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in the past

While I question why these missions weren't just put in the main game, I'm also now upset at how none of the future map packs had new campaign levels

Still portrays intensity of war really damn well.

This is essentially the first game but with missions that are all completely thrilling from start to end. It feels much more like being in the middle of a conflict and was very enjoyable. It also fixed some of the difficulty issues I encountered in the first game where a lot of the foes would instantly target only the player. This made a pretty decent difference in overall enjoyment for me even though the core of the game is still the same.

This is only rating the Campaign for now.

If the first Call of Duty is a refinement of the existing mechanics of other war games, United Offensive is a refinement of the Call of Duty ways, it's still early Call of Duty, you're still just another soldier in a war much bigger than you, but you're placed in more intense and epic situations, which is an exquisite balance in a gameplay and narrative sense.

Couldn't take this one. In my review of the original COD I refer to the game as a rollercoaster where you sometimes fall off the rails. Well, here it happens a lot. I think in almost every mission I ran into situations where the entire flow of the game would come to a halt because I didn't behave in the exact way the game wanted me to. The level design is also worse, on a few occasions I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I finally gave up in Noville. First they ask you to take out a tank, and I ran around the entire location like an idiot, trying to find something to destroy it with. The compass was pointing at the tank, not the weapon, and my comrades kept shouting "DESTROY THE TANK! SOMEBODY PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DESTROY THE TANK". Nobody even hinted at what I was supposed to be looking for: anti tank artillery, a rocket launcher? I had no idea. Eventually I found one panzerschrek on a porch at the side of the chateau, on a box. Just a lone panzerschrek lying in the most unremarkable location. Okay, well, I destroyed the tank. Then I was tasked to shoot at soldiers again, then another tank, then soldiers, then a halftrack, then more soldiers, then another tank, at which point I fucking gave up. Note that throughout this entire time soldiers kept respawning non-stop. In fact, this game absolutely abuses the respawning. In the first game I was rarely even able to tell whether the game did or did not respawn enemies. In most cases it didn't, as I was able to clear out most locations. And when it did, it usually made sense, as they were big setpiece moments that needed to sell you the illusion of being part of a large army. But in this game I think every mission I ran into respawn points, where until you do exactly what the game tells you, the enemies just don't stop.

The one "improvement" this game added over the first one was the sprinting. But the thing is, in the first game you never really felt like you needed sprinting. It was designed around the speed at which your character moved. Here it feels a bit tacked on. I found myself constantly using this feature, but I can't really tell whether it adds anything to the gameplay or not. It's just kinda there.

Fun but not very memorable. Pretty much a DLC for the original COD.

It's the same as the first game in terms of graphics and gameplay. It's already called an expansion pack. Compared to the first game, some mechanics, new weapons and an airplane mission have been added. If you have free time, you can play this game.

"More Of The Base Game"

This is a pretty run of the mill expansion pack. Some minor updates to the mechanics like adding a way to sprint and a few new weapons, but otherwise it plays the same. The story is still all over the place, and the best one is the relatively short yet diverse British campaign wince it had some stealth, action, and segments like flying in the bomber (ironically the worst one in the main game). The worst campaign was the Russian one since there were multiple segments with endless enemies assuming you don't push forward, and I felt so much frustration from this after a while. Played through it but didn't think too highly of it, but it's competent enough. Still, it gets lost in the bunches of other average games for me.

Final Verdict: 5/10 (Average)

COD 1 için ek paket gibi birşey kapakta yazdığı gibi. Gayet güzel ve yeterli.

I replayed these campaigns over and over and over again when I was like 10 years old.
It's so good.

👨‍👩‍👦 Hitap Ettiği Kesim 👨‍👩‍👦

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📖 Hikaye 📖

✅ Hikaye ne demek
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✅ Kısa (2-8 Saat)
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❌ Babaannem bile oynar
❌ Kolay
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✅ Kolay - Zor seçimi var
❌ Dark Souls'la kapışır

🇹🇷 Türkçe Dil Desteği 🇹🇷

❌ Yok ama gerek de yok
❌ Olsa iyi olurdu
❌ Ameriga bizi kıskanıyor
✅ İnternette yaması var
❌ Var

