Reviews from

in the past

Definitely the weakest in the Fatal Frame series however this game still has the series iconic horror elements. The game is a bit too linear at times but the atmosphere goes a long way and show Fatal Frame can still deliver some very unnerving moments.

I never played any Fatal Frame before and because is the favorite franchise of my best friend, I give a try for 5. I understand how legendary is the series so I was in hype. Is a very good game in basic levels, you have probably the best gameplay for classic survival horror here, cool levels and three characters. Not all levels are unique but they use really well. Yuri is a great character and Ren too, with the game even using his traumas without notice to do the horror. I agree with people who say the only problem is the horny, the game is just a solid 8. Will give a try to the rest of the franchise someday for sure

I’ve never had the chance to play any of the ‘Fatal Frame / Project Zero’ games, as I never owned any of the consoles needed for the previous episodes, so, being a huge survival horror fan, I was really happy when they announced ‘Maiden of Black Water’ coming to PC. I went in completely blind, knowing almost nothing about the plot and gameplay, and all in all, I was mostly satisfied. There were a few annoying issues, though.

First of all, the numerous back and forths you need to do, and the cumbersome controls can drive anyone insane after a while. I suggest you play one chapter at a time, so you don’t get bored with the same locations too quickly, and use a keyboard and mouse instead of a controller – for me, that made taking photos at least a bit easier. I wasn’t a huge fan of the character designs, either, especially the facial expressions: the protagonists look like porcelain dolls devoid of all and any emotions, and, unfortunately, the poor voice acting doesn’t help, either.

At least the rest of the graphics looks fine, I guess, and the atmosphere is spot on. The story might not be that strong, but I found the various Japanese legends and folklore behind it very interesting. It reminded me of movies like ‘The Grudge’ or ‘Ringu’, or the creepy visual novel series, ‘Spirit Hunter’.

In summary, this is definitely not a great game, but I wouldn’t call it bad, either. Not as scary as ‘Silent Hill’, not as action-packed as ‘Resident Evil’, but still OK.

Bloated. This game is already like 12 hours long you don't have to make the entire final chapter just hundreds of dull enemies to pad for time.
I was very excited to see a modern take on Fatal Frame but sadly this feels like less than an evolution from FF3, it's a step back, making exploration more janky and basic, making the combat smoother but more simple, it's a real shame, but I'm kinda disappointed.

I hope this does well, though, so a new one can be made with a higher budget.

I really enjoyed that game. But I can tell it's a bit clunky and repetitve. Levels are empty and the story leaves some to be desired. However it still had my interest a little bit. I should go back and try the original trilogy.

Obrigado por trazer essa franquia de volta. A nota é só por isso, porque tenho várias críticaas:

1. O jogo ser dividido em capítulos aparentemente foi uma limitação do wii u e apesar do jogo contornar bem isso misturando várias perspectivas, ele corta bastante o feeling de survival horror até o capítulo 5 mais ou menos. Não parece que eu tô jogando um jogo, mas sim vários trailers jogáveis. Além disso a própria essência do jogo se fudeu nisso, já que como a divisão em episódios existe, você não tem mais uma vila ou uma mansão pra explorar e resolver o mistério, você tem um mapa linear com um objetivo claro que tá sempre indicado, além de as vezes tu tá no ápice de um personagem e corta pra outro, o fato de você ficar saindo e voltando do começo da floresta também atrapalha bastante o senso de progresso tanto seu quanto da narrativa. O que é mais estranho ainda é que o 3 também era dividido entre perspectivas e tinha um hub central, mas não tinha nenhum desses problemas, vai entender.

2. Me falaram que é a engine, mas eu acho que foi sim uma decisão de design que deixou as fantasmas muito erotizadas. Tipo, a temática de afogamento deixou todas de roupa transparente e peitudas quando já teve inimigas que eram prostitutas mortas durante o sexo muito mais grotescas e aterrorizantes mesmo? Também acho que quando as protagonistas ficam molhadas eles perderam tempo demais dando enfase em como elas ficam.

