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This new entry returns to the essence of the series roots, a more cartoonish run and gun experience with the multiplayer resulting in less camping and more essential arcade fast-paced action we’ve come to expect. However, it’s also very shaky and plagued with problems that need to be addressed quickly. On the other-hand, the campaign in the same streamline of the black ops storyline is excellent once again and zombies rocks like always bringing many new things to the table. A very welcome addition!

Valoraré solo el modo campaña para quien le interese, este COD trata sobre la guerra fría entre EEUU y la Unión Soviética, hace mucho que no me divertía tanto con un juego de disparos, es frenético sin tiempo para aburrirte, también tiene algún toque de buscar pistas y darle al coco que de vez en cuando viene bien y en un juego de "espías" es lo que toca, de los gráficos poco puedo decir tremendos la ambientación podría ser mejor y el apartado musical mejorable, pero queda una campaña bastante buena y de las mejores de los últimos años de esta saga.

I'm actually pretty positive on this one. The campaign is still a wild ride but it has a lot of really cool set pieces that do actually change the sandbox. Zombies is fun again. Multiplayer is a disaster but it's been worse before.

I never thought I’d say this—but I think the zombies is my favorite part of this? I’ve never been big on zombies before, but I think they mastered the gameplay loop and made it more accessible, also the fact that you actually progress MP guns and unlock unique zombies camos and challenges helps a lot too. the campaign is pretty cool and fun, but kinda short. the multiplayer is typical cod multiplayer. sometimes i wanna smash my head against the monitor, but I’ll probably put multiple full time days into it regardless. i like cod.

Well, another year, another Call of Duty, and this year's offering largely lives up to the "good but not great" expectations modern Call of Duty has been achieving.

On a campaign front, we see a general improvement of the formula from previous games. Cold War's campaign is easily better than Modern Warfare's (the 2019 one, because we have to distinguish that now because people can't make up snappy subtitles for their games), but it doesn't reach the heights of some of the heavy-hitter campaigns of the Black Ops lineage let alone other campaigns made from Infinity Ward. As keeping with my tradition, I finished the campaign on Veteran difficulty, and this one was remarkably easy to complete, even compared to Modern Warfare 2019, which was pretty easy, already.

Anyway, the story is pretty fun, has a lot of cool moments, and sees some original and fun twists on the formula that the series has really needed for years. Again, the campaign isn't a masterpiece by any means, but it's still really good.

Multiplayer is another story. While I've been one to be rather lukewarm on CoD multiplayer despite playing way too much of it, Cold War feels largely the same as Modern Warfare's multiplayer, which works, but it's nothing fantastic. I have my complaints about weapon balancing and so forth, but my largest issue comes from crossplay, which greatly puts PC players at a severe disadvantage compared to console players. Balancing between the different versions of the game is an expected feature, but Cold War throws the scales in a direction that's extremely frustrating, since console players are given auto-aim so generous, it's simultaneously hilarious and frustrating. Even if you're someone like me and has gotten used to playing all your shooter games with a mouse and keyboard, you'll probably just want to pick up the console versions of these games going forward if you want to play a more "balanced" multiplayer experience.

Lastly, there's zombies, which is a general small evolution from what was before; nothing amazing, but fun. I'm yet to play with friends, but with the few matches I've had, the first map for the mode is pretty fun to play around with, while retaining a lot of the wacky charm and crushing difficulty one expects from the mode.

Overall, Cold War is a decent game package. It will not revolutionalize CoD going forward, but will increasingly take the series in the baby-steps fashion of possibly getting back up there with some of the franchise's stapled entries. If we see that day come to pass, it would be extraordinarily refreshing, but I'm not holding out any hope that the series will evolve passed this point. CoD has stagnated in quality for a long while, now; floundering from absolutely terrible to a decent time, with little in-between, and Cold War takes the later approach, overall. Just like last year's Modern Warfare, though, I'm doubtful that I'll retain interest in this game for long even with free expansion content coming down the line.

i had fun at first but the glaring lack of content in addition to the lackluster quality of some of the existing content kills long term replayability. what's there (mostly) isn't even bad, it's just that there's not nearly enough of it. multiplayer especially has lost its charm. stale weapon balance and bland map design are what kills MP for me.

as far as zombies, i genuinely think that this game has the potential to be an all time great for the game mode. but, and this is a big but, there is only one map at the time i'm writing this. it's a great map, but unfortunately there is only so much you can do on it before you get bored.

in conclusion, there is a decent base here, but at the time of writing this the game is too empty to justify spending any more time with it until more content is released. i'll probably be back in a later season, and i might revise my review then, but for now i'll leave off with this.

