Reviews from

in the past

So much customization and great graphics. Watching the details of your city is so much fun. Only issue I have is no multiplayer.

Pretty fun, very solid, everything simcity said it'd be. Still has some issues in it at the time but devs are constantly adding things and fixing things.

Don't expect a realistic experience though. This is not an accurate simulation. Also a fairly simple setup. Roads are made immediately and everything built is going towards a giant metropolis. Look into mods if you want even simple things like... mixed development zoning like for business and residential


Better than SimCity 4? Maybe. I still hate to the bottom of my heart the bus lines in this game. (Good OST)

pure, pure comfort. something I won't touch for ages, then end up playing straight through from dusk til dawn.

Jogar no console é ruim porque falta muitos mods, o que deixa o trabalho sempre mais difícil. O jogo é bom pra exercitar a criatividade, mas isso só depende de você, o jogo em si não te ajuda em nada, dando sugestões ou ideias. No longo prazo fica chato, é bom pra jogar quando não se tem nada pra fazer ou tá sem internet

Es todo lo que SimCity intento conseguir a lo largo de los años, puedes modificar absolutamente todo para hacer de tu ciudad lo que tu mente desee, puede ser un pozo de criminales, una ciudad inflamable (eso significa flamable?), la ciudad mas limpia de la historia o tan contaminante que hasta el suelo cambia de color.

Es necesario el uso de las carreteras y rotondas de forma adecuada si quieres que prospere, sinos el trafico se atasca y dejas de obtener deliciosos ingresos.

Por otro lado para los que no se quieren calentar la cabeza con ir mejorando poco a poco, en ajustes puedes activar el dinero infinito para realizar todo lo anterior, ademas de que todas las mejoras esten desde el principio, saltandote la parte de baja densidad y pasando directamente a la alta densidad.

Los DLC dan vidilla al juego, sobre todo el de desastres naturales que puede hacer que todo se vaya al garete en cuestion de minutos, dandote la posibilidad de lanzarlos tu mismo si te gusta ver el mundo arder.

tons of possibilities if you have the patience (and RAM) to dig into modding and what not

only good if u have it with the apocalypse dlc

Le city builder utlime qui me rappel que je suis rarement capable de terminé ce que je débute.

A fantastic city builder (with some road and routing issues that can be fixed pretty easily with modding), and also a grim view into an alternate future where people use Twitter to inanely talk about technology instead of making jokes about sucking and fucking (you can mod this out, too). also what kind of bus only holds 30 people?

Literally the best city builder ever made

I fire up Cities Skylines every time I get a new computer, only to remember that it eventually gets way too big for my computers to handle. Still, so fun if you enjoy micromanagement and customization, and endlessly replayable...if you have the specs for it.

A pleasant little city sim.
Stales rather quickly but city sims in general can't keep my attention for too long.

Great game, but your city is doomed to die to the brain dead driving AI in this game, unless you install 10 different driving AI mods and spend 20 extra hours just planning roads.

I don't know that I liked this game, but I sure did enjoy it!

Oh my god I suck at micromanaging

it's great! I'm terrible at it

ok heres the thing, Cities skylines is a fantastic game, its 2013 Simcity but fun, but god it needs to just give you a tutorial. i know alot of people so intimidated by this game because it just expects you to understand what to do, even I still cant even really make a functioning city because im still lost on what everything does and its SO HARD figuring it out

Great successor to the classic Maxis city sims. As a nitpick, I wish there were better campaign scenarios, though; unlike Sim City 2000 of yore, the scenarios are all relatively bland. I want to, like, start one with a very themed little podunk highway stop town and have a goal of developing it into a college town of X population or something. They go for that here, but somehow it doesn’t quite land and the scenarios don’t stand out from one another.

The best Sim City since Sim City 4.

A truly satisfying sandbox, but the obligatory obsession you'll gain with its modding scene will make the game awfully finicky and slow.

do you like building cities?
you will

god I love in depth city builders and this game is probably my favorite of all of them.

I thought I would love this game but, as soon as I opened it, I unistalled Cities Skylines. Way too many things to take care of, I wanted/expected a way "more casual" game, so totally my fault.

If it didn't consistently crash my PC, I would like this game even more

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Cities: Skylines is by far the best citybuilder out here.

You will surely put many hours into this game, there will be a short phase of an addiction.

I DEFINITELY recommend the Steam version because of its outstanding mod support! You literally have unlimited and free content which allows you to customize the game exactly the way you want it to be.

i still dont know how to actually play this game