Reviews from

in the past

really fun rythm game, i will never be able to beat this

initially a really cute game with its rhythm-based platforms and simplistic presentation but eventually the charm wears pretty thin and the simple platforming based around patience more than skill starts to set in, not a bad game but probably not one im gonna think about much

a simple fun game that i would never have touched if i didn't get it in a bundle

perfectly fine platformer game with plenty of cool moments, that is, until you reach the 3rd level's "boss fight". fuck that shit i was stuck there for like 20 minutes and once i finally got past it, it just threw me the same thing but even harder. fuck outta here

Eh, it's fine. Just a minimalistic game with platforms and obstacles that move to the beat of the music. A bit short for what it's worth. Bosses are not too bad.

A real thinker, cool as hell too. The game erasing my saves is a punch in the nuts though.

I wish this game was longer.

Plays fine, but disappointingly short and, for a game that has rhythm as a core tenet of the gameplay, it's frustratingly difficult to get into a flow state with it the way I can with, say Necrodancer. Decent game, and the potential is there for a great one, I just wish it had been capitalized on.

Worth the price. Took me an hour to beat the main game + the bonus level. Even after that there's a bit more content. It feels very nice, with tight controls and a bangin soundtrack. Don't be put off by the minimalist art-style. Give it a go, worst case refund it.

A fairly decent platformer with an interesting concept. The rhythm/music aspect sometimes throws me off a bit with how abrupt the change can be, but for the price and the content, this game was worthwhile to try out at least for a little bit

A short lived, colourful, musical platformer. It has some interesting moments and great songs, but is just way too short lived.

One of my favorites because of how much it accomplishes through simplicity and musically driven gameplay. Fun fact - first game I ever got a WR speedrun in!

A fun, short experience. Good music, I especially like how it's tied into the level. Visuals are pleasing but not particularly special.

I played this game while on acid and it was the greatest experience imaginable. I later played it while sober and honestly? still pretty damn good!

[copied from my Steam review]

This is pretty much a novelty game. Play it once, get fascinated, finish it at least to some extent, and then forget it. I had my "wow" experience during the first time playing the game, and the rhythm as part of the game mechanic is quite a fun novelty, which makes for some rather interesting extensions to the standard platforming and boss fights. But now after so many years it just sits in my library and feels like a hollow memory of something that I now really want to replace with something that is much more fulfilling than this.

Certainly worth the money for such a low price, though.

Played it until I stopped enjoying it. Not bad!

GMM Day 14 - 140
eh. It's a rhythm platformer with a neat minimalistic style and that's about it. nothing else worth mentioning

The third boss was a very enjoyable trip.

Amazing rhythm based platformer that reminded me why I love videogames. It's pure gameplay from start to finish. No annoying characters, cringy dialogue, overlong cutscenes, tedious grind (unless you go for the mirror stages which have the restriction of one life). It's just damn good gameplay. For five dollars you really can't go wrong.

I got this one alongside THOTH which grabbed my attention enough to get to this one asap. Am in absolute love with how relentlessly dedicated Carlsen Games is to putting pure game design before anything else, both of these games are so compact and fine-tuned that you tend to forget just how weird the game mechanics actually are.

This one's a super simple platformer, move left/right and jump and that's it, baby! The stages themselves are where things get interesting, all of them have their own set mechanics that switch around and do stuff along with the timing of the BGM.
You'll have to consider puzzles mostly in when to do what, everything basically loops around again after 1-2 bars but what's important is figuring out where in the bars you need to move/jump.
There's also a 'boss' at the end of every stage that works more as a minigame that uses a different control scheme, they're alright, the first one is kinda like a rhythm version of Buster Bros. which is cool.

I'm really excited to see what else these guys will do because this is still very much my kinda thing, cool looking shapes is eternal, babey


its a fine platformer, feels good enough. nothing particularly striking about it

Good, short, minimalistic platformer. Avoid obstacles by paying attention to the rhythm of the stages. Unlike a rhythm game where you attempt to match your movement to the sound of the game, obstacles tend to appear or shift based on that rhythm. There are also moments that are less sound based where it is your own movements that influence objects in the world. Fair design that introduces you to new kinds of obstacles or allows you to view how things work before being thrown into it. There are a few enjoyable boss fights that shift how the game plays, often being more rhythm based and involving different types of movement.

While it is short, finishing each stage does unlock a more difficult version of them.

It's a 2D action game where platforms, hazards, and weapons move to the beat of the music. 140 executes its ideas confidently without the need for a long-winded tutorial, and escalates in intensity right up until its groovin' final boss.

erm... what the heck guys??? these graphics are so shit :////

(the game is pretty fun)

still to this day one of my favorite games ever
boss design is rly cool and i love the adaptive music stuff
schmid does an awesome job at both music and sound design in this, i fucking love the tunes so much (specially stage 4's and its boss. which never got any oficial release :{ )

Big fan of the puzzle platforming, but that Undyne-reminisant gameplay section where you can't move and need to rotate to the rhythm is just cruel and unusual punishment, and failing there for half my playtime broke me.