Reviews from

in the past

Boring gunplay mixed with boring story that was only fun if you played with friends and didn't do the missions.

Cheio de expectativas tivemos uma nova IP com potencial, a maior parte do jogo é super interessante.

There is Smth so nice about this game but also so many issues,I love what this game does with its loot system to its environment and the atmosphere it portrays. I came from division 2 to play this game so I wasn't missing out on anything and I can say that I deeply love division 2 more than this game the reason for this being this game is so frustratingly unfair it puts you up against bullet sponge enemies while you get killed in half a second and the progression is very slow and 90 percent of this game is peeking doing some damage then going back behind cover after 37 enemies beam the life out of you what makes this game so good though is the story,lore, environment and the feel of the gameplay i love the atmosphere that is portrayed whiled walking around this games new york it really makes it feel how it's intended too and in comparison to its sequel i feel its the only thing it does better.
If your a fan of looter shooters,open world games and want Smth different out of Ubisoft then give this game a go or just play the much superior sequel I do recommend this game though.

Enjoyed the beta then was crickets when the game came out

na teoria uma ótima ideia, narrativamente e mecanicamente falando, mas só na teoria, porque na prática, sofre com MUITOS problemas de conexão, latência, balanceamento e progressão, fora isso, jogo lindo, infelizmente abandonado.

I put 20 something hours into this game. I remember none of it.

Oyun sadece ana görevlerden oluşsaydı daha eğlenceli olabilirdi, sırf oyunun süresi uzatılması adına boş boş yan görevler koymuşlar ve ana görevi yapabilmek için yan görevleri yapmak zorunda kalıyorsun yoksa levelin yetmiyor ve ana görevi yaparken harcıyorlar. anan t3cav7z(opsiyonel)

Silah sistemi, zırh sistemi vb. şeyler aslında mantıklı gözükse de günün sonunda hangisi daha cok levelliyse onu takıyon ve geçiyon pek bir sistem yok ortada daha detaylı ve güzel yapılabilirdi. Craft sistemi yapmışlar ama sadece bulabildiğin blueprintlerin craftı yapılıyor ve hangil levelde bulduysan o levelde craftlayabiliyon onun yerine hep eşyaları satıp dükkandan yeni silah zırh aldım.

Hikaye olarak bir bok anlamadım oyun ordan oraya attığı için hikayeden koptum durmadan doğal olarak ve sarmadı hikaye anlatış desen yok zaten sadece telsizden konuşuyorlar onun dışında oyunda adam vurmak falan eğlenceli taret atıyon yanıyo güzel oluyo yani arkadaşla oynayınca koptum tek oynasam sıkılırdım baya tesekurler

Online hakkında pek bilgim yok ilgimi cekmedi eyW

Je me suis laissé tenter par ce jeu et franchement je n'aurais pas du car au final les missions sont les mêmes mais pas dans le même lieu bref c'est répétitif

Fazer a platina não é simples, apesar de não ter nada muito complexo para se fazer, é extremamente chata, principalmente pelo fato de existir inúmeros coletáveis no mapa e precisar de um amigo caso queira fazer os troféus on-line com velocidade pois os servidores vivem vazios.

I really really wish this game wasn't an online-only, coop focused game.
I love the game's setting so much but shooting a guy in the head and just see "big numbers" without doing any actual damage to him is so dumb.
And playing the game solo means, you're gonna die a lot because you're the only enemy that your enemies can focus on and when it happens there will be nobody to revive you...
PS: I also hate pvp

The boss designs are bullshit, the bullet sponge is the biggest out of nearly every game I've played, enemy ai is abysmal but the co-op experience I got out of it was absolutely wonderful. Game made me and my homie capitalise/exploit on each weakspot and bug and coordinate in almost every shitty situation the game put us in. Games pretty monotonous, lengthy and I'd suggest people take their time completing it instead of rushing it cuz there's no point in doing so, there's hardly any Innovative mission design, but the bullet sponges and overdose of enemies force you to make effective plans to win the situation you're put in, so that's a really good thing about the game, despite it being grindy af like every other Tom clancy coop game. Ubisoft makes the best brain rot coop games that you can simply have fun , be it the far cry games or the Tom clancy franchise. Game wouldve been more fun if they had usable vehicles like Wildlands instead of running mindlessly for more than one km and get shot to death out of no where. One thing I like more about this is there were no game breaking bugs like in Wildlands.

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Played this when it first came out and really enjoyed it for the most part. There was one or two issues, I feel that the MMO feel subtracts from it and a more Ghost Recon like approach would've been better.

Having to scavenge for higher level gear after each mission can get tiring. Especially when the drops are worse than your current gear.

Joining a team and having most of them leave within the first few minutes can be disheartening as well. This however isn't the games fault but a problem with online games in general.

What I did really enjoy though was the combat, when you're using under leveled gear it's a slog but when you're using the correct stuff it can be a lot of fun. I also enjoyed the look of the game, it feels like New York hasn't been lived in for ages and you're exploring a frozen concrete jungle.

