, tak tomu chybí nějaká jednotící linie, interaktivní prvek... Prostě něco, co by ho činilo něčím více než pouhým herním hubem propojujícím jednotlivé puzzly a tedy do značné míry nutným zlem. Nepůsobí jako nedílná součást hry, ale jako něco, co bylo přidáno až po vytvoření všech puzzlů, aby to mělo aspoň nějaký rámec. A občasné střípky myšlenek a citátů velikánů to v tomto ohledu nijak nevytrhnou.

A teď ke kladům. Což je v tomto případě synonymum pro puzzly. Je až nepochopitelné, jak se na tak primitivním nápadu (propojení bodu A a B) dá vystavět tak neuvěřitelná variabilita puzzlů, které postupně pracují se vším co vám přijde na mysl; bludišti, oddělováním v rámci mřížky, počítáním, pamětí, prostředím, perspektivou, dualitou, hrou světla atd.

Po celou hru se opakuje shodný vzorec. Je vám předložen směšně jednoduchý puzzle, který vás seznámí s nějakým principem. Následuje několik dalších puzzlů, které ten princip rozšiřují a dávají mu (nikde nezmíněná, musíte je vypozorovat) pravidla (kupříkladu oddělit bílé body od černých). Následují čím dál těžší, které toho pak do mrtě využívají a zavaří vám mozek. Až/pokud je pokoříte, tak se přesunete k jiné části ostrova, kde je představen zcela nový koncept, který však vychází z již použitých předchozích pravidel. A tak dále a dále a dále (údajně je jich cca 650), až máte nebývale komplexní puzzly s tisícem pravidel. A to celé, aniž by kde byl jediný náznak nápovědy, vysvětlení či výslovného řečení co máte dělat, protože se dané principy učíte a objevujete je skrze samotné hraní. Prostě vyšší dívčí herního designu v praxi.

Čili čistě jako soubor hravých (kolik hráčů objeví ty týkajících se černých obelisků?), nápaditých a pekelně těžkých puzzlů, které vydrží na pěkných pár bezesných nocí, obstojí The Witness na výtečnou. Jako hra, která se krom těch puzzlů snaží i o hledání hlubšího smyslu a vůbec tak nějak „něčeho navíc“, aby to právě nebyl jen soubor puzzlů, už to tak slavné není. Každopádně pokud vám puzzly nejsou cizí, tak by byl hřích tento výjimečný počin minout, jakkoli ho budete nesnášet, protože „přece sakra není možné, že tohle není správné řešení, to musí být nějaký bug či co, grrr“.

A pretty transcendent puzzle game. The amount of things to do and secrets to discover over the course of playing is staggering; the only downside is that it's almost too overwhelming. 100%ing this game without a guide is an endeavor that will take you a very, very long time, but unlike most games that take 30+ hours to figure out it's worth it.

I refuse to give this game a star rating, as I have more mixed feelings on it than perhaps any other game I've played.

Cool puzzle game, unfortunately, I'm retarded, so I stopped at the start.

It's solid puzzle experience and I admit defeat by a game.
This rarely happens but The Witness did really make me say ok, you win.

meu cerebro é imbecil de mais pra jogo assim, demorei mo tempão

not for everyone but life changing if it is for you

Tem uns puzzles muito complexos slk

Pretty looking pretentious bullshit

was a rough puzzle game, had some highs and some very low lows, often muddying old rules they established

O jogo definitivo para quem gosta de level design e puzzles que se precisa "pensar fora da caixa" para resolver!

imagine really needing to take a shit and to enter the bathroom you need to solve a fucking giant puzzle

the only crime i witnessed was still charging $40 for this game after being out for 8 years

after a while i just didnt care enough to keep doing another variation of the same thing

hard to sum up my opinions on this game in a single short review. in the beginning, it was really cool being forced to learn the rules of each puzzle through trial and error. however, as the game went on, and the mechanics became more complex, it was no longer interesting to figure these mechanics out, it was just frustrating. the concept is spectacular, and i wish it was done better. but at the end of this game, i felt only relief that i wouldn't have to suffer through it any more. if you liked this game, then power to you. the graphics are wonderful and it's an interesting idea which never really feels all that repetitive. but it is done so badly in practice that i cannot justify giving it any higher than a 2/5

It's a unique experience. Sometimes it's fascinating, sometimes it's infuriating, sometimes it's confusing. But it's unique, and I will always appreciate games that try to be unique. There is enough good here to love it, in spite of its flaws.

This game's great. It also sucks.
Honestly, the Joseph Anderson review of this game gets my feelings on it perfectly.

It's an good puzzle game with genuinely creative puzzles, compelling visuals, and a vibe so pretentious I wish there was an ass in the game I could shove a stick up.

And they'd still probably make that a puzzle.