Reviews from

in the past

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Played this when it first came out and really enjoyed it for the most part. There was one or two issues, I feel that the MMO feel subtracts from it and a more Ghost Recon like approach would've been better.

Having to scavenge for higher level gear after each mission can get tiring. Especially when the drops are worse than your current gear.

Joining a team and having most of them leave within the first few minutes can be disheartening as well. This however isn't the games fault but a problem with online games in general.

What I did really enjoy though was the combat, when you're using under leveled gear it's a slog but when you're using the correct stuff it can be a lot of fun. I also enjoyed the look of the game, it feels like New York hasn't been lived in for ages and you're exploring a frozen concrete jungle.

The plot was fun enough for the most part too. The opening is mainly just set up for clearing out all the gangs with the stand out being "The Last Man Battalion" who are all ex division agents. I still remember the reveal being particularly good for that one.

Legalzinho, repito, mundo aberto da ubisoft e premissa interessante e ambientacao daora, so recomendo jogar com amigos

Repetitive and boring. I don't remember anything about the story BUT post-apocalyptic New York under snow is my kind of thing. So the atmosphere is perfect for me. That's why I played this game all the way to the end.

I remember spending hours thinking about my loot and build, and how that would tie into what i wanted to do with my character. I spent hours playing this game with various random people and it was very cool.

I LOVED this game when it released. The Division was about the only thing that could pull me off Destiny back in the day. i still think its one of the best co-op pvp shooters out there. played it many times

только из-за коопа

I mean, I feel like this game did everything right but balancing - and yet that one issue is enough to really, really bring down the whole thing. Blocked from something greater unfortunately.

platinuming this game made me hate this game idk why i did it but i did it ooop

一开始很吸引人 后面就被外挂毁了

Solo es divertido si lo jugás con amigos para reírte mientras completás misiones

played it with a friend, it was fun ! Basic shooter/looter at the start then the second part of the game is getting the best build
playing Solo might be boring

Only played the first few missions so far but gave up after my game crashed twice. From what I've seen its looks pretty enjoyable but I don't know If i will go back to it

I only played the beta, was ok.

Really liked co-op'ing this, but the gear management really slowed the fame when we are all hoarders of gear and had to spend 15 minutes in menus for every 15 minutes of play.

After about 1 hour of experience, I got bored and quit. I would say it's a classic Ubisoft game. There are many annoying icons and notifications on the HUD screen, boring story and boring side quests, enemies come to you in droves no different from an army of zombies, and you have to kill these "bullet sponge" enemies with your powerless weapons. I know that there are weapons and ability enhancements in the game, but how much will it affect the enjoyment I get from this game? After all, I will do the same things over and over again. Although the graphics are very nice, the game unfortunately falls short when there are no important elements such as gameplay and story.

I spent 24 hours straight on this game at one point during high school. I was addicted. Fantastic stuff.

Love this game, have so much great nostalgia and memories grinding it.

No other game I've ever played was simultaneously so addictive yet so bland. For everything this game does well, it does something very poorly. It has good combat, but bland firefights and enemies. It has good loot, but poor balance. It has some interesting lore, but the story and characters are just boring. If you want a game that you can mindlessly dump hundreds of hours into, go right ahead, this game is perfectly fine in that regard. If you're looking for something more, then look elsewhere.

Just OK
Não entrega nada de mais, entretanto não deixa ser um bom jogo para passar o tempo e jogar com amigos, a ambientação natalina de New York e bem interessante e as boss battles são diferentes, entretanto as missões secundárias e encontros são extremamente repetitivos.

I liked the idea but not the execution

this game is the ultimate fantasy if youre some weird guy named tyler that wears a mask like ghost from mw2 and thinks that antifa rioters will attack his home in the suburbs of south dakota

Fun shootbang in an ultimately hollow framework.

An amazing game to progress through for the very first time and my favorite game aesthetically, When you understand the story of the game and your purpose as a government agent, the game's enjoyability goes up by 10 fold, though the looting and gear system could be improved on, you still get the satisfaction of achieving the higher ranks of power through a skill tree and gear score, and with the DLC content (that usually runs pretty cheap with the base game) the game gets even better with the introduction of the game mode "survival" that in itself is an experience completely unique to the division, but the thing that I absolutely adore about this game mode is the feeling it presents the player, something akin to the likes of DayZ and finding other players in the constant snowstorm hailing over the dark zone. Not only that but you have a variety of other game modes to explore as endgame content as well as world tiers so you can progress even higher and conquer new challenges. One could argue there were better games under the "looter shooter" genre during the time of the division, but I believe that this game is a special case whereas it may not be "better" but it is unique. and the division as well as its sequel hold a special place for me as an avid player of games of this genre.

I fell in love with this game immediately. I love the idea of going zone by zone alone and just trying to survive ambushes and dealing with the snow storms. I also love the ambience and the environment. It truely makes you feel like you’re in an apocalypse. Anyways I didn’t mind the looter shooter mechanics and the repetitiveness of the game. I’ve had fun regardless killing bullet sponge enemies for hours. However 5 hours in I suddenly can’t play it anymore because the game freezes and fps drops all the time. And I have the specs recommended. I also hate that the game is live service. Which means if Ubisoft shuts down the server like they have done in the past you can’t play it at all and your progress is lost.

Dobrá střílečka a ještě lepší s kamarády. Teda jestli vám nevadí že pleška je něco jako helma :D

I had my fun with it when I was taking a break from Destiny, but it has its issues. The world was neat, it was fun to roam around in, but the combat got too repetitive too quickly. Also, shooting 3 magazines of bullets into a guy in a hoodie doesn't feel particularly good.

A very fun game with gorgeous graphics and more detailed huge open world maps and you have more freedom to do the missions, at your own rhythm and not like the other which feels very lineal where you have to follow exactly the order of the missions.