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Edit/Copy and paste my review of DMC5 but just add one dose of VERGIL! Man he is really well done and it's amazing how great this looks still. Outside of Vergil there isn't a ton of new content but it's easily still worth it if your a fan of the series. I mean damn how good is Bury the Light. I might be one of the best character theme ever created.

Platinum #124


This review contains spoilers

Devil May Cry 5 was already my favorite Devil May Cry game, as well as my favorite PS4 game. The action was the best that it's ever been, the music was outstanding, and the story was about as pitch-perfect as it could be, while also including fanservicey elements. This re-release, through the simple act of including Vergil (one of my favorite characters in all of fiction) as a playable character, as well as Turbo Mode and Legendary Dark Knight Mode, increases my love for this game so much that it HAS to be one of my Top Ten Favorite Games of All Time.

The best DMC game ever made everything blends together perfectly.

The literal best made even better

In devil may cry 5, nero, dante, and a dude with a limp with a lot of illegally kept exotic animals are being chased by a truck that cannot be stopped by physics and does not consent to the existence of "walls". May they one day know peace from this terror.

One time, in a completely different discussion about a different genre, a streamer i was watching said that Tekken is really good at making people think they're sick when they really aren't. As someone who is not good at fighting games, I realized that i also enjoy tekken because it tricks me into thinking I'm sick, and I think this is why tekken is always relativity high on player activity charts in a genre known for tanking in player activity. I think DMC5 is also one of those games, a game where while I'm playing I think I'm sick as fuck and then i look at the clip on my ps5 recording and remember that I'm not actually that sick. But I felt sick, and that's all that really matters.

Anyways this game is very good. Every character is incredibly varied, I always felt like every by the end there was still much more to learn on them. Dante has 4 stances and 8 weapons and wants you to swap between them constantly, nero has a grapple hooks and a legion of exploding arms (which is a weird system but i remember it being way worst in the base game than in SE), V attacks almost exclusively with a zoo, and vergil has the same amount of meters as a blazblue character. The only character I don't really like is V, which is disappointing because I'm normally a huge sucker for summon based characters, but I never felt like I got to a point where I felt like I had great control of my summons, but maybe I just suck. Everyone else is fun as fuck ( Dante > Vergil > Nero > V imo tho)

If you haven't played a DMC game in a long ass time (like me), modern action game control design is gonna weird you out for a bit but eventually you get it. I still think lock on should be a toggle rather than a hold and you wouldn't give up the swapping off/on gameplay mechanic, but by saying that people who own replica Yamatos are currently trying to find my address so it's w/e. How defense works will probably phase you a bit, especiall seeing how every action game these days either has dedicated parry and witch-time-rolls, but you'll figure it out and even then there's royal guard to carry my fellow souls brained warriors.

There's a couple wack bosses (fuck the horse dude),and some might be disappointed by far less puzzle and platforming segments but i dont really remember enjoying any of that in DMC4 and I cant say i gave a fuck about what little they put in here. The game put all its eggs into the basket of combat gameplay and that basket was good as hell so I don't care.

Story isn't good but it's held up by a series of very fun and memorable characters and some cutscenes with actually great choreography. Did I give a fuck about anything about the giant evil tree? did I understand why that was like in space on some of the later game over screens? Not really. But I always looked forward to middle aged dante pretending that he's still 20 years old and Nero, the only one with like a job and a real family in this cast of fucking deadbeats, getting extremely fucking salty. It's a good time.

Insanely good combat once you get to grasp it and it's really easy to feel cool as hell in it, which is 90% of the game but that's fine. Despite a relatively short campaign, character depth, bloody palace, higher difficulties or just trying to make a sick training room combo for twitter leads to a lot of replayability. Mpst action games these days take more influence from games like Bayonetta(platnium in general) or Souls, and while I like those games, there isn't a lot of games that are like DMC games anymore, so if you missed this you should pick it up for a taste of fresh air because god knows it's gonna be like 10 years before we get DMC6.

On an unrelated note, how come this game lets you buy like red orbs and shit? I think it was like that in DMC4 too. There's no way that anyone has ever actually bought orbs. It's not even a game where buying orbs is gonna make you instantly stronger and cheese sections, it's mostly just more moves. If you've bought red orbs or any of the orbs DLC in these games, please let me know because i want to know why.


