Reviews from

in the past

I only played and beat this game to put The Pope in the patented Knee-to-the-Dick infinite. Worth it tbh.

Probably the Assassin's Creed game? My answer changed based on how I'm feeling that day but it's still a very good game.

A cool start, but surpassed by the sequels

Aged poorly in terms of gameplay but was really a very special game

if you think this franchise has good gameplay, good open world and a good story i have some good news for you. play literally any other game.

Quite the cultural reset huh?

fun for a while, a small while

um dos melhores, mas ainda não é o melhor

Para muchos el mejor AC, para mí, que empecé por otros más modernos, no lo es pero es un juego muy bueno.

I had fun playing the first AC before so when AC2 came out I even bought the special edition with an Ezio action figure. It was a huge step between the two games. Lots of new features added. I'm not much an history guy myself but going into assassinating historical figures is cool enough right? And the whole religious plot behind it. I find it fascinating altho idk how much of it might be a rip off from The Da Vinci Code :)

What an absolute masterpiece this is! Everything about it is just perfect!

Fantastic game but I think Brotherhood is just a tad better

Story is super disappointing and the lack of a solid character arc for Ezio feels like a missed opportunity. The gameplay is leaps and bounds better than the original, though. Like the setting too.

Big improvement over the original, the setting is great. However I still can't help but find it extremely repetitive.

Barely slogged through the awfully slow gameplay and boring story that took all the fun and mystery out of what the first game had

This game introduced guns.... ugh that really does not feel like something an cool assassin would use. The whole virtual realm UI that constantly bugs you, remind you that this is just a simulation is a terrible idea.

Buen free roam y mundo, posee una mejora en historia y personajes, por desgracia es muy lento y el diseño de misiones es meh, debieron matar la saga con unity ya que ahora es la vaca de ubi

Ta bien aunque se apresura demasiado en su historia al final

I have started this game at least three times and I've never gotten past Venice. Something always gets in the way. My PS3 broke entirely. It's cursed.

Anyways, I still think the in-universe justification of gamey elements as being artifacts of a simulation—and notably a non-literal representation of that simulation—is pretty neat and from what I've seen of later games this (and probably AC1, which I haven't played) is the only one to really get it right. The "literally a game made by Abstergo" thing is too, well, literal for my taste.

this and black flag are the only really decent AC games

As bad as it is, I don't know any other game that emulates the experience of just walking around Florence and Venice, or the whole Italian countryside, during the Renaissance. So thanks Ubisoft, go fuck yourself.

this game is a complete work, the sum of passion and creativity of its creators. very rarely do you get something like that in the AAA space, but it happens.