Reviews from

in the past

Al principio no me gustó, pero creo que es casi igual de bueno que el Evolution, aunque no es tan macarra. Tiene los peores menús de la historia

This game, ever 5 years later, is still the biggest insult to this franchise. 5 years and some of the bugs still make it near unplayable at a higher level. Physics is the worst since Trials 2. This game simply killed the barely living franchise, and soon if Fusion servers closes, probably will be the only way to play this franchise, when I feel most good ninja creator just went back to Fusion

Fascinating how you can see this series become more and more “generic Ubisoft” in its presentation with each new game. It’s also kind of incredible how quickly loot boxes became a dated “oh, this is from the late 2010’s” mechanic.

A câmera podia ter sido colocada num lugar diferente ai ficaria melhor pra fazer as manobras

The game delivers what you have come to expect from a Trials game, but with a modern presentation. However, it is that modern touch that also works against Rising. Picking tracks from the colorful and way too crowded world map can be confusing, you can't select the ghosts you want to race against, progression is weirdly gated, etc...

Furthermore, no single track from the base game or DLC comes close in difficulty to the harder tracks in Fusion, and it takes way too long to get to the Hard and Extreme tracks, making the campaign quite boring initially.

The addition of the University of Trials is genious, and I think is one of the reasons why newcomers to the series should start with Rising.

I'm not too great at these games but I did manage to get to the extreme courses and gold a few, and it is definitely satisfying to do so. The track designs are still pretty cool in this one, really love the one in the cargo plane.

É um excelente jogo, muito divertido. Mas é lotado de DLC paga e de vez em quando tem uns loads muito demorados

Ich hab nen Softspot für diese Art von Game. Leider ist dies eines der Schwächeren. Hätte einen reinen Arcade Approach bevorzugt. Stattdessen gibt es jetzt so viel Loot, Customizables und stuff to do, dass es vom eigentlichen Gameplay ablenkt und man ewig rumklicken muss bis die nächste Strecke beginnt. Hab daher leider auch recht schnell abgebrochen.

Me gustan mucho estos juegos, siempre me han gustado, y siempre me gustarán. De hecho, pocos hay para lo que me gustan. Hacedlos más, aunque sea solo para mí

Once the extreme tracks kick in, it stops being fun

Despite all the imitators that popped up in the past decade, Trials has always been the premier trials game. No other title could match its slapstick humor, track selection, and, most importantly, its pitch perfect, controls that rely heavily on physics. Starting from the top doesn’t give much room for Trials Rising to grow over its predecessors but it is the biggest and most expansive version of that formula.

Read the full review here:

A good game with a very helpful tutorial that unfortunately gets bogged down by a ridiculous grind imposed on players to unlock the most difficult tracks.

Look, I appreciate the fact that Ubisoft spent millions of dollars and allocated hundreds of people to make what is effectively a big budget tilty bike flash game. And yeah, there’s a ton of content and it’s all (from the 70ish tracks I’ve played) really good.

My big issue, and the reason I’m very undecided about whether to come back to this, is that it’s all packaged in one of the most annoying “modern game” UXs I’ve seen yet. Individual races are more or less puked on a world map with various “contracts” that provide alternate goals for the same stages layered on top. Unless you play around in menus to find something more straightforward, it’s a pain in the ass to find what you want. That’s on top of microtransactions, constant pitches to spend money, a campaign structure that seems like a nightmare to actually run credits on, and exp-based leveling that slows to a crawl unless you buy the DLC or do literaly everything.

If you want a fun little game you can pop in to play a quick campaign with a sampling of levels, this ain’t it. I’m halfway through (at most) and progression is already slogging.

A good game heavily hindered by poor progression structure and UX.

Remember Tiny Wings? Its this but a tiny bit more mlg

Fun and challenging game with great skill ceiling. You need both brains (for mechanics using pychsics) and hands (for execution). Gameplay variety is limited but stage variety was awesome. There were cool places all around the world such as Windy City, La Tomatina, Ruins, Temples, Hollywood studios, inside a cargo plane (looking at you Uncharted) etc. Ghost Town was one of my favorites. And there's more... It has level editor and community makes great stages, increases replayability.

My only nitpick was menu and progression felt confusing. Other than that, what's not to love?

Très cool à jouer et à prendre en main. Les niveaux hardcore sont vraiment hardcore.

Great game even in this year, would recommend it if you get it cheap since it was free!

brought down by weird design choices for the progression imo

Good game, a shame that is made on the Ubisoft way of putting online, customisation and DLCs above it all to the point where you have to grind to get more levels, bollocks. A game that likes to prevent the player from playing.

This version of the series is 🥱

I 'member 🫐 the others 🤔 "Trials Evolution", specifically 😉

I 'member 🫐 that that game 🎮 was made really well!! 😮 Each set of levels was done quite well 👍

But this one? 🤷‍♂️ The levels are sporadic 😵 Throughout the "world" map 🗺️

Rather than make them in little lists like the past one I liked 📝🤦

And uhh, I dunno 🤷‍♂️

Seems okay this one 👍

Just a bit 🥱

Trials games are always a fun little mindless distraction. This is the one and only game I ever tried on Stadia and I had to rebuy it on Steam because I couldn't handle the input lag.

A game I want to love but simply can't, even if I have almost 300 hours in it

As a massive fan of the trials franchise, this game was my biggest disappointment in gaming

Even after almost 2 year of being out, still a buggy mess, with lag spike cursing the game.

Worst part is the gameplay being the worst it has ever been, front wheel as no suspension, engine is big and heavy, the throttle is super busted but inconsistent with the magnetic wheel and so much more basically killing the ninja aspect of the game

I was never the biggest speedrunner, but the speedrunning was kinda fun, with addition like diamond medal and bike leaderboard. But Speedrunning was kinda killed for me with them adding DLC with Acorn, which I spent the one earn in game way before they even announce track pack and bike

A few good thing I like about the game. The tutorial are the best they've ever been with FatShady doing them. The customization is fantastic and it alway hurts not having my super customized rider when going back to older game.

Do I recommend this game, hard to say, it might be a good entry point for beginner with the good tutorial, but even than most would drop it because of the endless contract grind, but has a more veteran player who've gone more in depth with some mechanic I simply can't like it

This game is really uninspired. There are only like 3 or 4 really good levels. Like, I think the devs were excited for a little bit, but then had to just crunch out a bunch of levels. The Hollywood level is one of the coolest levels I have seen in a while in a video game. But that quality falls really quickly after that.