Reviews from

in the past

Pra um jogo com uma campanha tão extensa, bem que podiam ter investido em mais músicas na trilha sonora. Ainda assim, é muito divertido tanto pra jogar sozinho quanto com os amigos.

I'm too HUNGRY for waiting for this shit...

This was a launch game for the Wii. That means it hammered motion controls like no other game. It takes some time to get adjusted to that, but it isn't gamebreaking. Alright game. Tony looks deceased in the cutscenes

According to a forum post I made when I was a kid, I not only had this game but I rated it a 6/10. I think that's a bit generous but I don't feel like revisiting this atm so I'll go what what I said way back when in January 2007.

I'd be cute and say it was all downhill from here but THUG2 was the start of the Tony Hawk decline in my eyes so this game doesn't even have that going for it.

The game is huge mess but I just can't help but love all the super silly dumbass characters. The progression is a bit wack but the core gameplay is honestly not bad. It's not Tony Hawk in the slightest and is pretty clear about that. That being said it's insanely shallow (as is everything else in this game) but it's not the biggest waste of time?

I used to have this for my Wii but it crashed every time my brother tried to get into a match. So that was fun...

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Armondo Ootbagh is Crash's father.

Downhill Jam looks and plays like a gimmicky motion-controlled racing game built for the Wii launch. It's overtly trying to mimic EA's SSX series but displays a lack of comprehension for the genre.

The game was ported to Playstation 2 six months after the Wii release. One would expect it would play better with a standard controller, but the port just further highlights how poorly the game controls.

For more Tony Hawk reviews, check out my list:

An over the top experience about going super fast down a hill doing tricks and taking shortcuts and shit. It's fun to play with friends.

This DS Version of this has very high highs and very low lows. The main thing here is that the 6 downhill levels here don't make any sense at all for any gameplay besides racing. Score attack, other such things, these modes just don't work. However, I loved the fuck out of the racing/time trials modes. Doing tricks to gain boost and then zooming downhill was so much fun. I played so much of the online I was #2 on the leaderboards for a time. This game man, real land of contrasts.

A weird game, cool levels but padding hell for only 5 maps.

A failed attempt to marry the Tony Hawk Pro Skate and SSX concepts. Whipping around the corners is a fun novelty once you get used to it, but the maps with all their shortcuts and alternate routes lack the scale and openness of the SSX mountains, creating layers of frustration as I keep running into walls. Game just doesn't have much depth, either. My least favorite game with Tony's name attached that I've played.

O único Tony Hawk's que eu gostava...

SSX: Tony Hawk Edition

Not a great game, but some of the characters and levels are fun. Most of my love for this is for Jinx, my goth pixie dream girl. Not the best Tony Hawk or SSX game, but it still a fun time killer

Achava muito bom no PS2, mas, como faz tempo que não pego e não vejo nada sobre, é difícil reavaliar desconsiderando a nostalgia.

My parents lovingly bought this for me because it came with a skateboard (similar to the WiiFit board) and I had some fun with it but it was super janky and just ended up pissed more often than not.

playing this on wii motion controls was the worst time of my life, but it was fun

I was really big on this game when I played it back in the day. Actually, when I got my Wii for Christmas in 2006, this was the big "I WANT IT" game for me. It's probably a bit awkward now, but as a kid, it was the best.

Joguinho bem medíocre mas que divertia na época.

Simply amazing work. This game has a personality that only so little of the games can achieve. Characters, style, gameplay and MUSIC. I still listen to the soundtrack to this day. It's one of the first PS2 games I have ever played and I feel nothing but love. It has some bugs that are similar to 3D Sonic titles, majority of them caused by the speed. This game could be so much, it makes sad.

Lacked absolutely everything that made the other games great. Looks like the alpha of what a TH game should be

adorava esse jogo quando eu era criança e resolvi revisitar ele.. continua um jogo bem honesto, apesar de ser cansativo por ter pouquissima variedade de fases e desafios.. mas é divertido

The only tony hawk game i ever played, and boy was it radical

I had to memorize the names of every book in the bible to earn this flat-shaded Virtua Racing spinoff handheld port.
Worth it.

I think it works for what it wants to do and its really neat. Motion Contorls on Wii aged like garbage tho