3. Isso contrasta bastante com o que vou falar agora, porque se a Nintendo não ligou de fantasma peituda, parece ter se importado demais com os temas que a franquia aborda. Sério, parece que cortaram muito o que esse jogo queria falar, antes a franquia não tinha problema em explicitamente colocar abuso sexual, incesto e depressão explícita nos próprios vivos. Agora o jogo parece ter vergonha de falar que a personagem é lésbica, a depressão do mundo real parece ser muito mais resultado da atividade paranormal que o contrário como acontecia nos outros. Em Fatal Frame 3 por exemplo, os personagens são atormentados porque sofrem com assombrações, mas sofrem com assombrações porque são atormentados pelas suas próprias decisões e traumas.

4. Por último queria falar que as câmeras diferentes nunca foram o que diferenciava personagens jogáveis no 3, mas sim a forma como que se jogava com cada um, que por sinal dialogava com as personas deles. A Mio era mais experiente em relação ao paranormal e pelo apego não só a seu irmão mas a esse próprio mundo como forma de esquecer a dor, a gameplay com ela acaba sendo mais suave e bem dosada entre combate e puzzle, a Rei queria se matar logo e tava cansada de tudo, além de ser a que mais tem conexão com a mina das tatuagem, então os inimigos eram mais agressivos e fudidos e ela combatia bem mais que os outros. O Tio tava só querendo encontrar uma resposta pro que aconteceu com as sobrinhas, então tudo que ele fazia era correr e fugir em busca de uma solução pros puzzles. No 5 é só, esse tem uma metralhadorsa, essa uma shotgun, tipo pô.

Também tem um sistemas meio jogados, mas no geral é um jogo ok, o mais fraco da franquia, mas ironicamente um dos mais importantes por ter provavelmente revivido ela (?). Enfim, espero que melhorem muito no próxima e que tenha um próximo.

A really good, solid Fatal Frame game. The forest is a dreadful, magnificent setting for the events of this story.
And has one of the most horrendous, scary ghost in all of the series: the tall woman. Jesus that thing is horrid.

My controller died in the midst of my playthrough which basically makes the game unplayable on PC. 👍

I have quite a few issues with the clunky movement and a few of the gimmicks introduced; but for the most part it's quite a solid horror experience still. I would still easily consider this the "worst" game in the Fatal Frame series. However, seeing how it's mostly detached from the rest of the games' stories, this is actually a decent starting point. If this is your first Fatal Frame game, then things only go up from here.

Fatal Frame 5 is mostly pretty ok. There were quite a few really well-done, really unnerving sections. My first time visiting the Shrine of Dolls and Womb Cavern were incredibly spooky. Also the Unfathomable Forest is always suitably dark, oppressive, and unpredictable; it's a great setting. The sound design is pretty good, and it really elevates this game.

Unfortunately, the characters were all....REALLY uninteresting. I really had no personal or emotional investment in any of the characters except for Miu since her mom is Miku, the character from the first game. However, I did really enjoy the backstory of what happened on the mountain and the rituals that the villagers practiced, setting all this in motion. Piecing together the horrible things that happened has always been one of my favorite aspects of these games.

The gameplay was pretty serviceable. If you've played a Fatal Frame game, you basically know what to expect at this point, aside from the few new things. The general combat and encounters felt pretty good to play and were often tense. Just make sure if you're using a controller, to turn up that camera sensitivity (in-game AND Camera Obscura) a fair bit.

Unfortunately, the movement controls feel incredibly clunky, way clunkier than I remember the other games' movement feeling. There's a few short instances where the Maiden of Black Water will chase you, and if you touch her then it's an immediate game over and you have to restart the chase sequence. The first time it wasn't bad because she was almost always behind you. However, the second time this happens, she teleports AHEAD of you, and with the very clunky movement controls, you will find yourself running into her instead of deftly sidestepping like you feel like you should've. However, despite the clunky movement controls, doing a dodge always feels quite reliable, I assume it gives you a good handful of i-frames or something because this game runs at like 25-30 FPS on Switch.

Furthermore, opening doors is so fucking slow and drawn out. This is done for the sake of suspense, but they only ever actually capitalize on it ONCE and it's not until way late into the game. There's also the item pick-up gimmick where a disembodied ghost-hand can grab you, but it got old after the third or fourth time. Every time after that, it was just a nuisance.

