Reviews from

in the past

This and The Witcher 3 are the golden standard for Switch ports

A bit limp towards the end but the absolute strength of those first two thirds can't be beaten by most shooters.

one of the few good single player shooter campaigns in the last few years, gets a bit same-y after a while though.

Playing the campaign with the arcade modes is way better.

It's really impressive how well this game manages to accomplish its only goal: raw, blood-pumping aggression. The glory kills, which are used to give the player mini-rewards for good play, are a particularly genius mechanic. It's really underestimated how valuable a few seconds of being able to catch your breath and think about your next move are while playing as a glass cannon character in a high-speed action game, and the intensely gratifying animations certainly don't hurt. My gripes with this game come from the parts that feel as though they were implemented to bring the game up to speed with modern gaming standards, mainly the upgrade system and the map used for exploration. I understand the idea was to throw in some non-action elements in order to keep the game from becoming too repetitive, but c'mon, it's DOOM- no part of it should require a menu.

Played early in the summer. Loved it, but Eternal is a huge improvement.

It's like being in hell. But you're the one tormenting souls to the beat of metal. I can say that this is the best FPS on the market right now and the best I've played ever. I have SO much to say about this game, that all I can say is, if you enjoy play FPS and haven't seen anything about this game (except that is good), try it. Is so damn cheap that it feels like you're cheating, but you'll feel that every penny on it it's worth.

I wish I could do 100% on Steam tho, but I just don't like its multiplayer and this game has PLENTY of online archievements. And that sucks.

Still a 5* bc the BSO and the game itself is so good that I can ignore its multi.

the whole game is a bruh moment

main game is ok i guess but multiplayer is actually pretty dam fun i wish it was active still

Got too repetitive and boring about half way through. Fun in short doses instead of binges.

Incredible and fantastic and other big praise words. Gets too easy near the end and I haaaate the upgrade system but a patched in arcade mode fixes that. Eclipsed by Doom Eternal in every way, so play this first if you don't want to be let down.

A glorious return to form, filled to the brim with atmosphere and ultraviolence.

On the Switch? If it wasn't for the price I'll say it is a good deal.
On PC? Is magnificent, as Civvie11 said, "KING SHIT", is heavy metal made into a videogame about murdering demons, just like God intended. And it runs like butter thanks to ID´s tech magic.

Tive 7 infartos de tanta adrenalina presente no meu sangue durante toda playthrough.

Pues está guapo pero no me ha entusiasmado un montón. La parte final es la mejor, le cuesta un poco arrancar y me acaba cansando un poco tanto filtro rojo, visualmente se hace cansino. Pero la música heavy machacona te engorila y te pone en el tono adecuado.

too sterile for a doom title

Pretty sure the one of the only games to accomplish being edgy and badass without coming off as cringey. Quite fond of this one

Take me back to the 90's please

Agressive industrial metal plays loudly in the foreground

Arguably the best Singleplayer shooter I ever played along with Titanfall 2.

What else is there to say about DOOM 2016 that hasn't been said? Play it ya dumdums! It's one of the most fun FPS games of the past decade! Even if you've already played it, just play it again! Because you just remembered how good it is! You're welcome btw.

In horr game you run from monster but in doom you hate women fuck you fuck you fuck you

boomer shooter fan excited to play game for the first time

An unexpectedly amazing return to one of the best FPS-es ever. In an industry filled with melodramatic, yet forgettable campaigns and stories, it's ironic that a game that actively tells the plot to go fuck it'self is one of the most memorable over the last decade.

DOOM (2016) is a nearly non-stop orgy of violence, gore, badass weapons, and I loved every minute of it when I first played it, and still do to this day.

The highest recommendation I can give to anyone who cares about shooters.

An incredible return to form for the DOOM series. Fast-paced, with a plethera of weapons and executions to pull on the newly designed-Demons. An incredible soundtrack composed by Mick Gordon easily ensures the player will be sucked into this brutal world, and constantly run on a never-ending adrenaline/dopamine rush.