Reviews from

in the past

a lot of problems with it, but how they handled the RPG elements in it was absolutely fantastic. definitely one of my all time favorites

The worst Dark Souls by a good margin is still easily one of the best video games. How’s that for overachievement?

I have almost 200 hours of Dark Souls II, so as you can imagine it, I really liked it. Despite of it, I have to admit that it isn't nearly as great as the first one or polished as the last one.
The hitbox is frequently flawed, the online connection is laggy as f* and the fact the map isn't an interconnected hell-like maze disappointed me a great deal. But as a gaming experience, it is indeed still challenging enough and extremely fun to play alone and/or with friends, so I'd give it a try.

The level design of this game reminds me of when I made levels for games as a kid and just put a bunch of enemies in one place to make it harder.

cool ideas, good pvp, bad execution of most ideas

pues lo deje a las 4 horas por que me eche a llorar de lo dificil que era

Underrated and misunderstood sequel. Too many people just can't handle that it wasn't just a Dark Souls 1 map pack and fail to appreciate its differences. While it does have its share of flaws (and it's a wonder it's not worse off considering the development hell it went through), I think the game ends up just as special as the first, in different ways. Infinitely better build variety and best PvP.

Has a lot of interesting and enjoyable elements but is absolutely swamped by horrendous decision-making from start to finish. Level design is boring and uninspired, every animation feels floaty and hitboxes (especially active damage ones) as a result often feel hazily defined and arbitrarily active when they connect. The narrative kicks and drags its feet the entire time and occasionally hands you the most half-assed plot development imaginable just for the sake of getting things moving. I literally dont remember any of the bosses because i beat most of them first try.

Adaptability is possibly the worst design decision in any game ever? It's a stat that you're basically REQUIRED to level up, and not an insignificant amount either, just for basic functionality within the game (ie. your basic ability to avoid attacks). The sole motivation for tying iframes to a stat seem to have been "so we can have lots of people die in the early game to satisfy the marketing" because otherwise the game is pretty fucking easy throughout, and the only purpose it serves is to force you to either sink tons of souls into it or play an incredibly defensive and slow playstyle that is, frankly, just incredibly boring to me.

There's a pretty big difference between a game where the world appears punishing and cruel and a game where it seems like it was designed solely to annoy you, and this one sits pretty comfortably in the latter bracket despite its obvious aspirations to the former.

Utterly misguided game. Feels like a cheap knock-off of the original, despite being the official sequel. The plasticky visuals and nonexistent atmosphere bolster the feeling.

A game that I remember being disappointed with at first but over time have started to warm to more.

The game lacks the interconnected world, balanced encounters and overall tightness of it's predecessor but these days I can appreciate it more as being a bit of an oddity in the series that tried different things. Power Stance is rad, Rat King convenant is dickishly gratifying and the gender change coffin that doesn't explain itself at all. Also like they gave you more ring slots and had fun with ring effects more...the game even has in-game voice chat build in with a certain ring! I mean, I'd never ever want to use it but it's there! Weird!

Overall, the game has a lot of problems but it's still an enjoyable action RPG I can come back to if I wanna have a good time. Just a shame that the bosses really suck.

Minus half a star for the disco reindeer valley

Absolutely awful experience to play on kbm. Don't be fooled by it saying it has kbm support, it really doesn't. Menus are awful, UI is awful, and the graphics were bad enough that looking out in the ocean with the sun made my eyes hurt. I spent 2 hours trying to make the controls work. It was a nightmare.

This game is hated way too much lol.

I hear all the Dark Souls II defenders, but I just don't like to play this game that much. Genuinely wish I could like it the same way some people do.

good game if it wasnt related to dark souls

Probably the "best" Dark Souls, even if it isn't personally my favorite.

Its fine, but the level design lacks a lot of the intricacy and mystery of the first. Way too many "giant dudes in suits of armor" bosses too. Still worth playing if you've beaten other games in the series and want more.

"It's like you're waving a smelly asshole in my face, and telling me to breathe deeply into it."

Not the greatest Dark Souls but still *A* Dark Souls which is honestly enough for these games to coast on. A lot of interesting quirks that apologists will tell you makes it the best one but apologists are wrong.

Tava no final do jogo e eu não tinha achado a dark soul muito ruim nota 3

Least favorite Soulsborne but still enjoyable.

Dark Souls 2 is a guilty pleasure. I've played this game more times than I should have, mostly thanks to DaS2's larger potential for build variety, but the poor level design, nonsensical world layout, some painfully bad bosses, amateurish animations, and awful aesthetics make me question why I ever put so much time into it.

How many times can you have a profound videogame experience? Which ones can be repeated? Before it all goes hollow.

Here’s Anor Londo, drowned. Here’s the Palace of Boletaria, overgrown. The sequel as remix. Except shallower, to be toured rather than inhabited, built by level designers instead of architects.

Here are more bosses, here is more death. The sequel as more. More environments, segmented by more bonfires, cluttered with more enemies at once. And less memorable. With less character. Less soul.

Dark Souls 2 is a decent enough sequel. And I do not accept the premise of the videogame sequel.

Dark Souls 2 plays very, very good. It has probably the worst hitboxes of the series, but that doesn’t undermine a combat system that expanded on what were already some pretty solid foundations and vastly improved each aspect. You can even wear four rings now, thank the Lord for that.

Unfortunately, if I had to recommend a Dark Souls game, I’d rather emphasize how much better the previous and the later chapter did every thing this game did well: Dark Souls 2 suffers from a lore which, overall, always feel more like a spin-off than a main chapter. Nothing major is added or explained regarding the Cycles except the fact that they exist, the characters inhabiting the world receive mostly the same build-up and contextualization of the first game but their feats and their importance is much less impressive compared to the first title; the environment shows some pretty variegated dungeons, especially in the DLCs, but still not as well thought and designed as the other two titles. Even the combat, the one thing it undoubtedly does better than the previous title, still doesn’t hold up to what came next in Dark Souls 3.

Dark Souls 2 doesn’t suffer for being an uninspired rehash of discarded idea for the first title (which is the only conceivable explanation for some pretty abhorrent encounter in the game), it still is a good game on its own but as a Dark Souls title it is unavoidable to compare make a comparison with the other iterations of the series and notice how it comes out utterly defeated. Those who want to play the game for the sake of completeness though should probably go for the Scholar of the First Sin, it has some improvement over the base game and it already includes the three DLCs, which by far had way more thought put into them than the main locations, in regards of bosses, maps, exploration and story.