Reviews from

in the past

This is one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. It's a visual masterpiece.

I just wish it had more substance to go with that style. Gameplay could have been stronger. A solid experience despite that though.

lovely, inoffensive, brief, completely shallow and generalized

Jaw-droppingly beautiful.

A technical achievement.

Well designed, well paced, well executed mechanics.

It is time to retire the five stages of grief as a structural motif.

More of an art installation than a game. Its good art tho.

Doesn't do anything particularly groundbreaking gameplay, design, or story wise, but the art design and the way GRIS uses its color palette is breathtaking enough to make it worth your short time with it.

This game doesn't do anything out of the ordinary in terms of gameplay, but it plays very well and it's an amazing audiovisual experience. I was impressed with the art, sound and the vibes of the game.

A beautiful piece of art that does absolutely nothing interesting in terms of gameplay. Beautiful watercolor environments and an emotional storyline, worth playing if you're alright with a very pretty walking simulator in the guise of a platformer.

ta bien pa un rato que es lo que dura

Cortito, bonito, y aunque tiene el típico mensaje pues lo hace muy bien.

Schöner grafischer Stil mit passender Musik! Einfaches Jump and Run mit leichten Rätseln.

I do not find it beautiful. I do not find it moving. I find it precious. Delicate but gaudy, restrained but excessive, fluid but deeply static. I find it so goddamn boring.

It asks me to admire it. Insists upon it even. But I don’t. My breath is untaken, my awe uninspired. It’s all so monotonous and hollow. It tells me to feel, but I do not feel. What a terrible thing: assumed feeling unfelt.

There is nothing to hold onto here. It strikes the most self-serious art game pose — I Am Become Grief, Destroyer of Girls — but dodges all specifics. Yet grief is always specific. Trauma is always specific. Depression too, even when it feels absolutely diffuse and general. Each is rooted in a specific self. But Gris ditches the self and gives us instead the everygrief. Or is it the everytrauma? There’s no telling

We cross tiresome landscapes, past uninspired iconography, through bland mechanics, and nothing lands. Nothing lands. The game just sits there, faceless and cool, daring you to question its beauty.

looks cool but is really fucking boring

A beautiful atmospheric adventure that delves into themes of depression and anxiety. GRIS may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's great for fans of games like Journey.

Playable art, literally. Every single frame is a gorgeous painting. Wish the gameplay was stronger though, and I do wish it was just a tad bit shorter. Would’ve made for a tighter experience, I think.

beautiful yet put me to sleep. if this was a record that would be a good thing. it's not really : /

UPV had an art book of this in the campus bookstore, I thought that was cool


Emotional puzzle game about depression, with an unbelievable artstyle, best I've seen... and the fact that it lost the best art direction in TGA just breaks my heart even more after playing it

I don't think I will be able to finish a playthrough without crying at the end. Such a masterpiece in non-verbal storytelling...

Visual and atmospheric storytelling at it's best. Beautiful art and music. Definitely didn't cry at the end.

prettiest sad story
a silent scream in the dark can bring some light if only a little

a beautiful watercolored masterpiece about grief and the process of healing. the soundtrack is soothing, gameplay smooth, and imagery is satisfying. hoping to complete in the near future.

not a single game to this day has ever entranced me and made me truly feel i am had left this world and entered the one of the game. pls play it

Even though i wasn't wowed any particular time the art style is good, story is solid and the music is really fucking good. the very definition of "yeah it's good enough"

Sinceramente? Isso é uma obra de arte. A música é magnífica, os gráficos, tudo.

I've had this game in my eyesight for a bit now but only when a friend recommended it to me I actually started playing it. And I'm glad he did.

GRIS is a rather tranquil puzzle platformer with a beautiful, polished visual style and a rather ethereal atmosphere. You control a girl with blue hair on her way through several different environments as you unlock more colors and abilities. The game mechanics are very simple for the most part but the environments are still able to bring enough variety and progression to not make it feel stale.

So, you don't run through hordes of mindless enemies and jump on their heads like a lot of the classic platformers but instead, you explore the world by manipulating it and rarely encounter any sentient or malevolent beings. My favorite section of the game was probably the forest where you meet a small cube character that you eventually befriend and run around with. First, it is shy and you have to lure it in a bit, then it slowly begins to mimic your abilities until you help each other navigating the environment. And the important part is, it never feels like a frustrating escort mission. The NPC companion was very able to fulfill his part and even though it's just that, an NPC, the teamwork aspect is satisfying.
For the most part you run around on your own though.

The art style is really nice and clean. The cutscenes are all full of gorgeous animation and the whole game is accompanied by a nice orchestral score. When it comes to atmosphere and presentation this game really couldn't do it any better, I think.

The only time I got a bit frustrated with the game was when I got lost for a bit in the last major environment but I blame myself for most of that because I had taken pretty big breaks between play sessions and was a bit confused about a newly acquired ability because of that. Once I figured that out properly it was smooth sailing again.
It's not a particularly hard game. GRIS aims more for an engaging, relaxing experience, I would say. That doesn't mean there is no challenge as it still requires logical thinking and precision platforming. But it's unlikely it's ever gonna stump you with difficulty.

Definitely recommend this if you need something to chill with after going on a killing spree in your shooter of choice or having your heart beat out of your chest after a good horror game.