For such a recent game, I've lost track of how many times I've replayed this. Same with Resident Evil 2. Urata was right when he said "Capcom's back!"

holy everloving moly shitshow this game rocks. it is non-stop high intensity fun. i would honestly kind of put it in the same category as Metal Gear Rising in terms of tone and combat.

i've never played a DMC game before this but i was able to grasp the story of this installment pretty well. it helped that there was a little movie explaining the previous games but my dumbass only watched that after beating it. this game's story wasn't really the most amazing thing ever but it was compelling enough. i think for fans of the series it'll be pretty mind-blowing, since even i was surprised at times.

where this game really shines though, is the combat. there are so. many. options. you have 3 (or well technically 4) characters at your disposal, all of them have loads of abilities for you to unlock. every PC also has multiple abilities, like Dante having 8 different weapons and multiple styles of combat to switch through with the press of a button. it's honestly a lot, and it took me a few levels to get into and learn about some of the tools at my disposal, but once i did i was able to do some pretty sick combos. this game really just makes you feel like a badass by also mixing in crazy over the top animations and cutscenes, and a heavy soundtrack that hypes you up all throughout.

absolutely fantastic game. will definitely play the rest of the series as well!

This game is best described as “insaneo style”

Overall, it’s pretty much as good as its combat, which is exceptional. The hilarious over-the-top tone is a great bonus

It's truly a wonderful thing when a game knows exactly what it is. Like, the Fast and the Furious movies, Devil May Cry takes the most insane of action tropes and just runs with them full throttle - mechanical arms, an engine-powered sword, torrents of blood, crumbling cities, and fireball blasting demons - yeah, that's just the prologue.

Back in the Blockbuster rental days, I played through Devil May Cry 3, so it (and it's ridiculous pizza scene) prepared me for what the newest installment of the series might bring. The combat unfolds at breakneck speed and plays more like a fighting game than anything else. Combos are the name of the game, and DMC5 provides ample opportunity to chain your attacks through the varied skill system. It's refreshing to see a game shy away from uninspired skills that have become so commonplace - things like '% damage increase,' or '% crit chance increase' - and focus on providing more options for your fighter through actual different abilities and moves. It's exciting to gain new skills and try them out, because it actually feels like your character is growing in skill and potential.

Playing as three different fighters throughout the game certainly adds to the variation as well, as each comes with their own skill set, strengths, and styles. It also serves to switch-up the player's comfort level after getting used to using one specific fighter for so many missions. This is a wider reflection of the game's combo system that emphasizes switching things up to earn style points, and never being satisfied. Though DMC 5 may play like a fighting game, it discourages spamming moves.

Splitting the game between three characters does somewhat function as a double-edged sword, however. Nero has the most button-input combos which feel satisfying and exciting to pull off, as well as a large number of aerial moves that increase his mobility through the field as he bounces from one enemy to the other, though his versatility still pales in comparison to Dante. Boasting eight different weapons and four different styles, Dante, in my mind, is clearly the most engaging and complete fighter in the game. Obviously, they had many other games to work on Dante's move-set, but I wish they were able to flesh out Nero in a similar fashion. This might have been a possibility, except instead they created a third character, V, who plays completely different than either Nero or Dante. V's combat is visually interesting but ultimately unsatisfying, as many of his encounters seem like spam-to-win. He does have unlockable combos for his familiars, but they don't chain together very well, and it can be difficult to pull off some of the aerials, since you aren't in control of whether Shadow jumps or not. In fact, I felt like I had the least control over V, but I seemed to regularly achieve S-rank with him, which was incredibly disappointing. V's design, character, and place in the story are all fantastic, but I wish he would have just stayed as an NPC - it would've helped keep him mysterious as the story unfolds, and more effort could have been focused on making Nero more versatile with new weapons, items, or a better system when using the Devil Breakers (seriously, why can't I just switch between them? Why do I have to break one to switch?).

The story itself is engaging enough with the interactions between Dante, Nero, V, and the side-characters, as well as the fantastically silly and well-done cutscenes and cinematics. The title sequence in particular sets the tone for the rest of the game with its over the top, yet badass, choreography and humor. The animation is fluid and easily brings the characters to life. It is disappointing that in such a good-looking game, the environments are so drab and repetitive. The majority of the story takes place within a "tree," which means you will have to get used to seeing the same tile-set and color palette throughout most of the missions. Incorporating more city pieces or different types of environment would have gone a long way into spicing things up, especially for a game that celebrates variety.

Ultimately, Devil May Cry 5 is a fantastic game characterized by satisfying, indulgent action and compelling characters. It does have its flaws, but the gameplay edges them out - can I really complain about a game that lets me fight demons with dual-wield bazookas and a motorcycle as a chainsaw? Nah, instead I say, "Jackpot."

