Reviews from

in the past

Doom but Cereal: The Sequel: The Sequel

Chex Quest is actually fantastic. They're great goofball shooters with a fun cartoonish aesthetic that works really well in the Doom engine! All three episodes play extremely well together. It might be a little counterintuitive, but Chex Quest 3 is a collection of all three episodes by the original authors. Def worth a play!

A great finale to the Chex Quest trilogy. Overall, I can see why this trilogy has a cult following. It’s not groundbreaking, but for a tie in product; it really didn’t need to go as hard as it did.

Why is the Chex Warrior so caked up on the title screen?? I've never understood that.

Final Chex Quest: The Plutonia Experiment

It's very nice to see how they decided to crank the difficulty a little bit this time. It has larger maps, more enemies, three new bosses, plutonia-like traps (yeah, those where you're trapped in a tiny room with many hitscanners and none of the doors can't be open) and is also a lot less generous when it comes to ammo and healthpacks.

But is all for good, definitely. Also, i would even say that this is the only Chex Quest with no bad maps at all.

Definitely the best Chex Quest. I love the new enemies and it's got the best level design by far. It even challenged me a teeny tiny bit, although still not that much.

Another really outstanding WAD and easily the best in the trilogy. This one has the benefit of another decade of FPS design history since the last one, and it shows, despite being made by only two of the guys from that original team. Fun, charming, detailed, and once again featuring genuinely great level design and excellent pacing. Crazy that this dumb marketing gimmick series is so accomplished.

Uh-oh Mr. Waffle brought cake this time around