Reviews from

in the past

Bueno, ni idea cuando lo termine

I'm not giving this a low rating to be contrarian or whatever. Genuinely think this is a bad video game.

It starts out really strong then immediately nosedives into a corridor shooter, and soon nosedives once again as the narrative pivots to just terrible territory.

Absolutely dreadful by the end.

complete dogshit. "oppressed people are JUST as bad as their oppressors if they resist with violence" fuck outta here lmfao. the gameplay is mediocre too, it just deserves a half star for the nauseatingly pretentious writing.

While praised upon its initial release for its story, upon replaying the game suffers from linearity and repetitive gameplay. It's still enjoyable enough if you enjoy the other Bioshock games.

I cannot take anyone who sincerely enjoys this game beyond the first hour or two seriously.

this game is a racist nightmare with absolutely nothing worthwhile to say and doesn't even have the good graces to be fun. it's like a cake secretly full of salt instead of sugar: pretty, but absolutely repulsive.

Played this on my mac laptop, of all places, had to turn the graphics way down.

i love when a captive young girl is raised as essentially a feral plaything confined to a birdcage by psychotic racists her entire life but after being freed is a quippy well-adjusted girl-next-door hottie and just sassy enough disney princess who sings zooey deschanel covers of abolition spirituals to smiling black children the game doesnt give a shit about

Phenomenal game. The storyline was excellent, as was the gameplay.

The story is at the very least interesting, as is the setting. The gameplay is serviceable, but that's honestly about all it is. The actual video game part feels like filler.

Time travel and alternate timelines and political instability and the dark underbelly of American ideology is a fun mix

cuando te crees inteligente y no lo eres haces este juego

Beautiful scenery, everything else is bullshit. You want a more considered review, go read Tevis Thompson.

boy i sure do love bad plotlines and awful gameplay

One of those games with so much polish, there's nothing left.

people like to throw around the word "pretentious" when talking about things that they don't like, but i don't think that they Actually know what it means. when we, as people, describe something as pretentious, we mean that it is attempting to peacock as though it is more intelligent or significant than it actually is.

well, buddy, look no further than this game for that definition. a game whose gameplay is worse in nearly every way than its predecessors, one that makes grand gesticulations towards the ideas of "racism" and "american exceptionalism" only to fall flat on its face every step of the way, and possessive of a "twist" so meaningless in the context of the plot that acts merely as a smokescreen to quickly make its escape as it hopes players will walk away unable to remember anything else about the game.

if there were a poll online for "The Most Pretentious Game of All Time", i would bet money on the collective reddit-esque hive mind of "gamers" choosing something like Braid. well Bioshock Infinite, you've got my vote, friendo!

14 year old me thought this game was fucking incredible. But it's really not all that good. Elizabeth

Liked it a little less than the first one

This game is a disappointing mess at best and a complete failure at worst. I won't go into full detail as to why. But after i loved the first Bioshock and even the 2nd was decent with what followed to be some of the greatest expansions, Levine messed up big time with the 3rd title.
The writing is a pretentious mess and the story is all over the place, if it was more fast paced i would have declared it a trainwreck. Characterization the feels so lackluster and uninspiring gameplay which is the opposite of what the first Bioshock did.
Its a mess of a game, and one of the most overrated games ever made.

A mysteriously-slated game that doesn't deserve the hate it gets, a great sequel to the original game.

This is my fifth playthrough of the game and I still think it's incredibly well paced, has great setpieces, great combat and a great story. I also still don't know why the themes of class consciousness are muddied by making them specifically about race relations, it makes the theme a bit confusing, but it's a minor qualm.

Loved the story and connections to rest of series. Some janky combat, but fun overall.

Same sentiments as the OG Bioshock but with slightly improved combat and drastically stupider story

Had a lot of great ideas, some worked, some didn’t. Soundtrack is incredible. Very short playing time, lacked the world building of its predecessors.

Maybe the worst Bioshock game. The powers are not as interesting or fun to use as previous games. The combat arenas are boring. The plot is predictable and the character writing is not great. About 60% of the way through the game you can't help but wonder when it's going to wrap up.

Good looking environments though.

if i wanted mediocre shooting i'd go play uncharted

More fun than original Bioshock but ultimately less satisfying experience.