>entran al salon
>sacan el mejor videojuego de acción de la historia POR SEGUNDA VEZ
>crean el mayor banger jamás concebido por juego alguno
>dejan el salon

>se rehúsan a elaborar

finished up vergil mode. haha funny sword go slash.

When you hit your deadbeat dad with da R2 buster move

Edit: After replaying this game basically constantly for the platinum for like two months and finally getting it, I'm pretty content saying this is the best action game ever made

Fucking phenomenal. Just perfect.

Na minha review de DMC5, já disse tudo que gosto no jogo, essa versão pra mim completa a gameplay por pôr o Vergil como personagem jogável. Por isso, nesse espaço, vou dedicar à ost do jogo, então e quiser ver uma review do jogo em si, vai lá pro 5 normal. Na minha opinião, tem a melhor ost de DMC inteiro, que já tinha uma ost boa, as músicas tem carisma e casam com a personalidade dos personagens. Devil Trigger é extremamente estiloso, muito bem produzido, mixado e cantado, melodias muito marcantes e que ficam na sua cabeça, os timbres do cantores são muito lindos e eles tem um controle vocal muito grande, ótimas vozes por cima de uma ótima batida com ótimas melodias e uma ótima harmônia geral. Crimson Cloud também é muito marcante e uma ótima música, Subhuman é numa pegada mais pesada, num lance mais Heavy Metal, e eu confesso que a música não faz meu estilo (opinião própria, não acho a música ruim). E Bury the Light, como eu queria esquecer dessa música pra ouvir de 0, Tanto o Casey Edwards quanto o Victor Borba, ARRASARAM nessa música, timbres muito lindos, e uma pegada que casa perfeitamente com o Vergil, que sempre foi referido como uma tempestade que finalmente, CHEGOU! Queria ressaltar sobre a versão da Intro acapella de Bury the Light, que analisando bem, é incrível como as vozes harmonizam tão bem e o range vocal dos artistas são tão altos, junto com um drive que dá mais cor ainda às vozes. Resumindo numa palavra a ost, seria: Smokin' Sexy Style. (Vale ressaltar que a ost é dinâmica, então o beat é loopado até você tirar rank S no combo e o refrão começar)

I have a lot of respect for Devil May Cry 5's approach to combat, which gives players a lot of tools and freedom to wreck enemies however looks coolest. However, my run through the main story felt a little hollow without picking up style points along the way. I was finishing levels without feeling like I did much to deserve it. I can tell there's a gem here, but it would've taken me more time than I had to truly unearth it.

This is literally just the original game with more content. The best version of the game and vergil is my favorite character to play in the entire series. Please just play this game

peak hack and slash right here, the gameplay is super fucking fun, i also quite liked the story it had and it has awesome moments, and best of all? vergil is in this game so yeah 100% best game.

honestly, it's just a super fun dmc game and having vergil as a playable character makes it even more fun

now I will huff military grade copium while wishing lady and trish were playable in this

Zerando esse jogo pela quinta vez eu descobri q n gosto da gameplay do Nero sem DT, e eu acho q a gamelay do V poderia ser melhor msm gostando dela

Mas o Dante desse jogo é coisa de outro mundo, eu poderia jogar o jogo todo com ele, a mesma coisa pro Vergil

Well, this is it. My first review on the new and improved Backloggd and my final review of a Devil May Cry game for the year.

I will say, looking back at those past two weeks, it's been a blur of crazy, wacky combos, incredible fights, the Lucia Disc of DMC2 and so on. This very much feels like the finale to something big I've experienced in my life, and what better game to end it with than the finale of the series, Devil May Cry 5.

Off the bat I want to say that I really dig the combat in this game, though it did take me some time to adjust between playing DMC4 and DMC1 and coming into this. Combos have different timings in both of those games and so it was weird to change it up for myself.

Nero controls great, I love the addition of the Devil Breakers for him which ask the player to work with the individual addition of the moveset while also being cautious to not break them unless required for a tight situation. It results in him having a lot of variety in combat...

...but not nearly as much as Dante who is still my absolute favorite character to play as in these games. His weapon variety is top notch, bringing back weapons like the Cerberus from DMC3 and even the Sparda, while also adding the awesome Devil Sword Dante and my personal favorite weapon, Caveliere.

If you told me years ago that Dante could combo enemies with a chainsaw axe motorcycle, I would not have believed you. But it is real, and absolutely fucking amazing. I don't know why but I always find myself getting drawn to the weird weapons in these games, like Nevan in DMC3. I think it's more so in that the concept of fighting hordes of demons with shit like an Electric Guitar or a Motorcycle is just inherently awesome, and it just feels right to me.