Also if you accidentally find yourself backed into a corner by 3+ ghosts, get ready to get stun-locked for a good 30 seconds or so. This happened to me only twice, but god was it frustrating. One time I kept getting chain-grabbed. I'd get grabbed, do a counter-shot, and IMMEDIATELY get grabbed by another ghost that was on-top of me.

I will say though that the Spirit Photography of "bonus" ghosts was a huge highlight for me, like in the other games. Sometimes NOT having something to fight is scarier; seeing something watching you, passing you by, or even leading you some place is better horror than another ghost ambush. They really help build the creepy atmosphere wherever you are and are a constant reminder that no matter how alone you seem to be, you're actually not alone, and that's way scarier in this case. The "Fatal Glance" mechanic was also neat too. Getting a few vague tidbits of lore via a grainy VHS cutscene from touching a defeated enemy is really good & spooky.

Another complaint: this game's camera upgrade system REEKS compared to the first three games. Everything costs so many more points to upgrade, and you have TWO cameras to upgrade this time around on top of that. I know this is mostly to encourage replaying the missions on Nightmare difficulty, but honestly I do not want to fuck with that, and it kinda hurts the overall feeling of progress in terms of camera strength.

Last thing: the Ayane DLC missions were kinda boring. It's a damned good thing there's only four of her missions and that they're as short as they are. Her magic flashlight gimmick and the """stealth""" would not have lasted beyond another mission or two because of how half-baked and boring it feels. KT forcing Fatal Frame to share a universe with Nioh/Ninja Gaiden/DOA seems kind of unnecessary. Ayane's hot though I guess, so there's that?

Edit According to the Fatal Frame wiki, in a Siliconera interview, this DLC with Ayane was added at Nintendo's behest. So for some reason, Nintendo really wanted DOA representation in Fatal Frame?

you get to stop ghost marriage in this and i wish the other games got ported too i hope they make sequel good atmosphere with some not great combat some of the ghosts are just tanks in terms of health and while i didn't have any trouble as the game's not hard combat encounters just became kinda boring when the enemies wouldn't just die

I want to love this game, but the combination of bad controls, repetitive combat, and genuine lack of scares makes it a bust.

Like, I want to be scared by this game, but the atmosphere just isn't there since I feel so disconnected due to the extremely clunky controls and slow animations. Scares are rare and don't really work.

Japanese horror is fantastic, but this game isn't it.

A very good game, but it's not the best fatal frame game. The game was a lot more linear, didn't have ANY mini puzzles, and the survival part of the survival horror isn't really important.

But, the game isn't bad. It has very likable characters, an interesting plot, beatuiful graphics, and some of the best combat fatal frame has seen yet.

As this is Fatal Frame 5, it is much suggested not to start with this game, and to at least play fatal frame 1 first, as there are a large amount of references to that as well as returning characters.

Overall I'll give it a 4/5 because I really liked it, but I am somewhat sad to know that the gameplay of getting lost until you eventually find the door the key is for is gone.

I hope that someday, koei tecmo will release a 6th entry, even if it's in this style. This franchise is so awesome.

of the many mid fatal frame games this is probably the most interesting since it’s deliberately taking from the book (and by extension the genuinely amazing movie adaptation of it) — they even got eiji otsuka as a story advisor on this one. still manages to feel totally flat by the end like most of these. can’t recommend the movie enough, which approaches most of the interesting ideas here with much more depth and feeling

Yeah it's bad. At least on Switch.
15/20 fps all through the game, weird camera, not so nice graphics and wet tshirt contest without any reason.
I must admit that I did not finish this game because I had no fun at all.

Pretty interesting if stretched and inconsistent feeling.

The combat mechanics are great and maybe the best part of the gameplay which makes up for a lot. There's a lot of great visual design and the graphics are all around quite pretty. The game really excels at pushing an oppressive and restless atmosphere making an initial walk through areas feel just right.

However, the game ends up getting pretty repetitive. There's a lot of very clear attempts to stretch the gameplay and it ends up hindering the pacing and the scares more than it helps. There's a lot of weird retreading through the same handful of areas one after another. The game will make you go through a new cool looking area at least 4 more times before it changes it up again.

Some of the level design is also a direct hinderance to the combat too. Switching from third person to first person comes with the cost of not being able to see what's around you as well and you end up getting stuck up against a wall or piece of furniture which can lead to some annoying encounters with more aggressive ghosts.