This game is one split into three parts that could not feel any further separated from each other.
The campaign is an interesting espionage thriller about a man named Adler willing to do whatever it takes to track down and eliminate the man he's been chasing for 13 years. The setup is interesting, and the main twist of the campaign is great, however it feels unfinished, and just when it really starts to get interesting, the credits roll.
I'm not one to be interested in COD Multiplayer, and Cold War is no exception. Hardpoint is a very fun mode, but nearly every other mode feels like every other cod game I've played.
Cold War's best feature however, is easily the zombies mode. By making some large revisions to the zombies formula, as well as the introduction to a new story arc, it's a perfect introduction for people who've never played zombies before, and despite only having one map at launch, the extra modes, such as onslaught, make it feel like a complete experience, as opposed to a side mode that you would play with your friends when you get bored of multiplayer.
All in all, Cold War has it's flaws, a campaign with missing potential, a multiplayer mode with issues running down it's very core, and a bit of a lack of content for zombies at launch, it still manages to be a fun game, and one that I come back to several times a week.

Haven't touched a COD campaign since MW3, nor do I plan to. Multiplayer is such a dissapointing step back from MW. Whenever friends ask to play Cold War I suggest MW instead. Zombies, however, is awesome. I could play it all night. Enough fun stuff to do that it doesn't get boring even on round 35, and the evac feature is nice. I like the crystal upgrades as well. And getting to pick the gun you start with is such a great QOL feature that has allowed me to focus on upgrading my weapons rather than dump money into the mystery box. Very happy with this edition of zombies, the other modes can buzz off for all I care

Everything about the lead up to this game was disappointing. They had a great formula with Modern Warfare only to hold it ransom in the last season and abandon it like a bad prom date for a new supposed cash cow.

Game play in the new Black Ops is horrible it’s seems so slow and campy.

I may be biased as I have a more rush/close combat to mid-range gameplay style but even saying that you can hear the frustration in most game chat.

Skill based match making needs to be fixed and a better lobby offering for different game styles.

As much as people pissed and moaned about Modern Warfare at least it had me engaged for 4 solid seasons of gameplay.

The only redeemable part of this game was Campaign and Zombies however there needs to be more incentive for co-op play as well too may people pulling out of games or farming.

Multiplayer is still really good but single player campaign was pretty terrible.

2019's Modern Warfare felt like a new beginning for the stagnated franchise of Call of Duty. MW had the most refined engine ever seen in a CoD game with fantastic gunplay and graphical fidelity, with a fun campaign that was essentially a MW reboot. The multiplayer was a bit more controversial. The maps were large, with lots of camping spots, and the fast time-to-kill as well as the return of killstreaks rather than scorestreaks further encouraged slow playstyles.
Cold War's multiplayer goes back to a pre-Modern Warfare era. The gameplay is faster paced, with a slower time to kill and the return of a Scorestreak system, albiet a reworked one that allows player to keep their streaks after death. The game also, unfortunately, takes a step back in terms of the feel. This game just feels cheap compared to MW. The animations are worse, the gunplay is worse, all that stuff is worse. If Cold War had the technical polish of MW 2019 with the gameplay design philosophy ofthe older CoDs, it would be a fan favorite.
The campaign is great, but way too short. Fan favorites like Alex Mason and Frank Woods make a return, as well as the new player character codenamed "Bell". The campaign feels just as trippy as the strangest parts of the original Black Ops. The only real fault is the incredibly short length. It only took me about 5 hours to complete on Hardened difficulty, and I wish there was more.
Zombies makes a return as well, and after the flop that was BO4, Cold War takes a return to the mode's roots, with the map being a reimagining of the original Nacht Der Untoten, as well as bringing back the classic perk system, but the mode also has some new additions, such as a weapon rarity system, as well as being able to start with whatever weapon you want. The mode is a lot of fun, but could've used more content at launch.
Overall, Cold War is a weird game. It has some great ideas, but the execution just feels cheap compared to its 2019 predecessor. It's worth a buy on sale, maybe for $30, for the campaign and zombies, but it definitely feels incomplete.


