Reviews from

in the past

This is my second log because I've since started playing the multiplayer and... I'm hooked. Tears of the Kingdom, a game I've been waiting for for four years, is out now, but instead of putting my attention towards it, I've been splitting it with this game, and mostly this game at that.

But oh well, I'm having fun so that doesn't matter. I played a lot of Call of Duty multiplayer as a kid, so it's been a fun experience seeing how much stuck with me, how much things have changed, and the memories flooding back when playing returning maps. I really like the addition of health bars and field equipment, and the movement feels better than it used to back in the day.

That said, I have a couple hang-ups.

Firstly, spawn camping is a huge problem in this game. That kind of comes with the territory, but there are workarounds. Make enemy spawns restricted areas, or make respawns take five seconds, or move spawns when multiple opponents are encroaching on it. To be clear, not all modes have this problem, but Demolition, for example, does. And a lot of maps in this game are really easy to spawn camp - I admittedly have done it without realizing at first and then forced myself to stop.

Secondly, matchmaking does not account for level differences. If you're just starting out, you're just as likely as anyone else to get put in a match with a bunch of people whose levels are in the thousands after they've prestiged dozens of times. Now, this is a two-and-a-half year old game in an annual series where the new game takes over as the main one, so finding matches at all can be difficult, but I can just tell this was a day one issue (er, people wouldn't be that high leveled day one, but you get it), I hope one of the games since then or coming later will fix this, but I kind of doubt it.

Well, there's my thoughts on the multiplayer. Will I make a third review for zombies? Uh, probably not, cause I'm not interested in that mode, but who knows.

Not the greatest but the multi-player is pretty fun minus the SBMM, and the campaign is the best and most innovative from CoD in years.

Hate this game, Its optimized so poorly it literally destroyed my computer.

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Fair entry into the Treyarch CoD game, multiplayer felt interesting enough to keep you engaged most of the games lifespan but at times playlist changes were questionable and the map choices were ok most of the time. Zombies at times was quite enjoyable but Firebase Z was the worst they could offer, the shift in direction of the playstyle felt good at times but took a lot of the challenge away from the actual survival. some of the wonderweapons we're fun to use because of how much power they hold but made surviving less of a challenge than hoping your game wouldn't crash. The Storyline as a whole was mid at best, the introduction of actual story characters was interesting but bringing back Sam and Eddie felt fairly cheap given the super human abilities Maxis shows off and the supposed purifying that Sam and Eddie were suppose to have done.

[European Portuguese - Xbox Series S - Dated 23/12/2020]

Análise ao modo Campanha:
"Apesar de ser uma história enraizada em clichês narrativos (os ‘mauzões’ são os russos novamente) os mecanismos que avançam o enredo são muito bons. A jogabilidade apresenta momentos frenéticos, mas também mais calmos e furtivos, os níveis estão bem construídos e apresentados, assim como a banda sonora que acompanha a ação. Call of Duty: Black Ops – COLD WAR apresenta, nesta nova iteração da franquia, uma história adulta, coesa e interessante, destacando-se positivamente pelo clímax no fechar da cortina final."

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the campaign was decent and the zombies was really fun. I think it's a little overhated.

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Wow. The campaign stunned me. Really well put together and all came together at the end. Multiplayer and zombies I didn’t play or specifically enjoy too much but I played for the campaign.

Story was good and online was fun. But because i started to play the game long after release the lobbies were full of high levels.

The campaign was a bit of a downgrade from MW2019, but was great for the Black Ops series, doing exactly what is needed to do. The silent protagonist bothers me a little, but they play out a cool little plot point with that. Adler is also just such a cool character to bring into this. Feels like how I felt when I first saw Hudson in the original Black Ops.

i love cold war specifically so this why i keep playing this shit in 2023

I only played zombies on the free weekends and it was fun.

fantastic campaign, fun multiplayer, and some huge variety is zombies makes this the best cod game imo

Multiplayer: Treyarch never fails to impress even with the short time Activision gave them to develop this title. Good maps, smooth movement, and high TTK make this CoD title a significant improvement from MW2019.

Zombies: As someone who used to dedicate my time on CoD Zombies a fair bit when I was younger, Cold War's approach to the mode was to make it a little more catered to the casuals. I always liked the challenge with the Mode when there was a limit to how many lifelines you could have to stay alive, however with Cold War they were so many so-called innovations and features that were added that resulted in more possible lifelines and overpowering yourself and your weapons. Such things were the ability to customize the starting weapon (including attachments), leveling up the perks which at some point makes them overpowered, the rarity system where the damage of the gun could get improved significantly during the game and etc.

Other then being more casual than earlier titles the Mode was still enjoyable. One thing I did like with the new implementations was it did make it so you could have multiple purposes for playing every game session. Other then doing the Easter Eggs (which mostly was mid) there were upgrading guns, upgrading perks and unlocking camos (which was zombies exclusive).

Map pool was small and underwhelming, and it doesn't help that half of them weren't that good with Treyarch's standards of map design. However I personally enjoyed the launch map Die Maschine and Mauer Der Toten which came out after the disappointing map Firebase Z. Outbreak was a cool concept of multiple bigger maps in one with the removal of the traditional round counter. I did like how it allowed you to be more free to do whatever on each map, that being doing side missions and/or main missions. However the execution could have been better, at some point it would get repetitive with the same handful amount of mission types just cycling through and the population of zombies on the maps not being up-to-par.

I'm reviewing only the single player here, since I have barely touched the MP and none of the zombies. The campaign was good, but suffers immensely for being waaaay to short... It had a very strong premise and I enjoyed it but before I could say MASON it was over already. The visuals are fantastic, really great locations and variety of places and characters. It was good, but I wanted more!

My first CoD and my first FPS! I like it okay.

Fun campaign with great graphics and fantastic story

campanha insana mas de resto é inferior ao mw2019

Fucking loved this game; I think I would actually turn gay just to play this game for another 5 years. Zombies is still fun as hell and the multiplayer was hilarious in game chat

very good game and great story

Actually most fun I’ve had playing a new Call of Duty Campaign

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2.5+1 full star for letting me kill woods and giving me a slow mo shot

i despise the black ops campaigns and this one started off with more of the same jingoistic american cold war power fantasy stuff and with woods somehow still on his 2010s hardass bullshit, but somewhere around the second half i realized that other than that it really wasn't so bad. the cliche needle drops stopped, woods didn't show up nearly as much, and all the extra genre stuff black ops likes to dabble in that i dont personally care for was generally optional or unobtrusive throughout. gunplay was fine, and while the traitor ending was a bit anticlimactic i genuinely enjoyed the interrogation mission that led up to it. i will probably never play this again

Zombies are cool and interesting. Free DLC maps too.

The grind for the Dark Aether cammo was fun. The campaign was pretty good, but the one from the original Black Ops was way better in my opinion