Reviews from

in the past

I hate porn. I hate pornography so fucking much that it kills me.
This is a good game. The level scaling is really stupid, though. If you're slightly underleved in an area, you get your ass beat. If you're overleved, everything dies in one hit.
The art is great. The animations are wonky looking, but reading the Alice's Mansion entries made me appreciate that.
There's a lot of ryona in this. I think it's interesting that the main artist is into that and admits to jacking off to beating up Kula in DOA6. There's also a lot of NTR, but you can skip that if you act quick.
I like Alyce. She is cute.
It is amost 3 am and I spent the past 12 otr more hours playing ad breating this game so im sorry if none of what im saying makes sense i had a lot of fun with it joker is a baby and zappa i will have sex with him (gay) i also like that you can have the men as talents in the new game plus the music is also very good
10/10 game

Dunkin' Donuts is what you get if you mixed the combat and dungeon crawling of Darkest Dungeons with the visual aesthetic/story/characters of Persona 5, as well as a prostitution tycoon simulator with copious h-scenes. The gameplay loop is fun & addictive, the story is lighthearted & entertaining, the CGs are stylish, and the soundtrack bangs as hard as your clientele.

oozes style but gameplay falls a bit short, also the plot doesn't seem to decide if it thinks that what you're doing is awful or its ok because there are worse people doing the same
OST is god tier tho

I honestly adore this game. The incredible aesthetic brought me in and held strong throughout. Both the art and the music are god-tier. The gameplay loop ended up being surprisingly addictive. The battle system isn't the most complex, but it had enough to hold my interest and keep me having fun during the whole playthrough. The same could be said for the story and characters. It's not a groundbreaking masterpiece of storytelling, but I ended up really growing attached to the characters and being invested in the story. My only complaint is that the ending could have been fleshed out a bit more.

Desde producción pensaron: "Con Rance hemos agotado todas las formas de abuso posibles así que... qué gracioso prostituir a personas, ¿eh?"

what the hell this is just cyberpunk 2077 but with anime porn

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners the Game

style (and especially porn) over any resemblance of substance. it had a great potential (and age rating) to be something more interesting but meh the story is just basic at best.

Not even gonna lie; one of my favorite Eroge JRPG's, cute characters, weird concepts and unpaid labor! what could be better than this.

Probably the best game genre-wise I've ever played.
Particularly what I love is the overall boldly color using strategy

I live in a low income housing environment that goes by the government name of "Section 8." Me and a group of my allies control certain areas of this section in order to run our illegitimate business. We possess unregistered firearms, stolen vehicles, mind-altering inhibitors and only use cash for financial purchases. If anyone would like to settle unfinished altercations, I will be more than happy to release my address. I would like to warn you; I am a very dangerous person and I regularly disobey the law.

when i was playing miitopia for the first time i was thinking "man, i really wish there was porn in this game"

Impossível gostar de algo quando ele demonstra tanta casualidade em desumanizar pessoas em situações vulneráveis. Entendo que, em jogos, normalizamos isso com violência: não temos o menor problema em triturar recursos humanos quando se trata de jogos de ação, mas fazer isso com o corpo e a autonomia de mulheres parece tão mais nefasto, e pessoal. Quando Big Boss sequestra soldados pra Mother Base, o tom do ato é de resgate, redenção, arrebatação - em Dohna Dohna é de exploração, nua e crua. O tom comédico que muitas vezes o jogo tenta instaurar nestas situações é intragável quando se trata de um ato como este. E embora a resenha aqui no site, que me convenceu a jogar o jogo, argumente que ele é como é para nos colocar na mentalidade de um monstro como esses, um Drakengard de prostíbulo, por se dizer, tenho opiniões bastante contrárias. Fora da bolha de usuários mais interessados em subtexto, vejo muito mais que a clientela trata com humor e até tesão esta instrumentalização do corpo da mulher; e enquanto procurava mais discussão sobre o jogo, me deparei com diversos comentários do leitor médio de VN reclamando mais de que foi outro cara que comeu a sua waifu do que o fato de que foi um estupro ordenado.

Por que vejo em Karryn’s Prison uma qualidade que aqui não consigo? Talvez porque Karryn faz tudo de sua própria vontade, visão deturpada dos desejos de uma personagem feito para o masculino que seja. Talvez porque nele a violência é minimizada, e tudo ao redor se leve nessa atmosfera hipersexual que faz alguns absurdos parecerem divertidos. Em Dohna Dohna não consegui entrar nessa mentalidade: para mim, o tom foi de horror. Sem comentários também para a presença maldita de conteúdo loli no jogo, que é uma verdadeira vergonha - ainda que majoritariamente opcional, considero indefensável.

