Reviews from

in the past

its charming and there are some very fun levels, but having to go back and recollect diamonds is frustrating and tedious and only exists to artificially increase the length of the game

This game is so cute and charming and the puzzles are really cool and relaxing. A perfect game to kick back and just vibe to after a hard day. I will protect captain toad at all costs.

Cute game and smart enough puzzles. Just wish the switch port added more content to justify the price

Cute. Simple. Fun to get lost in. Nothing special, though.

this game is really cool. not much else other than i technically didn't finish it since my disk was scratched and crashed at the final boss. but i mean i basically beat it so. fuck you

i liked the captain toad stages in 3D world but didn't care for this. it really doesn't go hard enough into the compact diorama gameplay it promises and most of the puzzles aren't very fun.

Toads are so cute hope they commit tax fraud.

Charming presentation and good puzzles, a very good game to play in short bursts (or in one sitting like me)

Really cool and fun puzzle game. Goes on for too long and just when you thought it couldn't go on for longer it unzips its pants and expands beyond the horizon like a tourist on the beach.

you either track the treasure, or the treasure tracks you

Join Captain Toad in his globe trotting adventure to track down the infamous multi-dimensional criminal, Pixel Toad. The courts never forgave him for what he did, and neither has Captain Toad.

A neat gameplay idea executed well with a lot of level design ideas they threw at the wall. It all works, but by the halfway point of the third chapter I was pretty burnt out by it. There's like only a handful of chapter bonus objetives/gems/actual levels that are even mildy hard, and I found myself pretty bored most of the time, while occasionally enjoying the novelty of the puzzles.

Still, this game has a surprising amount of content in it. there's around 50~ levels in just the base game alone, most of which you'll have to play through 2-3 times to full clear. After beating the base game a hearty chunk of bonus levels open up, and there's also a whole dlc chapter that I got because I got this game when walmart fucked up and accidentally sold the base game and the dlc for the price of the dlc.

I've had my fill of captain toad, but i'll probably break it out whenever my power goes out and carve through the extra levels. You'll get your bang for your buck, and its a perfectly good game, but there's only so much gas you can get out of toad's tank.

Cute, tidy, trenchant trip

An incredible puzzle game that drags on for just a little too long. The three Odyssey levels included in the Switch release were incredible, kinda was hoping there was more.

Captain Toad is the goodest boy and his game is neat.

Gra będąca aliażem platformówek z grami logicznymi. Razem z genialnymi pomysłami na plansze jakimi słynie Nintendo powstało coś naprawdę czarującego.

Me ha gustado mucho. Bonito, con una muy buena curva de dificultad (Fácil de pasarse, complicadetes los 100%) y con muchísima imaginación, no para de lanzarte cosas nuevas todo el rato. Eso sí, cortito.

Nintendo’s recent exploration of 2D surfaces in 3D space (via cat suits, wall-melding bracelets) finds its most charming expression in Captain Toad. Who else could make such delightful dioramas? Who knows better the pleasures of space and all its secrets? This is the game Monument Valley wishes it could be.

But the Nintendo limits remain. Each jeweled micro-world is perfect in its way, and yet I can’t help but long for a way out of these immaculately manicured 3-secret cages. To explore a wider world of topological play. With secrets more radical, yet still uncovered with Toad’s deliberate little steps.

Charming little title, but the forced GamePad gimmicks are annoying, the camera gets in the way, and some of the puzzles are nothing special.

There is no better puzzle game

I think this is pretty underrated because it's a spinoff and it's defined by what you CAN'T do. But I absolutely LOVED this game. The format of three gems and one challenge is super fun for idiots like me who want to 100% games but have zero attention span.

Como ideia e até como jogo é muito legal e bem feitinho. A ideia dos puzzles nos dioramas, tem muitas fases realmente criativas e interessantes, que conseguem espremer de poucas mecânicas muita diversão. Mas tem muita fase bem chata e repetitiva, com uns controles zoados e que me faz pensar que o jogo devia ser uns 25% menor. O port de 3DS funciona, mas o portátil pena pra rodar, alguns controles ficam bem ruins e tem fases muito detalhadas que fica confuso de verdade de jogar (e não usam o acelerômetro pra visão de primeira pessoa, o que fazem literalmente desde o começo do 3DS). É divertido, vale a pena, mas não se culpe se começar a ficar cansativo depois de um tempo.

I got it for $5 due to a Walmart price glitch, and it is very cute

This was a replay. Originally played it on WiiU at release, and it still feels like the perfect wee thing to just jump into for quick fun puzzles.

Felt like they could have changed the cog wheel stuff to work with the thumbsticks instead of still using the touch screen, as it often gets fiddly. But it remains such a lovely wee game.

very fun visually, but difficult to sit down and play unless it's in short bursts. it gets to a point where it feels like the game should have ended way earlier than it did, even though it's only like ten-ish hours long.

like the mainline 3D Mario games, it likes to reuse levels/gimmicks and bosses. this gets particularly annoying here, where there are only two bosses, and barely enough mechanics to make playing through similar/identical stages any more interesting.

i can't complain too much, though, since i got the game with all the DLC for only five bucks (thanks Walmart lol). i wouldn't recommend you buy it at anything near what Nintendo wants to sell it at, so pick up the 3DS/Wii U versions if you really wanna play this

This review contains spoilers

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker loses its audience long before the first half of the game. I simply did not have enough energy to do the bonus levels after getting all collectibles in the main chapters.

The game goes on for far too long, and since you have to play most levels several times, you end up angry rather easily. The story does not make it easier, as it is dull and repeats itself endlessly. Toad is kidnapped. Toadette is kidnapped. Both are kidnapped. Nobody is kidnapped. At some point it feels like a phone minigame app. The levels are hardly connected.

Mechanic-wise it's very simple, but effective. The problem, however, is that graphics don't look good on the 2DS XL and make it hard to grasp details in the screen. More often than not you end up falling or missing something because of that.

The game teaches you the basics and gets progressively more difficult towards the last chapter, but the last 10 levels were absolutely horrendous. They felt unfair and uncomfortable to play due to poor graphics and the 3DS' controls did not help either.

Overall, it is a fun game, but I just do not want to play it anymore. I should have not focused on trying to get 100% completion. It's not worth it. Definitely not a game worth 40 bucks.