Also this game for as tender as the characters are, is just kind of annoyingly horny. The rain model on the clothes looks fantastic, except it also comes with the addition of making the character's clothes hug every curve of their body and it's pretty convenient that the two main female characters are wearing white shirts. In addition to some really absurd jiggle physics, it really kind of takes something away from these characters.

Which there should be way more of, but the story of the game sorta is and is not there. Things just sorta happen often and it again leads to a lot of repetition. You get back from the mountain and IMMEDIATELY go back to the mountain. It's some real Benny Hill bullshit.

Still, there's a good amount of stuff I liked about the game. There's some good solid emotional moments, the fatal glances are sick as hell (and have a great found footage presentation to them), the atmosphere is thick, the combat is great, and when it's not wasting time, it's a good solid horror game.

It just needed some reeling in and a bit of TLC to give the story and level design a better polish.

This review contains spoilers

To sum up the story of each protag:

Ren Hojo: Forgotten Promise/Lovers Regret

As the 3rd playable male character (if we include the forgotten one from Mask of the Lunar Eclipse), Ren is surprisingly an interesting character throughout this entry. He has quite the curiosity when it comes to
Shiragiku and Ose and ultimately is a closure to both of them in the form of Kunihiko Asou (THE CREATOR OF THE CAMERA OBSCURA).

Miu Hinasaki: Where's Mommy/WTF IS GOING ON HERE?!

Oh god this is where the story goes on full throttle on bullshit levels of breaking. So to make this as less confusing as possible. Miu is the child of Miku and Mafuyu (YES THE SAME MAFUYU WHO DIED IN FATAL FRAME 1 AND SOMEHOW IMPREGNATED MIKU AS A GHOST. That's right bitches we got ourselves an incest plot going on here. Something I've hilariously joked around friends and this fucking game made the impossible, possible XD)

And finally,
Yuri Kozukata: Suicidal Tendencies/Self Acceptance

Thanks to this entry and reviewing Yuris part of the story, she is my second favourite of the franchise next to Rei from Fatal Frame 3 (tho tbf they are both pretty damn relatable in how they live). She's in constant struggle to live and wanting to die cuz of her experiences with the supernatural (and the death of her parents), finding it hard to live but thanks to Hisoka (and Ose), who is a close friend to her, she finally understands that life isn't all that bad and when the finale hits she embraces Ose in a deep understanding that both are very similar in terms of pain and they comfort each other and Yuri ultimately understands to accept her flaws and make a better life out of this experience.

All and all, this game is not perfect when it comes to the plot lmao but it's still good and the gameplay finally is done right on modern consoles (Screw you Wii U) we can enjoy game in a better way.

Also love the theme song in this game.
In This Cage is one best songs ever.

I can't say I didn't have fun, it's definitely a comfortable game and I had no issue playing it all the way through... but I do feel like the whole experience was maybe a little... lacking? You have quite a large map spread out across a mountain, broken into areas, but you end up revisiting areas and fighting the same ghosts a LOT. Which feels especially weird because a lot of the game revolves around just going back and forth between the mountain and your home, rather than the typical survival horror of "I'm stuck in this place until the game ends and then I escape" - this would've been FINE if you were visiting new spots every time you left and came back, or if it gave you more freedom to explore a somewhat open world with new objectives in new places with different ghosts upon each outing.

Hoping the rest get ported to Steam!

Feels more like an action game than a survival horror, completely different from the previous game.

They gave you so much tools at your disposal that the game has become too easy (even on Nightmare difficulty). The exploration is also very lacking because you traverse the same place over and over.

Platinuming this game is a nightmare too, since you have to replay the whole game again, but this time you have to do it as slow as possible racking as much points and items as you can while using only the weakest ammo to get the S+ rank. The only reason I platinum this is because I've been a fan of this series for a long time.

This is the definition of an average game i think.
Uninteresting exploration (the game guides you everywhere never letting you go). It might be good for some but it wasn't for me, there's not a lot you gain from not following a linear path the game chose for you.
So many recycled enemies, i swear i've taken 1000 photos of the same tall maiden.
Coupled with a very uninteresting story i tried to finish as quickly as possible.
But you know, i had fun. Not with the main purpose but dressing up characters. My playthrough was entirely with Yuri as Ryza and Miu as a goth maid. Too cute.