Ainda que o gênero eroge pareça estar muito mais avançado do que o tabu que o permeia, é uma pena que jogos tão bem produzidos sejam usados apenas para atingir uma demográfica específica de homens com sérias deficiências em como enxergam relações sexuais. Não acho que uma arte bem desenhada acompanhada de algumas linhas duras sobre resistência e medo configuram bom discurso em relação ao tema de abuso - podem ser chocantes e eficientes no melhor caso, e no pior só servem de material fetichista. Após terminar o jogo, o comentário dos desenvolvedores me deixou claro que não há o menor interesse em diálogo: “desenhei com o pau na mão” - diz o ilustrador.

E levando por essa ótica, o que pensar de Dohna Dohna, o jogo? Não se trata de uma VN, e sim de um turn-based JRPG/management minigame com bastante conteúdo safe for work. O pesadelo de atrelar esse jogo à minha conta é o suficiente para que eu solte o resto dessa entrada sem tentar casar um ponto ao outro, o mais importante já tendo sido dito.

> Alguma coisa me manteve, e não acho que foi a expectativa de dois quadrinhos de hentai mediano a cada 1h de jogo. Seu loop, abstraído o grotesco, impele o jogador a continuar, ainda que num grind nada especial. Provavelmente quem me fez jogar até o final foi uma mistura da apresentação que está honestamente muito além de seu gênero, rivalizando mais um Persona em sua qualidade do que o próximo eroge de RPGMaker humilde: animações desenhadas à mão fazem seu sistema de combate voar: mecanicamente simples e elegante, em certas partes, mal pensado em outras; porém sempre atingindo todos os mandamentos do game juice bem produzido. Um loop de baixa fricção em um jogo bem produzido que consigo jogar cagando é a receita do sucesso para minha retenção.

> Em sua história e narrativa, é muito mais estilo e posturagem do que substância. Um elenco composto por personalidades enlatadas que acaba sendo mais icônico como elenco do que como um conjunto de individuais. Tenta criar um diálogo sobre os horrores de abuso enquanto ao mesmo tempo glorifica e dedica quantidade considerável de recursos pra criar cenas de abuso que só existem porque devem. O próprio argumento de porque a exploração sexual ocorre no jogo não vem de um lugar mais profundo do que: este jogo é um eroge e é isso que nós gostamos de ver.

Acho que com isso encerrei meu horny game arc com um gosto ruim na boca.


Darkest Dungeon but you're a pimp and the hentai mods are already installed

Very stylish and has my beloved Porno.

Really fun game for what is was, I commend the amount of work put into the animations/art/music and how solid the character writing was.

That said this clearly suffered story-wise and turned out to be rushed by the end, with the heroine endings sloppily giving out important information that the main game failed to wrap up.

But all in all I'd recommend it if you like /extremely/ hot ero and a fulfilling "fuck society" story, I did love the climax a great deal.

P.S. Kikuchiyo best girl. Also, Tsuina's counterattack sequel when (at least make it a manga or fandisc sob)

This is gonna be my 2024 Mindset

Whatever your first impression is, that the art is gorgeous, that the subject matter is alarming, or that the story is not as grandiose as other AliceSoft games I highly recommend giving Dohna Dohna an honest chance. It had had many surprisingly thoughtful moments, and I have the sense that the authors cared about what they were writing.

The cyberpunk elements are light, but the theme addresses certain niches within the genre (eg. the commodification of human life) in a stand-out way. What most holds it back is that due to a strained development history, certain plot threads weren't fully developed. But this is a character driven game over a plot driven game, and the character writing is still top notch.

Also, the localization is amazing. I've talked to Shiravune's loc producer, and he has such a deep understanding of this work and made some perfect choices. It's extremely faithful and preserves meaning of subtle details.

The game gets better with each playthrough, you'll notice more and more small things that foreshadow or call back to certain developments, and things take on new meaning. It's pretty meticulous and I constantly notice new character details!

It's one of the most polished eroge ever, in the UI, the gameplay flow, and overall design. On a first playthrough, the difficulty is just right IMO. The music is full of bangers in a variety of EDM genres. It's relaxing (despite being emotionally challenging at times) and a great 'white noise' game.

Those coming for a fun cyberpunk-lite rebel romp with vanilla H will find it, but those coming for something darker will also find it, and a player is free to choose to what degree they engage with that content. NSFW can also be turned off if you want, but...