I was a Black ops kid. It was my second CoD game behind Cod: World at War and this felt like a nice addition to the Black Ops Series. Granted, this may be the nostalgia kicking in as I haven't touched a Call of Duty game since Call of Duty WW2. I love the Nuketown 24/7, Prop Hunt and Kill Confirmed the most. I use more primary weapons than I did in BO1 and B02 and I'm having fun experimenting with them.

Campaign was good got crazy at the end Multiplayer sucks dick but Zombies carries the entire game even with just a couple maps Zombies in this game is crazy

5/10| *6/10 Now after forcing myself to get used to the Actually nah it's shit 4/10| Fucking whatever 5/10

Campaign: Ok, nothing special. I enjoyed the CIA MKUltra goonfuckery aspect of it. Really the only part of this game I enjoyed.

MP: Meh, feels like black ops 4 except they got rid of some of the fluff and just copied MW2019 in some design aspects
-Soundwhoring: They made footsteps loud as fuck to almost encourage that kind of play
-Field Upgrades: They got rid of specialist abilities and put this in instead. While they are a different array of abilities from what's offered in MW2019, they still just reused the concept.
-Gunsmith: Just the same shit as MW2019 except with seemingly less thought put into it
Also has horrid map design.
I'd also like to mention that this game has SBMM like MW2019 did, the problem with this though is that when this game first came out, I did adequately enough and have like a 1.27 K/D overall. Due to this, in the offchance that I hop back in this to try a game or two, every single game I play is filled with the sweatiest motherfuckers, fuckheads that take overkill so they can stack two ADS minmaxed sniper rifles. So not only do I play a game I don't exactly enjoy, I also am playing against corny bastards that actively make me hate the game even more

Zombies: I have not liked zombies since BO2, this has not changed since playing BOCW
Piss easy up until like 10-15 rounds in depending on the map.
Onslaught mode seemed interesting but its shit, most of the retards playing online are constantly split apart so chances are you never actually get to run into too many zombies at once, and due to it just using ground war maps you have an almost infinite sandbox to train zombies in. If you get downed in this mode, chances are its cause you blew your own ass up or fell from a substantial height. Boring

Overall its a disappointment.

2/17: Played it some more, its enjoyable enough. Still a rushed product though

6/8: Played it some more again, it's shit. Zombies is only good to burn maybe 40 minutes. Its like if you want to play a game and still be bored but at least be doing something while bored.

11/14: Worst CoD I've played in a while but it's serviceable, nothing more than that. Hopefully that's the last edit I ever make to this text.

It should be said that if you are going to a Call of Duty game seeking an intriguing or nuanced political discussion, you should probably see a physician, but it's still disappointing to see how this game fails to really admonish the United States of any real consequence in its story despite their clear misdoings. What is also disappointing is how rushed this campaign feels. Characters feel added just for the sake of being a reference to another game, some missions feel like afterthoughts, not really connecting with the bulk of the plot, and this campaign is pretty buggy. The campaign has its action-packed moments that are fun, as you would expect from a COD game, but it doesn't really do anything to take a big step forward. At its worst, this campaign is portraying Ronald Reagan as not a piece of shit, and at best, it's basically a game you've already played.

As for the multiplayer, it's fine. The maps are better than Modern Warfare's, but the gunplay is worse. If you like COD, you'll like this. If you don't, you won't.

Another year, another Call of Duty. Cold War takes us back to what made Black Ops amazing by taking us back to the past and using actual events of the Cold War to make a fictional COD story. While its multiplayer feels generic (and thats not including Warzone), it makes up for it with its return to campaign. It sucks that once again it's a game riddled with bugs and errors which makes me think they released a broken game at launch. They will fix it in time but they should have checked before releasing it to the public.

