Reviews from

in the past

started from this expansion with my older brother, amazing times

Comparada con las nuevas expansiones no está tan mal. Pero comparada con las antiguas es injugable.

It's certainly not a good sign when you can get raid gear from sitting around in a garrison doing fuck all.

Fun, but max level was still a pointless grind.

Would kill for a decently scripted private server tbh
WOD raiding was great, its just that everything else sucked ass

I actually liked Warlords of Draenor at the start, but Blizzard just fucked it up.

Garrison Management Simulator 2014

The best WoW exapnsion people are just dumb. The raids were absolute peak WoW.

facebook games were fun don't judge me please

WOD didn't "become" bad in patch 6.1. It was always bad, both from launch and the story premise. Just imagine thinking that making an entire expansion about time-space traveling bullshit in a universe with an already messed up story could even be a good idea.

Gul'dan running amuck is the best part, with commentary by Kadgar.

What was there was really good, Archimonde is still one of the best fights in the game. Classes were fun to play, too.
But there wasn't any content. It blew.

I want to give my thanks to Warlords of Draenor for ending my World of Warcraft career when it did. It saved me a lot of time and money!

Too bad I can't say "I stopped playing WoW before it got bad" because I played Warlords of Draenor.

i don't think WoD is AS bad as make it out to be, but it's still the "worst expansion" for a reason. not helped by the fact that its existence just feels more like an "anime filler arc", for lack of better wording.

i liked garrisons, though. yes, i'm a weirdo!

Cool expansion.
Not as good as the previous one.

divertido porem n fazia nenhum sentido so serviu pra deixa a historia maluca e fazer cashgrab com nostalgia e a expansao durou mt mais do q era p lançar com quase nada de conteúdo, foi muito desleixado da parte da blizzard porem tudo que eles colocaram eu gostei, mesmo sendo pouca coisa

What a fucking tragedy.

In hindsight, the fact that WoD was barely on life support as soon as it launched is a pretty miserable thought. Cataclysm drove a lot of players away gradually that MoP was just unable to bring back and retain despite being a solid expansion in its own right.

WoD was poised to bring things back on track and demonstrated that a lot of people wanted to come back. But man, did Blizzard completely drop the ball. It can't be understated how much of a disappointment this expansion ended up being. WoD was a game that you -wanted- to play, but at the end of the day just couldn't due to a complete lack of concrete, expansion-specific content.

Like Cataclysm or Shadowlands, WoD was a weak expansion. The citadel was cool, sure, but was else we got? Story-wise was weak, the PvE lacked content and the PvP island was not so great. I think they used this expansion to maintain entertained the players while they thought ideas for Legion.

Joguei do início ao fim e até que gostei. Tem seus defeitos, mas no geral eu me diverti bastante, tem quem deteste o Guarnição, mas era útil. O melhor foram as raides, principalmente a Cidadela Fogo do Inferno. O novo conteúdo de Battle Pet também gostei muito.

Overall this was a disappointing expansion, especially with how much hype there was surrounding it. There was a serious lack of content and I had never felt lonelier in the game. I started hanging out in ashran and I didn't even PVP just so I could be around other people.

Actually a pretty decent expansion. There just wasn't enough of it.

repeat the same raid for 9 months of content drought again because there wasnt even content to do and tell me again that this was underrated.

good things were just Leveling and raids that were gorgeous, everything else is a shame and that Content drought in a game like WOW is unbelievable.


Man this had so much promise. The hype surrounding this one was insane. It started out really well too.

Then Blizzard dropped it for 6 months to focus on Shittywatch and Legion. Kinda sad really. I dont think they knew what to do with this one hence they left us in our Garrisons.

The last patch when they finally made it was pretty meh too. The story was just really off. They were just on auto-pilot for that one and this expansion was just really sad.

Oh well. Least we got new models.

A good idea, a poor execution on multiple levels.

The expansion where they...
~Took us back in time to screw up the lore and write any doubles completely out of existence instead of using the other very lore-friendly and useful form of passive time travel already in the game.
~Made tanks so OP if everyone else died, you knew you still won the fight.
~Attempted new and "improved" open world content to keep zones relevant at max level! Not fun, sort of rewarding?
~Added half-assed "housing", only for it to be a real life negative more than an in-game benefit. Isolating players from each other.
~Added a mini-game that was more of a chore and even kept it for the next expansion despite complaints. At least it was profitable...
~Both improved and hurt professions. They made crafting a lot easier to skill up from 1, as sorely needed. While effectively making some professions worthless.

Lo mejor de esta expansión es fingir que no existe.