I'd recommend a playthrough where you don't raise any heroine's feeling level at all until first getting their bad ends in the second half. It changes their Feeling events in such a way that shows its true morally salient character as a game about this type of violence. Some of it is surprisingly gentle and left me speechless. Even though these scenes are difficult to access, I encourage people to read them before making final judgments.

Violent scenes in this game are usually written from the perspective of the victim and focus on their emotional experiences, which is probably the most important thing to keep in mind. Some things, for example, an instance where a character was written as basically dissociating, and an abuser was written in a realistic way, gave me pause. Characters struggle with a lot of authentic PTSD related emotions that I was personally able to recognize, and they are told compassionate and healing things.

FWIW, the moral argument is not that 'its not that bad because there are worse people doing worse things', and certainly not that 'SV is okay.' instead, it presents a cycle of violence and raises questions about the factors which perpetuate it and why someone would be capable of such a thing. The one clear thing it does is condemn abuse, but it leaves the reader to ponder it's events and the meaning of them

They aren't ALL perfect, and it IS ero... but genuine effort was made (that didn't have to be), and I really appreciated it. In fiction, a reader can explore their emotions about these topics in a safe and controlled way to ask themselves tough questions. Stories are one way obfuscated issues like abuse can be brought to light. The medium does not effect the value of that message, and I also think that a whole work can be both serious and enjoyable, and that the two are not mutually exclusive.

The explicit scenes highlight the discrepancy between the abusers selfish, lustful acts of domination and degradation and the victims experience of extreme trauma, the lack of empathy that makes something healthy, safe, loving rather than violent. These scenes are contrasted pretty expressly with the consensual scenes.

The heroines own trauma usually directly calls into question the type of abuse their clan is involved in through Kuma, and he tries to show them compassion while at the same time ruining the lives of others, and its a compelling point of conflict.

Both sides of the game work together perfectly when all of the content is experienced, so don't skip it! It's my favorite work of fiction ever, it genuinely suprised me, and i will never forget it.

If you're interested in what I touched on, I wrote this essay that elaborates on it:

Oynadığım en iyi porno oyunu.

Without a doubt Dohna Dohna is fun and has an impressive visual and production, the visual I think speaks for itself, it is exuberant. But as for its content, I can't even compare it with all the talk about human desires and humanity itself as a species that takes place in Evenicle. Evenicle has a lot of content and a lot to talk about underneath all the Ecchi and sex jokes, while Dohna Dohna...really has nothing. It's fun no doubt, the story is simple, just like Evenicle, but it still lacks the substance underneath it all, and as it doesn't have the story its setup is pretty generic. Even regarding the Hustling plot there is nothing that truly supports its occurrence, there are some excuses and it's possible to overthink it, but there really isn't any tangible material about it, not that it bothered me. The characters are fun and extremely charismatic, my applause again for the production and this spectacular dubbing, even without a story that hooks you, you end up staying with them, I think it's impossible to end up disliking some, and some of them even really have a plot relationship very good, like the case of the Medico whose character is based on the fact that she knows that what she does is wrong and that's why she punishes herself for her actions, it's something interesting to see even without really having a substance for it all. In general, I think it's unfair to ask Dohna Dohna to be a serious work, but I think it should build its plot better and explore it better, many things are not illogical when you think about it, some script decisions are bad and rushed, even when you end up doing various events to help yourself understand that world. Many flaws, few successes, and a lot of production, in general I liked it, I had a lot of fun mainly because of the characters and the erotic scenes, but I can't put Dohna Dohna next to Evenicle or others that are clearly superior. So I'll leave my current rating as my opinion of the game, I think it's worth it for an Eroge, but it could have been so much more, even more with a cyperpunk background.



jokes aside this game has amazing art, music and at very the very least a decent combat system

That moment when I kidnap women and force them to become prostitutes for my cyberpunk adventures (I have sex with my teammates(they get r*ped if you lose the RPG battle))

its like persona but horny. i love leveling up my squad and weirdly enough the combat is my fav part. the art is amazing and the music too. however, some of the content is very depraved (tw: loli, rape, prostitution, etc... it is an eroge, after all) so don't play it if you can't stomach it. ngl i skipped over the stuff i thought was gross. the game is really fun otherwise!!

Wait... this is not Darkest Dungeon

Don't be mad but this game is so fun and i'm tired of pretending it's not. Dohna Dohna is my roman empire. I know it's not peak storytelling or whatever but all the main characters are so likeable and silly and the art + core gameplay loop scratches a deep and primal itch in my brain #ANTENNASWEEP