Reviews from

in the past

Franchement une très bonne expérience! L'histoire principale est vraiment super agréable, les graphismes bien que spéciaux ne sont clairement pas moche, et les phases de dialogues amenant quand même pas mal de rebondissement est bien chouette.

Les salles en elles mêmes sont vraiment créatives et vont vous pousser jusqu'à dans vos limites, tout en amenant vraiment de l'aide grâce aux indices (qui sont parfois un peu cryptiques quand tu comprend pas ce qu'ils veulent te faire faire parce que tu en es pas à la même étape que selon ce que les indices veulent te faire faire).

Mais malheureusement, il y a quand même un ou deux bugs bien pénibles. Déjà des dialogues qui se bloquent et qui veulent pas passer à la suite, nous forçant à juste passer le dialogue alors qu'on veut découvrir l'histoire. Des textures sur une mauvaise couche... Pas trop grave pour le coup. Mais en tant que joueur PC azertiste, je déplore quand même le manque de remapping de touches! C'est quand même un peu la base maintenant! Obligé de passer en qwerty pour pouvoir jouer, heureusement qu'il n'y a pas trop de boutons!

Bref, dans le gamepass, ça reste une super expérience qui se termine en 4-5h!

Pretty fun and interesting, should definitely do it with a friend!

There's a lot to love in Escape Academy from the intricate escape rooms to the quirky characters. It does the prior incredibly well with simple, fun puzzles to solve on your own or with some friends. None of the escape rooms were challenging for me, perse, and I usually was able to figure out what I was missing, but the handy hint system was always there if I needed it.

One of the more challenging things for me is the lack of replayability with escape rooms. You complete them once and it's hard to have that same experience again.

What I can say is, each of these rooms encapsulate the fun of an escape room in a very easy bite-sized manner. With the upcoming DLC and free updates, I think this game is definitely worth your time ESPECIALLY if you have some friends to join you.

If you have Game Pass, just play it already. You won't regret it.

Overall Escape Academy was a very satisfying experience that's worth the $20 cover charge (or ~4 hrs if you've already got Gamepass).

While I wish the difficulty was significantly higher at most points, the pacing is well done with a lighthearted concept and delivery that distracts from the simplistic puzzles. The levels are fun and creative, and manage to hit a wide array of settings while still working within the boundaries of the plot.

Note that at the time of writing this review, many of the achievements on Steam are currently bugged for some players. This including the Chatterbox and the Study Buddies achievements.

A nice and relaxing diversion but while solving each conundrum is enjoyable the puzzles never really step out of first gear and I found that the time limit was barely even noticeable given how quickly you can blast through each scenario. I'm hoping that recently announced updates and DLC can test that grey matter just a tiny bit more but at the moment it's a pretty good way to while away an evening.

Short but very satisfying game. I felt like the difficulty level was spot on, with the time limits providing just enough motivation to keep you on your toes.

This is a 7 out of 10 game that had a bug that kept me from being able to solve the puzzle, so I gotta subtract a half star... The rooms and story are fun... Kinda want to try something more complicated after playing this...

The game is exactly as advertised, a handful of escape rooms for you to solve and go though.

They used some of the more "traditional" escape room puzzles along side some puzzles that you could not do in real life.

About 85% of the puzzles where fun to solve, and I wish they made each "room" a bit more beefier as I was clearing them in like 10-20 minuets.

Story was okay, nothing too much to talk about there.

Other than VR, this game is probably the closest you can get to doing an escape room without actually having to go to one.

Fun little game that gives you a fair amount of well-designed escape rooms with some charming presentation. Puzzles are clever without getting too obtuse but I'd say it ends right around where the puzzles actually start getting challenging and there's not really enough time to get much from the characters so I do wish it was a little longer.

Diez escape rooms enlazadas por una historia principal. En general se hace simpático, algunos puzles están bien, otros están bastante vistos y hacia el final recurre felizmente al pensamiento lateral para acabar la historia. No es brillante pero entretiene durante tres o cuatro horas.

Lacks in story, character design and puzzle difficulty but makes up for a lot with it's clever puzzle rooms and fun setting.

Another test of communication skills for me and my wife, another incredible success. 4 star game, 5 star wife tbh...

Really liked the puzzle design. The plot was cute and just enough to give the puzzles a nice through line. The hints were just generous enough to help when I got stuck.

Also tip for playing on Xbox: You can plug in a mouse and use it to manipulate individual puzzles while still using the controller to move around. I found that extremely useful for some of the more fiddly puzzles.

Cool escape room game!
There isn't much to say about the plot, but the puzzle design is pretty good (taking into account the limitations of the medium) and it has a really nice aesthetic going.

Also shoutout to the localization team that did a great job making the puzzles work in spanish.

This is one of those great GamePass stories, where a game I didn’t even know existed before Wednesday quickly became one of my personal favorites of 2022, as Escape Academy oozes over with the kind of Escape Room charm I once thought could only be achieved in a physical space. The premise of this game is simple—you are training to become a great escape artist, and find yourself in increasingly violent scenarios from which you must escape during your training. The characters and story are not what this game is about, but they were fun and had some clever contrasts in their characterization. However, this game shines most in its puzzle design. This game was actually created by Escape Room designers who feared for their future when COVID hit, so the puzzles all have that unique interconnectedness that I’ve only experienced in physical escape rooms. I loved finding out which element of the room was necessary to solve the next sequence, and I always felt clever when I found the solution that the game clearly had designed for me to find. The only thing this game lacked was the maneuverability of objects in real space… You don’t even have the ability to to rotate items to find hidden crevices or anything, which means the puzzle solutions must present themselves to you a bit more obviously from the first glance at an item. Still, I’m so glad this game came to GamePass, because I probably would have never heard of it otherwise.