This is the definition of a mid/average game to me. There's a lot of things I like, but just as many things I dislike too.

Let's start with the positives.

The story was the best thing about the game. I really liked the folklore Japanese horror, lots of interesting exotic concepts like the mythology of water, shrine maidens and ghost marriages among other things which make for a very interesting horror story. The cast of characters were also interesting and had good back-stories. The atmosphere was great at times and very creepy.

Now for the negatives.

First of all the movement is incredibly stiff and clunky and the gameplay is very repetitive. While I like the combat system and found it very unique essentially being an FPS but instead of shooting things you use a camera, it got very repetitive by the end of the game because all the ghosts are very health sponge-y and I was just running past a lot of ghosts because I didn't want to fight them.

Speaking of the ghosts, the first time you fight one is cool and scary, but the enemy design is very rehashed and reused and it ruins the atmosphere, like I can only be scared of the same ghost so many times lmao.

The level design is also very bland and rehashed, going to the same level over and over with multiple characters just gets so tedious and boring. Exploration is also another thing that just feels pointless in the game because it's super linear with a few dead ends that have some items here and there, but you always have more than enough items so you never need to go out of your way to pick up the ones in the levels.

Oh and the English dub was not very good, all the characters were super monotone and while I liked the characters, the monotonous robotic voice acting made it harder to connect with them at times.

At the end of the day I have a lot of complaints about the game and there were times where I just downright wasn't having fun playing it, but it's still far from a horrible game and I am glad I played it due to the interesting story and unique (yet repetitive) gameplay, but I wouldn't really recommend it unless you're a big fan of Japanese folklore style horror and can deal with clunky gameplay and a lot of rehashed game designs.

Lek, tem a porra da mulher de 8 metros no meio pro final do jogo.
Essa porra é absurda, história boa, os personagens são um show à parte, alguns assuntos são muito bem encaixados, e todo o clima de tensão que é gerado no decorrer da jogatina então... nem se fala.

This is one of the most average games I played in recent memory. The lore is interesting, but the story itself not only takes a long time to get going, but also suffers from the disconnected nature of the individual character arcs that cause a bit of confusion. The English voice acting leaves a lot to be desired as well.

The gameplay is fun and the most dynamic out of the 5 main entries of the series.

The antagonist is sadly weak compared to previous entries and I honestly struggled to find a good reason to pursue one of the good endings for a specific character, because of the lack of context that would push me to make that choice.

Overall, an enjoyable game that suffers from being a bit too slow and repetitive.

Review on Reddit with Images


-Survival Horror

-There's Combat

-Over the shoulder 3rd Person view during exploration, but 1st Person view in Camera combat

-Chapter Select available at the start

-Multiple Endings

-No Puzzles

-Motion controls optional

-4K/60 fps for PS5. No idea on other consoles.

-JP/ENG audio options


The Fatal Frame series has a long history dating back to 2001. The first three games were published on the PS2 with ports of the second game making it to the Xbox and Wii. However, Nintendo bought the rights to the series afterwards. The 4th game was a Wii Exclusive and never released outside of Japan. The 5th game, Maiden of Black Water was originally released on the Wii U back in 2014. It was localized to the West then, but the series had been dormant since until late 2021 when the Remastered version was released on all current gen platforms.


Maiden of Black Water takes place mostly on Hikami Mountain, which had been a tourist attraction years ago, but is now abandoned. In the present day, the mountain is filled with malicious spirits and ghosts. Due to personal reasons, the three protagonists make their way to the mountain and gets caught in the supernatural nature that now envelops the mountain.

The story itself is mostly told through the various journal entries and notes that players can find around the areas. Fans of the series will feel right at home with the story and lore. For new players, the story can be interesting as they unravel the mystery of what happened on the mountain. There isn't much in the ways of plot twists, but the story is simple so that it can be easily understood and followed.

One issue that I had with the story is that there are certain segments that do not add much to the overall story and feel like filler in the end. Then there's also the controversial story development that didn't sit well with fans. Overall though, I did found the story enjoyable, but as mentioned above, finding notes and journal entries are very important to feel in the gaps.

