Reviews from

in the past

One of my favorite racing games of the SNES! Would love to come back to this one someday, but the gauntlet of playing 16 countries with 4 stages each can be somewhat tiresome, specially considering this is an old racing game.

I could spend hours playing this game. Simple fun and really engaging gameplay. Tracks are really fun

Insuperável, o melhor da franquia 16 bits.

You might be missing some of the benefits that stereo can provide.

A great racing game. Clocked hundreds of hours in this with a friend of mine.

Great alternative to games like Super Mario Kart. I was impressed at how realistic the controls felt given it was on the SNES! There are engine upgrades, different track types, and lots of course variety. 3D elements like overpasses blew me away too since it didn't use the SuperFX. If you appreciate retro racing games, definitely pick this one up.

Always heard good things about this series on SNES and was jazzed to find a version for Genesis. It plays great, like Outrun crunched into the circuit format of Super Monaco GP. I thought having a parts shop between courses would add a bad bloat to the arcade-style gameplay, but it ended up being a great way to incentivize better player performance. Nothing you buy is like, insanely integral to winning races, so there's not immense pressure to make 1st each time, and if you do you get the opportunity to buy some neat shit.

It's weird that you can only play with SFX or Music, not either-or. If it's a technical reason like the SFX using all of the FM channels, maybe they should've re-thought their sound programming in the first place. It DOES end up working out as a podcast mode though.

Great soundtrack & great challenge.

Why is the soundtrack so freking good?

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 16: Piko Interactive Collection 2

Finally onto Top Gear 2... Sorry I mean 'Top Racer 2' and honestly its more of the same from the first game with a few steps forward but then a few steps back.

Firstly before we hit those, lets just copy and paste a lot from the first games review. The controls are still really good, the music banging and the AI often feels aggressive but generally quite fair.

That said, onto a negative, the game's difficulty curve is a little off. Its actually quite hard at the beginning, you'll often be hurting to catch up with others and it can sometimes feel like you've been stacked against impossible odds. On the other side, the late game is really easy thanks to the AI not really keeping up with you as you upgrade way past them.

On the plus side, the entire screen now is yours, no more forced split-screen. Huzzah.

So yeah, if you enjoyed the first game, theres a lot to like here.

Hi it's the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Author here! Game is amazing. Have been playing for over 12 years with multiple, multiple hours put in.

Not into racing sims? You might want to rethink that!

The weather changes and the money management add a depth to the game mechanics that easily keep you engaged to each race. Making those sharp turns while overtaking an opponent so you can activate the turbo when you come out of the turn is exhilarating even still! You may not have as much control as future games will give you, but it makes up for its limitations by pushing them as far as they can go.

Sending the car crushing and burning felt so rewarding

Very fun little racer. Maybe a little easy and gets a bit samey by the end but overall one of the better SNES racers.

The only way of playing Top Gear on Mega Drive/SNES.