🔮 Oyun Modları 🔮

❌ Multiplayer
✅ Singleplayer
❌ Co-op

😡 Bug var mı 😡

❌ Hiç Yok
❌ Rahatsız Etmiyor
❌ Cyberpunk 2077
✅ Sadece 1-2 kez karşılaştım

🎮 Sarıyor mu 🎮

✅ Evet
❌ Ehhh işte
❌ Hayır

Call of Duty 1 tutunca aynısını tekrar piyasaya sürmüşler gibi bir şey bu oyun. 1-2 fark dışı oyun tamamiyle aynı. Koşma eklemişler mesela buna teknoloji gelişmiş yani. Ama anlamadığım bir şekilde yapay zekanın daha kötü olduğunu düşünüyorum. Aim'leri hayvan gibi artmış ama salak saçma hareketler yapıyorlar. Bu oyun hakkında benim için en üzücü şey Call of Duty'nin ilk oyununda iliklerime kadar hissettiğim tüylerimi diken diken eden o hissiyatı tam alamadım. Gene oldukça etkileyici ve güzeldi ama bu daha çok oyun olduğunu hissettirdi , içine çok giremedim yani. Yani seriyi oynamak gibi bir derdin yoksa ve ya eski oyunları oynayamıyorsan bu oyuna girmemeni tercih ederim. Benim için oldukça güzel hatta ortalamanın üstünde bir deneyim olmasına rağmen bunları söylemeden geçmek istemiyorum. Ben öneriyorum oynarsanız pişman olacağınızı da sanmıyorum.


Definitely a big step down from the Original game, and honestly the new weapons don't add much at all. It's unfortunate considering i'd waited so long after playing the Original Call Of Duty multiple times over the years. Fortunately, all of this is ironed out and improved in Call Of Duty 2.

Honorable mention to the British campaign however, which was fairly enjoyable.

Dieses Add-on hat mich wirklich aus den Socken gehauen, besonders weil ich keine hohen Erwartungen hatte.

Genau wie im Hauptspiel gibt es eine Kampagne im Zweiten Weltkrieg, diesmal aber kurz vor dessen Ende. Welchen Charakter man spielt und ob es derselbe ist, weiß ich nicht, da es in der Geschichte ja vorrangig um die für damalige Verhältnisse wirklich atemberaubende Action geht.

Zusätzlich zu den bekannten Panzermissionen, Häuserschießereien und Jeepfahrten gibt es hier sogar noch eine Mission, die komplett in einem Kampfjet spielt. Das ist ohne Frage das Highlight, selbst wenn sich das Zielen nicht immer perfekt anfühlt. Schön fand ich stattdessen die Dynamik, denn man ballert nicht stationär auf andere Flugobjekte, sondern rennt in dem kleinen Raum hoch über der Erde hin und her, um gefallene Soldaten zu ersetzen. Auch eine Motorradflucht vor den Nazis, die durch enge Seitengassen in einer belgischen Innenstadt und dann zum Strand führt, hat es mir angetan.

Dank eines Deutsch-Patches bin ich auch in den Genuss der guten deutschen Synchro gekommen, die es leider nicht auf Steam enthalten ist. Gefühlt ist das Audio-Balancing auch besser – oder meine Ohren sind mittlerweile abgestumpft durch die Ballerei. Regengeräusche tragen zusätzlich zur atmosphärischen Schlachtfeldumgebung bei.

Es gibt eine neue Gameplay-Taste zum Rennen (ALT), die unter Linux ungünstigerweise die Verwendung beider Maustasten blockiert, bis man einmal mit ALT + TAB das Fenster hin- und herwechselt. Glücklicherweise muss man nur einmal wirklich rennen.

Das ist übrigens mein eineinhalbter COD-Teil.

Gespielte Fassung: Uncut-Windows-Version mit deutscher Synchro unter Linux

Expansãozinha mixuruca feita pra lucrar, Activision mercenária pra um cacete desde 2004, é mole? kkkkkk

Some bugs and more generic missions than 1, but the vehicular segments make up for it.

Brilliant expansion that perfectly captures the magic of the first Call of Duty's gameplay while bringing some awesome new missions into the fold with new interesting weapons and situations. A bit buggy at times, but still a near perfect companion piece to a classic FPS.

what the hell happened.. i started this game with a bug involving following the guy i was supposed to follow, died every time and had to take a different route to pass. i quit the campaign once i kept seeing the infinite enemy bullcrap.

more intense tha I remember many years ago when I first play it when I was young.

Russian campaign kickass af

Another World War II game, but wait this came out 7 years ago during the sub-genre’s peak. Why should I play this? It’s just another Call of Duty. Before you go making drastic decisions Call of Duty started out as a WWII series way before the Modern Warfare explosion. Call of Duty was known for great cinematic atmosphere, tight gun play, and excellent story telling. United Offensive is the expansion of the award-winning debut game in the series. Offensive is just superb and even hold up on all levels today.

The game has three campaigns that run between America, England, and Russia. You play as three different faceless soldiers, but the environment is the main character here. Each campaign has an amazing opening scene as well as some memorable moments like the escape on a Jeep in the American campaign, the gripping plane scene in the England campaign, and the tank scenes in the Russian campaign. There is never a dull moment in Offensive and everything from sound, great voice acting, and realistic sounding war effects bring together a riveting experience that I truly have not found in any other WWII game (even in later CoD games).