The game does take place in the same universe as the other games and does some references with them including a character that appeared in those games. The game does spoil part of that returning character's story, but for the most part, new players to the Fatal Frame series can still enjoy it as a standalone.


As a survival horror game, the game isn't populated with characters so there aren't many character interactions throughout. The three main characters all have their unique backstories, but lack a lot of depth. Oftentimes, they come off surprisingly inexpressive. Overall, they aren't too different for Fatal Frame characters. They work well with the story and setting, but don't expect great written characters. I did liked Yuri's development though.


Even though the game was originally on the Wii U, the Remastered version does look quite nice (PS5 version). It has decent environmental lighting during some segments. The main characters do look great at times particularly when they do close ups of their faces. I really liked the water and rain effects. That said, it is not a AAA game so it's not comparable to something like the modern Resident Evil games.


The Fatal Frame formula hasn't change much throughout the series and this one is the same at its core. Since the third game, the game has been using multiple protagonists and alternating them between chapters.

Other than fighting ghosts on your way to the destination, you can pick up Camera Film (ammo), healing items, journal entries and notes. You can also take pictures of "Traces" which are remnants of spirits left behind at certain locations.

There are some new elements like the "Glancing" mechanic. After defeating a Ghost in battle, you have a limited time to "touch" them. If successful, you get to see a short clip of how the ghost died.

The game itself is pretty linear for the most part. Despite the many paths leading to different areas, the game will forcefully prevent you from going out of the mission area (which is fairly big though), but there are minor forks you can go down to find items for some added exploration. Unlike the previous entries, there's rarely ever a concern about getting lost. With the hit of a button, you get a spirit image that shows you where to go next. It isn't available during certain segments, but it is available most of the time when the objective is to follow and find a specific person.


A lot of Fatal Frame's combat remains the same. Taking pictures of Ghosts will deal damage and taking the photos at certain points will deal more damage. Before, focusing on a Ghost will continuously charge the shot. The longer the Ghost remains in focus, the more damage you dealt when you finally press the trigger. That element is now gone.

In its place, the combat revolves around taking a photo with multiple parts of a ghost's weakness. The more of its parts you get in one shot, the more damage you deal. At a max of 5, you get the Shutter Chance which will deal a large amount of damage and knock them back. To make things easier, all 5 of the parts don't have to be from the same ghosts. You can use other ghosts to fill up the quota as well.

By extension of the new Parts mechanic, you can rotate the view and angle it in a certain way to get more parts in the photo.

The Fatal Frame shot also returns. This deals the most damage and also allows you to chain multiple shots upon success. As always, a Fatal Frame shot is the most difficult to get since it only works during certain frames where the ghost is just about to land their attack on you. The window can be as short as a mere second or less. You can also initiate a dodge when you're just about to get attacked.

Along with upgrading the camera to improve its various functions (power, range, reload time, etc...), you can equip various lens that you find for added effects. They function as basically special camera shots and can drain health, stun, or slow the ghost to name a few. They do cost spirit energy which can be accumulated during battle.

I personally prefer the charge mechanic from the previous games, but I did got used to this new one by the end. The controls aren't very good with some of the buttons placed at strange locations. The new "Action" scheme layout does made it better for me and closer in line with third person shooters.


A key component of survival horror games are the atmosphere and the horror factors. The atmosphere is generally good. You spend most of the time in the dead of night in dark forests and buildings. There's also a number of jump scares throughout with sudden appearance of ghosts.

However, the game doesn't feel as scary as it should be. The forest and outside segments lack a lot of tension from other games. Part of the problem is probably from the brighter lighting where the surroundings are more visible than needed. This is especially true at the mountain peak where it looks like daytime.

The areas within the abandoned buildings and shrine do provide more of the tension fortunately. The small corridors and rooms feels oppressive there. The footsteps are more audible, but the time you spend in such places are fewer in comparison. There wasn't any place that made me want to hurry the heck out just because how scary and creepy the place was.

The sound direction is not as good either. What it does do well is making things really quiet or silent for some segments which is expected and the minimum for a survival horror. On the other hand, it lacks creepy sounds and noises that makes your skin crawl.