I also recommend its zombie mode. While not different to make it unique, it does take the formula and mixes it up a bit. I have to mentioned that the first map is just another version of Nacht, which is the 5th time this map returned to zombies (not that I'm complaining)

Update: The zombie storyline kept getting better. Firebase Z, Mauer Der Toten, Foresaken and even the evolving Outbreak brought so much to the Zombie formula that I couldn't help but keep playing

The campaign was quite short but included some really interesting sections, especially the undercover KGB mission. It's mostly hoorah American imperialism but the little choices you make along the way, and the big one at the end, set this story above your run-of-the-mill COD campaigns. Zombies is fun. Multiplayer is mostly good but it's riddled with bugs and connection issues that they desperately need to iron out. Another year, another COD. But it's a good one.

pretty much Modern Warfare, but made by treyarch so it has alot more shit, whether you like it or not. At the end of the day people usually are Treyarch loyalists of Infinity Ward loyalists. Ive played both companies games since world at war extensively.

This game really just is the culmination of all the goods and bads into a cod game, and fine tuned. Its got that fast paced 2014-2018 COD game feel, but the gunplay is actually nice now, pretty great maps, and without a doubt, the most ambitious COD campaign ever.

Id say pick it up when its like 40 bucks, and if you still enjoy Modern Warfare 2019, prob just play that.

Look COD has always been a guilty pleasure of mine. I’ve never thought any of the games were great, but my favorite ones have always been dumb, hilarious, and at least somewhat fun. This one ticked all the boxes for a cheesy, dumb as shit adventure that was actually enjoyable. Never cared for multiplayer and Zombies hasn’t been fun since BO2 for me but the campaign managed to hold my attention despite its identity still being similar to past titles. So as a COD game it’s good, as a game it’s fine. So, let’s meet in the middle.

the matchmaking is so fucking shite

ugh what else can i say, it's call of duty again but this one is almost exactly the same as last years game but with different guns, i love the zombie modes in treyarch cods but this one ATM is so bad the launch map is so awful plus i'm so sick of dead ops i don't care for it at all, plus the campaign was so alright with a stupid plot twist at the end cause it's treyarch and they've gotta have one of them for some reason

Most fun I’ve had with a COD game in years.

One step forward, eight steps back and now falling down the stairs and getting paralyzed from the neck down.

The multiplayer is actually horrific. Zombies is the easiest it has ever been and gets unbelievably boring. I got dark matter and stopped playing the game as all your progression gets wiped at the start of every season.

A fun experience, campaign was great but short and multiplayer is enjoyable. Zombies was also fun.

Compared to Modern Warfare 2019, this one was a bit of a letdown. That's not to say it's bad, or anything. It has a lot of redeeming qualities that make it worth a purchase. It just has some features that I thought were executed poorly in comparison to its predecessor. First off, the gun customization is VERY linear and shallow. Basically every gun has the same attachments and upgrades, and most of the attachments rely entirely on picking the one with the best stats. Compare that to Modern Warfare 2019, which had a fuckton of attachments and perks to choose from for every weapon. Also, the gunplay just isn't as satisfying as it was in Modern Warfare 2019. It's a minor gripe, but Modern Warfare 2019's guns felt so much more realistic and immersive in comparison. Now that we have that out of the way, let's get to the positives: the campaign is great. One of the best CoD campaigns since Modern Warfare 2. Pretty much zero levels that I would consider weak. Oh, and they brought zombies back, and it's just as fun as ever. Plenty of weapons and perks, working your way up towards upgrading your guns feels great, and a bunch of easter eggs. As for the multiplayer, it has ups and downs. The map design is infinitely better than Modern Warfare 2019's infamously godawful map design. I also prefer the scorestreak mechanic in this one, as your streak doesn't reset upon death. This makes it so scorestreaks actually feel obtainable for people who aren't experienced enough to get 12 kills in one life. But unfortunately, that's where one of my biggest gripes comes into play. Any CoD player knows that most of the high-level scorestreaks/killstreaks in the series are air-based, such as the attack helicopter, napalm strike, and of course, the gunship. HOWEVER, an overwhelming majority of the maps take place mostly in indoor settings, making most of these streaks completely ineffective. You don't know pain until you finally get an attack helicopter on the Moscow map, but don't get a single hit because all of your enemies are indoors. It's a BAD combination. But aside from those flaws, it's worth a purchase for any fans of the series.

Finished the campaign--just bad, insidious stuff. But too boring to be that evil.