I also got a lot of use out of switching the different styles, which has gotten me to Level 60 of Bloody Palace with him. Also really love Dante's design in this game, it really captures the mature, joking uncle character that he has evolved into. Really, all of the character designs in this game are top notch.

Vergil is also once again, incredibly fucking powerful and fun to use. Seeing how broken his Air Trick ability is especially in fights like the Geryon boss just makes me cackle. I love his moveset, and his DT using the Doppelganger style from DMC3 is a great nod towards that game.

The only low point gameplay wise comes from new character, V. I should stress, I love V as a character. He is the mysterious, sly sneaky boy that this series has never had before, and his design is absolutely immaculate... but playing the game with him feels like I'm not playing the game.

With him you control your set of demons, as he is a Demon Summoner, and you basically spam both the X and Y buttons to damage enemies enough so that V can unleash a killing blow. The killing blow stuff is fucking cool no doubt, but the mashing of the buttons definitely feels mindless in execution, and hell, you can even do a summoning technique that makes the summons act on their own, completely removing that aspect of gameplay for like 20 seconds at the expense of one bar of DT.

It's not remotely satisfying as Dante or Vergil's gameplay for me, and doesn't even scratch Nero's. The plus side is that you only play like, 4 mandatory missions with him total... but one of those missions is a boss rush where you lose your summons before hand and have to regain them in each fight... so yeah.

As for the levels themselves, they're alright. I'll blame this on overexposure from the two previous games but initially I wasn't vibing with the destroyed city look because both DMC2 and DMC4 did it as well and it was something I had grown a little tired of seeing, but I did inevitably warm up to it as time went on. They have more interesting branching pathways than either of those game's levels and discovering stuff is much more entertaining.

Personally though, I wasn't really a fan of the Qliphoth levels, mostly due to aesthetic. The demonic wooden tree looks gets very samey very quick, and while that may be the intent, it's just not something I was particularly fond of seeing, especially given that there is just a level where you fall down a singular shaft and that's the level.


The game however truly picks up around the final third of missions where the plot reveals that the Demon King we've been going up against has been Vergil all along and that V is the human part that was cast off after Vergil's many defeats. Vergil is reborn when V and Urizen are rejoined and an even bigger reveal is made: Vergil is Nero's father.

The final two missions are absolute kino as we get to see yet another legendary Dante vs Vergil fight, which is just as good as it was in DMC3, followed by a Nero vs Vergil victory lap where Nero unlocks his true Devil Trigger and regains his Devil Buster powers. It's truly an amazing experience and a great way for this series to go out on.

The music for this game is fucking incredible, I don't think I need to stress. Tracks like Devil Trigger, Crimson Cloud, and Bury the Light are all phenomenal bops, and I even like the track Subhuman that plays for Dante quite a bit for its really goofy charm it has despite its dark metal sound.

However, at the end of the day I still think I prefer the overall vibes of DMC3, and the sheer raw intensity that game provided in comparison. That opinion may change of course, but as of this review those are my feelings.

Devil May Cry 5 is a great game, and I definitely look forward to replaying Bloody Palace with Dante until I finish it. It is one of the best Character Action Games ever made, and I highly recommend it.

At the end of the day, I only have one thing to say about my final thoughts on the Devil May Cry franchise.


So after playing through all of the DMC games, it finally led up to what made me interested in the series to begin with. And it truly did live up to my expectations, if not more so. I was skeptical of how Nero would play this time around but I really grew to love it, V's cool to play as but not really my style. Playing as Dante is fun as hell, especially with Cavaliere . The bosses in this game are great, a portion of them are fanservice but most of them were fun nonetheless. Fighting Vergil this time around was fun as I anticipated while not dethroning DMC 3's Vergil boss fight as the best but it was truly great to fight him. Playing as Vergil is where my love for this game peaked. His theme, his gameplay, his taunts, all of them make it a treat to play as him. I'm still conflicted on whether I think it's better than DMC 3, but it definitely comes close.

Epic ass game but the story is almost too fan servicey. I get why they'd do that though since its the first DMC in a decade they need to get that audience. Combat is really fun with all the characters but V who is fun but not as fun as the other three. Art direction took a step back with all the muted colors and effects as well as the generic looking levels and the cutscene direction is not as epic and crazy as previous games but I can forgive that cause this is a meaty ass action game I will be playing for quite a bit