Finally, I found the breast jiggle physics distracting for me. They occur during some sudden camera shifts which leads to breasts jiggling in a comical fashion. It doesn't last long, but is very noticeable and does momentarily reduce the tension. There's also breast physics for some ghosts too for whatever reason.


The game does feel more casual than before which is both a good and bad thing for me. The good is that it is probably the easiest of the Fatal Frame games to just pick up at various time. Item and ammo are abundant and you can use points to purchase more at the start. To make things even easier, items and ammo are reset to a chapter default each time so you always start off with a decent amount. The items themselves are very hard to miss and not only do they shine brightly, you have light indicators that show their proximity when they are out of focus. The same is true of Ghosts in and out of battle. On the other hand, all of these aspects do take away from the dread and tension from the game.

The game isn't too long which isn't really bad. It is roughly 10-13 hours for a first playthrough. The game is also on the easy side, but the Nightmare difficulty that's unlocked afterwards do provide a decent challenge.

The story isn't as strong as some of the others in the series, but I still enjoyed it overall despite the controversial story development. It didn't have enough horror that I'd liked, but it still stands out as a quality survival horror these days and is a good recommendation to horror fans alike.

my opinion about this game shifted as every day passed by and i think this is the most reasonable rating. first of all, this is my first fatal frame game so idk if there's any lore i should know beforehand but nevertheless. the game has really fun combat and setting tbh and i love exploring BUT i think the writing is really mid. ren had potential to be such a good character but they really made him incompetent. yuri is the main character as far as i can tell, but her part was really boring because of the whole backtracking and her personality is a wet mop lol. miu is okay?? though i think i need to play other games to get a better grasp of her but nothing special. the thing that bothered me tho is how come every character looks lowkey the same. miu's mom looks like her twin. it's really silly. also the boob mechanic. i have to laugh boobs do not work like that. but yeah some endings were really nice, i have to do like two more endings and that additional chapter, i'm not really impressed but yeah. buy it on a big sale, otherwise not really worth.

This was my first Fatal Frame Game so I'm kinda new to the Franchise.
I think it was a mediocre remaster because it has many problems like the controls which are awful or the gameplay which gets boring fast. The fights against the ghost take just way too long. The Drops are really drawn out and the only thing you do is run to "this location" to find this Key just so you can run the whole way back afterwards to use this key. This wouldn't be a problem if the map wasn't a labyrinth and the map wasn't completely useless(maybe I'm just too dumb to read it) and let's not about the ghost hands which grab you every second time you pick up an Item, it's so annoying. But the atmosphere is good and the characters are likable. So I recommend you to play one drop at the time. This way I still enjoyed the game. The rating benefits from the fact that I borrowed the game from a friend. Otherwise it would probably have turned out worse.

Eu realmente gostaria de ficar com medo, mas é impossível quando os massivos PEITOS dos fantasmas e da protagonista balançam de lá pra cá feito 2 balões d'água durante todo o game !!!

Uma parada que mais aprecio na série Fatal Frame é como todo o misticismo e espiritualismo por trás é articulado de uma forma tão complexa, a ponto de ser tão atraente e imersivo, como se estivéssemos estudando e compreendendo algum tipo de sociedade antepassada, cujo os seus ritos foram com o tempo se transformando em costumes e brincadeiras. Agrega-se isso ao tema de morte tão essencial para a franquia, que vai se desdobrando em cada jogo num tema específico, como o luto no terceiro jogo. No caso do quinto jogo da série, Maiden of Black Water, o suicídio vai ser o cerne da experiência, trazendo desde questões pessoais até uma perspectiva mais religiosa e simbólica (no caso japonesa) por trás do suicídio.