Brilliant escape room game.
If you ever did an escape room and enjoyed it then you will definitely enjoy this.
Nice variety of challenges with some well thought out puzzles and a good range of difficulty.

I'd love to see more games like this. You can play this co-op and I think adding an option to play with up to 4 or 5 friends could be a real hit.

Beat the game: 7/16

Managed to get all achievements: 7/16

Good stuff.

Jogado no Xbox Game Pass. A primeira vez que eu fui numa escape room me falavam que parecia um jogo de point & click. Eu fui, gostei demais, era melhor que point & click e virou meu hobby preferido. Desde então, todo jogo point & click nunca conseguiu realmente replicar a experiência de uma escape room física.

Mas agora existe Escape Academy. Todas as salas que o jogo apresenta poderiam facilmente, com algumas modificações (mais em cenários e no contexto mais "real" das salas), se tornarem salas físicas que poderiam ser jogadas no mundo real. Puzzles, pistas, apresentação, eu realmente me senti em pequenas salinhas de escape room, com diferentes contextos.

É uma pena que a parte toda da Academy e dos personagens passe tão batido, ao ponto de forçar alguns temas de salas que poderiam ter ficado mais interessantes sem elas (facilmente as salas que menos gostei eram as mais ligadas à história que o jogo queria contar).

Se você quer ver como é uma escape room sem sair de casa, provavelmente esse jogo é uma das melhores opções hoje. Ansioso pelas DLCs!

Beat playing couch co-op with my girlfriend. Had a lot of fun, we have done at least a dozen irl escape rooms so it was up our alley. The game itself is pretty weak and the controls are awful on console. The story and setting are basic but fun enough.

The perfect game for Puzzle fans.

Escape Academy has the player go to a magic Hogwarts-style school where every class is learning how to solve escape rooms and become a Master Escapist, and no that’s seriously the story here. The levels do have some variety, rather than a standard Escape room, you might be trying to assist someone on a video feed who is breaking someone out of jail, but in the end, it’s all about solving puzzles and exploring the space you’re in and it’s consistently solid in that.

This brings the bad, and there’s one issue here, there are only a little over 10 levels, and the game takes about three hours. This is such a good game that it’s criminal how long it is. There’s not even a way to extend the length here. Maybe if you struggle, you can replay a level but there is a pretty bad problem, the solution to the puzzles is always the same. That’s understandable but man I want more because every single puzzle here is well designed.

Pick this up if you love puzzle games. Each level here is well designed, giving an intense feeling, and a clock that is ever counting down, but it has reasonable puzzles, and you’ll consistently find revelations as you play. This is an easy recommendation for Game Pass, however, I'm not sure if you're considering buying the game yourself. I want to support the developers but I beat the entire game in 3 hours, and they’re asking 20 dollars for it, which feels a bit high. Still, I had a great time so maybe grab this one on sale.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games:

Nota 8: Muito bom. Sempre curti a idéia de ter que escapar de uma sala resolvendo enigmas e quebra-cabeças, então Escape Academy obviamente chamou minha atenção. O jogo é 100% dedicado a este tipo de experiência, consegue oferecer puzzles variados e justos, assim como cenários diversos que colocam um senso de urgência no jogador. Elogio também a inclusão do jogo no GamePass, logo no lançamento.

I love when a puzzle game makes me break out a pen and a pad of paper

A great bite sized game that brings plot and larger scale fantasy to the world of escape rooms. However that very limitation with puzzles that echo their real life counterpart left me wanting to do an escape room and stop playing a digital one. Wasn’t that the whole point of escape rooms in the first place? To bring fantasy into reality. This feels like a backward step. Good practice though if you are that kind of nerd.

Honestly one of the best virtual escape room games played, puzzles weren’t to hard but I wish there was a bit more that’s all. It stopped just as it got challenging and I would of liked to see a couple more head scratching rooms. Addicting though.

Really pleasant game. I never found that it got particularly challenging, but I liked the little plot and a few of the setpieces.

Buena traslación de las locuras de los escape rooms a un juego con una historia ínfima pero que importa más bien poco. Lo malo es que el juego pone tan a mano las ayudas al jugador que mata bastante la tensión. Y una vez terminado un escape room, los puzzles se resuelven de la misma forma, a pesar de que tiene puntos en los que se podría añadir aleatoriedad para añadir algo de rejugabilidad.

It immediately won me over as soon as it introduced the concept of "Anti-Escape Scientists". Pleasant and cleverly designed little puzzle game, absolutely worth playing in co-op even if the first-person split-screen can be a tad nauseating. Also fun to laugh at one of the most ill-conceived educational institutions depicted in media - there's flooding, bomb disposal, fires. All in the name of escape!

Probably one of the most focused escape room experiences outside of actually visiting one.

Me and my partner really enjoyed figuring these out!