Reviews from

in the past

mixing berserk and a bunch of other grimdark fantasy concepts together turned out well

The game is simply just not for me. Gameplay isn't really fun or satisfying to play or all that interesting.

shame about that second half

Great game, with a couple of flaws. Not my personal favorite though.

+ Level design is great
+ Story is Great
+ Combat is fun

- Rushed later in development like every souls game
- Twinking sucks
- A fair few bugs

Anor Londo is probably one of the best final areas, and Smough and Ornstein one of the best final bosses in all of videogames.

Holy shit, what a game. I went in to this expecting to sink 40 hours into it or something, but I felt satisfied enough to complete it after no less than 63 hours. In that time, I completed almost everything there is to complete + the DLC. And I had such a blast that it's not even funny! The gameplay is some of the most satisfying I've ever played. It has such a good progression system where you actually have to fail to advance. I loved the interconnected world, and every time I found a major shortcut, I was just thinking: "this game is fucking genius". And the bosses are some of the most satisfying bosses I've ever met, my favourites being the Four Kings, Gwyn, Artorias and Manus. I didn't really like the fight against Ornstein and Smough, but defeating them was one of the most satisfying moments I've ever experienced in a video game! Can't praise this game enough, it's a bloody masterpiece!

I really do hate to be that guy, but the gameplay of soulsborne games just does not work for me on any level. I can stick with it as long as i want, but my weapons don't improve, i dont understand the story and i have no interest in exploring the world. I wish i could enjoy these games more.

The king of the meme. This game is so perfect for being the "first" Dark Souls in the series. Every death is your fault no artificial difficulty here mate.

Suck it daniel i beat dark souls before you

Dark Souls feels like an improvement on Demon's Souls in some ways, but a step back in others. What Dark Souls has in an interconnected world and more balanced gameplay, it loses in having less interesting locales, less gimmicky and weird weapons and spells, and also feeling derivative of DeS, retreading many ideas from the game. Overall, though, I still think Dark Souls is a great game.

Dark Souls is the peak of gaming. Nah, just joking. Funny enough actually, like most masterpieces it still has a few flaws, but Dark Souls 1 is easily one of my favourite games and one of the best games of all time.
The biggest thing it has over its contemporaries is story and world. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 are the only Souls games where I really care about the story, unfortunately. I want to care more about them but they lack the same cohesion, clarity, themes, and impact as the first 2. And while Demon's Souls is very very interesting in its own right, Dark 1 knocks it out of the park.
And as far as the world goes, I feel like I don't need to reiterate what everyone know about it's Zelda/Metroid-like open world. It's a real shame they never repeated that.
But that only scratches the surface of why it's so much better, of course. There are all sorts of things big and small that really make it stand out. I think, one big thing is that aside from Pyromancy, it has the best overall balance with stuff. Discounting Bloodborne, which has less and different variables (but also very annoying Runes and Gems). The Estus system is perfect in Dark 1, all builds do a really solid amount of stuff, it has the only poise system that really, truly works, there are overpowered things, but most are fine, some are fun, and they're not as annoying as some stuff in the other games...
I'm not gonna sit around making the ultimate case for Dark Souls 1 or anything, but the game really really changed my view on video games and stuff in dramatic ways, and it really does click with me with a magic that none of the others really have as much.

the last 3rd is pee pee but oh man, everything until Orstein and Smough? and the final boss? it cums, and it cums HARD

Truly the dark souls of video games

Certified Hood Classic Action RPG.
Must Play.


edit: changed my mind this is good

real fun lies in the pvp imo, many hours of fun 2 b had

The game punished me until I g0t gud, and I respect that.

Once everything in this game clicked for me, it never un-clicked. It felt like playing NES games for the first time as a kid. So unfamiliar with what they might do, what rule they might throw at you and what trick they're hiding up there sleeve that it creates an authentic pervasive sense of dread.

Es muy buen juego, con una gran atmósfera y muy buenas mecánicas. El principal problema es que una vez pasas Anor Londo pega un bajón.

I played with the bad framerate and thought it was fun. I don't have any interest in playing the other games because it'll be the same thing. Have read the lore though, makes me cry :(

Is there really anything to be said. Everyone knows already about this. It's got the best first half of any game ever. Followed by a poorly executed back-half, with a amazing final boss and even better DLC. Go play it

Dark Souls is more than just a hard game. Is an excellent world that genuinely feels like is grasping for air, trying to cling to life. Is unforgiving and it does not pull it's punches. You do not began feeling like the hero, you earned that title after every boss you defeated.
Just wished that FromSoft would let go of the formula.

Phenomenal. Hasn't lost its luster almost a decade later.

The GOAT. The game that changed video-games for me. DM me if you need a summon.

a recurring thing with these games is that i find myself at a complete lack of ability to learn their controls because i am very dumb but i can at least appreciate the lore and everything surrounding it.

The game that defined a genre. A flawed masterpiece, a classic, and a must-play as far as I'm concerned.

Prepare to die.