Reviews from

in the past

Criminally good. Like a fantasy of every Star Trek and Firefly ship simulator I ever wanted made real. The final boss structure is eventually kind of a bummer, but FTL is otherwise an all-timer.

One of the most fantastic soundtracks I have ever had the pleasure to listen to.

Maybe the first rogue-like I ever played, yet still one of the best. It has all the fun and frustrations of its genre. Chill music too.

i beat this fucker game i beat it fuck

one of the best roguelikes. really addictive

Cool simulation mechanics. Can't say I care much for the rogue-like elements.

Just couldn't stand the difficulty in spite of how fun it can be at times.

Coming to FTL about 8 years late feels, guilty. Like I did something wrong to pass up this super nova of a game back then, and chose to ignore it for so long. After loving Into the Breach, I finally circled back to try FTL. It would be a lie to say I was "surprised" at how good it was, because judging by all my friends from years ago -- they knew, and they told me. I'm just glad I stopped ignoring them.

A guy on my steam friend list gifted me this game when Into the Breach came out (it you bought the game they gave you a free copy of FTL).
Entertaining and has very good ost, but its really hard.

It's great, but coming to it after already playing Into the Breach feels like taking a step down

One of the best roguelites in the entire genre, and an excellent strategy game overall. Fantastic and very active modding community.

FTL is the spiritual successor to The Oregon Trail

Great game. It should have endless mode though, sometimes I just want to wander through space.

The level of preparation and luck that the final boss requires is FTL's most glaring flaw, but the journey there is still so good.

I could pay this over and over again. The music is gorgeous and the battles always nail-biting.

This game is probably the best thing to come out of The Oregon Trail.

Personal Accolades - Golden Haro 2k18 5th Place Winner

¿Me lo pasaré algún día? Ni de coña.
¿Engancha que no veas? Sin duda.

Moody, tactical, challenging, intense, deep, addicting, punishing, rewarding, downright dopaminergic, and impossibly, unbelievably entrancing.

When I started playing FTL, I was too stubborn to try Easy mode; I appreciate a good, fair challenge. Countless runs and dozens of hours later, I beat the game for the first time on Normal and achieved what I can only describe as my greatest victory in a video game. Between the clean, minimal visuals, the astonishingly atmospheric soundtrack by Ben Prunty, and the alternately cruel and magical narrative arc the game procedurally puts you through every time, FTL is the most immersive spacefaring game I've ever played. I really do feel like I'm lost in a hostile galaxy every single time. So, when I clawed my first victory out of the wreckage of the Rebel flagship, it didn't just feel like I had beaten a video game. It felt like I had won a war.

I tried this game four or five times over the years and it never clicked.

Until last week. I am now so addicted to this games extremely simple yet engaging semi turned based roguelite gameplay. Fuck she's hard tho

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FTL is, to me, one of those games that always finds its way back to my hard drive. It feels like a toy or a great puzzle disguised as an unforgiving sci-fi adventure with a dark, thoughtful score.

This game is greatly enhanced by isolating from the internet archive of knowledge, because the path to unlocking new ships and receiving great rewards is always achievable by trial and error. Some of my favorite moments in this game have come from killing a character I was meant to save and receiving a bleak message along the lines of "you feel as though you left something behind..."

I would recommend this game to anyone who loves a game infused with the emptiness of outer space and those who love a game about surviving constant challenge.

I really want to like this one but I can never really get into it and it's a shame because it feels like the type of game I would absolutely love. I can definitely see how it is a good game though.

I recognize how important and fun FTL is among roguelikes, it just never clicked for me. Maybe one day!

Incredible, classic roguelike. Goes at the pace of your choice and has a tremendous amount of replayability.

pretty great game. lots to do and find out, satisfying gameplay, really lets you play it as much as you want, and super nice that it lets you play at your own pace if you'd like! great soundtrack.

I'd like FTL much more if I wasn't so shit at it. The difficulty spike at the end especially bugs me. Still a fun game, even if I only played it at a very low level.