The plot was fun enough for the most part too. The opening is mainly just set up for clearing out all the gangs with the stand out being "The Last Man Battalion" who are all ex division agents. I still remember the reveal being particularly good for that one.

Legalzinho, repito, mundo aberto da ubisoft e premissa interessante e ambientacao daora, so recomendo jogar com amigos

Repetitive and boring. I don't remember anything about the story BUT post-apocalyptic New York under snow is my kind of thing. So the atmosphere is perfect for me. That's why I played this game all the way to the end.

Same with Division 2 solid game and till this day people still play it

Killing all criminals in a state of emergency is a thing the American governemnt would probably do

en vrai la Coop dessus banger

Finished the main story and tried the online mode until a griefer kept killing me and stealing my loots and that was it. I had fun, though.

The Division é um game looter shooter bem desafiador e divertido, é aquele jogo perfeito pra jogar com um squad de amigos, zerei ele duas vezes uma com um colega e outra sozinho, posso dizer que o jogo é legal de se jogar com os amigos, mas ele não tem nenhum futuro como jogo de live service pois já existe um segundo game e esse The Division 1 foi deixado de lado, indico caso você queira ver a história do game

ehh im not the biggest fan. the sequel was better

assim como Destiny o seu problema foram as dlcs com preços absurdos
realmente divertido porém eu sentia que o grind dele era meio lento, isso que fez eu me afastar um pouco
não gostava de passar bastante tempo em uma missão só pra conseguir 1 arma nova

Actually had a lot more fun with this game than I was expecting to.
For one, it looks absolutely gorgeous, and it uses the familiar Ubisoft gameplay hook of throwing you into a big city with a bunch of icons to collect - which my ADHD/Gaming OCD brain eats up. I played the whole game solo and completed most of the content. The only thing left to do would be to replay missions and run around the Dark Zone to get better gear, but I don't see the purpose of doing that at all as I've completed the game's storyline.
The game is not perfect by any means though. It does suffer from bullet-sponge boss design and repetition, especially in mission variety, but I actually never really had too much of an issue with anything. I had zero expectations of what this game even was to be honest. I thought it was just a multiplayer shooter for the longest time, but a buddy told me it had a story mode I could solo. That was literally the only reason I tried it out. I hadn't even seen what the gameplay looked like before trying it! It was kinda fun to just turn off my brain, throw on podcasts and just run around the post-apocalyptic New York City. Sure, there are quality-of-life improvements that could have been made such as vehicle navigation, or the ability to spawn outside safehouses if you get murked randomly, but overall I had a good time with this experience.

One of my favourite games of all time just the one day of playing with everyone in the spawn area was the best feeling, first game that I got on day one and loved it 100% it was about a year after too

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Aunque este juego está diseñado para ser jugado en modo multijugador, decidí jugarlo de forma individual para avanzar a mi ritmo y disfrutar de la historia y las misiones. Resultó ser uno de los juegos más aburridos, repetitivos y poco interesantes que he jugado.

Me tomó aproximadamente 24 horas terminarlo y cada hora que pasaba solo quería que el juego se acabara, tuve que jugarlo escuchando música de fondo. El mundo es grande pero vacío, las misiones principales se sienten muy copy-paste entre sí, las secundarias igual y peor, hay como 5 tipos de enemigos en todo el juego y los jefes pueden llegar a morir después de vaciarles casi toda tu munición, mientras que ellos te pueden matar con una sola granada.

El único elemento que considero positivo es su aspecto RPG, la razón por la cual terminé este juego. Los numeritos que suben, la experiencia que consigues y las recompensas que obtienes después de cada misión te dan ese impulso de querer seguir jugando y subir de nivel lo más que puedas para estar preparado para todo. También tiene buenas gráficas y está bastante bien optimizado, pero más allá de eso hay muy poco que rescatar y dudo si hubiera sido mejor jugarlo con gente.

(Played before 2023)
Not about zombies like I thought it would, but I really liked this game. It was super fun though and I think this is one of the best looking games ever. The city has so much detail that exploration was my favorite part, along with really enjoyable gameplay that I loved playing over and over. I didn’t play the endgame much, but there was always something to do and work on.

Really liked co-op'ing this, but the gear management really slowed the fame when we are all hoarders of gear and had to spend 15 minutes in menus for every 15 minutes of play.

After about 1 hour of experience, I got bored and quit. I would say it's a classic Ubisoft game. There are many annoying icons and notifications on the HUD screen, boring story and boring side quests, enemies come to you in droves no different from an army of zombies, and you have to kill these "bullet sponge" enemies with your powerless weapons. I know that there are weapons and ability enhancements in the game, but how much will it affect the enjoyment I get from this game? After all, I will do the same things over and over again. Although the graphics are very nice, the game unfortunately falls short when there are no important elements such as gameplay and story.

I spent 24 hours straight on this game at one point during high school. I was addicted. Fantastic stuff.