Reviews from

in the past

So close for greatness. Should be called a true Action Game the likes of Disney's Hercules Action Game

Plataforma 3D bastante bonito pra sua época, tendo surgido num momento de maior maturidade dos gráficos do PS1, é um produto licenciado competente, mas que por algum motivo não me cativou como os clássicos 2D da era SNES/Megadrive.

Talvez por serem demasiadamente formulaicos, esses jogos de plataforma 2D/3D da Disney eram muito "chegue ao fim da fase, colete moedas e segredos" e não muito mais do que isso.

Faltava mais do que o feijão com arroz, e essa pobreza cansava.

This has some fun moments, like the Jane umbrella sequence xD
Overall it's an okay game, just has some unbalanced shit going around the finale.

Reconta muito bem este maravilhoso clássico da Disney, acho ele bem difícil até hoje, mas é divertido mesmo assim, adorava jogar isso na infância.

I just remember this game slapping hard as a kid. I don't know if this is legitimately good at all lmao


Oh man, this is the picture of my childhood. Lost count of how many times I played this game from start to finish (after I learned how to beat this surprisingly difficult adventure)! I'd play the hell out of it if some genius decided to remake it.

How does Tarzan slide on tree braches while barefoot? Seems like splinters would be a problem

Non è malissimo, ma era meglio se mi tenevo il ricordo di quando ero piccino senza realmente rimetterci mano.

Seguramente es un plataformero de lo más corriente, pero entre que es uno de los juegos de mi infancia, que me gozo la banda sonora de la peli cada vez que juego, que hay una variedad de niveles considerable, y que la curva de dificultad me parece PERFECTA...

Great level design, awful controls, too many enemies, mediocre at best music.

Played this on our Windows 97 beige box when I was a child. I loved it and hated it, it was the most fascinating thing I'd ever seen and the most infuriating piece of shit. It may have been my first-ever video game. This game led to a fight between my little brother and I that still haunts me. 1 star for childhood nostalgia, 1 star for irreversible childhood trauma

my mom used to stay up until late trying to beat this game

fun game for being a ps1 game

my dad had to finish it for me,

I don't know how I came around to play this game, I think it was on my family's PC. It's good, I remember the ending, it gave me nightmares.

Better than you'd expect a late 90s Disney movie tie in game to be. Having so many animals did it a lot of favors with me.

I played this when i was 4...

First "3D" game I ever played on the home PC at like 6 years old, at least it was 3D in my mind because it was not all pixels but approximated some kind of "realism"

Talk about nostalgic. Fun but don’t think I ever finished it, though.

Super entretenido. Los niveles son super diferentes entre sí y plasma muy bien la peli.

I, no joke, dreamed how to beat the last boss after being stuck on it for 2 days when I was a kid.

Well I didn't really like it. Why? I guess the clunky controls or maybe the too long leveldesign. or maybe both.

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This Tarzan game just falls below bar of where this game should be. The Story is the same as the movie, which is good. The Characters are the same too, except for the voice acting of Professor Porter, which sounds nothing alike and is very distracting during cutscenes, which themselves are good for PS1 game, movie clips. The Graphics work fine for a PS1 kids' game, but don't
The Gameplay is mostly good, you go around throwing berries at enemies, well collecting coins, gourds and letters of Tarzan's name. This can be fun, moving around flows well and makes it enjoyable to travel through the stages, but it does feel odd that Berrie throwing is the main attack in this game, it's not a plot hole, but you'd think it would be a spear or a kind of sharp weapon like that, or even not having a weapon feels more like you're playing as Tarzan than Berrie throwing, even with the berries acting as different kinds of weapons, they doesn't change much, also throwing berries is hard in 3D sine the aim is a bit stiff, and why are you attacking the animals, you're not supposed to be attacking each other, even on the final level, the animals don't harm Clayton who's trying to kill or capture the animals, but they do attack you, THAT confusing idea makes it hard to call this game good when it doesn't make sense for the story this game was based on. The Knife also is less effective on the animals than the berries. WHY. The Music is alright during remixes of the film's songs and the normal tracks, nothing great, nothing you can call bad sounding. Tarzan on the PS1 is one of the closest to being good games I have ever played, and it's a shame it had to come to this.