Reviews from

in the past

Frenético, rápido, brutal e muito divertido! Um reboot muito bem feito de um dos jogos que foram pais dos FPS. Poderia ter aprofundado um pouquinho mais a história? Poderia! Mas ainda assim, um ótimo jogo.

started with the second game and burnt out after playing the first for a few hours as it’s so similar to the second. still great tho

It's a good game, a lot of killing, a lot of blood, so it's really fun.

I just don't give it five stars, because I thought the story wasn't very well focused, I only understood the story at the end of the game.

This is still one of the best shooters of that generation, might I say of all time. The flow of combat is delicious, graceful. Mick Gordon's soundtrack is just perfect and playing it on Xbox Series X makes the performance just a bit better.

Even the end credits are perfect

Chainsaws are truly the best instrument

Really fun game. I decided to move on because it just wasn't grabbing me over other games in my VERY LONG backlog.

It's good. It's really good. Why has it taken me 8 years to play this? It's visceral; it's brutal; it's all you want in a Boomer Shooter. And damn does it not look 8 years old, and it certainly doesn't play it.

Yeah sometimes the movement before the unlocks can be clunky (mostly when you're climbing ledges), and yeah some enemies are annoying (the guys you can only shoot from behind), but the gunplay is so good. The exploration is fun and rewarding, and it doesn't feel like you're under/overpowered based on how much you collect. It also doesn't outstay it's welcome at all. It's a fairly short game (only ~10 hours), which is great given there isn't too much actual gameplay variety.

I will say this game is a must play on the higher difficulties. This should absolutely be a challenge. Being pressed to move constantly is the whole fun of this game.

There are some glitches which caused me to soft-lock, which was a shame. I will say by the end of the game I wish there was a little more variety enemy-wise. It felt about 50% of the way through was when you stopped encountering new enemies and from then on it was just variants. I think the bosses were kinda mid too, but they were few and far between that I really didn't mind.

Yeah go play this.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the game. Really fun shooter mechanics. The enemy types are fun and the missions are relatively well designed. If I was forced to criticise one thing; it would be that the mid to end game is a little long, but the ending is worth it.

Amazing update of the original doom for modern audiences. Movement and shooting is in perfect balance. Art, music, and mechanics all in perfect harmony. Recommend as much as original doom.

This feels like if they made DOOM in 2016. I like heavy metal.

Doom 2016 is a great package that 95% of the time gives you the power fantasy it’s going for. The soundtrack is incredible. Level design is generally great. However the enemy design could have used some improvement and the game’s boss design is pretty poor. The game’s boss design relies on movement being the only way of avoiding attacks, unfortunately the movement is unsatisfying and slow which makes these encounters difficult and frustrating.

awesome soundtrack. great gameplay

Biggest surprise in my professional gamer career was watching id make dogshit like Rage then say "we're super sorry, can we revive fast-paced shooters to make it up to you" which I said no, but they did it anyway, and fuck them they pulled it off

Beat most of it, finish the rest one day

Let me just say the multiplayer in this game sucks so hard. Literally a waste of resources were spent implementing this games multiplayer but the combat of this game was fun. It is fast, smooth, and feels like its ripped out of a 1990's arcade shooter. The story was memorable to some degree, at least in its ending and beginning. It has collectibles which are fun, but don't add much besides a bit of exploration. A good concept that delivered in many ways, but heavily flawed as well. A fun time.

אני שונה מפלצות

With each ferocious swing of my hands, I unleash an unrelenting torrent of destruction, leaving behind a trail of eternal suffering and countless demonic deaths.
Such is the price to be paid for seeking vengeance upon those responsible for the untimely demise of my dear pet rabbit.
May their souls now tremble at the mere mention of my name, as I will not rest until justice has been served in full and my beloved companion's memory has been avenged.

rejugando después del doom eternal, es como dar 5 pasos atras pero que buen juego lpm

Mi primera vez jugando un DOOM y puedo decir que ha sido la experiencia matando demonios mas gratificante que me he echado en la cara. Este juego para desestresarse va que ni pintado.
La escopeta y el BFG ❤️

Ah, y la historia esta ahí. Si te interesa, genial y si no, pues a aplastar craneos.

Great shooter. A bit too long for my taste. Gameplay didn't really justify the length of the game for me. I was a bit board toward the end.

Apesar de ser um pouco longo demais, o que o torna repetitivo perto do final, esse jogo é realmente muito foda não só por ter personalidade pra caralho se comparado a outros Shooters, mas por reviver essa franquia que tinha sido espancada com Doom 3.

A princípio, a essência da saga ainda está aqui, mas modernizada em um tom mais "sombrio" em sua música e design (que combina bem com a estética desse jogo, e que é felizmente/infelizmente abandonada em Eternal) é bem maneiro ver como os visuais dos demônios e armas foram traduzidos pros tempos atuais, tudo é mais "tecnológico" e quase militar de certa maneira, principalmente os demônios que eram mais cartoonescos no original (Porém a super-escopeta ainda é só uma cano duplo 😔) as mecânicas novas de Glory Kill's e Modificações de Arma tornam os combates muito mais interessantes, e as mecânicas de Upgrade tornam o loop de gameplay mais satisfatório (valorizando a exploração) o cenário é um pouco repetitivo na minha opinião e após umas 8-9 horas de jogo já não tem muita graça fazer as exatas mesmas coisas toda fase, considerando que diferentemente do Eternal, ele não vai implementando mecânicas novas gradualmente, mas ainda sim é uma experiência bem prazerosa e é injusto compara-lo com um jogo que veio 3 anos depois. Também quero dizer que as boss fights aqui são muito boas, o que é bem difícil pra um FPS (principalmente um Boomer Shooter) é só uma pena que todas elas estejam no terceiro ato do jogo.

Por último, vale apena citar que aqui eles levam o fator de história mais a sério e tentam criar uma mitologia baseada no Slayer, além de abordarem um pouco mais a UAC (criando até o personagem do Samuel Hayden e VEGA, que são adições interessantes a uma franquia que era conhecida apenas por seus vilões e protagonista) não é necessariamente uma história ótima, mas cumpre bem as pontas e torna o jogo mais imersivo, já que a história não está só pra ser um background pras matanças excessivas.

Em conclusão, eu não gosto tanto de Doom 2016 quanto todos muito por causa de eu ter jogado o Eternal primeiro e ter várias mecânicas dele implementadas na minha cabeça. Eu não sou fã do qual longo o jogo é, e também do qual fácil ele é (ao menos no Ultra-Violência, não vi o Pesadelo ainda) ele acaba ficando bem chatinho perto do final quando os combates ficam muito longos e o jogo te afoga em Power-Ups, a motossera também possui muitas cargas pro meu gosto e o jogo distribui munição de BFG. Apesar de tudo isso, a estética desse jogo é incrível e a trilha sonora é maravilhosa, eu considero esse um ótimo ponto de entrada pra essa saga já que ele é bem parecido com o original mas de uma forma bem mais refinada. (eu não vou fazer o Ultra-Nightmare nesse, eu ainda não me recuperei totalmente do Eternal)

Pura rabia. Pura adrenalina. Maestría de cómo hacer un juego agresivo