Instead of trying to pack every scenario into one game (including weapons) we get some long battles that feel challenging, but not terribly hard. Some scenes can last up to 20 minutes (like the plane scene in the British campaign), but it holds you out just enough to make you feel the terror of war and a little helpless. Some battles require waiting a certain amount of time before reinforcements arrive and then a wonderful orchestral soundtrack picks up and makes it that much more intense.

The gunplay is solid and feels great with favorite weapons like the MP40, M1 Garand, MP44, and the Springfield sniper rifle. We’ve used the weapons dozens of times but each weapon feels different which includes power, accuracy, and mechanics of the gun. I feel the grenades still have no weight, but there is a variety of them. Each level and scenario feel different and gripping, but you never get attached to any characters because the environment is the main attraction.

Multiplayer would keep you coming back, but due to the age, there is no one playing online ever so you have to stick to LAN. War games just aren’t like they used to be, and United Offensive shows how to put the feeling of war as well as realistic feeling weapons. United Offensive stands up graphically as well thanks to tiny details. The only thing dated is the low poly models, low-resolution textures up close, and some static lighting. Most of the time you won’t notice because you’re sucked into the experience too much. If a game from 2004 can suck you in after playing modern war games then that really shows how much a game stands up.

This expansion just does the things I liked about Call of Duty 1 but much better for the most part. It pretty much tries to be both bigger and better than the original game. My swap from playing the base game on hardened to this expansion on regular also made me have much more fun with this one.

The battles are even bigger, more complex, and chaotic than the original. The scale of some of these levels is impressive to this day, it's a sight to behold at times and the size of the levels usually isn't a problem. Loading screens felt less frequent as well which is especially impressive seeing as the increased amount of scripted sequences and size of levels. I also found the music less repetitive this time, it still used that same track that nearly drove me mad in the base game, but it was used more sparingly here which was an appreciated mercy. There are also a few new weapons, I really liked the additions of the semi-auto rifles which were a lot of fun to use, there's also a mountable machine gun and a new rocket launcher which were barely in the game, but that's better than being overused. The pacing is soo much better this time, you are almost always in the action and you are always going to have allies with you to help you out a little bit. They also cut down on much of the backtracking that the first game had too much of (the damn dam level in particular comes to mind), whenever you have to return to a point there's usually a new shortcut that opens to use, the new sprint mechanic also cuts down on this as well.

I don't have many issues with this game that weren't in the base game, but I found the infinitely spawning enemies to be overused. Basically, if you don't push forward, enemies will continually spawn forever most of the time. This often means you have to lead your allies as they rarely will be useful in this regard. I also found the interactable things to have really specific spots where you have to look for the interact prompt to appear, which was really annoying and made me think I got soft locked a couple times. One of the new weapons, the mountable machine gun, is a little finicky with what it can be mounted onto, which made it less useful than it should've been. In the second last section in the game, I think the design feels too overwhelming, they decided to have guys spawn on mounted machine guns repeatedly who snipe you in particular every time you enter their line of sight, a mechanic that usually isn't too much of a problem, but the rate at which these literal Nazis spawn is infuriating and ruins much of my enjoyment in this battle.

Overall, the improvements this expansion brings are great, and the problems that come with it are noteworthy, but still combine to a much better experience than the original game (at least on the regular difficulty, I'm not willing to play this game on hardened or veteran after trying them in the base game).

Suprisingly fun. Shows its age in some areas but holds up suprisingly well.

obviamente los sovieticos llevandose la mejor parte de las misiones

United Offensive is an expansion pack for Call of Duty 1. So why the fuck you can buy it separately without the base game where it won't actually function without it, i have no idea. Regardless of that, it's an expansion and obviously plays the same but it with the expansion included you get a total of 6 campaigns essentially, across different characters. With the ones in this one I'd ague you being more exciting than the previous ones.

My Steam review:

Fun gameplay/forgettable story, it's worth your time if you like the fps genre.

Like the original, but with worse level design and a higher difficulty level.

There's a lot more spectacle here but it doubles down on the base game's worst aspects in every way. The American and Soviet campaigns that begin and end the game are basically just a greatest hits of base game setpieces but way more torturous and reliant on savescumming. The British campaign is so much better than the rest that it feels like a different game but it also loses points for having a level where saving literally crashes the game.

A proper expansion always makes the core game look worse in comparison. This is a proper expansion.

There is no way anyone play-tested the Kharkov mission on Vet without savescumming lol. Other than that miss, this owns just as much as the base game.

who the fuck designed the kharkov mission why is the soviet campaigns always the hardest