É muito complicado quando uma obra aborda temas sensíveis como suicídio, são assuntos delicados e que, dependendo do desenvolvimento, podem trazer por vezes uma interpretação bem problemática (só olhar para a merda que é Platinum End). Dito isso acho que Fatal Frame V sabe lidar de certa forma com o tema, abordando como a sensação de pertencimento, de união, e, consequentemente, de conforto são essenciais e podem ajudar as pessoas a passar por momentos mais delicados da vida. Há toda essa construção empática com os arcos dos personagens e o sistema de Glance ao longo do jogo. Não há tanto essa perspectiva mais maniqueísta e objetiva de bem e mal, mas uma espécie de relativismo que desagua na seguinte reflexão: “pessoas são complicadas”. Isso é algo que os antecessores da série abordam. Entretanto, aqui é muito mais forte e bem mais presente. Contudo, na medida em que toda essa questão da união é construída, o jogo se torna bem mórbido quando se trata da solidão, aqui mais especificamente na questão do luto, tema que como comentado antes já foi abordado no terceiro jogo. É recorrente essa ideia de que é melhor morrer junto com aquilo que você ama do que morrer solitário. Isso fico bem notório em alguns momentos de relação entre os personagens e no ritual do “Ghost Marriage”, no qual o que torna o “Pilar” forte é o noivo que vai ser soterrado junto. Como eu disse antes a maneira como se aborda um assunto delicado pode trazer interpretações bem problemáticas, e esse conflito bem mórbido da união e da solidão, bem... acho que nem preciso explicar. Porém entretanto deveras contudo E todavia, ai longo do jogo e, principalmente, no final (dependendo de qual pegou né) consegue trazer uma boa resolução para tal conflito, sem necessariamente ficar muito ambíguo, mostrando que nunca de fato estamos sozinhos, sempre vai haver alguém para nos confortar e dar força, e que é melhor viver com aquilo que ama do que o contrário.

Fatal Frame V é um jogo mórbido e delicado ao mesmo tempo, contêm uma direção de arte espetacular, cada cenário é bem construído e estupidamente muito belo (e imersivo a ponto de se cagar para um caralho), e, surpreendentemente, não é um jogo tão horny como as pessoas falam, a menos que, sei lá, você simplesmente aumenta em 200% os peitos das minas.

Em conclusão, os caras realmente fizeram um puta trabalho na parte das roupas molhadas, tô nem zoando, sem machismo ou coisa do tipo, puta merda, depois falam que jogo não é arte.

Pretty great even if it feels really budget constrained. Level design could definitely be better but the chapters structure doesn't help. More fun than Fatal Frame 3 though and more focused. The parts were you play with Yuri are great, highlight of the entire series, the parts with Ren (and his camera) not so much.

This was my introduction to the Fatal Frame series. And while the framework (no pun intended) and the core gameplay mechanic works well, I can definitely say I didn't have the greatest time with it. There's a lot of little things that bothered me. Like the ghost hands that grab you when reaching for an item. Startling the first time, annoying the rest; which can somewhat describe the game in a nutshell.

Ultimately what I can say is that this game left me iffy if I even want to play another Fatal Frame in the future. It's a neat idea, and I really do enjoy the photography mechanic, it just feels like everything else surrounding it is less than ideal.

Lord what a journey this ended up being to get the platinum trophy for this game. I will get this out the way this platinum trophy was horrible and insanely tedious to go for and REALLY punished you for not 100% the game first playthrough which I didn't because I always have my first playthroughs be my casual playthroughs. BUT I got it and I feel a weight off my shoulder now LOL

Anyways onto the game and I have to say I really enjoyed my time with this game overall. I have never played a fatal frame game before so yes this is my first FF but if anything I now want to go back and play 1-3 and luckily I own all of them on PS2 ( My sister is a Fatal frame fan and bought them all as they came out) so I do not have to worry about hunting down copies.

The story is very interesting , depressing and is good at getting you very invested into the characters as you go throughout this journey with them all. By the end I was just wondering how it would all wrap up and I found the ending for each character to wrap up nicely. With that being said there are multiple endings for each character so you will have to replay the final mission 4 times if you want to get them all but if you just rush the mission when going for the endings it doesn't take way to long.

The gameplay as well gets the job done I found myself having fun trying to angle shots to get a perfect hit on the ghosts for max damage and points and also debating on when to use certain camera roll shots. I would say my only complaint with the gameplay is the game never once felt challenging to me even when I replayed the game on its highest difficulty setting there was never a time here I got stuck on a enemy that I really had to take my time with the game overall was very easy to me at least.

Exploring each area was also very fun since there was always something to find in each corner may it be a collectible or a ghost that you need to take a quick pic of and it made exploring the areas more enjoyable knowing there might be something around the corner.

Overall I am not sure why I never got into Fatal frame up until this point but I am now fully on board with this series and cannot wait to play Fatal frame 1-3 and the new one coming to the west next year!!